Year 2006,
Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 19 - 23, 01.12.2006
Rauf Onur Ek
Güzel Dişcigil
Okay Başak
Hülya Kaplan
Serpil Çeçen
Ayfer Oklay Bozkaya
Amaç:Sfigmomanometre fizik muayenenin önemli bir parçasıdır ve kan basıncı kontrolünün temel taşlarındanbirisidir. Sfigmomanometrelerin doğru ölçüm yapabilmesi için kalibrasyonlarının ve bakımlarının yapılmasıgerekmektedir. Bu çalışma, Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi'nde kullanımda olansfigmomanometrelerin değerlendirmesini yapmak ve aletlerin düzenli aralıklarla kontrolünü sağlayabilmek içinbir program oluşturabilmek mevcut sorunları saptamak amacıyla yapılmıştır.Gereç ve Yöntem:Çalışma kapsamına üniversitemiz hastanesinde kullanımda olan 64 adet sfigmomanometrealınmıştır. Sfigmomanometrelere fiziksel açıdan görsel değerlendirme ve standart civalı manometre ile dörtdeğişik basınç düzeyinde olmak üzere işlevsel değerlendirme yapılmıştır.Sonuç:Kontrol edilen 64 sfigmomanometreden 30 tanesi iki veya daha fazla test basıncı düzeyinde ±3mmHg'dan daha fazla farklılık göstermesi nedeniyle kusurlu olarak kabul edilmiştir. Ayrıca kontrol edilensfigmomanometrelerde en sık rastlanılan görsel kusurlar gösterge iğnesinin manometrede basınç yok iken 0mmHg'yı göstermemesi, manşon iç lastiği kusurları ve basınç kontrol valvine ait kusurlar olarak saptanmıştır.Tartışma:Üniversitemiz hastanesinde kullanılan sfigmomanometrelere ait düzenli bir bakım ve kontrolprogramı bulunmamaktadır. Hatalı kan basıncı ölçüm risklerini en aza indirmek için manometrelerin düzenliaralıklarla doğruluklarının kontrol edilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu amaçla sfigmomanometrelerin 6 ay aralıklarlakontrolünün yapılabilmesi için hazırlamış olduğumuz form sunulmuştur
- 1. New General Medical Services Contract 2003.
Investing in general practice-supporting
documentation. Br MedAssoc 2003
- 2. Medical DevicesAgency. Blood pressure measurement
devices-mercury and non-mercury. Device Bulletin.
MDADB 2000;(3), July
- 3. Centre for Health Services Research. Essential
hypertension: managing adult patients in primary care.
University of Newcastle on Tyne. Report No.111.
2004; pp8
- 4. Williams B, Poulter NR, Brown MJ, Davies M,
McInnes GT, Potter JP, et al. The BHS guidelines
working party guidelines for management of
hypertension: report of the fourth working party of the
British Hypertension Society, 2004-BHS IV. J Hum
Hypertension 2004; 18:139-185
- 5. Lewis C. Checking up on blood pressure monitors.
FDAConsumer 2002; Sept-Oct: 10-11.
- 6. The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on
Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of
High Blood Pressure. US Department of Health. NIH,
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. 2002; NIH
Publication No:04-5230
- 7. B a ş ak O, Karazeybek Ş . Accuracy of
sphygmomanometers. Tr J Med Sciences 1999; 29:
- 8. Shah NC, Sibbritt DW, Heaney S, Sharples J.
Sphygmomanometers- an audit in general practice.
Aust Fam Phys 2004; 33(11): 952-954
- 9. Mion Junior D, Pierin AM, Alaverce DC, Vasconcellos
JH. The results of the campaign for evaluating
sphygmomanometer accuracy and their physical
conditions.Arq Bras Cardiol 2000; 74(1): 31-38
- 10. Ashworth M, Gordon K, Baker G, Deshmukh A.
Sphygmomanometer calibration: a survey of one inercity
primary care group. J Hum Hypertension 2001;
15: 259-262
- 11. Bailey RH, Knaus VL, Bauer JH. Aneroid
sphygmomanometers, an assessment of accuracy at a
university hospital and clinics. Arch Intern Med1991;
151: 1409-1412
- 12. Burke MJ, Towers HM, O'Malley K, Fitzgerald DJ,
O'Brien E. Sphygmomanometers in hospital and family
practice: problems and recommendations. BMJ 1982;
285: 469-471
- 13. Perloff D, Grim C, Flack J, et al. Human blood pressure
determination by sphygmomanometry. Circulation
1993; 5: 2460-2470
- 14. Reeves RA. Does this patient have hypertension? How
to measure blood pressure. J. Am Med Assoc 1995;
273: 1211-1218.
