Research Article
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Histopathology of gill parasites ın cultured seabream (Sparus Aurata) and seabass (Dicentrarchus Labrax)

Year 2024, , 377 - 384, 31.12.2024


This study was carried out to define the gill parasitic diseases and histopathological findings of seabream and seabass, which are frequently cultured in Turkey. The material of the research consists of dead fish samples suspected of disease that came to the Kanyon Akua Veterinary Clinic Disease Diagnosis Laboratory between January 2021 and January 2022. A total of 5,250 fish, including 3,150 seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) (D. labrax) and 2,100 seabream (Sparus aurata) (S. aurata), weighing between 2-350 g, were used in the study. After the total length and weight of the samples were measured, they were divided into groups for pathological and parasitological examinations. As a result of the examinations, eight different parasites were detected, which caused intense infestation in sea bream and sea bass fish. Among these disease agents seen in seabass; Diplectanum spp., Cryptocaryon spp., Amyloodinium spp., Trichodina spp, Cryptobia spp., Costia spp. Parasites seen in sea bream were; Microcotyle spp., Furnestinia spp., Trichodina spp., Costia spp. The parasites seen in both are; Trichodina spp. and Costia spp. The most common histopathological findings were lamellar edema, necrosis, hemorrhage, telangiectasia, lamellar fusion, spills, infiltration of macrophage, lymphocyte and eosinophilic granulated cells. The most common parasitic agent in the field seabass was Diplectanum spp. and the most common parasitic agent in seabream was Microcotyle spp. The highest mortality (10%) and the most severe histopathological lesions were detected in Amyloodinium spp. The incidence of multiple agents (multi-parasitism) in the cases was higher than the dence of single agents.

Ethical Statement

Since paraffin sections of the gills of fish that had died naturally were examined in the study, an ethics committee certificate was not required.

Supporting Institution

Aydın Adnan Menderes University. Project number: VTF-19032.

Project Number

This study is summarized from the doctoral thesis of the same name and was supported by Research Fund the Aydın Adnan Menderes University. Project number: VTF-19032.


