Research Article
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Mouse Model Study: Early Life Chronic Stress Effects on Sox2 and Bcl2 mRNA Expression in Gastrointestinal Tissues

Year 2025, Volume: 26 Issue: 1, 42 - 48, 20.03.2025


Objective: Early-life chronic stress can impact the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and increase cancer risk. Studies on mouse models have shown that maternal stress can cause lasting changes in offspring's physiology and behaviour. These changes can be observed in the GI tract, where disturbances in cellular processes, such as apoptosis, can occur. This study examined mRNA expression in the GI tissues of maternally stressed mice, focusing on Sox2 and Bcl2 mRNA expressions.
Materials and Methods: Pregnant Balb/c mice were randomly divided into three groups. The litters of the control were exposed to routine conditions. In contrast, others were randomly exposed to unpredictable maternal separation (MS) for three hours every day between 1-14 postnatal days (PND). Half of the MS dams were exposed to unpredictable maternal stress (MSUS) within these three hours. Five-week-old litters were sacrificed, and total RNA was isolated from the muscle, duodenum, and stomach tissues using the Phenol-Chloroform technique. Sox2, Bcl2 and Gapdh, mRNA expression was measured by Rotor-Gene Q. The data obtained were analysed using One-Way ANOVA tests and Kruskal-Wallis in GraphPad Prism9.
Results: Although the Bcl2 mRNA expression in the stomach remained unchanged, it significantly increased in the duodenum of MS (p=0.0132). Similarly, while the Sox2 mRNA expression in muscle did not change substantially, it increased significantly in gastric tissue of MSUS (p=0.0030). Furthermore, a significant positive correlation was found between the Sox2 and Bcl2 genes in gastric tissue (p=0.005).
Conclusion: Early life stress, GI dysfunction, and cancer susceptibility may be intricately linked. Understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in cancer susceptibility may have new implications for developing interventions that can reduce the risk of developing cancer. This research may also provide insights into new strategies for treating cancer in predisposed individuals.

Project Number

No funding was received for conducting this study.


