Research Article
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The Protective Effects Of Beta Glucan Against Experimental Renal Ischemia Reperfusion Injury

Year 2022, , 80 - 86, 27.03.2022


Aim: This study aims to investigate the possible protective effects of beta-glucan against oxidative stress caused by ischemia and reperfusion injury in kidney tissue.

Methods: In the study, 30 male Wistar albino rats weighing 300-350g were used (n=10). Rats were randomly grouped into three groups of Sham control, ischemia reperfusion group (IR), ischemia reperfusion + beta glucan group (IR + BG). Sham group had left nephrectomy, the right kidney taken for histopathologic and biochemical examination. After left nephrectomy in IR group, ischemia procedure was applied for 45 minutes via nontraumatic microvascular clamp, then reperfusion was applied for 60 minutes in the right kidney. In the IR+BG group, rats were administered 100 mg/kg beta glucan via gastric gavage for 10 days. Reperfusion was applied for 60 minutes after 45 minutes of ischemia to the right kidney under anesthesia.

Results: As a result of biochemical examination MDA values showed a significant increase in IR group compared to Sham group (p<0,05). In IR+BG group, there was a significant decrease compared to IR group (p<0,05). Tissue MPO values in IR group showed a significant increase compared to Sham group, whereas in the IR+BG group there was not a significant decrease. Also, there was not a significant difference in tissue catalase levels. Tissue GSH values showed a significant decrease in IR group compared to Sham group (p<0,05). In the IR+BG group a significant increase was found compared to IR group (p<0,05). Less damage has been revealed in the IR+BG group compared to IR group in histopathologic examination.

Conclusion: All these data show that beta glucan may have an antioxidant effect on renal ischemia reperfusion injury.

Supporting Institution

Aydin Adnan Menderes University, Scientific Research Projects Committee

Project Number



Authors, thanks to Histology and Embryology Department, Aydin Adnan Menderes University, Faculty of Medicine for their contribution.