  • Abreu, P.C., Robaldo, R.B., Sampaio, L.A., Bianchini, A., & Odebrecht, C. (2005). Recurrent Amyloodiniosison brood-stock of the Brazilian flounder Paralichthys orbignyanus: dino-spore monitoring and prophylactic measures. The Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 36(1), 42-50.
  • Alvarez-Pellitero, P. (2004). Report about fish parasitic di-seases. In: P. Alvarez-Pellitero JL, Barja B, Basurco F, Berthe A.E, Toranzo, editors. Mediterranean Aquaculture Diagnostic Laboratories. CIHEAM/FAO. Etudes et Recherches. Zarago-za, p.103-129.
  • Antonelli, L., Quilichini, Y., & Marchand, B. (2010). Biolog-ical study of Furnestinia echeneis Euzet and Audouin 1959 (Monogenea: Monopisthocotylea: Diplectanidae), parasite of cultured Gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata (Linnaeus 1758) (Pisces: Teleostei) from Corsica. Aquaculture, 307, 179-186.
  • Arıkan, M.S., & Aral, Y. (2019). Economic analysis of aqua-culture enterprises and determination of factors affecting sus-tainability of the sector in Turkey. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteri-ner Fakültesi Dergisi, 66, 59-66.
  • Basson, L., & Van As J. (2006). Trichodinidae and other cil-iophorans (Phylum Ciliophora). Fish Diseases and Disorders; Vol. 1. Protozoan and Metazoan Infections. 2nd. ed. CABI, Oxford, p. 154-182
  • Cruz Silva, M.P., Freitas, M.S., & Orge, M.L. (1997). Co-in-fection by monogenetic trematodes of the genus Microcoty-le, (Beneden&Hesse 1863), Lamellodiscus ignoratus (Palombi 1943), the protozoan Trichodina sp. (Ehrenberg 1838) and the presence of epitheliocystis, Vibrio alginolyticus and V. vulnifi-cus in cultured sea bream (Sparus aurata) in Portugal. Europe-an Association of Fish Pathologists, 17, 40-2.
  • Culling, A.F., Allison, T.R., & Barr, T.W. (1985). Cellular Pa-thology Technique. 4th. ed. London: Butterworth&Co, p.269-270.
  • Çoban, D., Demircan, M.D., & Tosun, D.D. (2020). Disease problems of marine cultured fish in Turkey: Agents, detection and treatments. Demircan MD, Midilli, S, Dereli M, Otgucuoğ-lu Ö, editors. Marine Aquaculture in Turkey: Advancements and Management İstanbul: Turkish Marine Research Founda-tion (TUDAV), p.165-199.
  • Demir, O. (2011). Türkiye Su Ürünleri Yetiştiriciliği ve Yem Sektörüne Genel Bakış-II, ISUBÜ. Suleyman Demirel Uni-versity, Egirdir Fisheries Faculty, 7(1), 39-49.
  • Desdevises, Y. (2001). The phylogenetic position of Fur-nestinia echeneis (Monogenea, Diplectanidae) based on mo-lecular data: a case of morphological adaptation. International Journal for Parasitology, 31, 205-8.
  • Faisal, M., & Imam, E.A. (1990). Microcotyl echrysophrii (Monogenea: Polyopisthocotylea), a pathogen of cultured and wild gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata. Perkins FO, Cheng TC, editors. Pathology in Marine Science. San Diego: Academic Press, p.283-290.
  • Francis, R.F., &Floyd, M.R. (2011). Amyloodinium ocella-tum, an Important Parasite of Cultured Marine Fish. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, 4705, 1-11.
  • Gıda ve Tarım Örgütü [FAO]. Dünyada Balıkçılık ve Su Ürünleri Yetiştiriciliğinin Durumu. 2018;http://www.fao. org/3/CA0191TR/ca0191tr.pdf.
  • González-Lanza, C., Alvarez-Pellitero, P., & Sitja-Bobadilla, A. (1991). Diplectanidae (Monogenea) infestations of sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (L.), from the Spanish Mediterraneanar-ea. Parasitology Research, 77, 307-314.
  • Guerra Santos, B., Albinati, R.C., Moreira, E.L.T., Lima, F.W., Azevedo, T.M., & Costa, D.S.P. (2012). Parametros hema-tologicos e alteraçoes histopatologicas em bijupira (Rachycen-tron canadum; Linnaeus, 1766) com amyloodiniose. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira, 32(11), 1184-1190.
  • Hoffman, G.L. (1999). Parasites of North American Fresh-water Fish, 2nd ed. Ithaca: Cornell University. Isaksen, T.E. (2013). Ichthyobodo infections on farmed and wild fish Methods for detection and identification of Ichthyo-bodo spp., PhD, Norway:University of Bergen.
  • Khalil, R.H., Medhat, S.S., Hanan, A.G., Khallaf, M., Sherif, E.S., Amira, A.E.D.O. (2018). Seasonal Parasitic Infestations and their Close Relationship to Immune Suppression in Cul-tured Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and Sea Bream (Sparus auratus). Biomed J Sci&Tech R Biomedical Journal of Scienti-fic & Technical Research, 6(4), 1-9.
  • Kozloff, E.N. (2004). Redescription of Cryptobiahelicis (Leidy, 1846) (Kinetoplasta: Bodonea: Cryptobiidae), disposi-tion of flagellates mistakenly assigned to this species and de-scription of a new species from a North American Pulmonate Snail. Acta Protozoologica, 43, 123-132.
  • Kuperman, B.I., Matey, V.E., & Barlow, S.B. (2002). Flag-ellate Cryptobia branchialis (Bodonida: Kinetoplastida), ec-toparasite of tilapia from the Salton Sea. Hydrobiological, 473(1/3), 93-102.
  • Llewellyn, J. (1957). The larvae of some monogenetic trem-atode parasites of Plymouth Fishes. Journal of the Marine Bi-ological Association UK, 36, 243-259.
