Research Article
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Year 2016, , 71 - 85, 29.12.2016



  • [1] Ali, A., Quadir, D. A., & Huh, O. K. (1989). Studies of river flood hydrology in Bangladesh with AVHRR data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 10, 1873-1891.
  • [2] Atalay, İ. (2011). Türkiye iklim haritası. Ankara: İnkılap.
  • [3] Barale., V., Gower, J. F. R., & Alberotanza, L. (2010). Oceanography from Space. Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York: Springer.
  • [4] Bromwich, D. H., Carrasco, J. F., & Stearns, C. R. (1992). Satellite-Observations of Katabatic-Wind Propagation for Great Distances across the Ross Ice Shelf. Monthly Weather Review, 120(9), 1940-1949. doi: Doi 10.1175/1520-0493(1992)120<1940:Sookwp>2.0.Co;2
  • [5] Brown, R., Wooster, M., Blake, B., Sear, C., Huntchinson, P., & Stromme, T. (1993, 29 June-2 July ). Use of real time AVHRR (Advanced High Resolution Radiometer) imagery to assess fishery conditions off Namibia. Proceedings of 6th AVHRR Data Users’ Meeting,, 385-392.
  • [6] Byrd, G. (1998). Lake Effect Snow. University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. [7] Carey, R. M., & Pritchard, J. (1989). Flooding in Bangladesh. Photogrammetric Engineering Remote Sensing, 55(974).
  • [8] Collins, M. J. (1989). Synoptic Ice Motion from Avhrr Imagery - Automated Measurements Versus Wind-Driven Theory. Remote Sensing of Environment, 29(1), 79-85. doi: Doi 10.1016/0034-4257(89)90080-1
  • [9] Corel. (2012). Retrieved 2012, from
  • [10] Cracknell, A. P. (1997). Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer: Taylor & Francis.
  • [11] Cracknell, A. P., & Huang, W. G. (1988). Surface Currents Off the West-Coast of Ireland Studied from Satellite Images. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 9(3), 439-446.
  • [12] DLR. (2013). EOC Earth Observation Data - DLR. Retrieved 4 September, 2010, from
  • [13] Domain, F., & Citeau, J. (1980, 18-19 December 1979 ). Sea surface temperatures studied by Meteosat data along the coast of Senegal and Mauritania. Coastal and marine application of remote sensing.
  • [14] ERMapper. from
  • [15] Erol, O. (1993). Genel Klimatoloji. Ankara: Gazi Büro.
  • [16] Foerster, J. W. (1993). Northeast North Pacific-Ocean - Surface Current Pattern Shifts during the Spring. Remote Sensing of Environment, 43(2), 149-159. doi: Doi 10.1016/0034-4257(93)90004-H
  • [17] Geerts, B. (1998). Lake Effect Snow. from http://www-
  • [18] Geospatial, H. (2014). ERMapper. Retrieved 10 September, 2014, from
  • [19] Ginzburg, A. I., Kostianoy, A. G., & Sheremet, N. A. (2004). Seasonal and interannual variability of the Black Sea surface temperature as revealed from satellite data (1982-2000). Journal of Marine Systems, 52(1-4), 33-50. doi: DOI 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2004.05.002
  • [20] Glenn, S. M., Forristall, G. Z., Cornillon, P., & Milkowski, G. (1990). Observation of Gulf Stream Ring 83-E and their interpretation using feature models. Journal of Geophysical Research, 95, 13043-13063.
  • [21] Huh, O. K., & Shim, T. (1987). Satellite observations of surface temperatures and flow patterns, Sea of Japan and East China Sea, late March 1979. Remote Sensing of Environment, 22, 379-393.
  • [22] Inoue, J., Kawashima, M., Fujiyoshi, Y., & Wakatsuchi, M. (2005). Aircraft observations of air-mass modification over the Sea of Okhotsk during sea-ice growth. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 117(1), 111-129. doi: DOI 10.1007/s10546-004-3407-y
  • [23] Jönsson, L. (1989, September 5-8). Flow studies of the northern part of the Strait of Öresund by means of remote sensing, 229-234.
  • [24] Kikuchi, T., Satow, K., Ohata, T., Yamanouchi, T., & Nishio, F. (1992). Wind and Temperature Regime in Mizuho Plateau, East Antarctica. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 13(1), 67-79.
  • [25] Koçman, A. (1993). Türkiye İklimi. İzmir: Ege Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Yayınları.
  • [26] Library, U. G.-A. M. a. G. (2001). Socio-economic indicators for the countries of the Black Sea basin. Retrieved Accessd December 11, 2010., from
  • [27] Lonseth, L., & Bern, T.-I. (1991, June 25-28 ). Operational use of AVHRR (Advanced High Resolution Radiometer) products to monitor the Norwegian coastal current. Proceedings of 5th AVHRR Data Users’ Meeting, 313-319.
