Research Article
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Larval Development of the Blue Dolphin Cichlid (Cyrtocara moorii Boulenger, 1902): Morphological Changes

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 32 - 40, 30.06.2024


In this study, the larval development of Cyrtocara moorii was examined morphologically and compared with other Cichlidae species. The important morphological changes and critical developmental stages that C. moorii larvae undergo were determined during the process from hatching up to 20 days. It was observed that the larvae had a large yolk sac, transparent bodies, and undeveloped fins in the first days. Important developmental events such as eye development, mouth opening, onset of free swimming behavior, fin formation, and increased pigmentation were recorded. It was determined that the larvae started free swimming between 6-9 days, the yolk sac was completely depleted on the 10th day, and the larval development was completed, reaching the juvenile form on the 15-20th days. When the larval development of C. moorii was compared with other Cichlidae species, species-specific differences were observed as well as some similarities. It is thought that these differences may be related to the ecological adaptations, reproductive strategies, and evolutionary history of the species. It is suggested that future research should comparatively examine the larval development processes of more Cichlidae species and elucidate the mechanisms underlying this diversity.


  • Balon, E. K. (1975). Terminology of intervals in fish development. Journal of the Fisheries Board of Canada, 32(9), 1663-1670.
  • Balon, E. K. (1977). Early ontogeny of Labeotropheus Ahl, 1927 (Mbuna, Cichlidae, Lake Malawi), with a discussion on advanced protective styles in fish reproduction and development. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 2(2), 147-176.
  • Balon, E. K. (1986). Types of feeding in the ontogeny of fishes and the life-history model. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 16(1-3), 11-24.
  • Balon, E. K. (1999). Alternative ways to become a juvenile or a definitive phenotype (and on some persisting linguistic offenses). Environmental Biology of Fishes, 56(1-2), 17-38.
  • Barley, A. J., & Coleman, R. M. (2010). Habitat structure directly affects aggression in convict cichlids Archocentrus nigrofasciatus. Current Zoology, 56(1), 52-56.
  • Baroiller, J. F., D'Cotta, H., & Saillant, E. (2009). Environmental effects on fish sex determination and differentiation. Sexual Development, 3(2-3), 118-135.
  • Buckley, J., Maunder, R. J., Foey, A., Pearce, J., Val, A. L., & Sloman, K. A. (2010). Biparental mucus feeding: a unique example of parental care in an Amazonian cichlid. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 213(22), 3787-3795.
  • Cacho, M. S. R. F., Yamamoto, M. E., & Chellappa, S. (2006). Mating system of the Amazonian cichlid angel fish, Pterophyllum scalare. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 66(1A), 161-165.
  • Chellappa, S., Yamamoto, M. E., Cacho, M. S. R. F., & Huntingford, F. A. (1999). Prior residence, body size and the dynamics of territorial disputes between male freshwater angelfish. Journal of Fish Biology, 55(6), 1163-1170.
  • Fuiman, L. A., & Werner, R. G. (Eds.). (2009). Fishery science: the unique contributions of early life stages. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Fujimura, K., & Okada, N. (2007). Development of the embryo, larva and early juvenile of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Pisces: Cichlidae). Developmental staging system. Development, Growth & Differentiation, 49(4), 301-324.
  • Fujimura, K., & Okada, N. (2008). Bone development in the jaw of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Pisces: Cichlidae). Development, Growth & Differentiation, 50(5), 339-355.
  • Helfman, G. S. (2007). Fish conservation: a guide to understanding and restoring global aquatic biodiversity and fishery resources. Island Press.
  • Henning, F., & Meyer, A. (2014). The evolutionary genomics of cichlid fishes: explosive speciation and adaptation in the postgenomic era. Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics, 15, 417-441.
  • Holden, K. K., & Bruton, M. N. (1994). The early ontogeny of the southern mouthbrooder, Pseudocrenilabrus philander (Pisces, Cichlidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes, 41(1-4), 311-329.