  • 1. Aydoğdu N, Kaymak K, Yalçın Ö. Effects of N-Acetylcysteine in Renal Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in the Rats. Firat Med J. 2005;10(4):151-155
  • 2. Bedirli A, Gokahmetoglu S, Sakrak O, Ersoz N, Ayangil D, Esin H. Prevention of intraperitoneal adhesion formation using beta-glucan after ileocolic anastomosis in a rat bacterial peritonitis model. Am J Surg. 2003;185(4):339-43. DOI:10.1016/S0002-9610(02)01418-6.
  • 3. Cotran RS, Kumar V, Robbins SL. Pathologic Basis of Disease 9th Edition. Elsevier; 2014. p:960-1003
  • 4. Şener G, Toklu H, Ercan F, Erkanlı G. Protective Effect of Beta-Glucan Againts Oxidative Organ Injury in Rat Model of Sepsis. Int Immunopharmacol. 2005;5(9):1387-96. DOI:10.1016/j.intimp.2005.03.007.
  • 5. Şener G, Toklu H.Z, Çetinel Ş. Beta-Glucan Protects Against Chronic Nicotine- Induced Oxidative Damage in Kidney and Bladder. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. 2007;23(1):25-32. DOI:10.1016/j.etap.2006.06.003.
  • 6. Brown G.D, Gordon S. Immune recognition of fungal b-glucans. Cell Micr. 2005;7(4):471-9. DOI:10.1111/j.1462-5822.2005.00505.x.
  • 7. Brown G.D, Gordon S. Immune recognition: A new receptor for β-glucans. Nature. 2001;413(6851):36–7. DOI:10.1038/35092620.
  • 8. Yucel A, Aydogan M.S, Ucar M, Sarıcı K.B, Karaaslan M.G. Effects of Apocynin on Liver Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Rats. Transplant Proc. 2019;51(4):1180-3. DOI:10.1016/j.transproceed.2019.01.108.
  • 9. Soares B.L.F., Freitas M.A.L, Montero E.F.S, Pitta G.B.B, Junior F.M. Alprostadil attenuates inflammatory aspects and leucocytes adhesion on renal ischemia and reperfusion injury in rats. Acta Cir Bras. 2014;29 Suppl 2:55-60. DOI:10.1590/S0102 8650201400140011
  • 10. Amany A. Tohamy, Akmal A. El-Ghor, Soheir M. El-Nahas, Magda M. Noshy. Beta-Glucan inhibits the genotoxicity of cyclophosphamide, adriamycin and cisplatin. Mutat Res. 2003; 541(1-2):45-53. DOI:10.1016/S1383-5718(03)00184-0.
  • 11. Alkhalidi A.A, Aljumaily S, Taher MG, Mohammed ZI. Histopathological study and effect of β-glucan as immunomodulater in mice infected by absidia spp. Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci. 2019;7(6): 508-515. DOI:10.17582/journal.aavs.
  • 12. Novak M, Vetvicka V. Beta-Glucans, History, and the Present:Immunomodulatory Aspects and Mechanisms of Action. J Immunotoxicol. 2008;5(1):47–57. DOI: 10.1080/15476910802019045.
  • 13. Suzuki I, Hashimoto K, Ohno N, Tanaka H, Yadomae T. Immunomodulation by orally administered β-glucan in mice. Int J Immunopharmacol. 1989;11(7),761–9. DOI:10.1016/0192-0561(89)90130-6.
  • 14. Amirshahrokhi K and Bohlooli S. Effect of Methylsulfonylmethane on Paraquat-Induced Acute Lung and Liver Injury in Mice. Inflammation 2013;36(5):1111-21. DOI:10.1007/s10753-013-9645-8.
  • 15. Orak C, Şirinyıldız F, Yılmaz E.G, Cesur G, Ek R.O. Protective effects of Ficus carica seed oil on ischemia and reperfusion injury in a rat model of acute mesenteric ischemia. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2021,27(4) 402-9. DOI:10.14744/tjtes.2020.76767.
  • 16. Geller A, Shrestha R, Yan J. Yeast-Derived β-Glucan in Cancer: Novel Uses of a Traditional Therapeutic. Int. J. Mol.Sci. 2019;20(15):3618. DOI:10.3390/ijms20153618.
  • 17. Richter J, Svozil V, Kral V, Dobiasova L.R, Stiborova I, Vetvicka V. Clinical trials of yeast-derived β-(1,3) glucan in children: effects on innate immunity. Ann Transl Med. 2014;2(2):15 DOI:10.3978/j.issn.2305-5839.2014.02.01.
  • 18. Aydoğan M.S, Yucel A, Erdogan M.A, Polat A, Cetin A, Ucar M et al. Effects of Oral β- Glucan on Liver Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Rats. Transplant Proc. 2013;45(2):487-91. DOI:10.10116/j.transproceed.2012.07.154.
  • 19. Cetin E. Pretreatment with 𝜷-glucan attenuates isoprenaline-induced myocardial injury in rats. Exp Physiol. 2019;104(4):505–13. DOI:10.1113/EP086739.
  • 20. Gasanov F. Aytac B, Vuruskan H. The effects of tadalafil on renal ischemia reperfusion injury: an experimental study. Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 2011;11(3):158-62. DOI:10.17305/bjbms.2011.2567.
  • 21. Islam C.F, Mathie R.T, Dinneen M.D, Kiely E.A, Peters A.M, Grace P.A. Ischemia–reperfusion injury in the rat kidney the effect of preconditioning. Br J Urol. 1997;79(6):842–7. DOI:10.1046/j.1464-410x.1997.00209.x.
  • 22. Kayalı H, Özdağ M.F, Kahraman S, Aydin A, Gonul E, Sayal A, Odabasi Z et al. The Antioxidant Effect of Beta-Glucan on Oxidative Stress Status in Experimental Spinal Cord İnjury in Rats. Neurosurg Rev. 2005;28(4):298-302. DOI:10.1007/s10143-005-0389-2.
  • 23. Toklu H.Z, Şener G, Jahovic N, Uslu B, Arbak S, Yeğen B.Ç. Beta-glucan protects against burn-induced oxidative organ damage in rats. Int Immunopharmacol. 2006;6(2):156-69. DOI:10.1016/j.intimp.2005.07.016.
  • 24. Erkol H, Kahramansoy N, Kordon Ö, Büyükaşık O, Serin E, Kükner A. Effect of beta-glucan in lung damage secondary to experimental obstructive jaundice. Turk J Gastroenterol. 2012;23(1):38-45. DOI:10.4318/tjg.2012.0396.
  • 25. Rauscher F.M, Sonders R.A, Watkins J.B. Effects of Isoeugenol on oxidative stress pathways in normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. J Biochem Mol Toxicol. 2001;15(3), 159-64. DOI:10.1002/jbt.13.
  • 26. İlhan N, Şahin Ş, Seçkin D, İlhan N. Erythrocyte Antioxidative Enzyme Levels After Experimental Cardiac Ischemia-Reperfusion Damage. Fırat University Med J of Health Sci. 2002;16,3-4,251-5.
  • 27. Erkol H, Kahramansoy N, Kordon Ö, Büyükaşık O, Serin E, Ulaş N. Effects of beta-glucan on hepatic damage caused by obstructive jaundice. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2011;17 (4):303-307. DOI:10.5505/tjtes.2011.88964.

