Year 2005,
Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 35 - 38, 01.08.2005
A. Kübra Temoçin
Hakan Ulucan
Tolga Ünüvar
Semra Soylu
Münevver Türkmen
Dismorfik yüz görünümü ve tiroid hormonu değerlerinde düşüklük saptanan kırk iki günlük kız bebekte;translokasyon tipi Down Sendromu ve hipotiroidi birlikteliği saptandı. Olgu; nadir görülen bir translokasyonbulunması yanısıra, hipotiroidinin, sendromun diğer bulguları arasında gözden kaçırılmaması gerektiğine dikkatçekmek için olgu sunuldu
- 1. Hall GJ. Chromosomal clinical abnormalities.
Behrman R, Kliegman R, Jenson H. Nelson Textbook
of Pediatrics 16 ed. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders
Company, 2000; 328.
- 2. Jones KL. Smith's Recognizable Patterns of Human
Malformation, 4 ed. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders
Company 1988; 10-12.
- 3. Berend SA, Page SL, Atkinson W, McCaskill C, Lamb
NE, Sherman SL, Shaffer LG. Obligate short arm
exchange in de novo Robertsonian translokacation
formation influences placement of crossovers in
chromosome 21 nondisjunction. Am. J. Hum. Genet.
2003; 72: 488-95.
- 4. Wald NJ, KennardA, HackshawA.Antenatalscreening
for Down's syndrome [published erratum appears in J
Med Screen 1998;5: 110 and 1998;5(3): 166]. J Med
Screen 1997; 4: 181-246
- 5. Pangalos C, Avramopoulos D, Blouin JL.
Understanding the mechanism(s) of mosaic trisomy 21
by using DNA polymorphism analysis [published
erratum appears in Am J Hum Genet 1994
Jul;55(1):217].AmJ Hum Genet 1994; 54: 473-81.
- 6. Tonacchera M, Perri A, De Marco G, Agretti P,
Montanelli L, Banco, Corrias A, Bellone J, Tosi MT,
Vitti P, Martino E, Pinchera A, Chiovato L. TSH
receptor and Gs (alpha) genetic analysis in children
wit h Down 's sy n dr ome and su b c l i n i c al
hypothyroidism. J Endocrinol Invest. 2003; 26: 997-
- 7. Oliveira AT, Longui CA, Calliari EP, Ferone Ede A,
Kawaguti FS, Monte O. Evaluation of the
hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis in children with
Down syndrome.J Pediatr 2002; 78: 259-60.
- 8. Sanz J. Down syndrome and hyperthyroidism. Report
of 3 cases.Rev Med Chil. 1999; 127: 967-9.
- 9. Kanavin OJ, Aaseth J, Birketvedt GS. Thyroid
hypofunction in Down's syndrome: is it related to
oxidative stress? BiolTraceElem Res. 2000; 78: 35-42.
- 10. Bhowmick SK, Grubb PH. Management of multipleantibody-mediated
hyperthyroidism in children with
Down'ssyndrome. South Med J. 1997; 90: 312-5.
- 11. Tuysuz B, Beker DB. Thyroid dysfunction in children
with Down's syndrome. Acta Paediatr. 2001; 90: 1389-
- 12. Roberts HE, Moore CA, Fernhoff PM, Brown AL,
Khoury MJ. Population study of congenital
hypotiroidism and associated birth defects,Am.J. Med.
Genet. 1997; 71: 29-32.
- 13. Ali FE,Bayoumy HA, MohammadAS,Al-BusairiWA,
Al-Othman AN. Thyroid function in Kuwaiti subjects
with Down's syndrome. Med Princ Pract. 2002; 11:
- 14. Konings CH, van Trotsenburg AS, Ris-Stalpers C.
Plasma thyrotropin bioactivity in Down's syndrome
children with subclinical hypothyroidism. Eur J
Endocrinol. 2001; 144:1-4
- 15. Rooney S, Walsh E. Prevalence of abnormal thyroid
function tests in a Down's syndrome population. Ir J
Med Sci. 1997; 166:80-2.
- 16. Selikowitz M.A five-year longitudinal study of thyroid
function in children with Down syndrome. Dev Med
Child Neurol. 1993; 35: 396-401.