  • Lom, J. (1958). A contribution to the systematic and mor-phology of end oparasitictrichodinids from amphibians with proposal of uniform specific characteristics. The Journal of protozoology, 5, 251-263.
  • Lom, J. (1984). Diseases caused by Protista. Diseases of Marine Animals. Hamburg: FRG, p.114-168.
  • Lom, J., & Dykova, I. (1992). Protozoan parasites of fish developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science. New York: Elsevier.
  • Mahmoud, N.E., Mahmoud, A.M., & Fahmy, M.M. (2004). Parasitological and comparative pathological studies on Mono-genean infestation of cultured sea bream (Sparus aurata) in Egypt. Oceanographic, 2, 4.
  • Mladineo, I., & Marsic-Lucic, J. (2007). Host switch of Lamellodiscus elegans (Monogenea: Monopisthocotylea) and Sparicotyle chrysophrii (Monogenea: Polyopisthocotylea) be-tween cage-reared sparids. Veterinary Research Communica-tions 31(2), 153-160.
  • Noga, E.J. (2010). Fish Disease Diagnosis and Treatment, II. Iowa: Wiley.
  • Noga, E.J., & Levy, M.G. (2006). Phylum Dinoflagellata. Fish Diseases and Disorders, Protozoan and Metazoan Infec-tions. Oxford: CABI, p. 16-45.
  • Oliver, G. (1968). Recherches sur les Diplectanidae (Mono-genea) parasites de téléostéens du Golfedu Lion. I. Di-plectaninae Monticelli, 1903. Vie et Milieu, 19, 95-138.
  • Oliver, G. (1982). Microcotyle chrysophrii Van Beneden et Hesse, 1863 (Monogenea, Polyopisthocotylea, Microcotylidae) parasite de Sparus aurata Linneaus, 1758 (Teleostei, Sparidae) dans lesétangslittorauxdu Languedoc-Roussillon (France). Par-asitology, 20, 113-8.
  • Paperna, I. (1984). Reproduction cycle and tolerance to temperature and salinity of Amyloodinium ocellatum (Dino-flagellida). Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparée, 5, 7-30.
  • Rajdukovic, B.M., & Euzet, L. (1989). Parasites of Marine Fishes of Montenegro: Monogeneans. Acta Adriatica, 30(1-2), 51-135.
  • Reversat, J., Silan, P., & Maillard, C. (1992). Structure of monogenean populations, ectoparasites of the gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata. Marine Biology, 112, 43-7.
  • Roberts, RJ. (2012). Fish Pathology, 4th. ed. United King-dom: Blackwell.
  • Roubal, F.R. (1989). Comparative pathology of some monogenean and copepod ectoparasites on the gills of Acan-thopagrus australis (family Sparidae). Journal of Fish Biology, 34, 503-514.
  • Silan, P., Cabral, P., & Maillard, C. (1985). Enlargement of the host rang of Polylabris Tubicirrus (Monogenea, Polyopist-hocotylea) under fish-farming conditions. Aquaculture, 45, 267-270.
  • Sitja-Bobadilla, A., & Alvarez-Pellitero, P. (2009). Experi-mental transmission of Sparicotyle chrysophrii (Monogenea: Polyopisthocotylea) to gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) and histopathology of the infection. Folia Parasitologica, 56(2), 143-151.
  • Stoskopf, M.K. (1993). Fish Medicine. London: W.B. Saun-ders. Philadelphia.
  • Tarımsal Araştırmalar ve Politikalar Genel Müdürlüğü [TA-GEM]. (2019). Su Ürünleri Sektör Politika Belgesi, Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı Tarımsal Araştırmalar ve Politikalar Genel Müdürlüğü.
  • Todal, J.A., KarlsbakkIsaksen, T.E., Plarre, H., Urawa, S., Mouton, A., Hoel, E., & Nylund, A. (2004). Ichthyobodo necator (Kinetoplastida)- a complex of sibling species. Disea-ses of Aquatic Organisms, 58, 9-16.
  • Urawa, S., Ueki, N., & Karlsbakk, E. (1998). A review of Ichthyobodo infection in marine fishes. Fish Pathology, 33(4), 311-320.
  • Vagianou, S., Athanassopoulou, F., Ragıas, V., DiCave, D., Leontides, L., & Golomazou, E. (2006). Prevalence and pa-thology of ectoparasites of Mediterranean Sea bream and sea bass reared under different environmental and aquaculture conditions. Israelı Journal of Aquaculture-Bamıdgeh, 58, 78-88.
  • Valladö, G.M.R., Gallanı, S.U., Padua, S.B., Martins, M.L., & Pilarski, F. (2013). Trichodina heterodentata (Ciliophora) infes-tation on Prochilodus lineatus larvae: a host–parasite relation-ship study. Parasitology, 141(05), 662-9.
  • Wagener, G.R. (1857). Heminthologische Bemcrkungenau-seinem Sendschreibcs an. Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zo-ologie, 9, 73-90.
  • Yanong, R.P.E. (2009). Cryptocaryon irritans infections (Marine White Spot Disease) in Fish. IFAS Extension Univer-sity of Florida. FA, p.1-9.
  • Yardımcı, B., & Pekmezci, G.Z. (2012). Gill histopatholo-gy in cultured sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) co-infected by Diplectanum aequans (Wagener, 1857) and Lernanthropus kroyeri (vanBeneden, 1851). Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 59, 61-4.
  • Yardımcı, B., Pekmezci, G.Z., Didinen, B.I., & Metin, S. (2016). Ichthyobodo spp. infection in Meagr(Argyrosomus re-gius) from Turkey: Parasitological and Pathological Findings. Turkish Journal of Parasitology, 40, 48-50.
  • Zhao, Y.J., & Thong, F.H. (2011). Study of trichodinids (Protozoa, Ciliophora) parasitic on gills of freshwater fishes from Chongqing, China, and identification of a new species, Trichodina cyprinocola sp. nov. African Journal of Microbio-logy Research, 5(26), 5523-7.
Year 2024, , 377 - 384, 31.12.2024


