Research Article
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Relationship Between Interleukin-28B Gene Polymorphism and Chronic Hepatitis B Infection

Year 2022, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 160 - 5, 01.05.2022


Aim: Interleukin 28B (IL28B) gene polymorphism may play a role in hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection prognosis. We investigated the effects of IL28B gene polymorphism on viral clearance and viral load in chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients.
Material and Methods: We included 146 individuals who applied to our center between October 2011 and October 2012. CHB (N=117) and control (N=29) groups were compared in terms of IL28B gene rs12979860, rs12980275 gene region polymorphisms, and IL28B gene expression (mRNA) levels.
Results: There was no statistically significant difference between groups in terms of rs12979860 gene region polymorphism rates (χ2=0.36, p=0.835). But there was a significant association between groups in terms of rs12980275. In the CHB group, the A/A genotype was much more, (χ2=55.2, p<0.001), G/A and G/G genotypes were less frequent. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of IL28B expression levels.
Conclusion: This study revealed the genotype profile of the IL28B gene of our region. It is the first study on this subject in our region. The association between CHB and rs12980275 polymorphism may be important. Our results will contribute to future studies.

Supporting Institution

This study source funding by Fırat University (FÜBAP) for the corresponding author’s thesis.


  • 1. MacLachlan JH, Cowie BC. Hepatitis B virus epidemiology. Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicine 2015;5:a021410.
  • 2. Ocama P, Opio CK, Lee WM. Hepatitis B virus infection: current status. The American journal of medicine 2005;118:1413. e1415-1413. e1422.
  • 3. Rallón NI, Soriano V, Naggie S, Restrepo C, McHutchison J, Vispo E, Benito JM. Impact of IL28B gene polymorphisms on interferon-λ3 plasma levels during pegylated interferon-α/ribavirin therapy for chronic hepatitis C in patients coinfected with HIV. Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 2012;67:1246-1249.
  • 4. Aydın N, Bülbül R, Coşkun A, Öncü S, Kırdar S. The distribution of IL28B polymorphism (rs12979860) and its effect on the response to treatment in patient with chronic hepatitis C virus in Aydın province. Turk Mikrobiyol Cem Derg 2018;48:14-20.
  • 5. Li W, Jiang Y, Jin Q, Shi X, Jin J, Gao Y, Pan Y, Zhang H, Jiang J, Niu J. Expression and gene polymorphisms of interleukin 28B and hepatitis B virus infection in a Chinese Han population. Liver International 2011;31:1118-1126.
  • 6. Akkiz H, Kuran S, Akgöllü E, Üsküdar O, Bekar A, Bayram S. The role of interleukin 28B gene polymorphism in Turkish patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Annals of hepatology 2014;13:788-795.
  • 7. Akkiz H, Akgollu E, Bekar A, Yildirim S, Sandikci M, Ulger Y, Yalinbas Kaya B, Kuran S, Uskudar O. Relationship between IL28B gene rs8099917 polymorphism and SVR in Turkish patients with hepatitis C virus genotype 1. Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol 2015;39:711-717.
  • 8. Martin MP, Qi Y, Goedert JJ, Hussain SK, Kirk GD, Keith Hoots W, Buchbinder S, Carrington M, Thio CL. IL28B polymorphism does not determine outcomes of hepatitis B virus or HIV infection. The Journal of infectious diseases 2010;202:1749-1753.
  • 9. Sonneveld MJ, Wong VWS, Woltman AM, Wong GL, Cakaloglu Y, Zeuzem S, Buster EH, Uitterlinden AG, Hansen BE, Chan HL. Polymorphisms near IL28B and serologic response to peginterferon in HBeAg-positive patients with chronic hepatitis B. Gastroenterology 2012;142:513-520. e511.
  • 10. Lampertico P, Viganò M, Cheroni C, Facchetti F, Invernizzi F, Valveri V, Soffredini R, Abrignani S, De Francesco R, Colombo M. IL28B polymorphisms predict interferon‐related hepatitis B surface antigen seroclearance in genotype D hepatitis B e antigen–negative patients with chronic hepatitis B. Hepatology 2013;57:890-896.
  • 11. Wu X, Xin Z, Zhu X, Pan L, Li Z, Li H, Liu Y. Evaluation of susceptibility locus for response to interferon-α based therapy in chronic hepatitis B patients in Chinese. Antiviral research 2012;93:297-300.
  • 12. Tseng T-C, Yu M-L, Liu C-J, Lin C-L, Huang Y-W, Hsu C-S, Liu C-H, Kuo S, Pan C, Yang S-S. Effect of host and viral factors on hepatitis B e antigen-positive chronic hepatitis B patients receiving pegylated interferon-α-2a therapy. Antiviral therapy 2011;16:629.