  • Houde, E. D. (1987). Fish early life dynamics and recruitment variability. American Fisheries Society Symposium, 2, 17-29.
  • Kendall, A. W., Ahlstrom, E. H., & Moser, H. G. (1984). Early life history stages of fishes and their characters. Ontogeny and Systematics of Fishes, 11-22.
  • Kocher, T. D. (2004). Adaptive evolution and explosive speciation: the cichlid fish model. Nature Reviews Genetics, 5(4), 288-298.
  • Koumoundouros, G., Divanach, P., & Kentouri, M. (2001). The effect of rearing temperature on development of the vertebral column and swim bladder in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L. 1758). Aquaculture, 196(1-2), 373-384.
  • Kratochwil, C. F., Sefton, M. M., & Meyer, A. (2015). Embryonic and larval development of the Midas cichlid fish species complex (Amphilophus spp.) in Nicaragua. Journal of Morphology, 276(11), 1377-1392.
  • Livengood, E. J., & Chapman, F. A. (2007). The ornamental fish trade: An introduction with perspectives for responsible aquarium fish ownership. University of Florida IFAS Extension, FA124, 1-8.
  • Meijide, F. J., & Guerrero, G. A. (2000). Embryonic and larval development of a substrate-brooding cichlid Cichlasoma dimerus (Heckel, 1840) under laboratory conditions. Journal of Zoology, 252(4), 481-493.
  • Meyer, A. (1993). Phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary processes in East African cichlid fishes. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 8(8), 279-284.
  • Nakatani, K., Agostinho, A. A., Baumgartner, G., Bialetzki, A., Sanches, P. V., Makrakis, M. C., & Pavanelli, C. S. (2001). Eggs and larvae of freshwater fish: development and identification manual. Maringá: EDUEM.
  • Noakes, D.L. (1991). Ontogeny of behaviour in cichlids. In M. H. A. Keenleyside (Ed.), Cichlid fishes: behaviour, ecology and evolution (pp. 209-224).
  • Pandolfi, M., Franchioni, E., & Cussac, V.E. (2009). Early development and allometric growth in Satanoperca pappaterra (Heckel, 1840) (Teleostei: Cichlidae). Neotropical Ichthyology, 7(3), 451-458.
  • Pandolfi, M., Rocha, O., & Rocha, R.M. (2009). Early development of the South American cichlid Geophagus brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) under laboratory conditions. Neotropical Ichthyology, 7(3), 479-490.
  • Rana, K.J. (1988). Reproductive biology and the hatchery rearing of tilapia eggs and fry. In R.S.V. Pullin (Ed.), The Second International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture (pp. 343-406). ICLARM Conference Proceedings 15.
  • Ribbink, A.J., Marsh, B.A., Marsh, A.C.,Ribbink, A.C., & Sharp, B.J. (1983). A preliminary survey of the cichlid fishes of rocky habitats in Lake Malawi. South African Journal of Zoology,18(3),149-310.
  • Salzburger, W., & Meyer, A. (2004). The species flocks of East African cichlid fishes: recent advances in molecular phylogenetics and population genetics. Naturwissenschaften, 91(6), 277-290.
  • Sefc, K.M. (2011). Mating and parental care in Lake Tanganyika’s cichlids. International Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2011, 470875.
  • Sfakianakis, D.G., Leris, I., Kentouri, M., & Koumoundouros, G. (2011). The effect of rearing temperature on development of the vertebral column and swim bladder in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L. 1758). Aquaculture, 315(1-2), 77-81.
  • Shibatta, O.A., & Dias, R.M. (2006). Early development and allometric growth in Astronotus ocellatus (Cuvier, 1829) (Teleostei: Cichlidae). Neotropical Ichthyology, 4(3), 383-388.
  • Stauffer, J.R., Bowers, N.J., Kellogg, K.A., & McKaye, K.R. (1997). A revision of the blue-black Pseudotropheus zebra(Teleostei: Cichlidae) complex from Lake Malawi, Africa, with a description of a new genus and ten new species. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 148, 189-230.
  • Stauffer, J.R., & Hert, E. (1992). Pseudotropheus callainos, a new species of mbuna (Cichlidae), with analyses of changes associated with two intra-lacustrine transplantations in Lake Malawi, Africa. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 3(3), 253-264.
  • Stiassny, M.L., & Meyer, A. (1999).Cichlids of the rift lakes. Scientific American, 280(2), 64-69.
  • Takahashi, T. (2003). Systematics of Tanganyikan cichlid fishes (Teleostei: Perciformes). Ichthyological Research, 50(4), 367-382.

