Pseudointradural/Intraradicular Disc Herniation: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Year 2010,
Volume: 11 Issue: 3, 37 - 40, 16.12.2010
Zahir Kızılay
Elif Bolat
Abdullah Topçu
Feridun Acar
Intraradicular disc herniation is a special subtype of intradural disc herniation. Although many theories has been suggested about the formation of intradural discs, the pathophysiology of this pathological state hasn't been explained exactly yet. This state has been classified on the basis of dural anatomy and separated into two subgroups as typeAand B. There is no spesific technique or neuroradiological picture of diagnosing intradural intraradicular disc herniation in the preoperative process. Because of this, the patients are mostly diagnosed intraoperatively and they are even diagnosed in next operations after failed back surgery. In this case report we presented the clinical and radiologic features of a 54 year old female patient with the applying symptom of left sciatalgia and with no spesific findings in her preoperative imaging studies and the literature has been reviewed.
- 1. Süzer T, Tahta K, Coşkun E. Intraradicular lumbar disc
herniation:case report and review of the literature.
Neurosurgery 1997;41(4):956-58.
- 2. Barbera J, Gonzales-Darder J, Garcia-Vazquez F:
Intraradicular herniated lumbar disc: Case report. J
Neurosurg 1984;60:858-60.
- . Mut M, Berker M, Palaoğlu S. Intraradicular disc
herniations in the lumbar spine and a new classification
of intradural disc herniations. Spinal Cord
- 4. Ozdemir N, Yilmaz HS, Acar UD, Tektas S.
Intraradicular lumbar disc herniation:report two cases
and review of the litarature. Br J Neurosurg
- 5. Turgut M, Tekin C, Unsal A. Intraradicular extruded
disc herniation as a rare cause of failed back surgerycase
a report and review the literature. Neurol
Neurochir Pol 2008;42(3):251-4.
- 6. Ozer E, Yurtsever C, Yücesoy K, Güner M. Lumbar
intraradicular disc herniation: report of a rare and
preoperatively unpredictable case and review of the
literature. Spine J 2007;7(1):106-10.
- 7. Tsuji H, Maruta K, Maeda A. Postoperative
intraradicular intervertebral disc herniation. Spine
- 8. AkhaddarA, Boulahround O, ElasriA, Elmostarchid B,
Boucetta M. Radicular intradural lombar disc
herniation. Eur Spine J 2010;19 Suppl 2:S149-52.
- 9. Nazzal MM, Croissant PD,Ali MA, et al. Intraradicular
lumbar disc herniation: a case report and review of the
literature. J Spinal Disord 1995;8:86-8.
- 10. Schisano G, Franco A, Nina P. Intraradicular and
intradural lumbar disc herniation: experiences with
nine cases. Surg Neurol 1995;44:536-43.
- 11. Schisano G, Nina P. Intraradicular lumbar disc
herniation: a case report and review of the literature.
Neurosurgery 1998;43:400.
- 12. Karabekir HS, Karagöz Güney F, Kagnici Atar E, et al.
Intraradicular lumbar disc herniation: report of two
cases.Spinal Cord 2005;44:318-21.
- 13. Finkel HZ. Intraradicular, intervertebral disc
herniation.Acase report. Spine 1997;22:1028-9.
- 14. Ergüngör MF, Kars HZ. Intraradicular herniation of a
lumbar disc: a case report. Neurosurgery 1987;21:909-
- 15. Akdemir H, Oktem IS, Koç RK, et al. Postoperative
intraradicular lumbar disc herniation:a case report.
Neurosurg Rew 1997;20:71-4.
- 16. Açıkgöz B, Ozcan OE, Iplikcioğlu C, et al.
Intraradicular disc herniation. Neurosurgery
- 17. Lesoin F, Duquennoy B, Rousseaux M, Servato R,
Jormin M. Intradural rupture of lumbar intervertebral
disc: report of three cases with review of the literature.
Neurosurgery 1984;14(6):728-31.
