1. Tüzün Y, Tüzün B. Bazý eritemli dermatozlar. Tüzün Y,
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2. Baykal C. Pitiriyazis rozea. Dermatoloji Atlasý'nda,
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Reklamcýlýk ve TicaretA.Þ., 2000: 123-125.
3. Cheong WK, Wong KS. An epidemiological study of
pityriasis rosea in Middle road Hospital. Singapore
Med J 1989; 30: 60-62.
4. Harman M, Aytekin S, Akdeniz S, Ýnolaz HS. An
epidemiological study of pityriasis rosea in the Eastern
anatolia. Eur J Epidemiol 1998; 14: 495-497.
5. Tay YK, Goh CL. One year review of pityriasis rosea at
the National Skin Centre. Singapore 1999; 28: 829-
6. Parsons JM. Pityriasis rosea update. J Am Acad
Dermatol 1986; 158: 159-167.
7. Stilmann MA. Papuloskuamous diseases. Prim Care
1978; 5: 197-213.
8. Gibson LE, Perry HO. Papulosquamous eruptions and
exfoliative dermatitis. In: Moschella SL, Hurley HJ
(eds). Dermatology, 3 ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders
Co, 1992: 607- 651.
13. Fitzpatrick BT, Johnson AR, Wolff K, Polano KM,
Suurmond D. Miscellaneous inflammatory disorders.
In: Color Atlas And Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology,
3 ed. USA: Mc Graw-Hill Co, 1997: 104- 107.
14. Aksungur LV. Makülopapüler döküntüler. Aksungur
LV, Acar MA (ed.ler). Deri sorunlarýnda basamak
basamak taný ve öneriler'de, Birinci Baský. Adana: 5 G
Matbaacýlýk Ltd. Þti, 1999: 31-33
Retrospective evaluation of patients with pityriasis rosea within last 5 years
Year 2002,
Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 21 - 23, 01.12.2002
Objective: Theaimofthe study was to assess thepossible aetiopathogenic and environmental factors along with the clinical findings in patients with pityriasis rosea. Material and Method: We performed a retrospective study of 112 patients with pityriasis rosea who attended our outpatient clinic (Celal Bayar University Dermatology Department) from 1996 to 2001. Results: The mean age of patients was 46.7+14.7, range between 1 to 65 years. Seventy-six of the patients were female (67.9%) and 36 of them were male (32.1%). Duration pityriasis rosea period was ranging between 1 and 90 days (mean value: 18.4+19.1 days). Eighty-nine (79.5%) of the patients did not have a history of infection. Itching was present in 86 cases (76.8%). Five patients (4.5%) had previous history of stress. When seasonal distrubition was evaluated, the number of patients who were diagnosed in winter, summer, autumn and spring was 43 (38.4%), 22 (19.6%), 28 (25.0%), and 19 (17.0%) successively. Amedallion plaque was observed in 97 patients (86.6 %). Of 112 patients, 77 had lesions localized to trunk (68.8%), 34 had generalized lesions (30.3%) andone showedlesions inlowerextremities (0.9%). Conclusion: Our results confirm that pityriasis rosea, in our population, is more prevalent in winter, has a predilectin for the trunk and is pruritic.
1. Tüzün Y, Tüzün B. Bazý eritemli dermatozlar. Tüzün Y,
Kotoðyan A, Aydemir EH, Baransu O (ed.ler).
Dermatoloji'de, Ýkinci Baský. Ýstanbul: Nobel Týp
Kitabevleri, 1994: 435- 440.
2. Baykal C. Pitiriyazis rozea. Dermatoloji Atlasý'nda,
Birinci Baský. Ýstanbul: ARGOS Ýletiþim Hizmetleri
Reklamcýlýk ve TicaretA.Þ., 2000: 123-125.
3. Cheong WK, Wong KS. An epidemiological study of
pityriasis rosea in Middle road Hospital. Singapore
Med J 1989; 30: 60-62.
4. Harman M, Aytekin S, Akdeniz S, Ýnolaz HS. An
epidemiological study of pityriasis rosea in the Eastern
anatolia. Eur J Epidemiol 1998; 14: 495-497.
5. Tay YK, Goh CL. One year review of pityriasis rosea at
the National Skin Centre. Singapore 1999; 28: 829-
6. Parsons JM. Pityriasis rosea update. J Am Acad
Dermatol 1986; 158: 159-167.
7. Stilmann MA. Papuloskuamous diseases. Prim Care
1978; 5: 197-213.
8. Gibson LE, Perry HO. Papulosquamous eruptions and
exfoliative dermatitis. In: Moschella SL, Hurley HJ
(eds). Dermatology, 3 ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders
Co, 1992: 607- 651.
13. Fitzpatrick BT, Johnson AR, Wolff K, Polano KM,
Suurmond D. Miscellaneous inflammatory disorders.
In: Color Atlas And Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology,
3 ed. USA: Mc Graw-Hill Co, 1997: 104- 107.
14. Aksungur LV. Makülopapüler döküntüler. Aksungur
LV, Acar MA (ed.ler). Deri sorunlarýnda basamak
basamak taný ve öneriler'de, Birinci Baský. Adana: 5 G
Matbaacýlýk Ltd. Þti, 1999: 31-33
Şahin MT, Türel Ermertcan A, Kapulu N, Öztürkcan S (December 1, 2002) Retrospective evaluation of patients with pityriasis rosea within last 5 years. Meandros Medical And Dental Journal 3 3 21–23.