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Brusellozun Tanısında Yeni Bir Metot Olan Brucella Coombs Gel Testin Diğer Yöntemlerle Karşılaştırılması

Year 2020, , 56 - 60, 02.03.2020


Amaç: Bu çalışmada, rutin laboratuvarlarda brusellozun tanısında kullanılan Brucella immuncapture test (BCAP), Rose Bengal (RB), Standart Tüp Aglütinasyon (STA) ve ELISA testleri ile yeni bir serolojik test olan Brucella Coombs Gel Test (BCGT)’in etkinliğinin karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır.

Hastalar ve Yöntem: Dâhiliye, enfeksiyon hastalıkları ve pediatri kliniklerinden bruselloz ön tanısı ile laboratuvarımıza gönderilen 107 hastaya ait serum örneklerinde BCAP, RB, STA, ELISA IgG/IgM ve BCGT testleri uygulanmıştır. Cohen’s Kappa testi ile tanı testleri arasındaki uyum istatistiksel olarak analiz edilmiştir. Ayrıca, BCGT testinin duyarlılık, özgüllük, pozitif ve negatif prediktif değerleri saptanmıştır.

Bulgular: Elde edilen verilere göre; 107 hastanın 102’si (95.3%) BCAP testi ile 96’sı (%89.7) RB testi ile 80’i (%74.8) STA testi ile 100’ü (%93.5) BCGT ile 104’ü (%97.2) ELISA IgG testi ile ve 101’i (94.3%) ELISA IgM testi ile pozitif olarak tespit edilmiştir. Yapılan istatistiksel analizler sonucunda (Cohen’s Kappa Test), BCAP ile BCGT (κ=0.824) arasında güçlü uyum saptanmıştır. Ayrıca BCGT testinin duyarlılık ve özgüllüğü sırasıyla %98.08 ve %71.43 olarak saptanmıştır.

Sonuç: BCGT insan brusellozunun tanısında kullanılabilecek umut vadeden bir teknik gibi görünen, hızlı, az maliyetli ve yüksek duyarlılığa sahip bir testtir. Ancak, bu testin rutin laboratuvarlarında kullanılabilirliğini destekleyecek daha fazla bilimsel çalışmaya ihtiyaç vardır.

Supporting Institution

Kafkas Üniversitesi BAP Koordinatörlüğü

Project Number



Kafkas Üniversitesi BAP Koordinatörlüğü'ne ve Zakir Zeki ÇALIK'a desteklerinden ötürü teşekkür ederiz.