  • [28] Maul, G. A. (1985). Introduction to Satellite Oceanography. Boston, MA.: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
  • [29] McClimans, T. A. (1989). Activities at the Norwegian-Hydrotechnical-Laboratory. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 10(4-5), 617-623.
  • [30] Moctezuma, M., Maitre, H., & Parmiggiani, F. (1993). Automatic tracking of ice floes on AVHRR images sequences. Darmstadt-Eberstadt: EUMETSAT.
  • [31] Murray, J. W., Jannasch, H. W., Honjo, S., Anderson, R. F., Reeburgh, W. S., Top, Z., . . . Izdar, E. (1989). Unexpected changes in the oxic/anoxic interface in the Black Sea. Nature, 338, 411 - 413. doi: 10.1038/338411a0
  • [32] Nikitin, P. A. (1991). Satellite-based monitoring of sea ice. Darmstadt-Eberstadt: EUMETSAT.
  • [33] Oguz, T., Latun, V. S., Latif, M. A., Vladimirov, V. V., Sur, H. I., Markov, A. A., . . . Unluata, U. (1993). Circulation in the Surface and Intermediate Layers of the Black-Sea. Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers, 40(8), 1597-1612. doi: Doi 10.1016/0967-0637(93)90018-X
  • [34] Özsoy, E., & Ünlüata, E. (1997). Oceanography of the Black Sea: a review of some recent results Earth-Science Reviews, 42, 231-272.
  • [35] Paltridge, G. W., & Platt, C. M. (1976). Radiative Processes in Meteorology and Climatology. New York: Elsevier.
  • [36] Prata, A. J., & Wells, J. B. (1990). A Satellite Sensor Image of the Leeuwin Current, Western-Australia. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 11(1), 173-180.
  • [37] Sheng, Y., Xiao, Q., & Chen, W. (1993). Method of applying AVHRR data to monitor flood disaster. Darmstadt-Eberstadt: EUMETSAT.
  • [38] Sheres, D., & Kenyon, K. E. (1990). An eddy, coastal jets and incoming swell all interacting near Pt Conception, California. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 11, 5-25.
  • [39] Simpson, J. H., & Pingree, R. D. (1978). Shallow sea fronts produced by tidal string. In M. J. a. E. In Bowman, W.E. (eds) (Ed.), (Vol. 29). New York: Springer-Verlag.
  • [40] Simpson, J. J., & Keller, R. H. (1995). An improved fuzzy logic segmentation of sea ice, clouds, and ocean in remotely sensed Arctic imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment, 54(3), 290-312. doi: Doi 10.1016/0034-4257(95)00175-1
  • [41] Sousa, F. M., & Fiuza, A. (1989). Recurrence of upwelling flaments off northern Portugal as revealed by satellite imagery. Darmstadt-Eberstadt: EUMETSAT.
  • [42] Studies, U. o. D. C. o. M. (2003). Surface Area—Black Sea Geography. Retrieved 2015, from
  • [43] Swithinbank, C. (1973). Higher Resolution Satellite Pictures. Polar Rec, 16(104), 739-751.
  • [44] Tanaka, S., Sugimura, T., Nishimura, T., Ninomiya, Y., & Hatakeyama, Y. (1982). Compilation of the Kuroshio Current vector map from NOAA-6/AVHRR (Advanced High Resolution Radiometer) data and consideration of oceanic eddies and the short period fluctuation of the Kuroshio. Journal of Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 2, 11-30.
  • [45] Vastano, A. C., Borders, S., & Wittenberg, R. (1985). Sea surface flow estimation with infrared and visible imagery. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 2, 401-403.
  • [46] Vastano, A. C., & Borders, S. E. (1984). Sea-Surface Motion over an Anticyclonic Eddy on the Oyashio Front. Remote Sensing of Environment, 16(1), 87-90. doi: Doi 10.1016/0034-4257(84)90029-4
  • [47] Vaughan, R. A., & Downey, I. D. (1988). Circulation patterns in AVHRR (Advanced High Resolution Radiometer) imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 9, 597-600.
  • [48] Viehoff, T. (1989). Mesoscale Variability of Sea-Surface Temperature in the North-Atlantic. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 10(4-5), 771-785.
  • [49] Viola, A., & Böhm, E. (1991). Satellite- and air-derived sea surface temperature measurement during TEMPO. Darmstadt-Eberstadt: EUMETSAT.
  • [50] Zheng, Q., Klemas, V., & Huang, N. E. (1984). Dynamics of the Slope Water Off New-England and Its Influence on the Gulf-Stream as Inferred from Satellite Ir Data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 15(2), 135-153. doi: Doi 10.1016/0034-4257(84)90042-7.


