Year 2009,
Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 41 - 44, 01.04.2009
Soner Yaycıoğlu
Hakan Ak
Süleyman Damgacı
Halil Samancıoğlu
S. Savaş Yalçın
Schwannomlar periferik sinir kılıfı schwann hücrelerinden gelişirler ve iyi huylu yumuşak doku tümörlerinin%5'ini oluştururlar. Ekstramedüller yerleşimli bu tümörler bazen omurilik sinir köklerini takip ederekintervertebral foramenden çıkar ve kum saati veya halter şeklinde kitle meydana getirirler. Torakal bölgede haltertarzı schwannomlarda çeşitli cerrahi yaklaşımlar uygulanabilmektedir. En sık kullanılan girişim posterioryaklaşımla laminektomi ve kostotransversektomidir. Ancak bazı otörler bu girişimin ekstraspinal kısımlarınrezeksiyonu için yetersiz kalacağını ve torakotomi eklenmesi gerekliliğini vurgulamaktadır. 35 yaşında torakal11 halter schwannomu olan bir bayan olgu sunulmuştur. Posterior girişimle laminektomi ve minimalkostotransversektomi yapılarak iyi sınırlı tümör total olarak çıkarılmıştır. Bu tür tümörlerde sadece posteriorgirişimin yeterli olduğu, anterior ya da posterolateral girişimlerin daha büyük ve invazif olan diğer halter tarzıgörünüm veren tümörler için önerilebileceği düşünülmektedir
- 1. Kransdorf MJ. Benign soft-tissue tumors in a large
referral population: distribution of spesific of spesific
diagnoses by age, sex, and location. AJR
- 2. Conti P, Pansini G, Homere M, Capuano C, Conti R.
Spinal neurinomas: retrospective analysis and longterm outcome of 179 consecutively operated cases and
review of the literature. Surg Neurol 2004;61:35-44.
- 3. Gündüz Ş, Yılmaz H. Omurilik yaralanmalı hastanın
rehabilitasyonu. In: Zileli M, Özer AF, editörler.
Omurilik ve omurga cerrahisi, 2. baskı. Meta Basım,
İzmir, 2002:1773-90.
- 4. Jeon JH, Hwang HS, Jeong JH, Park SG, Moon JG,
Kim CH. Spinal schwannoma: analysis of 40 Cases. J
Korean Neurosurg Soc 2008;43:135-8.
- 5. Jinnai T, Hoshimaru M, Koyama T. Clinical
characteristics of spinal nevre sheath tumors: analysis
of 149 cases. Neurosurgery 2005;56:510-5.
- 6. Sridnar K, Ramamurthi R, Vasudevan MC,
Ramamurthi B. Giant invasive spinal schwannomas:
Definition and surgical management. J Neurosurg
Spine 2001; 94:210-5.
- 7. Cerchio LD, Contratti F, Fraioli MF. Dorsal dumblebell melanotic schwannoma operated by posterior and
anterior approach: case report and aeeview of the
Literaure. Eur Spine J 2006; 15 (Suppl. 5); 664-9.
- 8. Shadmehr MB, Gaissert HA, Wain JC, Moncure AC,
Grillo HC, Borges LF, Mathisen DJ. The surgical
approach to 'dumbbell tumors' of the mediastinum.Ann
Thorac Surg 2003;76:1650-4.
- 9. Yüksel M, Pamir N, Ozer F, Batirel HF, Ercan S. The
principles of surgical management in dumbbell tumors.
Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 1996;10:569-73.
- 10. Okada D, Koizumi K, Haraguchi S, Hirata T, Hirai K,
Mikami I, Fukushima M, et al. A case of dumbbell
tumor of the superior mediastinum removed by
combined thoracoscopic surgery. J Nippon Med Sch
2002; 69(1): 58-61.
- 11. Zhen-yu W, Zheng L, Bin L, Xiao-dong C, Jia Z.
Combined microneurosurgical and thoracoscopic
resection for thoracic spine dumbbell tumors. Chinese
Medical Journal 2008;121(12):1137-9.
- 12. Barrenechea IJ, Fukumoto R, Ewing DR, Connery CP,
Perin NI. Endoscopic resection of thoracic
paravertebral and dumbbell tumors. Neurosurgery
- 13. Rzyman W, Skokowski J, Willimski R, Kurowski K,
Stempniewicz M. One step removal of dumbbell
tumors by posterolateral thoracotomy and extended
foraminectomy. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2004;25:509-
- 14. Payer M, Radovanovic I, Jost G. Resection of thoracic
dumbbell neurinomas: Single postero-lateral approach
or combined posterior and transthoracic approach? J
Clin Neurosci 2006;13:690-3.
- 15. Nakamura H, Komagata M, Nishiyama M, Taguchi M,
Kawasaki N. Resection of dumbbell shaped thoracic
neurinoma by hemilaminectomy: case report. Ann
Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2007;13:36-9.
- 16. Agrawal A, Sriwastava S, Joharapurkar SR, Gharde P,
Ubeja G. Single stage complete excision of large thoracic dumbbell schwannoma by modified posterior
approach. Surg Neurol 2008;70(4):432-6.
- 17. Takamura Y, Uede T, Igarashi K, Tatewaki K,
Morimoto S. Thoracic dumbbell-shaped neurinoma
treated by unilateral hemilaminectomy with partial
costotransversectomy. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo)
- 18. Abdel Rahman AR, Sedera MA, Mourad IA, Aziz SA,
Saber TK, Alsakary MA. Posterior mediastinal tumors:
Outcome of surgery. J Egypt Natl Canc Inst 2005;
- 19. Itaru O, KuniyoshiA, Duosai L,Yasuhiro S, Kiyoshi K.