  • 1. Christopher S, Umapathy BL, Ravikumar KL. Brucellosis: review on the recent trends in pathogenicity and laboratory diagnosis. J Lab Physicians. 2010;2(2):55-60. doi: 10.4103/0974-2727.72149.
  • 2. Franco MP, Mulder M, Gilman RH, Smits HL. Human brucellosis. Lancet Infect Dis. 2007;7(12):775-86. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(07)70286-4.
  • 3. Nielsen K, Yu WL. Serological diagnosis of brucellosis. Prilozi. 2010;31(1):65-89. PMID: 20703184.
  • 4. Franco MP, Mulder M, Gilman RH, Smits HL. Human brucellosis. Lancet Infect Dis. 2007;7(12):775-86. PMID: 18045560.
  • 5. Güzelant A, Kurtoğlu MG, Kaya M, Keşli R, Terzi Y, Baysal B. Brusellozis’in tanısında brucellacapt’in diğer serolojik testler ile karşılaştırılması. Selçuk Tıp Derg. 2009;25(3):125-31.
  • 6. Ruiz-Mesa JD, Sanchez-Gonzalez J, Reguera JM, Martin L, Lopez-Palmero S, Colmenero JD. Rose Bengal test: diagnostic yield and use for the rapid diagnosis of human brucellosis in emergency departments in endemic areas. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2005;11(3):221-5. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-0691.2004.01063.x
  • 7. Aliskan H. [The value of culture and serological methods in the diagnosis of human brucellosis]. Mikrobiyol Bul. 2008;42(1):185-95. PMID: 18444578.
  • 8. Arabacı F, Oldacay M. Evaluation of serological diagnostic tests for Human Brucellosis in an endemic area. J Microbiol Infect Dis 2012;2(2):50-6. doi: 10.5799/ahinjs.02.2012.02.0042
  • 9. Peeridogaheh H, Golmohammadi MG, Pourfarzi F. Evaluation of ELISA and Brucellacapt tests for diagnosis of human Brucellosis. Iran J Microbiol. 2013;5(1):14-8. PMID: 23467496
  • 10. Ulu-Kilic A, Metan G, Alp E. Clinical presentations and diagnosis of brucellosis. Recent Pat Antiinfect Drug Discov. 2013;8(1):34-41. PMID: 22873352
  • 11. Alışkan H, Çolakoğlu Ş, Turunç T, Demiroğlu YZ, Yazici AC, Arslan H. Evaluation of Diagnostic Value of Brucellacapt Test in Brucellosis. Mikrobiyol Bül. 2007;41:591-5.
  • 12. Gomez MC, Nieto JA, Rosa C, Geijo P, Escribano MA, Munoz A, et al. Evaluation of seven tests for diagnosis of human brucellosis in an area where the disease is endemic. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2008;15(6):1031-3. doi: 10.1128/CVI.00424-07.
  • 13. Chavarria-Bolanos D, Rodriguez-Wong L, Noguera-Gonzalez D, Esparza-Villalpando V, Montero-Aguilar M, Pozos-Guillen A. Sensitivity, Specificity, Predictive Values, and Accuracy of Three Diagnostic Tests to Predict Inferior Alveolar Nerve Blockade Failure in Symptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis. Pain Res Manag. 2017; 2017:3108940. doi: 10.1155/2017/3108940.
  • 14. Kılıç S. Kappa test. Journal of Mood Disorders. 2015;5:142-4. doi: 10.5455/jmood.20150920115439
  • 15. Dias M, Dias S. Comparative evaluation of various serological tests in the laboratory diagnosis of Brucellosis. CHRISMED J Health Res. 2015;2:136-9. doi: 10.4103/2348-3334.153258
  • 16. Koçman EE, Erensoy MS, Taşbakan M, Çiçeklioğlu M. Comparison of standard agglutination tests, enzyme immunoassay, and Coombs gel test used in laboratory diagnosis of human brucellosis. Turk J Med Sci. 2018;23(1):62-7. doi: 10.3906/sag-1707-122.
  • 17. Turhanoglu NM, Gur Vural D. The comparison of Brucella gel agglutination test with other Brucella tests. Dicle Med J. 2015;42(4):422-6. doi: 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2015.04.0602
  • 18. Türk Dağı H, Fındık D. Bruselloz Tanısında Yeni Bir Yöntem: Brucella Coombs Gel Test. Genel Tıp Derg. 2016;26(1):19-22.
  • 19. Fadeel MA, Hoffmaster AR, Shi J, Pimentel G, Stoddard RA. Comparison of four commercial IgM and IgG ELISA kits for diagnosing brucellosis. J Med Microbiol. 2011;60(Pt 12):1767-73. doi: 10.1099/jmm.0.033381-0.
  • 20. Sharma HK, Kotwal SK, Singh DK, Malik MA, Kumar A, Rajagunalan S, et al. Seroprevalence of human brucellosis in and around Jammu, India, using different serological tests. Vet World. 2016;9(7):742-6. doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2016.742-746.
  • 21. Irvem A, Yucel FM, Aksaray S, Bor E. [Comparison of a new and rapid method, Brucella Coombs gel test with the other methods in the serological diagnosis of brucellosis]. Mikrobiyol Bul. 2015;49(2):181-7. doi: 10.5578/mb.8881.
  • 22. Kalem F, Ergun AG, Durmaz S, Dogan M, Ertugrul O, Gundem S. Comparison of a New and Rapid Method: Brucella Coombs Gel Test With Other Diagnostic Tests. J Clin Lab Anal. 2016;30(5):756-9. doi: 10.1002/jcla.21934.
  • 23. Hanci H, Igan H, Uyanik MH. Evaluation of a New and Rapid Serologic Test for Detecting Brucellosis: Brucella Coombs Gel Test. Pak J Biol Sci. 2017;20(2):108-12. doi: 10.3923/pjbs.2017.108.112.
  • 24. Koroglu M, Akkaya Aydemir O, Demiray T, Erkorkmaz U, Ozbek A, Altindis M. Comparative evaluation of the Brucella Coombs gel test in laboratory diagnosis of human brucellosis. Journal Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment. 2015;30(5):970-5. doi: 10.1080/13102818.2016.1190945

