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Türkiye’nin Endodonti Alanına Katkısı: Web of Science'a dayalı bir görselleştirilmiş bibliyometrik analiz

Year 2023, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 91 - 5, 15.01.2023


Amaç: Türkiye'de endodonti araştırmalarının mevcut durumunu ve eğilimini belirlemek.
Materyal ve Metod: Clarivate arama motoru kullanılarak kapsamlı bir sistematik literatür taraması yapılmıştır. Anahtar kelime seçimi aşağıdaki gibi yapıldı: "Endodonti" ve "Türkiye". Mayıs 2022'ye kadar olan tüm yayınlar dahil edildi. Arama endodonti ile sınırlandırıldı. Başlık, ilk yazar, enstitü/ülke, yazar sayısı, dergi adı, etki faktörü, yıl, atıf, anahtar kelimeler ve özetler kaydedildi. Otomatik terim tanımlama algoritmasına sahip olan dışa aktarılan verilerin bibliyometrik ağını haritalamak için VOSviewer sürüm 1.6.10 yazılımı kullanılmıştır.
Bulgular: 1985-2022 yılları arasında toplam 672 makale çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Endodonti alanında Türkiye'nin bilimsel katkı oranı %4.12 olarak bulunmuştur. En fazla yayın 588 makale ile 'Diş Hekimliği Ağız Cerrahisi Tıp' kategorisinde olup 384'ü (%73) Endodonti Dergisi tarafından yayınlanmıştır.
Sonuç: Mevcut bibliyometrik analiz, Türkiye'nin Endodontoloji alanına katkısını vurgulamaktadır. Araştırma makalelerine çeşitli yazarlar ve kurumlar tarafından katkıda bulunulmuştur.


