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Year 2002, Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 21 - 23, 01.12.2002




  • 1. Tüzün Y, Tüzün B. Bazý eritemli dermatozlar. Tüzün Y, Kotoðyan A, Aydemir EH, Baransu O (ed.ler). Dermatoloji'de, Ýkinci Baský. Ýstanbul: Nobel Týp Kitabevleri, 1994: 435- 440.
  • 2. Baykal C. Pitiriyazis rozea. Dermatoloji Atlasý'nda, Birinci Baský. Ýstanbul: ARGOS Ýletiþim Hizmetleri Reklamcýlýk ve TicaretA.Þ., 2000: 123-125.
  • 3. Cheong WK, Wong KS. An epidemiological study of pityriasis rosea in Middle road Hospital. Singapore Med J 1989; 30: 60-62.
  • 4. Harman M, Aytekin S, Akdeniz S, Ýnolaz HS. An epidemiological study of pityriasis rosea in the Eastern anatolia. Eur J Epidemiol 1998; 14: 495-497.
  • 5. Tay YK, Goh CL. One year review of pityriasis rosea at the National Skin Centre. Singapore 1999; 28: 829- 831.
  • 6. Parsons JM. Pityriasis rosea update. J Am Acad Dermatol 1986; 158: 159-167.
  • 7. Stilmann MA. Papuloskuamous diseases. Prim Care 1978; 5: 197-213.
  • 8. Gibson LE, Perry HO. Papulosquamous eruptions and exfoliative dermatitis. In: Moschella SL, Hurley HJ (eds). Dermatology, 3 ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co, 1992: 607- 651.
  • 9. Highet AS, Kurtz J. Viral infections. In: Champion RH, Burton JL, Ebling FJG (eds). Textbook of Dermatology, 5 ed. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publ, 1992: 867-951.
  • 10. Odom RB, James WD, Berger TG. Parapsoriasis, Pityriasis rosea, Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris. In: Andrew's diseases of the skin, 9 ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co, 2000: 254- 265.
  • 11. Garrie SA, Garrie EV. Anxiety and skin diseases. Cutis 1978; 22: 205-208.
  • 12. Reeves RTJ. Pityriasis rosea. Resimli Klinik Dermatoloji'de. Üçüncü Baský. Ýstanbul: Yüce yayýnevi, 2000: 204- 205.
  • 13. Fitzpatrick BT, Johnson AR, Wolff K, Polano KM, Suurmond D. Miscellaneous inflammatory disorders. In: Color Atlas And Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology, 3 ed. USA: Mc Graw-Hill Co, 1997: 104- 107.
  • 14. Aksungur LV. Makülopapüler döküntüler. Aksungur LV, Acar MA (ed.ler). Deri sorunlarýnda basamak basamak taný ve öneriler'de, Birinci Baský. Adana: 5 G Matbaacýlýk Ltd. Þti, 1999: 31-33

Retrospective evaluation of patients with pityriasis rosea within last 5 years

Year 2002, Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 21 - 23, 01.12.2002


Objective: Theaimofthe study was to assess thepossible aetiopathogenic and environmental factors along with the clinical findings in patients with pityriasis rosea. Material and Method: We performed a retrospective study of 112 patients with pityriasis rosea who attended our outpatient clinic (Celal Bayar University Dermatology Department) from 1996 to 2001. Results: The mean age of patients was 46.7+14.7, range between 1 to 65 years. Seventy-six of the patients were female (67.9%) and 36 of them were male (32.1%). Duration pityriasis rosea period was ranging between 1 and 90 days (mean value: 18.4+19.1 days). Eighty-nine (79.5%) of the patients did not have a history of infection. Itching was present in 86 cases (76.8%). Five patients (4.5%) had previous history of stress. When seasonal distrubition was evaluated, the number of patients who were diagnosed in winter, summer, autumn and spring was 43 (38.4%), 22 (19.6%), 28 (25.0%), and 19 (17.0%) successively. Amedallion plaque was observed in 97 patients (86.6 %). Of 112 patients, 77 had lesions localized to trunk (68.8%), 34 had generalized lesions (30.3%) andone showedlesions inlowerextremities (0.9%). Conclusion: Our results confirm that pityriasis rosea, in our population, is more prevalent in winter, has a predilectin for the trunk and is pruritic.


  • 1. Tüzün Y, Tüzün B. Bazý eritemli dermatozlar. Tüzün Y, Kotoðyan A, Aydemir EH, Baransu O (ed.ler). Dermatoloji'de, Ýkinci Baský. Ýstanbul: Nobel Týp Kitabevleri, 1994: 435- 440.
  • 2. Baykal C. Pitiriyazis rozea. Dermatoloji Atlasý'nda, Birinci Baský. Ýstanbul: ARGOS Ýletiþim Hizmetleri Reklamcýlýk ve TicaretA.Þ., 2000: 123-125.
  • 3. Cheong WK, Wong KS. An epidemiological study of pityriasis rosea in Middle road Hospital. Singapore Med J 1989; 30: 60-62.
  • 4. Harman M, Aytekin S, Akdeniz S, Ýnolaz HS. An epidemiological study of pityriasis rosea in the Eastern anatolia. Eur J Epidemiol 1998; 14: 495-497.
  • 5. Tay YK, Goh CL. One year review of pityriasis rosea at the National Skin Centre. Singapore 1999; 28: 829- 831.
  • 6. Parsons JM. Pityriasis rosea update. J Am Acad Dermatol 1986; 158: 159-167.
  • 7. Stilmann MA. Papuloskuamous diseases. Prim Care 1978; 5: 197-213.
  • 8. Gibson LE, Perry HO. Papulosquamous eruptions and exfoliative dermatitis. In: Moschella SL, Hurley HJ (eds). Dermatology, 3 ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co, 1992: 607- 651.
  • 9. Highet AS, Kurtz J. Viral infections. In: Champion RH, Burton JL, Ebling FJG (eds). Textbook of Dermatology, 5 ed. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publ, 1992: 867-951.
  • 10. Odom RB, James WD, Berger TG. Parapsoriasis, Pityriasis rosea, Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris. In: Andrew's diseases of the skin, 9 ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co, 2000: 254- 265.
  • 11. Garrie SA, Garrie EV. Anxiety and skin diseases. Cutis 1978; 22: 205-208.
  • 12. Reeves RTJ. Pityriasis rosea. Resimli Klinik Dermatoloji'de. Üçüncü Baský. Ýstanbul: Yüce yayýnevi, 2000: 204- 205.
  • 13. Fitzpatrick BT, Johnson AR, Wolff K, Polano KM, Suurmond D. Miscellaneous inflammatory disorders. In: Color Atlas And Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology, 3 ed. USA: Mc Graw-Hill Co, 1997: 104- 107.
  • 14. Aksungur LV. Makülopapüler döküntüler. Aksungur LV, Acar MA (ed.ler). Deri sorunlarýnda basamak basamak taný ve öneriler'de, Birinci Baský. Adana: 5 G Matbaacýlýk Ltd. Þti, 1999: 31-33
There are 14 citations in total.


Other ID JA29CV48YP
Journal Section Research Article

Mustafa Turhan Şahin This is me

Aylin Türel Ermertcan This is me

Nurgül Kapulu This is me

Serap Öztürkcan This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2002
Published in Issue Year 2002 Volume: 3 Issue: 3


EndNote Şahin MT, Türel Ermertcan A, Kapulu N, Öztürkcan S (December 1, 2002) Retrospective evaluation of patients with pityriasis rosea within last 5 years. Meandros Medical And Dental Journal 3 3 21–23.