Beta Glukanin Deneysel Böbrek İskemi Reperfüzyon Hasarina Karşi Koruyucu Etkileri

Year 2022, , 80 - 86, 27.03.2022


Amaç: Bu çalışma, böbrek dokusunda iskemi ve reperfüzyon hasarının neden olduğu oksidatif strese karşı beta glukanın olası koruyucu etkilerini araştırmayı amaçlamaktadır.

Yöntem: Çalışmada 300-350 gr ağırlığında 30 adet erkek Wistar albino sıçan kullanıldı (n=10). Sıçanlar rastgele Sham kontrol, iskemi reperfüzyon grubu (İR), iskemi reperfüzyon + beta glukan grubu (IR + BG) olmak üzere üç gruba ayrıldı. Sham grubuna sol nefrektomi yapıldı, sağ böbrek histopatolojik ve biyokimyasal inceleme için alındı. İR grubunda sol nefrektomi sonrası travmatik olmayan mikrovasküler klemp ile 45 dakika iskemi prosedürü uygulandı, ardından sağ böbrekte 60 dakika reperfüzyon uygulandı. IR+BG grubunda, sıçanlara 10 gün süreyle 100 mg/kg beta glukan gastrik gavaj yoluyla uygulandı. Anestezi altında sağ böbreğe 45 dakikalık iskemi sonrası 60 dakika reperfüzyon uygulandı.

Bulgular: Biyokimyasal inceleme sonucunda MDA değerleri IR grubunda Sham grubuna göre anlamlı artış gösterdi (p<0,05). IR+BG grubunda IR grubuna göre anlamlı azalma oldu (p<0,05). IR grubunda doku MPO değerlerinde Sham grubuna göre anlamlı bir artış görülürken, IR+BG grubunda anlamlı bir azalma olmadı. Ayrıca doku katalaz seviyelerinde de anlamlı bir fark yoktu. Doku GSH değerleri IR grubunda Sham grubuna göre anlamlı düşüş gösterdi (p<0,05). IR+BG grubunda IR grubuna göre anlamlı artış bulundu (p<0,05). Histopatolojik incelemede IR+BG grubunda IR grubuna göre daha az hasar saptandı.

Sonuç: Tüm bu veriler, beta glukanın renal iskemi reperfüzyon hasarı üzerinde antioksidan etkiye sahip olabileceğini göstermektedir.