  • 1. Ordinola-Zapata R, Peters OA, Nagendrababu V, et al. What is of interest in Endodontology? A bibliometric review of research published in the International Endodontic Journal and the Journal of Endodontics from 1980 to 2019. Int Endod J. 2020;53:36-52.
  • 2. Irrigation Solutions Used in Endodontics. Suleyman Demirel University The Journal of Health Science. 2018;9:31-8.
  • 3. Khan AS, Ur Rehman S, Ahmad S, et al. Five decades of the International Endodontic Journal: Bibliometric overview 1967-2020. Int Endod J. 2021;54:1819-39.
  • 4. Yilmaz B, Dincol ME, Yalcin TY. A bibliometric analysis of the 103 top-cited articles in endodontics. Acta Odontol Scand. 2019;77:574-83.
  • 5. Roldan-Valadez E, Salazar-Ruiz SY, Ibarra-Contreras R, Rios C. Current concepts on bibliometrics: a brief review about impact factor, Eigenfactor score, CiteScore, SCImago Journal Rank, Source-Normalised Impact per Paper, H-index, and alternative metrics. Ir J Med Sci. 2019;188:939-51.
  • 6. Shamszadeh S, Asgary S, Nosrat A. Regenerative endodontics: a scientometric and bibliometric analysis. J Endod. 2019;45:272-80.
  • 7. Adnan S, Ullah R. Top-cited articles in regenerative endodontics: a bibliometric analysis. J Endod. 2018;44:1650-64.
  • 8. Aksoy U, Kucuk M, Versiani MA, Orhan K. Publication trends in micro-CT endodontic research: a bibliometric analysis over a 25-year period. Int Endod J. 2021;54:343-53.
  • 9. Silva E, Pinto KP, Ajuz NC, Sassone LM. Ten years of minimally invasive access cavities in Endodontics: a bibliometric analysis of the 25 most-cited studies. Restor Dent Endod. 2021;46:e42.
  • 10. Fardi A, Kodonas K, Gogos C, Economides N. Top-cited articles in endodontic journals. J Endod. 2011;37:1183-90.
  • 11. Sert S, Bayirli GS. Evaluation of the root canal configurations of the mandibular and maxillary permanent teeth by gender in the Turkish population. J Endod. 2004;30:391-8.
  • 12. Calt S, Serper A. Time-dependent effects of EDTA on dentin structures. J Endod. 2002;28:17-9.
  • 13. Calişkan MK, Pehlivan Y, Sepetçioğlu F, Türkün M, Tuncer SS. Root canal morphology of human permanent teeth in a Turkish population. J Endod. 1995;21:200-4.
  • 14. Gursoy H, Ozcakir-Tomruk C, Tanalp J, Yilmaz S. Photodynamic therapy in dentistry: a literature review. Clin Oral Investig. 2013;17:1113-25.
  • 15. Sen BH, Piskin B, Demirci T. Observation of bacteria and fungi in infected root canals and dentinal tubules by SEM. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1995;11:6-9.
  • 16. Capar ID, Ertas H, Ok E, et al. Comparative study of different novel nickel-titanium rotary systems for root canal preparation in severely curved root canals. J Endod. 2014;40:852-6.
  • 17. Eskitaşcioğlu G, Belli S, Kalkan M. Evaluation of two post core systems using two different methods (fracture strength test and a finite elemental stress analysis). J Endod. 2002;28:629-33.
  • 18. Cehreli ZC, Isbitiren B, Sara S, Erbas G. Regenerative endodontic treatment (revascularization) of immature necrotic molars medicated with calcium hydroxide: a case series. J Endod. 2011;37:1327-30.
  • 19. Erdemir A, Ari H, Güngüneş H, Belli S. Effect of medications for root canal treatment on bonding to root canal dentin. J Endod. 2004;30:113-6.
  • 20. Yoldas O, Yilmaz S, Atakan G, et al. Dentinal microcrack formation during root canal preparations by different NiTi rotary instruments and the self-adjusting file. J Endod. 2012;38:232-5.
  • 21. Ercan E, Ozekinci T, Atakul F, Gül K. Antibacterial activity of 2% chlorhexidine gluconate and 5.25% sodium hypochlorite in infected root canal: in vivo study. J Endod. 2004;30:84-7.
  • 22. Nagas E, Uyanik MO, Eymirli A, et al. Dentin moisture conditions affect the adhesion of root canal sealers. J Endod. 2012;38:240-4.
  • 23. Ari H, Yaşar E, Belli S. Effects of NaOCl on bond strengths of resin cements to root canal dentin. J Endod. 2003;29:248-51.
  • 24. Yaltirik M, Ozbas H, Bilgic B, Issever H. Reactions of connective tissue to mineral trioxide aggregate and amalgam. J Endod. 2004;30:95-9.
  • 25. Calt S, Serper A. Dentinal tubule penetration of root canal sealers after root canal dressing with calcium hydroxide. J Endod. 1999;25:431-3.
  • 26. Doğan H, Calt S. Effects of chelating agents and sodium hypochlorite on mineral content of root dentin. J Endod. 2001;27:578-80.
  • 27. Guneser MB, Akbulut MB, Eldeniz AU. Effect of various endodontic irrigants on the push-out bond strength of biodentine and conventional root perforation repair materials. J Endod. 2013;39:380-4.
  • 28. Tinaz AC, Alacam T, Uzun O, et al. The effect of disruption of apical constriction on periapical extrusion. J Endod. 2005;31:533-5.
  • 29. Ari H, Erdemir A, Belli S. Evaluation of the effect of endodontic irrigation solutions on the microhardness and the roughness of root canal dentin. J Endod. 2004;30:792-5.
  • 30. Hakki SS, Bozkurt SB, Hakki EE, Belli S. Effects of mineral trioxide aggregate on cell survival, gene expression associated with mineralized tissues, and biomineralization of cementoblasts. J Endod. 2009;35:513-9.
  • 31. Gracio MCC, de Oliveira EFT, de Araujo Gurgel J, Escalona MI, Guerrero AP. Dentistry scientometric analysis: a comparative study between Brazil and other most productive countries in the area. Scientometrics. 2013;95:753-69.
  • 32. Tonta Y. Contribution of Turkish researchers to the world’s biomedical literature (1988–1997). Scientometrics. 2000;48:71-84.
  • 33. Keles A, Keskin C, Versiani MA. Micro-CT assessment of radicular pulp calcifications in extracted maxillary first molar teeth. Clin Oral Investig. 2022;26:1353-60.
  • 34. Hancerliogullari D, Erdemir A, Kisa U. The effect of different irrigation solutions and activation techniques on the expression of growth factors from dentine of extracted premolar teeth. Int Endod J. 2021;54:1915-24.
  • 35. Özbay Y, Özdemir O. Evaluation of laser-activated irrigation on evidence-based endodontology: a bibliometric and scientometric analysis. G Ital Endodon. 2022;36:10-21.