- 18. Sakai T, Tsuji T, Asazuma T, Yato Y, Matsubara O,
Nemoto K. Spontaneous resorption in reccurent
intradural lumbar disc herniation: A case report. J
Neurosurg Spine 2007;6(6):574-8.
- 19. Lee JS, Suh KT. Intradural disc herniation at L5-S1
mimicking an intradural extramedullary spinal tumor: a
case report. J Korean Med Sci 2006;21(4):778-80.
- 20. Borata L, Jonasson P, Agolli A. Spontaneous resorption
of intradural lumbar disc fragments. Spine J
- 21. Choi JY, Lee WS, Sung KH. Intradural lumbar disc
herniation-is it predictable preoperatively? A report of
two cases. Spine J 2007;7(1):111-7.
- 22. Chaudhary KS, Bapat MR. Conus medullaris syndrome
due to an intradural disc herniation: A case report.
Indian J Orthop 2008;42(1):94-6.
- 23. Oztürk A, Avci E, Yazgan P, Torun F, Yücetas S,
Karabag H. Intradural herniation of intervertebral disc
at the level of Lumbar 1-Lumbar 2. Turk Neurosurg
- 24. Koç RK, Akdemir H, Oktem IS, Menkü A: Intradural
lumbar disc of two cases. Neurosurg
Rev 2001;24(1):44-7.
- 25. Klopfenstein J, Han PP, Kim L, Spetzler RF. Herniated
lumbar disc sequestered between the internal and
external dural sleeves: case report . Barrow Quarterly
- 26. Han IH, Kim KS, Jin BH. Intradural lumbar disc
herniations associated with epidural adhesion: report
two cases. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 2009;46:168-71.
- 27. Hida K, Iwasaki Y, Abe H, Shimazaki M, Matsuzaki T.
Magnetic resonance imaging of intradural lumbar disc
herniation. J Clin Neurosci 1999;6(4):345-7
Year 2010,
Volume: 11 Issue: 3, 37 - 40, 16.12.2010
Zahir Kızılay
Elif Bolat
Abdullah Topçu
Feridun Acar
İntraradiküler disk herniasyonu, intradural disk herniasyonunun özel bir alt tipidir. İntradural disklerin oluşumetyolojisine yönelik birçok teori öne sürülse de bu patolojik durumun oluşum patofizyolojisi tam olarakaçıklanamamıştır. Bu patolojik durum dural anatomi temelinde sınıflandırılarak tip A ve tip B olmak üzere 2 altgruba ayrılmıştır. İntradural intraradiküler disklerin tanımlanmasında preoperatif dönemde bir spesifik yöntemveya görüntüleme bulgusu yoktur. Bu nedenle bu hastaların çoğuna intraoperatif olarak tanı konulmaktadır vehatta başarısız bel cerrahi sonrası ikinci operasyonda tanı almaktadır. Bu vaka sunumunda 54 yaşında, solsiyatalji kliniğiyle başvuran ve yapılan preoperatif görüntüleme tetkiklerinde spesifik bir bulgu saptanmayan birbayan hastanın klinik ve radyolojisi sunularak literatür tekrar gözden geçirildi
- 1. Süzer T, Tahta K, Coşkun E. Intraradicular lumbar disc
herniation:case report and review of the literature.
Neurosurgery 1997;41(4):956-58.
- 2. Barbera J, Gonzales-Darder J, Garcia-Vazquez F:
Intraradicular herniated lumbar disc: Case report. J
Neurosurg 1984;60:858-60.
- . Mut M, Berker M, Palaoğlu S. Intraradicular disc
herniations in the lumbar spine and a new classification
of intradural disc herniations. Spinal Cord
- 4. Ozdemir N, Yilmaz HS, Acar UD, Tektas S.
Intraradicular lumbar disc herniation:report two cases
and review of the litarature. Br J Neurosurg
- 5. Turgut M, Tekin C, Unsal A. Intraradicular extruded
disc herniation as a rare cause of failed back surgerycase
a report and review the literature. Neurol
Neurochir Pol 2008;42(3):251-4.