Biomechanical role of the posterior elements,
Costovertebral joints, and rib cage in the stability of the
thoracic spine. Spine 1996;21(12):1423-9.
Posterior Surgical Approach to Dumbbell Schwannoma at Thoracic Vertabrae Level: A Case Report
Year 2009,
Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 41 - 44, 01.04.2009
Soner Yaycıoğlu
Hakan Ak
Süleyman Damgacı
Halil Samancıoğlu
S. Savaş Yalçın
Schwannomas originate from schwann cells of peripheral nerve sheats and account for 5% of benign soft tissue tumors. These tumors located extramedullary, sometimes may exit from intervertebral foramina and following the the spinal nerve roots may lead to dumbbell shaped mass. Several different surgical approaches can be used to operate these dumbbell tumors. Most commonly used approach is the laminectomy and costotransversectomy with posterior approach. But some authors propose that this approach is not enough to remove extraspinal parts of the tumor, emphasizing the necessity of thoracotomy.We present a 35 year old woman with a dumbbell shaped schwannoma at Th11 level. The tumor completely was removed with posterior approach by laminectomy and minimal costotransversectomy.We propose that only posterior approach may be enough to remove these tumors, and anterior or posterolateral approaches may be prefered in bigger and more invasive dumbbell tumors.
- 1. Kransdorf MJ. Benign soft-tissue tumors in a large
referral population: distribution of spesific of spesific
diagnoses by age, sex, and location. AJR
- 2. Conti P, Pansini G, Homere M, Capuano C, Conti R.
Spinal neurinomas: retrospective analysis and longterm outcome of 179 consecutively operated cases and
review of the literature. Surg Neurol 2004;61:35-44.
- 3. Gündüz Ş, Yılmaz H. Omurilik yaralanmalı hastanın
rehabilitasyonu. In: Zileli M, Özer AF, editörler.
Omurilik ve omurga cerrahisi, 2. baskı. Meta Basım,
İzmir, 2002:1773-90.
- 4. Jeon JH, Hwang HS, Jeong JH, Park SG, Moon JG,
Kim CH. Spinal schwannoma: analysis of 40 Cases. J
Korean Neurosurg Soc 2008;43:135-8.
- 5. Jinnai T, Hoshimaru M, Koyama T. Clinical
characteristics of spinal nevre sheath tumors: analysis
of 149 cases. Neurosurgery 2005;56:510-5.
- 6. Sridnar K, Ramamurthi R, Vasudevan MC,
Ramamurthi B. Giant invasive spinal schwannomas:
Definition and surgical management. J Neurosurg
Spine 2001; 94:210-5.
- 7. Cerchio LD, Contratti F, Fraioli MF. Dorsal dumblebell melanotic schwannoma operated by posterior and
anterior approach: case report and aeeview of the
Literaure. Eur Spine J 2006; 15 (Suppl. 5); 664-9.
- 8. Shadmehr MB, Gaissert HA, Wain JC, Moncure AC,
Grillo HC, Borges LF, Mathisen DJ. The surgical
approach to 'dumbbell tumors' of the mediastinum.Ann
Thorac Surg 2003;76:1650-4.
- 9. Yüksel M, Pamir N, Ozer F, Batirel HF, Ercan S. The
principles of surgical management in dumbbell tumors.
Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 1996;10:569-73.
- 10. Okada D, Koizumi K, Haraguchi S, Hirata T, Hirai K,
Mikami I, Fukushima M, et al. A case of dumbbell
tumor of the superior mediastinum removed by
combined thoracoscopic surgery. J Nippon Med Sch
2002; 69(1): 58-61.
- 11. Zhen-yu W, Zheng L, Bin L, Xiao-dong C, Jia Z.
Combined microneurosurgical and thoracoscopic
resection for thoracic spine dumbbell tumors. Chinese
Medical Journal 2008;121(12):1137-9.
- 12. Barrenechea IJ, Fukumoto R, Ewing DR, Connery CP,
Perin NI. Endoscopic resection of thoracic
paravertebral and dumbbell tumors. Neurosurgery
- 13. Rzyman W, Skokowski J, Willimski R, Kurowski K,
Stempniewicz M. One step removal of dumbbell
tumors by posterolateral thoracotomy and extended
foraminectomy. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2004;25:509-
- 14. Payer M, Radovanovic I, Jost G. Resection of thoracic
dumbbell neurinomas: Single postero-lateral approach
or combined posterior and transthoracic approach? J
Clin Neurosci 2006;13:690-3.
- 15. Nakamura H, Komagata M, Nishiyama M, Taguchi M,
Kawasaki N. Resection of dumbbell shaped thoracic
neurinoma by hemilaminectomy: case report. Ann
Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2007;13:36-9.
- 16. Agrawal A, Sriwastava S, Joharapurkar SR, Gharde P,
Ubeja G. Single stage complete excision of large thoracic dumbbell schwannoma by modified posterior
approach. Surg Neurol 2008;70(4):432-6.
- 17. Takamura Y, Uede T, Igarashi K, Tatewaki K,
Morimoto S. Thoracic dumbbell-shaped neurinoma
treated by unilateral hemilaminectomy with partial
costotransversectomy. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo)
- 18. Abdel Rahman AR, Sedera MA, Mourad IA, Aziz SA,
Saber TK, Alsakary MA. Posterior mediastinal tumors:
Outcome of surgery. J Egypt Natl Canc Inst 2005;
- 19. Itaru O, KuniyoshiA, Duosai L,Yasuhiro S, Kiyoshi K.
Biomechanical role of the posterior elements,
Costovertebral joints, and rib cage in the stability of the
thoracic spine. Spine 1996;21(12):1423-9.