  • 1. Dai S, Mo Y, Wang Y, Xiang B, Liao Q, Zhou M, et al. Chronic Stress Promotes Cancer Development. Front Oncol. 2020;10(August):1–10.
  • 2. Mills JC, Shivdasani RA. Gastric epithelial stem cells. Gastroenterology. 2011;140(2):412–24.
  • 3. Sarkar A, Huebner AJ, Sulahian R, Anselmo A, Xu X, Flattery K, et al. Sox2 Suppresses Gastric Tumorigenesis in Mice. Cell Rep. 2016 Aug 16;16(7):1929–41.
  • 4. Arnold K, Sarkar A, Yram MA, Polo JM, Bronson R, Sengupta S, et al. Sox2(+) adult stem and progenitor cells are important for tissue regeneration and survival of mice. Cell Stem Cell. 2011 Oct 4;9(4):317–29.
  • 5. Leigh SJ, Uhlig F, Wilmes L, Sanchez-Diaz P, Gheorghe CE, Goodson MS, et al. The impact of acute and chronic stress on gastrointestinal physiology and function: a microbiota–gut–brain axis perspective. J Physiol. 2023 Oct 1;601(20):4491–538.
  • 6. Hosseini-Khah Z, Babaei MR, Tehrani M, Cucchiarini M, Madry H, Ajami A, et al. SOX2 and Bcl-2 as a Novel Prognostic Value in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Progression. Curr Oncol. 2021 Aug 1;28(4):3015–29.
  • 7. Ciccocioppo R, Sabatino A Di, Gasbarrini G, Corazza G. Apoptosis and gastrointestinal tract. Ital J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 1999.
  • 8. Bayram KK, Barokah AN, Dönmez MH, Işıktan ŞN, Bayram A. Unravelling the maternal stress-induced orchestrations: Fndc5 gene expression dynamics across duodenum, stomach, and whole blood in offspring. Acta Med [Internet]. 2024 Sep 30 [cited 2024 Oct 2];55(3):153–61. Available from:
  • 9. Gubbay J, Collignon J, Koopman P, Capel B, Economou A, Münsterberg A, et al. A gene mapping to the sex-determining region of the mouse Y chromosome is a member of a novel family of embryonically expressed genes. Nature. 1990;346(6281):245–50.
  • 10. Carrasco-Garcia E, Santos JC, Garcia I, Brianti M, García-Puga M, Pedrazzoli J, et al. Paradoxical role of SOX2 in gastric cancer. Am J Cancer Res. 2016;6(4):701.
  • 11. Li N, Pang Y, Sang J, Sun Y, Hou W. The controversial expression of SOX2 in gastric cancer and its correlation with Helicobacter pylori infection: A meta-analysis. Medicine. 2022 Oct 7;101(40):E30886.
  • 12. Zheng Y, Qin B, Li F, Xu S, Wang S, Li L. Clinicopathological significance of Sox2 expression in patients with breast cancer: a meta-analysis. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2015 Dec 30;8(12):22382.
  • 13. Ma S, Chan KW, Hu L, Lee TKW, Wo JYH, Ng IOL, et al. Identification and characterization of tumorigenic liver cancer stem/progenitor cells. Gastroenterology. 2007;132(7):2542–56.
  • 14. Ding LN, Yu YY, Ma CJ, Lei CJ, Zhang HB. SOX2-associated signaling pathways regulate biological phenotypes of cancers. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 2023 Apr 1;160:114336.
  • 15. Otsubo T, Akiyama Y, Yanagihara K, Yuasa Y. SOX2 is frequently downregulated in gastric cancers and inhibits cell growth through cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis. British Journal of Cancer 2008 98:4. 2008 Feb 12;98(4):824–31.
  • 16. Wang S, Tie J, Wang R, Hu F, Gao L, Wang W, et al. SOX2, a predictor of survival in gastric cancer, inhibits cell proliferation and metastasis by regulating PTEN. Cancer Lett. 2015 Mar 28;358(2):210–9.
  • 17. Engevik AC, Kaji I, Goldenring JR. The Physiology of the Gastric Parietal Cell. Physiol Rev. 2020 Jan 1;100(2):573–602.
  • 18. Novak D, Hüser L, Elton JJ, Umansky V, Altevogt P, Utikal J. SOX2 in development and cancer biology. Semin Cancer Biol. 2020 Dec 1;67(Pt 1):74–82.
  • 19. Qian S, Wei Z, Yang W, Huang J, Yang Y, Wang J. The role of BCL-2 family proteins in regulating apoptosis and cancer therapy. Front Oncol. 2022 Oct 12;12.
  • 20. Yang B, Liu Q, Bi Y. Autophagy and apoptosis are regulated by stress on Bcl2 by AMBRA1 in the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. Theor Biol Med Model. 2019 Oct 29;16(1):1–9.
  • 21. Siddiqui WA, Ahad A, Ahsan H. The mystery of BCL2 family: Bcl-2 proteins and apoptosis: an update. Arch Toxicol. 2015 Feb 20;89(3):289–317.
  • 22. Carneiro BA, El-Deiry WS. Targeting apoptosis in cancer therapy. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2020 Jul 1;17(7):395. 23. Aschbacher K, O’Donovan A, Wolkowitz OM, Dhabhar FS, Su Y, Epel E. Good stress, bad stress and oxidative stress: Insights from anticipatory cortisol reactivity. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2013;38(9).
  • 24. Sies H. Oxidative stress: Oxidants and antioxidants. Vol. 82, Experimental Physiology. 1997.
  • 25. Bardelčíková A, Šoltys J, Mojžiš J. Oxidative Stress, Inflammation and Colorectal Cancer: An Overview. Vol. 12, Antioxidants. 2023.
  • 26. Carrasco-Garcia E, Santos JC, Garcia I, Brianti M, García-Puga M, Pedrazzoli J, et al. Paradoxical role of SOX2 in gastric cancer. Vol. 6, American Journal of Cancer Research. 2016.
  • 27. Andreucci E, Pietrobono S, Peppicelli S, Ruzzolini J, Bianchini F, Biagioni A, et al. SOX2 as a novel contributor of oxidative metabolism in melanoma cells. Cell Communication and Signaling. 2018;16(1).
  • 28. Jawaid A, Jehle KL, Mansuy IM. Impact of Parental Exposure on Offspring Health in Humans. Trends Genet. 2021 Apr 1;37(4):373–88.
  • 29. Thumfart KM, Jawaid A, Bright K, Flachsmann M, Mansuy IM. Epigenetics of childhood trauma: Long term sequelae and potential for treatment. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2022 Jan 1;132:1049–66.
  • 30. Ravi M, Miller AH, Michopoulos V. The Immunology of Stress and the Impact of Inflammation on the Brain and Behavior. BJPsych Adv. 2021 May;27(Suppl 3):158–65.