Project Number

This study is summarized from the doctoral thesis of the same name and was supported by Research Fund the Aydın Adnan Menderes University. Project number: VTF-19032.


  • Abreu, P.C., Robaldo, R.B., Sampaio, L.A., Bianchini, A., & Odebrecht, C. (2005). Recurrent Amyloodiniosison brood-stock of the Brazilian flounder Paralichthys orbignyanus: dino-spore monitoring and prophylactic measures. The Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 36(1), 42-50.
  • Alvarez-Pellitero, P. (2004). Report about fish parasitic di-seases. In: P. Alvarez-Pellitero JL, Barja B, Basurco F, Berthe A.E, Toranzo, editors. Mediterranean Aquaculture Diagnostic Laboratories. CIHEAM/FAO. Etudes et Recherches. Zarago-za, p.103-129.
  • Antonelli, L., Quilichini, Y., & Marchand, B. (2010). Biolog-ical study of Furnestinia echeneis Euzet and Audouin 1959 (Monogenea: Monopisthocotylea: Diplectanidae), parasite of cultured Gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata (Linnaeus 1758) (Pisces: Teleostei) from Corsica. Aquaculture, 307, 179-186.
  • Arıkan, M.S., & Aral, Y. (2019). Economic analysis of aqua-culture enterprises and determination of factors affecting sus-tainability of the sector in Turkey. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteri-ner Fakültesi Dergisi, 66, 59-66.
  • Basson, L., & Van As J. (2006). Trichodinidae and other cil-iophorans (Phylum Ciliophora). Fish Diseases and Disorders; Vol. 1. Protozoan and Metazoan Infections. 2nd. ed. CABI, Oxford, p. 154-182
  • Cruz Silva, M.P., Freitas, M.S., & Orge, M.L. (1997). Co-in-fection by monogenetic trematodes of the genus Microcoty-le, (Beneden&Hesse 1863), Lamellodiscus ignoratus (Palombi 1943), the protozoan Trichodina sp. (Ehrenberg 1838) and the presence of epitheliocystis, Vibrio alginolyticus and V. vulnifi-cus in cultured sea bream (Sparus aurata) in Portugal. Europe-an Association of Fish Pathologists, 17, 40-2.
  • Culling, A.F., Allison, T.R., & Barr, T.W. (1985). Cellular Pa-thology Technique. 4th. ed. London: Butterworth&Co, p.269-270.
  • Çoban, D., Demircan, M.D., & Tosun, D.D. (2020). Disease problems of marine cultured fish in Turkey: Agents, detection and treatments. Demircan MD, Midilli, S, Dereli M, Otgucuoğ-lu Ö, editors. Marine Aquaculture in Turkey: Advancements and Management İstanbul: Turkish Marine Research Founda-tion (TUDAV), p.165-199.
  • Demir, O. (2011). Türkiye Su Ürünleri Yetiştiriciliği ve Yem Sektörüne Genel Bakış-II, ISUBÜ. Suleyman Demirel Uni-versity, Egirdir Fisheries Faculty, 7(1), 39-49.
  • Desdevises, Y. (2001). The phylogenetic position of Fur-nestinia echeneis (Monogenea, Diplectanidae) based on mo-lecular data: a case of morphological adaptation. International Journal for Parasitology, 31, 205-8.
  • Faisal, M., & Imam, E.A. (1990). Microcotyl echrysophrii (Monogenea: Polyopisthocotylea), a pathogen of cultured and wild gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata. Perkins FO, Cheng TC, editors. Pathology in Marine Science. San Diego: Academic Press, p.283-290.
  • Francis, R.F., &Floyd, M.R. (2011). Amyloodinium ocella-tum, an Important Parasite of Cultured Marine Fish. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, 4705, 1-11.
  • Gıda ve Tarım Örgütü [FAO]. Dünyada Balıkçılık ve Su Ürünleri Yetiştiriciliğinin Durumu. 2018;http://www.fao. org/3/CA0191TR/ca0191tr.pdf.
  • González-Lanza, C., Alvarez-Pellitero, P., & Sitja-Bobadilla, A. (1991). Diplectanidae (Monogenea) infestations of sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (L.), from the Spanish Mediterraneanar-ea. Parasitology Research, 77, 307-314.