Project Number



  • 1. Aydoğdu N, Kaymak K, Yalçın Ö. Effects of N-Acetylcysteine in Renal Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in the Rats. Firat Med J. 2005;10(4):151-155
  • 2. Bedirli A, Gokahmetoglu S, Sakrak O, Ersoz N, Ayangil D, Esin H. Prevention of intraperitoneal adhesion formation using beta-glucan after ileocolic anastomosis in a rat bacterial peritonitis model. Am J Surg. 2003;185(4):339-43. DOI:10.1016/S0002-9610(02)01418-6.
  • 3. Cotran RS, Kumar V, Robbins SL. Pathologic Basis of Disease 9th Edition. Elsevier; 2014. p:960-1003
  • 4. Şener G, Toklu H, Ercan F, Erkanlı G. Protective Effect of Beta-Glucan Againts Oxidative Organ Injury in Rat Model of Sepsis. Int Immunopharmacol. 2005;5(9):1387-96. DOI:10.1016/j.intimp.2005.03.007.
  • 5. Şener G, Toklu H.Z, Çetinel Ş. Beta-Glucan Protects Against Chronic Nicotine- Induced Oxidative Damage in Kidney and Bladder. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. 2007;23(1):25-32. DOI:10.1016/j.etap.2006.06.003.
  • 6. Brown G.D, Gordon S. Immune recognition of fungal b-glucans. Cell Micr. 2005;7(4):471-9. DOI:10.1111/j.1462-5822.2005.00505.x.
  • 7. Brown G.D, Gordon S. Immune recognition: A new receptor for β-glucans. Nature. 2001;413(6851):36–7. DOI:10.1038/35092620.
  • 8. Yucel A, Aydogan M.S, Ucar M, Sarıcı K.B, Karaaslan M.G. Effects of Apocynin on Liver Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Rats. Transplant Proc. 2019;51(4):1180-3. DOI:10.1016/j.transproceed.2019.01.108.
  • 9. Soares B.L.F., Freitas M.A.L, Montero E.F.S, Pitta G.B.B, Junior F.M. Alprostadil attenuates inflammatory aspects and leucocytes adhesion on renal ischemia and reperfusion injury in rats. Acta Cir Bras. 2014;29 Suppl 2:55-60. DOI:10.1590/S0102 8650201400140011
  • 10. Amany A. Tohamy, Akmal A. El-Ghor, Soheir M. El-Nahas, Magda M. Noshy. Beta-Glucan inhibits the genotoxicity of cyclophosphamide, adriamycin and cisplatin. Mutat Res. 2003; 541(1-2):45-53. DOI:10.1016/S1383-5718(03)00184-0.
  • 11. Alkhalidi A.A, Aljumaily S, Taher MG, Mohammed ZI. Histopathological study and effect of β-glucan as immunomodulater in mice infected by absidia spp. Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci. 2019;7(6): 508-515. DOI:10.17582/journal.aavs.
  • 12. Novak M, Vetvicka V. Beta-Glucans, History, and the Present:Immunomodulatory Aspects and Mechanisms of Action. J Immunotoxicol. 2008;5(1):47–57. DOI: 10.1080/15476910802019045.
  • 13. Suzuki I, Hashimoto K, Ohno N, Tanaka H, Yadomae T. Immunomodulation by orally administered β-glucan in mice. Int J Immunopharmacol. 1989;11(7),761–9. DOI:10.1016/0192-0561(89)90130-6.
  • 14. Amirshahrokhi K and Bohlooli S. Effect of Methylsulfonylmethane on Paraquat-Induced Acute Lung and Liver Injury in Mice. Inflammation 2013;36(5):1111-21. DOI:10.1007/s10753-013-9645-8.
  • 15. Orak C, Şirinyıldız F, Yılmaz E.G, Cesur G, Ek R.O. Protective effects of Ficus carica seed oil on ischemia and reperfusion injury in a rat model of acute mesenteric ischemia. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2021,27(4) 402-9. DOI:10.14744/tjtes.2020.76767.