- 6. Ozer E, Yurtsever C, Yücesoy K, Güner M. Lumbar
intraradicular disc herniation: report of a rare and
preoperatively unpredictable case and review of the
literature. Spine J 2007;7(1):106-10.
- 7. Tsuji H, Maruta K, Maeda A. Postoperative
intraradicular intervertebral disc herniation. Spine
- 8. AkhaddarA, Boulahround O, ElasriA, Elmostarchid B,
Boucetta M. Radicular intradural lombar disc
herniation. Eur Spine J 2010;19 Suppl 2:S149-52.
- 9. Nazzal MM, Croissant PD,Ali MA, et al. Intraradicular
lumbar disc herniation: a case report and review of the
literature. J Spinal Disord 1995;8:86-8.
- 10. Schisano G, Franco A, Nina P. Intraradicular and
intradural lumbar disc herniation: experiences with
nine cases. Surg Neurol 1995;44:536-43.
- 11. Schisano G, Nina P. Intraradicular lumbar disc
herniation: a case report and review of the literature.
Neurosurgery 1998;43:400.
- 12. Karabekir HS, Karagöz Güney F, Kagnici Atar E, et al.
Intraradicular lumbar disc herniation: report of two
cases.Spinal Cord 2005;44:318-21.
- 13. Finkel HZ. Intraradicular, intervertebral disc
herniation.Acase report. Spine 1997;22:1028-9.
- 14. Ergüngör MF, Kars HZ. Intraradicular herniation of a
lumbar disc: a case report. Neurosurgery 1987;21:909-
- 15. Akdemir H, Oktem IS, Koç RK, et al. Postoperative
intraradicular lumbar disc herniation:a case report.
Neurosurg Rew 1997;20:71-4.
- 16. Açıkgöz B, Ozcan OE, Iplikcioğlu C, et al.
Intraradicular disc herniation. Neurosurgery
- 17. Lesoin F, Duquennoy B, Rousseaux M, Servato R,
Jormin M. Intradural rupture of lumbar intervertebral
disc: report of three cases with review of the literature.
Neurosurgery 1984;14(6):728-31.
- 18. Sakai T, Tsuji T, Asazuma T, Yato Y, Matsubara O,
Nemoto K. Spontaneous resorption in reccurent
intradural lumbar disc herniation: A case report. J
Neurosurg Spine 2007;6(6):574-8.
- 19. Lee JS, Suh KT. Intradural disc herniation at L5-S1
mimicking an intradural extramedullary spinal tumor: a
case report. J Korean Med Sci 2006;21(4):778-80.
- 20. Borata L, Jonasson P, Agolli A. Spontaneous resorption
of intradural lumbar disc fragments. Spine J
- 21. Choi JY, Lee WS, Sung KH. Intradural lumbar disc
herniation-is it predictable preoperatively? A report of
two cases. Spine J 2007;7(1):111-7.
- 22. Chaudhary KS, Bapat MR. Conus medullaris syndrome
due to an intradural disc herniation: A case report.
Indian J Orthop 2008;42(1):94-6.
- 23. Oztürk A, Avci E, Yazgan P, Torun F, Yücetas S,
Karabag H. Intradural herniation of intervertebral disc
at the level of Lumbar 1-Lumbar 2. Turk Neurosurg
- 24. Koç RK, Akdemir H, Oktem IS, Menkü A: Intradural
lumbar disc of two cases. Neurosurg
Rev 2001;24(1):44-7.
- 25. Klopfenstein J, Han PP, Kim L, Spetzler RF. Herniated
lumbar disc sequestered between the internal and
external dural sleeves: case report . Barrow Quarterly
- 26. Han IH, Kim KS, Jin BH. Intradural lumbar disc
herniations associated with epidural adhesion: report
two cases. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 2009;46:168-71.
- 27. Hida K, Iwasaki Y, Abe H, Shimazaki M, Matsuzaki T.
Magnetic resonance imaging of intradural lumbar disc
herniation. J Clin Neurosci 1999;6(4):345-7