Yunus Ciklit Balığının Larval Gelişimi (Cyrtocara moorii Boulenger, 1902): Morfolojik Değişiklikler

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 32 - 40, 30.06.2024


Bu çalışmada, Cyrtocara moorii'nin larval gelişimi morfolojik açıdan incelenmiş ve diğer Cichlidae türleriyle karşılaştırılmıştır. Yumurtadan çıkıştan itibaren 20 güne kadar olan süreçte, C. moorii larvalarının geçirdiği önemli morfolojik değişimler ve kritik gelişim aşamaları belirlenmiştir. Larvaların ilk günlerde büyük bir besin kesesine sahip olduğu, vücutlarının şeffaf olduğu ve yüzgeçlerin gelişmemiş olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Gözlerin gelişimi, ağzın açılması, serbest yüzme davranışının başlaması, yüzgeçlerin oluşumu ve pigmentasyonun artması gibi önemli gelişim olayları kaydedilmiştir. Larvaların 6-9. günler arasında serbest yüzmeye başladığı, 10. günde besin kesesinin tamamen tükendiği ve 15-20. günlerde larval gelişimin tamamlanarak jüvenil forma ulaşıldığı belirlenmiştir. C. moorii'nin larval gelişimi, diğer Cichlidae türleriyle karşılaştırıldığında, bazı benzerliklerin yanı sıra türe özgü farklılıklar da gözlemlenmiştir. Bu farklılıkların, türlerin ekolojik adaptasyonları, üreme stratejileri ve evrimsel geçmişleriyle ilişkili olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Gelecekteki araştırmaların, daha fazla Cichlidae türünün larval gelişim süreçlerini karşılaştırmalı olarak incelemesi ve bu çeşitliliğin altında yatan mekanizmaları aydınlatması önerilmektedir.