  • 16. Geller A, Shrestha R, Yan J. Yeast-Derived β-Glucan in Cancer: Novel Uses of a Traditional Therapeutic. Int. J. Mol.Sci. 2019;20(15):3618. DOI:10.3390/ijms20153618.
  • 17. Richter J, Svozil V, Kral V, Dobiasova L.R, Stiborova I, Vetvicka V. Clinical trials of yeast-derived β-(1,3) glucan in children: effects on innate immunity. Ann Transl Med. 2014;2(2):15 DOI:10.3978/j.issn.2305-5839.2014.02.01.
  • 18. Aydoğan M.S, Yucel A, Erdogan M.A, Polat A, Cetin A, Ucar M et al. Effects of Oral β- Glucan on Liver Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Rats. Transplant Proc. 2013;45(2):487-91. DOI:10.10116/j.transproceed.2012.07.154.
  • 19. Cetin E. Pretreatment with 𝜷-glucan attenuates isoprenaline-induced myocardial injury in rats. Exp Physiol. 2019;104(4):505–13. DOI:10.1113/EP086739.
  • 20. Gasanov F. Aytac B, Vuruskan H. The effects of tadalafil on renal ischemia reperfusion injury: an experimental study. Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 2011;11(3):158-62. DOI:10.17305/bjbms.2011.2567.
  • 21. Islam C.F, Mathie R.T, Dinneen M.D, Kiely E.A, Peters A.M, Grace P.A. Ischemia–reperfusion injury in the rat kidney the effect of preconditioning. Br J Urol. 1997;79(6):842–7. DOI:10.1046/j.1464-410x.1997.00209.x.
  • 22. Kayalı H, Özdağ M.F, Kahraman S, Aydin A, Gonul E, Sayal A, Odabasi Z et al. The Antioxidant Effect of Beta-Glucan on Oxidative Stress Status in Experimental Spinal Cord İnjury in Rats. Neurosurg Rev. 2005;28(4):298-302. DOI:10.1007/s10143-005-0389-2.
  • 23. Toklu H.Z, Şener G, Jahovic N, Uslu B, Arbak S, Yeğen B.Ç. Beta-glucan protects against burn-induced oxidative organ damage in rats. Int Immunopharmacol. 2006;6(2):156-69. DOI:10.1016/j.intimp.2005.07.016.
  • 24. Erkol H, Kahramansoy N, Kordon Ö, Büyükaşık O, Serin E, Kükner A. Effect of beta-glucan in lung damage secondary to experimental obstructive jaundice. Turk J Gastroenterol. 2012;23(1):38-45. DOI:10.4318/tjg.2012.0396.
  • 25. Rauscher F.M, Sonders R.A, Watkins J.B. Effects of Isoeugenol on oxidative stress pathways in normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. J Biochem Mol Toxicol. 2001;15(3), 159-64. DOI:10.1002/jbt.13.
  • 26. İlhan N, Şahin Ş, Seçkin D, İlhan N. Erythrocyte Antioxidative Enzyme Levels After Experimental Cardiac Ischemia-Reperfusion Damage. Fırat University Med J of Health Sci. 2002;16,3-4,251-5.
  • 27. Erkol H, Kahramansoy N, Kordon Ö, Büyükaşık O, Serin E, Ulaş N. Effects of beta-glucan on hepatic damage caused by obstructive jaundice. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2011;17 (4):303-307. DOI:10.5505/tjtes.2011.88964.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Research Article

Ayşegül Mavi Bulut 0000-0001-8657-1856

Ferhat Şirinyıldız 0000-0001-8800-9787

Cenk Orak 0000-0002-1028-3556

Gökhan Cesur 0000-0002-6943-7521

Project Number TPF-16034
Publication Date March 27, 2022
Submission Date September 17, 2021
Acceptance Date January 23, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


Vancouver Mavi Bulut A, Şirinyıldız F, Orak C, Cesur G. The Protective Effects Of Beta Glucan Against Experimental Renal Ischemia Reperfusion Injury. Acta Med. Alanya. 2022;6(1):80-6.


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