e-ISSN: 1309-6915
Founded: 2005
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Megaron is indexed by Web of Science (since 2016), Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) (since 2016), Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals (AIAP) (since 2010), as “national peer reviewed journal” in ULAKBIM Social Sciences Databases by TUBITAK (since 2010), EBSCO Host Art & Architecture Complete (since 2006), Arts Premium Collection (since 2006), ProQuest (since 2019), ProQuest Central Essentials (since 2019), ProQuest One Academic (since 2019), SciTech Premium (since 2019), ERIH PLUS (since 2019), DOAJ (since 2018), Gale/Cengage Learning (since 2011), and Ulrich’s (since 2014).