  • Guerra Santos, B., Albinati, R.C., Moreira, E.L.T., Lima, F.W., Azevedo, T.M., & Costa, D.S.P. (2012). Parametros hema-tologicos e alteraçoes histopatologicas em bijupira (Rachycen-tron canadum; Linnaeus, 1766) com amyloodiniose. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira, 32(11), 1184-1190.
  • Hoffman, G.L. (1999). Parasites of North American Fresh-water Fish, 2nd ed. Ithaca: Cornell University. Isaksen, T.E. (2013). Ichthyobodo infections on farmed and wild fish Methods for detection and identification of Ichthyo-bodo spp., PhD, Norway:University of Bergen.
  • Khalil, R.H., Medhat, S.S., Hanan, A.G., Khallaf, M., Sherif, E.S., Amira, A.E.D.O. (2018). Seasonal Parasitic Infestations and their Close Relationship to Immune Suppression in Cul-tured Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and Sea Bream (Sparus auratus). Biomed J Sci&Tech R Biomedical Journal of Scienti-fic & Technical Research, 6(4), 1-9.
  • Kozloff, E.N. (2004). Redescription of Cryptobiahelicis (Leidy, 1846) (Kinetoplasta: Bodonea: Cryptobiidae), disposi-tion of flagellates mistakenly assigned to this species and de-scription of a new species from a North American Pulmonate Snail. Acta Protozoologica, 43, 123-132.
  • Kuperman, B.I., Matey, V.E., & Barlow, S.B. (2002). Flag-ellate Cryptobia branchialis (Bodonida: Kinetoplastida), ec-toparasite of tilapia from the Salton Sea. Hydrobiological, 473(1/3), 93-102.
  • Llewellyn, J. (1957). The larvae of some monogenetic trem-atode parasites of Plymouth Fishes. Journal of the Marine Bi-ological Association UK, 36, 243-259.
  • Lom, J. (1958). A contribution to the systematic and mor-phology of end oparasitictrichodinids from amphibians with proposal of uniform specific characteristics. The Journal of protozoology, 5, 251-263.
  • Lom, J. (1984). Diseases caused by Protista. Diseases of Marine Animals. Hamburg: FRG, p.114-168.
  • Lom, J., & Dykova, I. (1992). Protozoan parasites of fish developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science. New York: Elsevier.
  • Mahmoud, N.E., Mahmoud, A.M., & Fahmy, M.M. (2004). Parasitological and comparative pathological studies on Mono-genean infestation of cultured sea bream (Sparus aurata) in Egypt. Oceanographic, 2, 4.
  • Mladineo, I., & Marsic-Lucic, J. (2007). Host switch of Lamellodiscus elegans (Monogenea: Monopisthocotylea) and Sparicotyle chrysophrii (Monogenea: Polyopisthocotylea) be-tween cage-reared sparids. Veterinary Research Communica-tions 31(2), 153-160.
  • Noga, E.J. (2010). Fish Disease Diagnosis and Treatment, II. Iowa: Wiley.
  • Noga, E.J., & Levy, M.G. (2006). Phylum Dinoflagellata. Fish Diseases and Disorders, Protozoan and Metazoan Infec-tions. Oxford: CABI, p. 16-45.
  • Oliver, G. (1968). Recherches sur les Diplectanidae (Mono-genea) parasites de téléostéens du Golfedu Lion. I. Di-plectaninae Monticelli, 1903. Vie et Milieu, 19, 95-138.
  • Oliver, G. (1982). Microcotyle chrysophrii Van Beneden et Hesse, 1863 (Monogenea, Polyopisthocotylea, Microcotylidae) parasite de Sparus aurata Linneaus, 1758 (Teleostei, Sparidae) dans lesétangslittorauxdu Languedoc-Roussillon (France). Par-asitology, 20, 113-8.
  • Paperna, I. (1984). Reproduction cycle and tolerance to temperature and salinity of Amyloodinium ocellatum (Dino-flagellida). Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparée, 5, 7-30.
  • Rajdukovic, B.M., & Euzet, L. (1989). Parasites of Marine Fishes of Montenegro: Monogeneans. Acta Adriatica, 30(1-2), 51-135.
  • Reversat, J., Silan, P., & Maillard, C. (1992). Structure of monogenean populations, ectoparasites of the gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata. Marine Biology, 112, 43-7.
  • Roberts, RJ. (2012). Fish Pathology, 4th. ed. United King-dom: Blackwell.