A comparison of a new diagnostic test of the human Brucellosis, the Brucella Coombs Gel Test, with other methods

Year 2020, , 56 - 60, 02.03.2020


Aim: The aim of this study was to compare the efficiency of the Brucella Coombs Gel Test (BCGT), a new serological diagnosis test, with the methods used in routine laboratory such as Brucella immuncapture test (BCAP), Standard Tube Agglutination (STA), Rose Bengal (RB) and ELISA for the diagnosis of brucellosis.

Patients and Method: The serum samples of 107 patients with a presumptive diagnosis of brucellosis sent from three different clinics (internal medicine, infectious disease and pediatric clinics) were subjected to four different diagnostic methods (BCAP, RB, STA, and ELISA). The correlations between these diagnostic tests were analyzed using the Cohen’s Kappa test. Additionally, sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, and accuracy of BCGT were measured.

Results: According to the obtained data, the positivity of different Brucella tests (BCAP, RB, STA, BCGT, ELISA IgG and IgM) were 102 (95.3%), 96 (89.7%), 80 (74.8%), 100 (93.5%), 104 (97.2%) and 101 (94.3%), respectively. According to the Kappa test results, there was strong agreement between BCAP and BCGT (κ=0.824). Furthermore, the sensitivity and specificity values of BCGT in our study were 98.08% and 71.43%, respectively.

Conclusion: BCGT is a rapid, cost-effective and highly sensitive test, which appears to be a promising technique for the diagnosis of human brucellosis; however, further scientific studies are needed to support the applicability of this test in routine laboratories.