Fare Modeli Çalışması: Erken Dönem Kronik Stresin Gastrointestinal Dokularda Sox2 ve Bcl2 mRNA Ekspresyonuna Etkileri

Year 2025, Volume: 26 Issue: 1, 42 - 48, 20.03.2025


Giriş: Yaşamın erken dönemlerinde maruz kalınan kronik stres, gastrointestinal sistem (GI) dahil olmak üzere çeşitli fizyolojik sistemler üzerinde önemli etkilere sahip olabilir ve hatta ilerleyen dönemlerde kanser riskini artırabilir. Fare modelleri üzerinde yapılan çalışmalarda, anneleri strese maruz kalmış yavruların fizyolojisinde ve davranışlarında uzun süreli değişikliklerin oluştuğu gösterilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, erken dönemde maternal strese maruz kalmış farelerin gastrointestinal dokularında Sox2 ve Bcl2 genlerinin mRNA ifadelerini araştırmaktır.
Yöntem: Balb/c ırkı gebe fareler doğum yapar yapmaz rasgele olarak üç gruba ayrılmıştır. Kontrol grubunun yavruları rutin koşullara maruz bırakılırken, diğer iki grup rastgele olarak günde üç saat boyunca, doğum sonrası (PND) 1-14 günleri arasında öngörülemeyen anne ayrılığına (MS) maruz bırakılmıştır. MS grubu annelerin bir kısmı ise, bu üç saatin içerisinde kısıtlama stresi ve zorunlu yüzme testi aracılı öngörülemeyen anne stresine (MSUS) maruz bırakılmıştır. Yavrular beşinci haftada sakrifiye edilerek kas, duodenum ve mide dokularından Fenol-Kloroform tekniğiyle total RNA izole edilmiştir. Sox2, Bcl2 ve Gapdh, genlerinin mRNA ifade seviyeleri, Rotor-Gene Q Real-Time PCR cihazı kullanılarak ölçülmüştür. Elde edilen veriler GraphPad Prism9 programında One-Way ANOVA testleri ve Kruskal-Wallis kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir.
Bulgular: Mide dokusunda Bcl2 mRNA ifadesi gruplar arasında değişmezken, duodenumda MS grubunda anlamlı olarak artmıştır (p=0,0132). Benzer şekilde, kas dokusundaki Sox2 mRNA ekspresyon seviyesi gruplar arasında önemli ölçüde değişmezken, mide dokusunda MSUS grubunda anlamlı şekilde artmıştır (p=0,0030). Ayrıca, mide dokusunda Sox2 ve Bcl2 genleri arasında anlamlı pozitif korelasyon tespit edilmiştir (p=0005).
Sonuç: Erken yaşam stresi, GI disfonksiyonu ve kansere yatkınlık karmaşık bir şekilde bağlantılı olabilir. Kansere yatkınlık ile ilgili moleküler mekanizmaların anlaşılması, kansere yakalanma riskini azaltabilecek müdahaleler geliştirmek için yeni çıkarımlar ortaya koyabilir. Bu araştırma, kansere yatkın bireylerde kanserle mücadeleye yönelik yeni stratejiler hakkında öngörü sağlayabilir.