Kronik Hepatit B Enfeksiyonu ile İnterlökin-28B Gen Polimorfizminin İlişkisi

Year 2022, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 160 - 5, 01.05.2022


Amaç: İnterlökin-28B (IL28B) geni polimorfizmi hepatit B virus (HBV) enfeksiyonunun prognozunda önemli olabileceğine dair yayınlar bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada IL28B geni ile HBV enfeksiyonunun viral klirens ve kronik HBV enfeksiyonunda viral yük arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmayı planladık.
Materyal ve Metot: Ekim 2011 ile Ekim 2012 tarihleri arasında merkezimize başvuran 146 kişi çalışmaya dahil edildi. Kronik hepatit B (KHB) grubunda 117, kontrol grubunda 29 kişi vardı. Tüm gruplarda IL28B geni rs12979860, rs12980275 polimorfizmlerine ve IL28B geni ekspresyon düzeylerine (mRNA) bakıldı ve gruplar karşılaştırıldı.
Bulgular: Rs12979860 gen polymorfizmi oranları açısından gruplar arasında fark yoktu (χ2=0.36, p=0.835). Ama rs12980275 bölgesi açısından KHB grubunda A/A genotipi daha fazla iken (χ2=55.2, p<0.001), G/A ve G/G genotipleri istatiksel anlamlı olarak daha az bulundu. Gruplar arasında MRNA düzeyleri açısından fark yoktu
Sonuç: Öncelikle bu çalışma bölgemizdeki IL28 gen polimorfizm oranlarını ortaya koyan ilk çalışma olmasından dolayı önemlidir. KHB ile rs12980275 polimorfizmi arasındaki ilişkinin klinik önemi bulunduğu düşünülmektedir. İleride bu konuda yapılacak çalışmalara ışık tutmaktadır. 


  • 1. MacLachlan JH, Cowie BC. Hepatitis B virus epidemiology. Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicine 2015;5:a021410.
  • 2. Ocama P, Opio CK, Lee WM. Hepatitis B virus infection: current status. The American journal of medicine 2005;118:1413. e1415-1413. e1422.
  • 3. Rallón NI, Soriano V, Naggie S, Restrepo C, McHutchison J, Vispo E, Benito JM. Impact of IL28B gene polymorphisms on interferon-λ3 plasma levels during pegylated interferon-α/ribavirin therapy for chronic hepatitis C in patients coinfected with HIV. Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 2012;67:1246-1249.
  • 4. Aydın N, Bülbül R, Coşkun A, Öncü S, Kırdar S. The distribution of IL28B polymorphism (rs12979860) and its effect on the response to treatment in patient with chronic hepatitis C virus in Aydın province. Turk Mikrobiyol Cem Derg 2018;48:14-20.
  • 5. Li W, Jiang Y, Jin Q, Shi X, Jin J, Gao Y, Pan Y, Zhang H, Jiang J, Niu J. Expression and gene polymorphisms of interleukin 28B and hepatitis B virus infection in a Chinese Han population. Liver International 2011;31:1118-1126.
  • 6. Akkiz H, Kuran S, Akgöllü E, Üsküdar O, Bekar A, Bayram S. The role of interleukin 28B gene polymorphism in Turkish patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Annals of hepatology 2014;13:788-795.
  • 7. Akkiz H, Akgollu E, Bekar A, Yildirim S, Sandikci M, Ulger Y, Yalinbas Kaya B, Kuran S, Uskudar O. Relationship between IL28B gene rs8099917 polymorphism and SVR in Turkish patients with hepatitis C virus genotype 1. Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol 2015;39:711-717.
  • 8. Martin MP, Qi Y, Goedert JJ, Hussain SK, Kirk GD, Keith Hoots W, Buchbinder S, Carrington M, Thio CL. IL28B polymorphism does not determine outcomes of hepatitis B virus or HIV infection. The Journal of infectious diseases 2010;202:1749-1753.
  • 9. Sonneveld MJ, Wong VWS, Woltman AM, Wong GL, Cakaloglu Y, Zeuzem S, Buster EH, Uitterlinden AG, Hansen BE, Chan HL. Polymorphisms near IL28B and serologic response to peginterferon in HBeAg-positive patients with chronic hepatitis B. Gastroenterology 2012;142:513-520. e511.
  • 10. Lampertico P, Viganò M, Cheroni C, Facchetti F, Invernizzi F, Valveri V, Soffredini R, Abrignani S, De Francesco R, Colombo M. IL28B polymorphisms predict interferon‐related hepatitis B surface antigen seroclearance in genotype D hepatitis B e antigen–negative patients with chronic hepatitis B. Hepatology 2013;57:890-896.
  • 11. Wu X, Xin Z, Zhu X, Pan L, Li Z, Li H, Liu Y. Evaluation of susceptibility locus for response to interferon-α based therapy in chronic hepatitis B patients in Chinese. Antiviral research 2012;93:297-300.
  • 12. Tseng T-C, Yu M-L, Liu C-J, Lin C-L, Huang Y-W, Hsu C-S, Liu C-H, Kuo S, Pan C, Yang S-S. Effect of host and viral factors on hepatitis B e antigen-positive chronic hepatitis B patients receiving pegylated interferon-α-2a therapy. Antiviral therapy 2011;16:629.
There are 12 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Original Articles

Celal Alandağ 0000-0002-2589-8174

Ulvi Demirel 0000-0002-2444-2597

Kürşat Kargün 0000-0001-8416-3752

Publication Date May 1, 2022
Acceptance Date January 16, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


AMA Alandağ C, Demirel U, Kargün K. Relationship Between Interleukin-28B Gene Polymorphism and Chronic Hepatitis B Infection. Med Records. May 2022;4(2):160-5. doi:10.37990/medr.1026615


Chief Editors

Assoc. Prof. Zülal Öner
İzmir Bakırçay University, Department of Anatomy, İzmir, Türkiye

Assoc. Prof. Deniz Şenol
Düzce University, Department of Anatomy, Düzce, Türkiye

Assoc. Prof. Serkan Öner
İzmir Bakırçay University, Department of Radiology, İzmir, Türkiye

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