Project Number



  • 1. Christopher S, Umapathy BL, Ravikumar KL. Brucellosis: review on the recent trends in pathogenicity and laboratory diagnosis. J Lab Physicians. 2010;2(2):55-60. doi: 10.4103/0974-2727.72149.
  • 2. Franco MP, Mulder M, Gilman RH, Smits HL. Human brucellosis. Lancet Infect Dis. 2007;7(12):775-86. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(07)70286-4.
  • 3. Nielsen K, Yu WL. Serological diagnosis of brucellosis. Prilozi. 2010;31(1):65-89. PMID: 20703184.
  • 4. Franco MP, Mulder M, Gilman RH, Smits HL. Human brucellosis. Lancet Infect Dis. 2007;7(12):775-86. PMID: 18045560.
  • 5. Güzelant A, Kurtoğlu MG, Kaya M, Keşli R, Terzi Y, Baysal B. Brusellozis’in tanısında brucellacapt’in diğer serolojik testler ile karşılaştırılması. Selçuk Tıp Derg. 2009;25(3):125-31.
  • 6. Ruiz-Mesa JD, Sanchez-Gonzalez J, Reguera JM, Martin L, Lopez-Palmero S, Colmenero JD. Rose Bengal test: diagnostic yield and use for the rapid diagnosis of human brucellosis in emergency departments in endemic areas. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2005;11(3):221-5. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-0691.2004.01063.x
  • 7. Aliskan H. [The value of culture and serological methods in the diagnosis of human brucellosis]. Mikrobiyol Bul. 2008;42(1):185-95. PMID: 18444578.
  • 8. Arabacı F, Oldacay M. Evaluation of serological diagnostic tests for Human Brucellosis in an endemic area. J Microbiol Infect Dis 2012;2(2):50-6. doi: 10.5799/ahinjs.02.2012.02.0042
  • 9. Peeridogaheh H, Golmohammadi MG, Pourfarzi F. Evaluation of ELISA and Brucellacapt tests for diagnosis of human Brucellosis. Iran J Microbiol. 2013;5(1):14-8. PMID: 23467496
  • 10. Ulu-Kilic A, Metan G, Alp E. Clinical presentations and diagnosis of brucellosis. Recent Pat Antiinfect Drug Discov. 2013;8(1):34-41. PMID: 22873352
  • 11. Alışkan H, Çolakoğlu Ş, Turunç T, Demiroğlu YZ, Yazici AC, Arslan H. Evaluation of Diagnostic Value of Brucellacapt Test in Brucellosis. Mikrobiyol Bül. 2007;41:591-5.
  • 12. Gomez MC, Nieto JA, Rosa C, Geijo P, Escribano MA, Munoz A, et al. Evaluation of seven tests for diagnosis of human brucellosis in an area where the disease is endemic. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2008;15(6):1031-3. doi: 10.1128/CVI.00424-07.
  • 13. Chavarria-Bolanos D, Rodriguez-Wong L, Noguera-Gonzalez D, Esparza-Villalpando V, Montero-Aguilar M, Pozos-Guillen A. Sensitivity, Specificity, Predictive Values, and Accuracy of Three Diagnostic Tests to Predict Inferior Alveolar Nerve Blockade Failure in Symptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis. Pain Res Manag. 2017; 2017:3108940. doi: 10.1155/2017/3108940.
  • 14. Kılıç S. Kappa test. Journal of Mood Disorders. 2015;5:142-4. doi: 10.5455/jmood.20150920115439
  • 15. Dias M, Dias S. Comparative evaluation of various serological tests in the laboratory diagnosis of Brucellosis. CHRISMED J Health Res. 2015;2:136-9. doi: 10.4103/2348-3334.153258
  • 16. Koçman EE, Erensoy MS, Taşbakan M, Çiçeklioğlu M. Comparison of standard agglutination tests, enzyme immunoassay, and Coombs gel test used in laboratory diagnosis of human brucellosis. Turk J Med Sci. 2018;23(1):62-7. doi: 10.3906/sag-1707-122.
  • 17. Turhanoglu NM, Gur Vural D. The comparison of Brucella gel agglutination test with other Brucella tests. Dicle Med J. 2015;42(4):422-6. doi: 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2015.04.0602
  • 18. Türk Dağı H, Fındık D. Bruselloz Tanısında Yeni Bir Yöntem: Brucella Coombs Gel Test. Genel Tıp Derg. 2016;26(1):19-22.
  • 19. Fadeel MA, Hoffmaster AR, Shi J, Pimentel G, Stoddard RA. Comparison of four commercial IgM and IgG ELISA kits for diagnosing brucellosis. J Med Microbiol. 2011;60(Pt 12):1767-73. doi: 10.1099/jmm.0.033381-0.
  • 20. Sharma HK, Kotwal SK, Singh DK, Malik MA, Kumar A, Rajagunalan S, et al. Seroprevalence of human brucellosis in and around Jammu, India, using different serological tests. Vet World. 2016;9(7):742-6. doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2016.742-746.
  • 21. Irvem A, Yucel FM, Aksaray S, Bor E. [Comparison of a new and rapid method, Brucella Coombs gel test with the other methods in the serological diagnosis of brucellosis]. Mikrobiyol Bul. 2015;49(2):181-7. doi: 10.5578/mb.8881.
  • 22. Kalem F, Ergun AG, Durmaz S, Dogan M, Ertugrul O, Gundem S. Comparison of a New and Rapid Method: Brucella Coombs Gel Test With Other Diagnostic Tests. J Clin Lab Anal. 2016;30(5):756-9. doi: 10.1002/jcla.21934.
  • 23. Hanci H, Igan H, Uyanik MH. Evaluation of a New and Rapid Serologic Test for Detecting Brucellosis: Brucella Coombs Gel Test. Pak J Biol Sci. 2017;20(2):108-12. doi: 10.3923/pjbs.2017.108.112.
  • 24. Koroglu M, Akkaya Aydemir O, Demiray T, Erkorkmaz U, Ozbek A, Altindis M. Comparative evaluation of the Brucella Coombs gel test in laboratory diagnosis of human brucellosis. Journal Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment. 2015;30(5):970-5. doi: 10.1080/13102818.2016.1190945
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Research Article

Murat Karameşe 0000-0001-7803-1462

Osman Acar This is me 0000-0001-7922-0169

Project Number 2015-TS-16
Publication Date March 2, 2020
Submission Date November 14, 2019
Acceptance Date January 5, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


Vancouver Karameşe M, Acar O. A comparison of a new diagnostic test of the human Brucellosis, the Brucella Coombs Gel Test, with other methods. Acta Med. Alanya. 2020;4(1):56-60.


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