Project Number

No funding was received for conducting this study.


  • 1. Dai S, Mo Y, Wang Y, Xiang B, Liao Q, Zhou M, et al. Chronic Stress Promotes Cancer Development. Front Oncol. 2020;10(August):1–10.
  • 2. Mills JC, Shivdasani RA. Gastric epithelial stem cells. Gastroenterology. 2011;140(2):412–24.
  • 3. Sarkar A, Huebner AJ, Sulahian R, Anselmo A, Xu X, Flattery K, et al. Sox2 Suppresses Gastric Tumorigenesis in Mice. Cell Rep. 2016 Aug 16;16(7):1929–41.
  • 4. Arnold K, Sarkar A, Yram MA, Polo JM, Bronson R, Sengupta S, et al. Sox2(+) adult stem and progenitor cells are important for tissue regeneration and survival of mice. Cell Stem Cell. 2011 Oct 4;9(4):317–29.
  • 5. Leigh SJ, Uhlig F, Wilmes L, Sanchez-Diaz P, Gheorghe CE, Goodson MS, et al. The impact of acute and chronic stress on gastrointestinal physiology and function: a microbiota–gut–brain axis perspective. J Physiol. 2023 Oct 1;601(20):4491–538.
  • 6. Hosseini-Khah Z, Babaei MR, Tehrani M, Cucchiarini M, Madry H, Ajami A, et al. SOX2 and Bcl-2 as a Novel Prognostic Value in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Progression. Curr Oncol. 2021 Aug 1;28(4):3015–29.
  • 7. Ciccocioppo R, Sabatino A Di, Gasbarrini G, Corazza G. Apoptosis and gastrointestinal tract. Ital J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 1999.
  • 8. Bayram KK, Barokah AN, Dönmez MH, Işıktan ŞN, Bayram A. Unravelling the maternal stress-induced orchestrations: Fndc5 gene expression dynamics across duodenum, stomach, and whole blood in offspring. Acta Med [Internet]. 2024 Sep 30 [cited 2024 Oct 2];55(3):153–61. Available from:
  • 9. Gubbay J, Collignon J, Koopman P, Capel B, Economou A, Münsterberg A, et al. A gene mapping to the sex-determining region of the mouse Y chromosome is a member of a novel family of embryonically expressed genes. Nature. 1990;346(6281):245–50.
  • 10. Carrasco-Garcia E, Santos JC, Garcia I, Brianti M, García-Puga M, Pedrazzoli J, et al. Paradoxical role of SOX2 in gastric cancer. Am J Cancer Res. 2016;6(4):701.
  • 11. Li N, Pang Y, Sang J, Sun Y, Hou W. The controversial expression of SOX2 in gastric cancer and its correlation with Helicobacter pylori infection: A meta-analysis. Medicine. 2022 Oct 7;101(40):E30886.
  • 12. Zheng Y, Qin B, Li F, Xu S, Wang S, Li L. Clinicopathological significance of Sox2 expression in patients with breast cancer: a meta-analysis. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2015 Dec 30;8(12):22382.
  • 13. Ma S, Chan KW, Hu L, Lee TKW, Wo JYH, Ng IOL, et al. Identification and characterization of tumorigenic liver cancer stem/progenitor cells. Gastroenterology. 2007;132(7):2542–56.
  • 14. Ding LN, Yu YY, Ma CJ, Lei CJ, Zhang HB. SOX2-associated signaling pathways regulate biological phenotypes of cancers. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 2023 Apr 1;160:114336.
  • 15. Otsubo T, Akiyama Y, Yanagihara K, Yuasa Y. SOX2 is frequently downregulated in gastric cancers and inhibits cell growth through cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis. British Journal of Cancer 2008 98:4. 2008 Feb 12;98(4):824–31.