  • Roubal, F.R. (1989). Comparative pathology of some monogenean and copepod ectoparasites on the gills of Acan-thopagrus australis (family Sparidae). Journal of Fish Biology, 34, 503-514.
  • Silan, P., Cabral, P., & Maillard, C. (1985). Enlargement of the host rang of Polylabris Tubicirrus (Monogenea, Polyopist-hocotylea) under fish-farming conditions. Aquaculture, 45, 267-270.
  • Sitja-Bobadilla, A., & Alvarez-Pellitero, P. (2009). Experi-mental transmission of Sparicotyle chrysophrii (Monogenea: Polyopisthocotylea) to gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) and histopathology of the infection. Folia Parasitologica, 56(2), 143-151.
  • Stoskopf, M.K. (1993). Fish Medicine. London: W.B. Saun-ders. Philadelphia.
  • Tarımsal Araştırmalar ve Politikalar Genel Müdürlüğü [TA-GEM]. (2019). Su Ürünleri Sektör Politika Belgesi, Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı Tarımsal Araştırmalar ve Politikalar Genel Müdürlüğü.
  • Todal, J.A., KarlsbakkIsaksen, T.E., Plarre, H., Urawa, S., Mouton, A., Hoel, E., & Nylund, A. (2004). Ichthyobodo necator (Kinetoplastida)- a complex of sibling species. Disea-ses of Aquatic Organisms, 58, 9-16.
  • Urawa, S., Ueki, N., & Karlsbakk, E. (1998). A review of Ichthyobodo infection in marine fishes. Fish Pathology, 33(4), 311-320.
  • Vagianou, S., Athanassopoulou, F., Ragıas, V., DiCave, D., Leontides, L., & Golomazou, E. (2006). Prevalence and pa-thology of ectoparasites of Mediterranean Sea bream and sea bass reared under different environmental and aquaculture conditions. Israelı Journal of Aquaculture-Bamıdgeh, 58, 78-88.
  • Valladö, G.M.R., Gallanı, S.U., Padua, S.B., Martins, M.L., & Pilarski, F. (2013). Trichodina heterodentata (Ciliophora) infes-tation on Prochilodus lineatus larvae: a host–parasite relation-ship study. Parasitology, 141(05), 662-9.
  • Wagener, G.R. (1857). Heminthologische Bemcrkungenau-seinem Sendschreibcs an. Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zo-ologie, 9, 73-90.
  • Yanong, R.P.E. (2009). Cryptocaryon irritans infections (Marine White Spot Disease) in Fish. IFAS Extension Univer-sity of Florida. FA, p.1-9.
  • Yardımcı, B., & Pekmezci, G.Z. (2012). Gill histopatholo-gy in cultured sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) co-infected by Diplectanum aequans (Wagener, 1857) and Lernanthropus kroyeri (vanBeneden, 1851). Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 59, 61-4.
  • Yardımcı, B., Pekmezci, G.Z., Didinen, B.I., & Metin, S. (2016). Ichthyobodo spp. infection in Meagr(Argyrosomus re-gius) from Turkey: Parasitological and Pathological Findings. Turkish Journal of Parasitology, 40, 48-50.
  • Zhao, Y.J., & Thong, F.H. (2011). Study of trichodinids (Protozoa, Ciliophora) parasitic on gills of freshwater fishes from Chongqing, China, and identification of a new species, Trichodina cyprinocola sp. nov. African Journal of Microbio-logy Research, 5(26), 5523-7.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Pathology
Journal Section Research Articles

Melike Gür Dereli 0000-0001-9952-2279

Şule Yurdagül Özsoy 0000-0002-0743-2063

Project Number This study is summarized from the doctoral thesis of the same name and was supported by Research Fund the Aydın Adnan Menderes University. Project number: VTF-19032.
Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date August 5, 2024
Acceptance Date November 13, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Gür Dereli, M., & Özsoy, Ş. Y. (2024). Histopathology of gill parasites ın cultured seabream (Sparus Aurata) and seabass (Dicentrarchus Labrax). Mediterranean Veterinary Journal, 9(3), 377-384.