  • Balon, E. K. (1975). Terminology of intervals in fish development. Journal of the Fisheries Board of Canada, 32(9), 1663-1670.
  • Balon, E. K. (1977). Early ontogeny of Labeotropheus Ahl, 1927 (Mbuna, Cichlidae, Lake Malawi), with a discussion on advanced protective styles in fish reproduction and development. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 2(2), 147-176.
  • Balon, E. K. (1986). Types of feeding in the ontogeny of fishes and the life-history model. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 16(1-3), 11-24.
  • Balon, E. K. (1999). Alternative ways to become a juvenile or a definitive phenotype (and on some persisting linguistic offenses). Environmental Biology of Fishes, 56(1-2), 17-38.
  • Barley, A. J., & Coleman, R. M. (2010). Habitat structure directly affects aggression in convict cichlids Archocentrus nigrofasciatus. Current Zoology, 56(1), 52-56.
  • Baroiller, J. F., D'Cotta, H., & Saillant, E. (2009). Environmental effects on fish sex determination and differentiation. Sexual Development, 3(2-3), 118-135.
  • Buckley, J., Maunder, R. J., Foey, A., Pearce, J., Val, A. L., & Sloman, K. A. (2010). Biparental mucus feeding: a unique example of parental care in an Amazonian cichlid. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 213(22), 3787-3795.
  • Cacho, M. S. R. F., Yamamoto, M. E., & Chellappa, S. (2006). Mating system of the Amazonian cichlid angel fish, Pterophyllum scalare. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 66(1A), 161-165.
  • Chellappa, S., Yamamoto, M. E., Cacho, M. S. R. F., & Huntingford, F. A. (1999). Prior residence, body size and the dynamics of territorial disputes between male freshwater angelfish. Journal of Fish Biology, 55(6), 1163-1170.
  • Fuiman, L. A., & Werner, R. G. (Eds.). (2009). Fishery science: the unique contributions of early life stages. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Fujimura, K., & Okada, N. (2007). Development of the embryo, larva and early juvenile of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Pisces: Cichlidae). Developmental staging system. Development, Growth & Differentiation, 49(4), 301-324.
  • Fujimura, K., & Okada, N. (2008). Bone development in the jaw of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Pisces: Cichlidae). Development, Growth & Differentiation, 50(5), 339-355.
  • Helfman, G. S. (2007). Fish conservation: a guide to understanding and restoring global aquatic biodiversity and fishery resources. Island Press.
  • Henning, F., & Meyer, A. (2014). The evolutionary genomics of cichlid fishes: explosive speciation and adaptation in the postgenomic era. Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics, 15, 417-441.
  • Holden, K. K., & Bruton, M. N. (1994). The early ontogeny of the southern mouthbrooder, Pseudocrenilabrus philander (Pisces, Cichlidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes, 41(1-4), 311-329.
  • Houde, E. D. (1987). Fish early life dynamics and recruitment variability. American Fisheries Society Symposium, 2, 17-29.
  • Kendall, A. W., Ahlstrom, E. H., & Moser, H. G. (1984). Early life history stages of fishes and their characters. Ontogeny and Systematics of Fishes, 11-22.
  • Kocher, T. D. (2004). Adaptive evolution and explosive speciation: the cichlid fish model. Nature Reviews Genetics, 5(4), 288-298.
  • Koumoundouros, G., Divanach, P., & Kentouri, M. (2001). The effect of rearing temperature on development of the vertebral column and swim bladder in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L. 1758). Aquaculture, 196(1-2), 373-384.
  • Kratochwil, C. F., Sefton, M. M., & Meyer, A. (2015). Embryonic and larval development of the Midas cichlid fish species complex (Amphilophus spp.) in Nicaragua. Journal of Morphology, 276(11), 1377-1392.
  • Livengood, E. J., & Chapman, F. A. (2007). The ornamental fish trade: An introduction with perspectives for responsible aquarium fish ownership. University of Florida IFAS Extension, FA124, 1-8.
  • Meijide, F. J., & Guerrero, G. A. (2000). Embryonic and larval development of a substrate-brooding cichlid Cichlasoma dimerus (Heckel, 1840) under laboratory conditions. Journal of Zoology, 252(4), 481-493.
  • Meyer, A. (1993). Phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary processes in East African cichlid fishes. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 8(8), 279-284.
  • Nakatani, K., Agostinho, A. A., Baumgartner, G., Bialetzki, A., Sanches, P. V., Makrakis, M. C., & Pavanelli, C. S. (2001). Eggs and larvae of freshwater fish: development and identification manual. Maringá: EDUEM.
  • Noakes, D.L. (1991). Ontogeny of behaviour in cichlids. In M. H. A. Keenleyside (Ed.), Cichlid fishes: behaviour, ecology and evolution (pp. 209-224).
  • Pandolfi, M., Franchioni, E., & Cussac, V.E. (2009). Early development and allometric growth in Satanoperca pappaterra (Heckel, 1840) (Teleostei: Cichlidae). Neotropical Ichthyology, 7(3), 451-458.
  • Pandolfi, M., Rocha, O., & Rocha, R.M. (2009). Early development of the South American cichlid Geophagus brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) under laboratory conditions. Neotropical Ichthyology, 7(3), 479-490.
  • Rana, K.J. (1988). Reproductive biology and the hatchery rearing of tilapia eggs and fry. In R.S.V. Pullin (Ed.), The Second International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture (pp. 343-406). ICLARM Conference Proceedings 15.
  • Ribbink, A.J., Marsh, B.A., Marsh, A.C.,Ribbink, A.C., & Sharp, B.J. (1983). A preliminary survey of the cichlid fishes of rocky habitats in Lake Malawi. South African Journal of Zoology,18(3),149-310.
  • Salzburger, W., & Meyer, A. (2004). The species flocks of East African cichlid fishes: recent advances in molecular phylogenetics and population genetics. Naturwissenschaften, 91(6), 277-290.
  • Sefc, K.M. (2011). Mating and parental care in Lake Tanganyika’s cichlids. International Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2011, 470875.
  • Sfakianakis, D.G., Leris, I., Kentouri, M., & Koumoundouros, G. (2011). The effect of rearing temperature on development of the vertebral column and swim bladder in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L. 1758). Aquaculture, 315(1-2), 77-81.
  • Shibatta, O.A., & Dias, R.M. (2006). Early development and allometric growth in Astronotus ocellatus (Cuvier, 1829) (Teleostei: Cichlidae). Neotropical Ichthyology, 4(3), 383-388.
  • Stauffer, J.R., Bowers, N.J., Kellogg, K.A., & McKaye, K.R. (1997). A revision of the blue-black Pseudotropheus zebra(Teleostei: Cichlidae) complex from Lake Malawi, Africa, with a description of a new genus and ten new species. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 148, 189-230.
  • Stauffer, J.R., & Hert, E. (1992). Pseudotropheus callainos, a new species of mbuna (Cichlidae), with analyses of changes associated with two intra-lacustrine transplantations in Lake Malawi, Africa. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 3(3), 253-264.
  • Stiassny, M.L., & Meyer, A. (1999).Cichlids of the rift lakes. Scientific American, 280(2), 64-69.
  • Takahashi, T. (2003). Systematics of Tanganyikan cichlid fishes (Teleostei: Perciformes). Ichthyological Research, 50(4), 367-382.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Aquaculture and Fisheries (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

İhsan Çelik 0000-0001-7831-9175

Pinar Çelik 0000-0002-4417-3574

Bahadır Rıfat Yalçın 0000-0003-0910-2495

Early Pub Date May 16, 2024
Publication Date June 30, 2024
Submission Date March 28, 2024
Acceptance Date May 6, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Çelik, İ., Çelik, P., & Yalçın, B. R. (2024). Larval Development of the Blue Dolphin Cichlid (Cyrtocara moorii Boulenger, 1902): Morphological Changes. Mediterranean Fisheries and Aquaculture Research, 7(1), 32-40.

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