  • 16. Wang S, Tie J, Wang R, Hu F, Gao L, Wang W, et al. SOX2, a predictor of survival in gastric cancer, inhibits cell proliferation and metastasis by regulating PTEN. Cancer Lett. 2015 Mar 28;358(2):210–9.
  • 17. Engevik AC, Kaji I, Goldenring JR. The Physiology of the Gastric Parietal Cell. Physiol Rev. 2020 Jan 1;100(2):573–602.
  • 18. Novak D, Hüser L, Elton JJ, Umansky V, Altevogt P, Utikal J. SOX2 in development and cancer biology. Semin Cancer Biol. 2020 Dec 1;67(Pt 1):74–82.
  • 19. Qian S, Wei Z, Yang W, Huang J, Yang Y, Wang J. The role of BCL-2 family proteins in regulating apoptosis and cancer therapy. Front Oncol. 2022 Oct 12;12.
  • 20. Yang B, Liu Q, Bi Y. Autophagy and apoptosis are regulated by stress on Bcl2 by AMBRA1 in the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. Theor Biol Med Model. 2019 Oct 29;16(1):1–9.
  • 21. Siddiqui WA, Ahad A, Ahsan H. The mystery of BCL2 family: Bcl-2 proteins and apoptosis: an update. Arch Toxicol. 2015 Feb 20;89(3):289–317.
  • 22. Carneiro BA, El-Deiry WS. Targeting apoptosis in cancer therapy. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2020 Jul 1;17(7):395. 23. Aschbacher K, O’Donovan A, Wolkowitz OM, Dhabhar FS, Su Y, Epel E. Good stress, bad stress and oxidative stress: Insights from anticipatory cortisol reactivity. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2013;38(9).
  • 24. Sies H. Oxidative stress: Oxidants and antioxidants. Vol. 82, Experimental Physiology. 1997.
  • 25. Bardelčíková A, Šoltys J, Mojžiš J. Oxidative Stress, Inflammation and Colorectal Cancer: An Overview. Vol. 12, Antioxidants. 2023.
  • 26. Carrasco-Garcia E, Santos JC, Garcia I, Brianti M, García-Puga M, Pedrazzoli J, et al. Paradoxical role of SOX2 in gastric cancer. Vol. 6, American Journal of Cancer Research. 2016.
  • 27. Andreucci E, Pietrobono S, Peppicelli S, Ruzzolini J, Bianchini F, Biagioni A, et al. SOX2 as a novel contributor of oxidative metabolism in melanoma cells. Cell Communication and Signaling. 2018;16(1).
  • 28. Jawaid A, Jehle KL, Mansuy IM. Impact of Parental Exposure on Offspring Health in Humans. Trends Genet. 2021 Apr 1;37(4):373–88.
  • 29. Thumfart KM, Jawaid A, Bright K, Flachsmann M, Mansuy IM. Epigenetics of childhood trauma: Long term sequelae and potential for treatment. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2022 Jan 1;132:1049–66.
  • 30. Ravi M, Miller AH, Michopoulos V. The Immunology of Stress and the Impact of Inflammation on the Brain and Behavior. BJPsych Adv. 2021 May;27(Suppl 3):158–65.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Cancer Biology
Journal Section Research Article

Keziban Korkmaz Bayram 0000-0002-1228-1298

Aida Nurul Barokah 0000-0003-3102-7858

Merve Hilal Dönmez 0000-0001-6286-7038

Tuba Dilay Ünal 0000-0003-3981-6026

Arslan Bayram 0000-0002-3682-2140

Project Number No funding was received for conducting this study.
Publication Date March 20, 2025
Submission Date November 27, 2024
Acceptance Date January 27, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 26 Issue: 1


EndNote Korkmaz Bayram K, Barokah AN, Dönmez MH, Ünal TD, Bayram A (March 1, 2025) Mouse Model Study: Early Life Chronic Stress Effects on Sox2 and Bcl2 mRNA Expression in Gastrointestinal Tissues. Meandros Medical And Dental Journal 26 1 42–48.