Presentation of a Case With an Association of Hypothyroidism and Translocation Type Down Syndrome
Year 2005,
Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 35 - 38, 01.08.2005
A. Kübra Temoçin
Hakan Ulucan
Tolga Ünüvar
Semra Soylu
Münevver Türkmen
An association between hypothyroidism and translocation type Down syndrome (DS) has been detected in a 42- day-old female baby with facial dysmorphism and low levels of blood thyroid hormones. The case is presented because of the rarity of this type of translocation, and the importance of hypothyroidism among common findings of DS is emphasized.
- 1. Hall GJ. Chromosomal clinical abnormalities.
Behrman R, Kliegman R, Jenson H. Nelson Textbook
of Pediatrics 16 ed. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders
Company, 2000; 328.
- 2. Jones KL. Smith's Recognizable Patterns of Human
Malformation, 4 ed. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders
Company 1988; 10-12.
- 3. Berend SA, Page SL, Atkinson W, McCaskill C, Lamb
NE, Sherman SL, Shaffer LG. Obligate short arm
exchange in de novo Robertsonian translokacation
formation influences placement of crossovers in
chromosome 21 nondisjunction. Am. J. Hum. Genet.
2003; 72: 488-95.
- 4. Wald NJ, KennardA, HackshawA.Antenatalscreening
for Down's syndrome [published erratum appears in J
Med Screen 1998;5: 110 and 1998;5(3): 166]. J Med
Screen 1997; 4: 181-246
- 5. Pangalos C, Avramopoulos D, Blouin JL.
Understanding the mechanism(s) of mosaic trisomy 21
by using DNA polymorphism analysis [published
erratum appears in Am J Hum Genet 1994
Jul;55(1):217].AmJ Hum Genet 1994; 54: 473-81.
- 6. Tonacchera M, Perri A, De Marco G, Agretti P,
Montanelli L, Banco, Corrias A, Bellone J, Tosi MT,
Vitti P, Martino E, Pinchera A, Chiovato L. TSH
receptor and Gs (alpha) genetic analysis in children
wit h Down 's sy n dr ome and su b c l i n i c al
hypothyroidism. J Endocrinol Invest. 2003; 26: 997-
- 7. Oliveira AT, Longui CA, Calliari EP, Ferone Ede A,
Kawaguti FS, Monte O. Evaluation of the
hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis in children with
Down syndrome.J Pediatr 2002; 78: 259-60.
- 8. Sanz J. Down syndrome and hyperthyroidism. Report
of 3 cases.Rev Med Chil. 1999; 127: 967-9.
- 9. Kanavin OJ, Aaseth J, Birketvedt GS. Thyroid
hypofunction in Down's syndrome: is it related to
oxidative stress? BiolTraceElem Res. 2000; 78: 35-42.
- 10. Bhowmick SK, Grubb PH. Management of multipleantibody-mediated
hyperthyroidism in children with
Down'ssyndrome. South Med J. 1997; 90: 312-5.
- 11. Tuysuz B, Beker DB. Thyroid dysfunction in children
with Down's syndrome. Acta Paediatr. 2001; 90: 1389-
- 12. Roberts HE, Moore CA, Fernhoff PM, Brown AL,
Khoury MJ. Population study of congenital
hypotiroidism and associated birth defects,Am.J. Med.
Genet. 1997; 71: 29-32.
- 13. Ali FE,Bayoumy HA, MohammadAS,Al-BusairiWA,
Al-Othman AN. Thyroid function in Kuwaiti subjects
with Down's syndrome. Med Princ Pract. 2002; 11:
- 14. Konings CH, van Trotsenburg AS, Ris-Stalpers C.
Plasma thyrotropin bioactivity in Down's syndrome
children with subclinical hypothyroidism. Eur J
Endocrinol. 2001; 144:1-4
- 15. Rooney S, Walsh E. Prevalence of abnormal thyroid
function tests in a Down's syndrome population. Ir J
Med Sci. 1997; 166:80-2.
- 16. Selikowitz M.A five-year longitudinal study of thyroid
function in children with Down syndrome. Dev Med
Child Neurol. 1993; 35: 396-401.