- 15. Rouse A, Marshall T. The extent and implications of
sphygmomanometer calibration error in primary care J
Hum Hypertension 2001;15: 587-591
- 16. Yarows Steven A, Qian K. Accuracy of aneroid
sphygmomanometers in clinical usage: University of
Michigan experience. Blood Press Monit 2001; 6(2):
- 17. Coleman Andrew J, steel Stephen D, Ashworth M,
Wowler S, Shennan A. Accuracy of the pressure scale
of sphygmomanometers in clinical use within primary
care. Blood Press Monit 2005; 10(4): 181-188
- 18. Waugh Jason JS, Gupta M, Rushbrook J, Halligan A,
Shennan A. Hidden errors of aneroid
sphygmomanometers. Blood Press Monit 2002; 7
How Accurate Are Our Sphygmomanometers : A Continuous Assessment Program
Year 2006,
Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 19 - 23, 01.12.2006
Rauf Onur Ek
Güzel Dişcigil
Okay Başak
Hülya Kaplan
Serpil Çeçen
Ayfer Oklay Bozkaya
Aim: The sphygmomanometer is an essential piece of diagnostic equipment and cornerstone of blood pressure management. Its accuracy depends on correct maintenance and calibration. This study was designed to control sphygmomanometers in use in Adnan Menderes University Medical Faculty. Researchers also aimed to establish a regular maintenance program for sphygmomanometers. Method: We compared the accuracy of 64 sphygmomanometers for physical defects and checked their accuracy againist a standard mecury manometer at four different pressure points.All devices were in current clinical use. Results: 30 of the 64 sphygmomanometers were determined to be intolerant (deviation from the mercury manometer by greater than ± 3mmHg at two or more of the test points). The most common physical defects were indicator needles not pointing to the “zero box”, defective bladder and defective pressure control valve. Conclusions: There was no regular preventive maintenance program in Adnan Menderes University Medical Faculty to minimize the risk of erroneous blood pressure recording, aneroid devices should be regulary checked for accuracy. Also, we present an evaluation form for calibration of sphygmomanometers in every 6 months.
- 1. New General Medical Services Contract 2003.
Investing in general practice-supporting
documentation. Br MedAssoc 2003
- 2. Medical DevicesAgency. Blood pressure measurement
devices-mercury and non-mercury. Device Bulletin.
MDADB 2000;(3), July
- 3. Centre for Health Services Research. Essential
hypertension: managing adult patients in primary care.
University of Newcastle on Tyne. Report No.111.
2004; pp8
- 4. Williams B, Poulter NR, Brown MJ, Davies M,
McInnes GT, Potter JP, et al. The BHS guidelines
working party guidelines for management of
hypertension: report of the fourth working party of the
British Hypertension Society, 2004-BHS IV. J Hum
Hypertension 2004; 18:139-185
- 5. Lewis C. Checking up on blood pressure monitors.
FDAConsumer 2002; Sept-Oct: 10-11.
- 6. The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on
Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of
High Blood Pressure. US Department of Health. NIH,
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. 2002; NIH
Publication No:04-5230
- 7. B a ş ak O, Karazeybek Ş . Accuracy of
sphygmomanometers. Tr J Med Sciences 1999; 29:
- 8. Shah NC, Sibbritt DW, Heaney S, Sharples J.
Sphygmomanometers- an audit in general practice.
Aust Fam Phys 2004; 33(11): 952-954
- 9. Mion Junior D, Pierin AM, Alaverce DC, Vasconcellos
JH. The results of the campaign for evaluating
sphygmomanometer accuracy and their physical
conditions.Arq Bras Cardiol 2000; 74(1): 31-38
- 10. Ashworth M, Gordon K, Baker G, Deshmukh A.
Sphygmomanometer calibration: a survey of one inercity
primary care group. J Hum Hypertension 2001;
15: 259-262
- 11. Bailey RH, Knaus VL, Bauer JH. Aneroid
sphygmomanometers, an assessment of accuracy at a
university hospital and clinics. Arch Intern Med1991;
151: 1409-1412
- 12. Burke MJ, Towers HM, O'Malley K, Fitzgerald DJ,
O'Brien E. Sphygmomanometers in hospital and family
practice: problems and recommendations. BMJ 1982;
285: 469-471
- 13. Perloff D, Grim C, Flack J, et al. Human blood pressure
determination by sphygmomanometry. Circulation
1993; 5: 2460-2470
- 14. Reeves RA. Does this patient have hypertension? How
to measure blood pressure. J. Am Med Assoc 1995;
273: 1211-1218.
- 15. Rouse A, Marshall T. The extent and implications of
sphygmomanometer calibration error in primary care J
Hum Hypertension 2001;15: 587-591
- 16. Yarows Steven A, Qian K. Accuracy of aneroid
sphygmomanometers in clinical usage: University of
Michigan experience. Blood Press Monit 2001; 6(2):
- 17. Coleman Andrew J, steel Stephen D, Ashworth M,
Wowler S, Shennan A. Accuracy of the pressure scale
of sphygmomanometers in clinical use within primary
care. Blood Press Monit 2005; 10(4): 181-188
- 18. Waugh Jason JS, Gupta M, Rushbrook J, Halligan A,
Shennan A. Hidden errors of aneroid
sphygmomanometers. Blood Press Monit 2002; 7