Contribution of Türkiye to the Field of Endodontology: A Visualized Bibliometric Analysis Based on Web of Science

Year 2023, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 91 - 5, 15.01.2023


Aim: To determine the current status and trend of endodontic research in Türkiye.
Materials and Methods: A comprehensive literature survey was conducted using the Clarivate search engine. Keyword selection was as follows: “Endodontics” and “Türkiye”. All publications until May 2022 were included. The search was restricted to endodontics. Title, first author, country/institute, journal name, publication year, citation, abstracts, and keywords were recorded. VOSviewer version 1.6.10 software was used to map the bibliometric network of the exported data that has an automatic term identification algorithm.
Results: A total of 672 articles between 1985-2022 years were included. The scientific contribution rate of Türkiye was found 4.12% in the field of Endodontology. The highest number of publications is in the category of ‘Dentistry Oral Surgery Medicine’ with 588 articles and 384 (73%) published by Journal of Endodontics.
Conclusion: This bibliometric analysis highlights Türkiye’s contribution to the field of Endodontology. Research articles have been contributed by various authors and institutions.


  • 1. Ordinola-Zapata R, Peters OA, Nagendrababu V, et al. What is of interest in Endodontology? A bibliometric review of research published in the International Endodontic Journal and the Journal of Endodontics from 1980 to 2019. Int Endod J. 2020;53:36-52.
  • 2. Irrigation Solutions Used in Endodontics. Suleyman Demirel University The Journal of Health Science. 2018;9:31-8.
  • 3. Khan AS, Ur Rehman S, Ahmad S, et al. Five decades of the International Endodontic Journal: Bibliometric overview 1967-2020. Int Endod J. 2021;54:1819-39.
  • 4. Yilmaz B, Dincol ME, Yalcin TY. A bibliometric analysis of the 103 top-cited articles in endodontics. Acta Odontol Scand. 2019;77:574-83.
  • 5. Roldan-Valadez E, Salazar-Ruiz SY, Ibarra-Contreras R, Rios C. Current concepts on bibliometrics: a brief review about impact factor, Eigenfactor score, CiteScore, SCImago Journal Rank, Source-Normalised Impact per Paper, H-index, and alternative metrics. Ir J Med Sci. 2019;188:939-51.
  • 6. Shamszadeh S, Asgary S, Nosrat A. Regenerative endodontics: a scientometric and bibliometric analysis. J Endod. 2019;45:272-80.
  • 7. Adnan S, Ullah R. Top-cited articles in regenerative endodontics: a bibliometric analysis. J Endod. 2018;44:1650-64.
  • 8. Aksoy U, Kucuk M, Versiani MA, Orhan K. Publication trends in micro-CT endodontic research: a bibliometric analysis over a 25-year period. Int Endod J. 2021;54:343-53.
  • 9. Silva E, Pinto KP, Ajuz NC, Sassone LM. Ten years of minimally invasive access cavities in Endodontics: a bibliometric analysis of the 25 most-cited studies. Restor Dent Endod. 2021;46:e42.
  • 10. Fardi A, Kodonas K, Gogos C, Economides N. Top-cited articles in endodontic journals. J Endod. 2011;37:1183-90.
  • 11. Sert S, Bayirli GS. Evaluation of the root canal configurations of the mandibular and maxillary permanent teeth by gender in the Turkish population. J Endod. 2004;30:391-8.
  • 12. Calt S, Serper A. Time-dependent effects of EDTA on dentin structures. J Endod. 2002;28:17-9.
  • 13. Calişkan MK, Pehlivan Y, Sepetçioğlu F, Türkün M, Tuncer SS. Root canal morphology of human permanent teeth in a Turkish population. J Endod. 1995;21:200-4.
  • 14. Gursoy H, Ozcakir-Tomruk C, Tanalp J, Yilmaz S. Photodynamic therapy in dentistry: a literature review. Clin Oral Investig. 2013;17:1113-25.
  • 15. Sen BH, Piskin B, Demirci T. Observation of bacteria and fungi in infected root canals and dentinal tubules by SEM. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1995;11:6-9.
  • 16. Capar ID, Ertas H, Ok E, et al. Comparative study of different novel nickel-titanium rotary systems for root canal preparation in severely curved root canals. J Endod. 2014;40:852-6.
  • 17. Eskitaşcioğlu G, Belli S, Kalkan M. Evaluation of two post core systems using two different methods (fracture strength test and a finite elemental stress analysis). J Endod. 2002;28:629-33.
  • 18. Cehreli ZC, Isbitiren B, Sara S, Erbas G. Regenerative endodontic treatment (revascularization) of immature necrotic molars medicated with calcium hydroxide: a case series. J Endod. 2011;37:1327-30.
  • 19. Erdemir A, Ari H, Güngüneş H, Belli S. Effect of medications for root canal treatment on bonding to root canal dentin. J Endod. 2004;30:113-6.
  • 20. Yoldas O, Yilmaz S, Atakan G, et al. Dentinal microcrack formation during root canal preparations by different NiTi rotary instruments and the self-adjusting file. J Endod. 2012;38:232-5.
  • 21. Ercan E, Ozekinci T, Atakul F, Gül K. Antibacterial activity of 2% chlorhexidine gluconate and 5.25% sodium hypochlorite in infected root canal: in vivo study. J Endod. 2004;30:84-7.
  • 22. Nagas E, Uyanik MO, Eymirli A, et al. Dentin moisture conditions affect the adhesion of root canal sealers. J Endod. 2012;38:240-4.
  • 23. Ari H, Yaşar E, Belli S. Effects of NaOCl on bond strengths of resin cements to root canal dentin. J Endod. 2003;29:248-51.
  • 24. Yaltirik M, Ozbas H, Bilgic B, Issever H. Reactions of connective tissue to mineral trioxide aggregate and amalgam. J Endod. 2004;30:95-9.
  • 25. Calt S, Serper A. Dentinal tubule penetration of root canal sealers after root canal dressing with calcium hydroxide. J Endod. 1999;25:431-3.
  • 26. Doğan H, Calt S. Effects of chelating agents and sodium hypochlorite on mineral content of root dentin. J Endod. 2001;27:578-80.
  • 27. Guneser MB, Akbulut MB, Eldeniz AU. Effect of various endodontic irrigants on the push-out bond strength of biodentine and conventional root perforation repair materials. J Endod. 2013;39:380-4.
  • 28. Tinaz AC, Alacam T, Uzun O, et al. The effect of disruption of apical constriction on periapical extrusion. J Endod. 2005;31:533-5.
  • 29. Ari H, Erdemir A, Belli S. Evaluation of the effect of endodontic irrigation solutions on the microhardness and the roughness of root canal dentin. J Endod. 2004;30:792-5.
  • 30. Hakki SS, Bozkurt SB, Hakki EE, Belli S. Effects of mineral trioxide aggregate on cell survival, gene expression associated with mineralized tissues, and biomineralization of cementoblasts. J Endod. 2009;35:513-9.
  • 31. Gracio MCC, de Oliveira EFT, de Araujo Gurgel J, Escalona MI, Guerrero AP. Dentistry scientometric analysis: a comparative study between Brazil and other most productive countries in the area. Scientometrics. 2013;95:753-69.
  • 32. Tonta Y. Contribution of Turkish researchers to the world’s biomedical literature (1988–1997). Scientometrics. 2000;48:71-84.
  • 33. Keles A, Keskin C, Versiani MA. Micro-CT assessment of radicular pulp calcifications in extracted maxillary first molar teeth. Clin Oral Investig. 2022;26:1353-60.
  • 34. Hancerliogullari D, Erdemir A, Kisa U. The effect of different irrigation solutions and activation techniques on the expression of growth factors from dentine of extracted premolar teeth. Int Endod J. 2021;54:1915-24.
  • 35. Özbay Y, Özdemir O. Evaluation of laser-activated irrigation on evidence-based endodontology: a bibliometric and scientometric analysis. G Ital Endodon. 2022;36:10-21.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Original Articles

