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Prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease and Hyperuricemia in Gout Arthritis Patients

Year 2019, , 54 - 58, 25.04.2019


Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of Chronic renal disease (CKD) in the patients known with gout arthritis. 

Method:A total of 162 patients with gout arthritis diagnosed between 2014 and 2017 were included in the study. Our work is a retrospective study. Glomerular filtration rate was calculated by Modification of Renal Disease (MDRD) method. 

Results: The mean age of the patients was found as 59,64 ± 14,54 (18-93). The majority of patients are male. Mean uric acid levels of the patients were found to be 9.07 mg / dL ± 1.75 (4-14.7). Among these individuals with gout arthritis, % 39,5 (64) had CKD stage 3-5, %46,9 (76) had hypertension, %18,5 (30) had diabetes mellitus, %14,2 (23) had coronary artery disease. 33.3% of the patients had CKD stage 2. Nephrolithiasis was detected in 22 of 85 ultrasound patients. The use of diuretics was detected in 36 of the patients. The consultation rate requested by the dietician was 41,4%. 

Conclusions: Hyperuricemia and hypertension are high in CKD. Diuretics used in the treatment of hypertension and edema may trigger gout arthritis. Similar to other studies in our study, the prevalence of CKD in gout arthritis was found high. 


  • 1. Kuo CF, Grainge MJ, Mallen C, et al. Eligibility for and prescription of urate‑lowering treatment in patients with incident gout in England. JAMA. 2014; 312: 2684-6. PMID: 25536262
  • 2. Zhu Y, Pandya BJ, Choi HK. Prevalence of gout and hyperuricemia in the US general population: the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2007–2008. Arthritis Rheum. 2011;63:3136–41. PMID: 21800283
  • 3. Kawasaki T, Shichikawa K. Epidemiology survey of gout using residents’ health checks. Gout Nucleic Acid Metabo, 2006;30:66.
  • 4. Pisaniello HL, Lester S, Gonzalez-Chia D et al. Gout prevalence and predictors of urate-lowering therapy use: results from a population-based study. Research & Therapy 2018;20:143. PMID: 29996922
  • 5. Chuang SY, Chen JH, Yeh WT, Wu CC, Pan WH. Hyperuricemia and increased risk of ischemic heart disease in a large Chinese cohort. Int J Cardiol. 2012;154(3):316–21. PMID: 21862159
  • 6. Chandratre P, Roddy E, Clarson L et al. Health‑related quality of life in gout: a systematic review. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2013;52(11):2031-40. PMID: 23934311
  • 7. Punzi L, Scanu A, Spinella P, Galozzi P, Oliviero F. One year in review 2018: gout. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2019;37(1):1-11. PMID: 30620275
  • 8. Delanaye T, Glassock RJ, De Broe ME. Epidemiology of chronic kidney disease:think (at least) twice Clinical Kidney Journal. 2017;10( 3): 370–4.
  • 9. KDIGO 2012 Clinical Practice Guideline for the Evaluation and Management of Chronic Kidney Disease Kidney International Supplements. 2013;3: 91–111. doi:10.1038/kisup.2012.67
  • 10. Johnson RJ. Why focus on uric acid? Curr Med Res Opin.2015;31(suppl 2):3-7. PMID: 26414730
  • 11. Lin KC, Lin H Y & Chou P. The interaction between uric acid level and other risk factors on the development of gout among asymptomatic hyperuricemic men in a prospective study. J. Rheumatol. 2000;27:1501–5. PMID: 10852278
  • 12. Zalokar J, Lellouch J, Claude JR. & Kuntz D. Serum uric acid in 23,923 men and gout in a subsample of 4,257 men in France. J Chronic Dis. 1972;25,:305–12. PMID: 4639928
  • 13. Krishnan E. Reduced glomerular function and prevalence of gout: NHANES 2009–10. PLoS One. 2012;7:e50046. PMID: 23209642
  • 14. Juraschek SP, Kovell LC, Miller ER 3rd, Gelber AC. Association of kidney disease with prevalent gout in the United States in 1988–1994 and 2007–2010.Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2013;42(6):551-61. PMID: 23312548
  • 15. Ohno I, Ichida K, Okabe H, Hikita M, Uetake D, Kimura H, Saikawa H, Hosoya T. Frequency of gouty arthritis in patients with endstage renal disease in Japan. Intern Med. 2005;44(7):706-9. PMID: 16093591
  • 16. Zhu Y, Pandya BJ, Choi HK. Comorbidities of gout and hyperuricemia in the US general population:NHANES 2007-2008. Am J Med. 2012;125:679-687e1. PMID: 22626509
  • 17. Fuldeore MJ, Riedel AA, Zarotsky V, Pandya BJ, Dabbous O, Krishnan E Chronic kidney disease in gout in a managed care setting. BMC Nephrol. 2011;12:36. PMID: 21812963
  • 18. Singh JA, Cleveland JD. Gout is associated with a higher risk of chronic renal disease in older adults: a retrospective cohort study of U. S. Medicare population. BMC Nephrol. 2019;20(1):93. PMID: 30876398
  • 19. Wändell P, Carlsson AC, Ljunggren G. Gout and its comorbidities in the total population of Stockholm. Prev Med. 2015;81:387-91. PMID: 26500085
  • 20. Roughley MJ, Belcher J, Mallen CD, & Roddy E. Gout and risk of chronic kidney disease and nephrolithiasis: meta-analysis of observational studies. Arthritis Res Ther. 2015;17:90. PMID: 25889144
  • 21. Robinson PC. Gout- An update of aetiology, genetics, co-morbidities and management. Maturitas. 2018;118:67-73. PMID: 30415758
  • 22. Scales C, Smith A, Hanley J, Saigal C. Prevalence of kidney stones in the United States. Eur Urol. 2012;62:160–5.
  • 23. Pascart T, Richette P. Current and future therapies for gout. Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2017;18(12):1201-11. PMID: 28689430
  • 24. Richette P, Doherty M, Pascual E, et al. 2016 updated EULAR evidence-based recommendations for the management of gout. Ann Rheum Dis. 2017;76(1):29–42. PMID: 27457514
  • 25. Nuki G, Doherty M, Richette P. Current management of gout: practical messages from 2016 EULAR guidelines. Pol Arch Intern Med. 2017;127(4):267-77. PMID: 28430170
  • 26. Slot O. Gout in a rheumatology clinic: results of EULAR/ACR guidelines-compliant treatment. Scand J Rheumatol. 2018;47(3): 194-7. PMID: 28891365
  • 27. Bardin T, Richette P. The role of febuxostat in gout. Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2019;31(2): 152-8. PMID: 306012