Olcay Özdemir 0000-0001-8867-1551

Yağız Özbay 0000-0003-2028-8120

Neslihan Yılmaz Çırakoğlu 0000-0002-8316-3133

Early Pub Date January 15, 2023
Publication Date January 15, 2023
Acceptance Date October 19, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 5 Issue: 1


AMA Özdemir O, Özbay Y, Yılmaz Çırakoğlu N. Contribution of Türkiye to the Field of Endodontology: A Visualized Bibliometric Analysis Based on Web of Science. Med Records. January 2023;5(1):91-5. doi:10.37990/medr.1166614


Chief Editors

Assoc. Prof. Zülal Öner
İzmir Bakırçay University, Department of Anatomy, İzmir, Türkiye

Assoc. Prof. Deniz Şenol
Düzce University, Department of Anatomy, Düzce, Türkiye

Assoc. Prof. Serkan Öner
İzmir Bakırçay University, Department of Radiology, İzmir, Türkiye

Medical Records Association (Tıbbi Kayıtlar Derneği)
Address: Orhangazi Neighborhood, 440th Street,
Green Life Complex, Block B, Floor 3, No. 69
Düzce, Türkiye

Publication Support:
Effect Publishing & Agency
Phone: + 90 (540) 035 44 35
Address: Akdeniz Neighborhood, Şehit Fethi Bey Street,
No: 66/B, Ground floor, 35210 Konak/İzmir, Türkiye