Gut Artritli Hastalarda Hiperürisemi ve Kronik Böbrek Hastalığının Prevalansı

Year 2019, , 54 - 58, 25.04.2019


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, gut artriti tanısı konan hastalarda kronik böbrek hastalığı (KBH) prevalansını saptamaktır. 

Yöntem: Bu çalışmaya 2014 ile 2017 tarihleri arasında gut artirti tanısı konan toplam 162 hasta alındı. Çalışmamız retrospektif bir çalışmadır. Glomeruler filtrasyon hızı Modification of Renal Disease (MDRD) yöntemiyle hesaplandı. 

Bulgular: Hastaların yaş ortalaması 59,64±14,54 (18-93) olarak bulundu. Hastaların çoğunluğu erkekti. Hastaların ortalama ürik asit seviyeleri 9,07mg/dl±1,75(4-14,7) olarak bulundu. Gut artritli bireylerin % 39,5'i (64) KBH evre 3-5, % 46.9’u (46) hipertansiyon, % 18,5 (30) diabetes mellitus, % 14,2’sinde (23) koroner arter hastalığı mevcuttu. Hastaların %33,3'ü KBY evre 2 olarak saptandı. Ultrasonu yapılmış 85 hastanın 22'sinde nefrolitiyazis vardı. Hastaların 36'sında diüretik kullanımı tespit edildi. Diyetisyenden istenilen konsültasyon oranı %41,4 idi. 

Sonuçlar: KBH’de hiperürisemi ve hipertansiyon sıklığı yüksektir. Hipertansiyon ve ödem tedavisinde kullanılan diüretikler gut hastalığını tetikleyebilir. Yaptığımız çalışmada diğer çalışmalara benzer şekilde, gut artritli hastalarda KBH prevalansı yüksek oranda saptandı. 


  • 1. Kuo CF, Grainge MJ, Mallen C, et al. Eligibility for and prescription of urate‑lowering treatment in patients with incident gout in England. JAMA. 2014; 312: 2684-6. PMID: 25536262
  • 2. Zhu Y, Pandya BJ, Choi HK. Prevalence of gout and hyperuricemia in the US general population: the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2007–2008. Arthritis Rheum. 2011;63:3136–41. PMID: 21800283
  • 3. Kawasaki T, Shichikawa K. Epidemiology survey of gout using residents’ health checks. Gout Nucleic Acid Metabo, 2006;30:66.
  • 4. Pisaniello HL, Lester S, Gonzalez-Chia D et al. Gout prevalence and predictors of urate-lowering therapy use: results from a population-based study. Research & Therapy 2018;20:143. PMID: 29996922
  • 5. Chuang SY, Chen JH, Yeh WT, Wu CC, Pan WH. Hyperuricemia and increased risk of ischemic heart disease in a large Chinese cohort. Int J Cardiol. 2012;154(3):316–21. PMID: 21862159
  • 6. Chandratre P, Roddy E, Clarson L et al. Health‑related quality of life in gout: a systematic review. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2013;52(11):2031-40. PMID: 23934311
  • 7. Punzi L, Scanu A, Spinella P, Galozzi P, Oliviero F. One year in review 2018: gout. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2019;37(1):1-11. PMID: 30620275
  • 8. Delanaye T, Glassock RJ, De Broe ME. Epidemiology of chronic kidney disease:think (at least) twice Clinical Kidney Journal. 2017;10( 3): 370–4.
  • 9. KDIGO 2012 Clinical Practice Guideline for the Evaluation and Management of Chronic Kidney Disease Kidney International Supplements. 2013;3: 91–111. doi:10.1038/kisup.2012.67
  • 10. Johnson RJ. Why focus on uric acid? Curr Med Res Opin.2015;31(suppl 2):3-7. PMID: 26414730
  • 11. Lin KC, Lin H Y & Chou P. The interaction between uric acid level and other risk factors on the development of gout among asymptomatic hyperuricemic men in a prospective study. J. Rheumatol. 2000;27:1501–5. PMID: 10852278
  • 12. Zalokar J, Lellouch J, Claude JR. & Kuntz D. Serum uric acid in 23,923 men and gout in a subsample of 4,257 men in France. J Chronic Dis. 1972;25,:305–12. PMID: 4639928
  • 13. Krishnan E. Reduced glomerular function and prevalence of gout: NHANES 2009–10. PLoS One. 2012;7:e50046. PMID: 23209642
  • 14. Juraschek SP, Kovell LC, Miller ER 3rd, Gelber AC. Association of kidney disease with prevalent gout in the United States in 1988–1994 and 2007–2010.Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2013;42(6):551-61. PMID: 23312548
  • 15. Ohno I, Ichida K, Okabe H, Hikita M, Uetake D, Kimura H, Saikawa H, Hosoya T. Frequency of gouty arthritis in patients with endstage renal disease in Japan. Intern Med. 2005;44(7):706-9. PMID: 16093591
  • 16. Zhu Y, Pandya BJ, Choi HK. Comorbidities of gout and hyperuricemia in the US general population:NHANES 2007-2008. Am J Med. 2012;125:679-687e1. PMID: 22626509
  • 17. Fuldeore MJ, Riedel AA, Zarotsky V, Pandya BJ, Dabbous O, Krishnan E Chronic kidney disease in gout in a managed care setting. BMC Nephrol. 2011;12:36. PMID: 21812963
  • 18. Singh JA, Cleveland JD. Gout is associated with a higher risk of chronic renal disease in older adults: a retrospective cohort study of U. S. Medicare population. BMC Nephrol. 2019;20(1):93. PMID: 30876398
  • 19. Wändell P, Carlsson AC, Ljunggren G. Gout and its comorbidities in the total population of Stockholm. Prev Med. 2015;81:387-91. PMID: 26500085
  • 20. Roughley MJ, Belcher J, Mallen CD, & Roddy E. Gout and risk of chronic kidney disease and nephrolithiasis: meta-analysis of observational studies. Arthritis Res Ther. 2015;17:90. PMID: 25889144
  • 21. Robinson PC. Gout- An update of aetiology, genetics, co-morbidities and management. Maturitas. 2018;118:67-73. PMID: 30415758
  • 22. Scales C, Smith A, Hanley J, Saigal C. Prevalence of kidney stones in the United States. Eur Urol. 2012;62:160–5.
  • 23. Pascart T, Richette P. Current and future therapies for gout. Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2017;18(12):1201-11. PMID: 28689430
  • 24. Richette P, Doherty M, Pascual E, et al. 2016 updated EULAR evidence-based recommendations for the management of gout. Ann Rheum Dis. 2017;76(1):29–42. PMID: 27457514
  • 25. Nuki G, Doherty M, Richette P. Current management of gout: practical messages from 2016 EULAR guidelines. Pol Arch Intern Med. 2017;127(4):267-77. PMID: 28430170
  • 26. Slot O. Gout in a rheumatology clinic: results of EULAR/ACR guidelines-compliant treatment. Scand J Rheumatol. 2018;47(3): 194-7. PMID: 28891365
  • 27. Bardin T, Richette P. The role of febuxostat in gout. Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2019;31(2): 152-8. PMID: 306012
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects ​Internal Diseases
Journal Section Research Article

Can Hüzmeli 0000-0002-5499-4886

Meryem Timucin

Murat Güllü This is me

Kazım Öztürk This is me

Eylem Yetimoğlu This is me

Ferhan Candan This is me

Publication Date April 25, 2019
Submission Date December 28, 2018
Acceptance Date March 26, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


Vancouver Hüzmeli C, Timucin M, Güllü M, Öztürk K, Yetimoğlu E, Candan F. Prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease and Hyperuricemia in Gout Arthritis Patients. Acta Med. Alanya. 2019;3(1):54-8.


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