Year 2016, , 71 - 85, 29.12.2016


One important of satellite remote sensing is the count of cloudy days of a particular region. Cloud cover hampers radiation received from the sun therefore controls LST (land surface, SST (Sea Surface Temperature) accordingly humidity, evaporation, agriculture, aquaculture, tourism, and other human activities.

Present work investigated long term cloud cover of the Black Sea using high resolution 6927 daily and 207 monthly composite AVHRR satellite data from March 1993 to December 2012. The results could give a clue for regional and global climate change to take an action for the feature. Results mapped potential availability of obtaining cloud free images for use of other disciplines.

The results were discussed as well as the geographical planetary factors that determine the climate of the Black Sea basin and in the context of global climate change. The results obtained also for other disciplines (climate, meteorology, oceanography, hydrography, biology, environmental science, agriculture, tourism, such as Industry) will create a data source. SST patterns also revealed oceanographic events which was studied in earlier work too.


  • [1] Ali, A., Quadir, D. A., & Huh, O. K. (1989). Studies of river flood hydrology in Bangladesh with AVHRR data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 10, 1873-1891.
  • [2] Atalay, İ. (2011). Türkiye iklim haritası. Ankara: İnkılap.
  • [3] Barale., V., Gower, J. F. R., & Alberotanza, L. (2010). Oceanography from Space. Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York: Springer.
  • [4] Bromwich, D. H., Carrasco, J. F., & Stearns, C. R. (1992). Satellite-Observations of Katabatic-Wind Propagation for Great Distances across the Ross Ice Shelf. Monthly Weather Review, 120(9), 1940-1949. doi: Doi 10.1175/1520-0493(1992)120<1940:Sookwp>2.0.Co;2
  • [5] Brown, R., Wooster, M., Blake, B., Sear, C., Huntchinson, P., & Stromme, T. (1993, 29 June-2 July ). Use of real time AVHRR (Advanced High Resolution Radiometer) imagery to assess fishery conditions off Namibia. Proceedings of 6th AVHRR Data Users’ Meeting,, 385-392.
  • [6] Byrd, G. (1998). Lake Effect Snow. University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. [7] Carey, R. M., & Pritchard, J. (1989). Flooding in Bangladesh. Photogrammetric Engineering Remote Sensing, 55(974).
  • [8] Collins, M. J. (1989). Synoptic Ice Motion from Avhrr Imagery - Automated Measurements Versus Wind-Driven Theory. Remote Sensing of Environment, 29(1), 79-85. doi: Doi 10.1016/0034-4257(89)90080-1
  • [9] Corel. (2012). Retrieved 2012, from
  • [10] Cracknell, A. P. (1997). Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer: Taylor & Francis.
  • [11] Cracknell, A. P., & Huang, W. G. (1988). Surface Currents Off the West-Coast of Ireland Studied from Satellite Images. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 9(3), 439-446.
  • [12] DLR. (2013). EOC Earth Observation Data - DLR. Retrieved 4 September, 2010, from
  • [13] Domain, F., & Citeau, J. (1980, 18-19 December 1979 ). Sea surface temperatures studied by Meteosat data along the coast of Senegal and Mauritania. Coastal and marine application of remote sensing.
  • [14] ERMapper. from
  • [15] Erol, O. (1993). Genel Klimatoloji. Ankara: Gazi Büro.
  • [16] Foerster, J. W. (1993). Northeast North Pacific-Ocean - Surface Current Pattern Shifts during the Spring. Remote Sensing of Environment, 43(2), 149-159. doi: Doi 10.1016/0034-4257(93)90004-H
  • [17] Geerts, B. (1998). Lake Effect Snow. from http://www-
  • [18] Geospatial, H. (2014). ERMapper. Retrieved 10 September, 2014, from
  • [19] Ginzburg, A. I., Kostianoy, A. G., & Sheremet, N. A. (2004). Seasonal and interannual variability of the Black Sea surface temperature as revealed from satellite data (1982-2000). Journal of Marine Systems, 52(1-4), 33-50. doi: DOI 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2004.05.002
  • [20] Glenn, S. M., Forristall, G. Z., Cornillon, P., & Milkowski, G. (1990). Observation of Gulf Stream Ring 83-E and their interpretation using feature models. Journal of Geophysical Research, 95, 13043-13063.
  • [21] Huh, O. K., & Shim, T. (1987). Satellite observations of surface temperatures and flow patterns, Sea of Japan and East China Sea, late March 1979. Remote Sensing of Environment, 22, 379-393.
  • [22] Inoue, J., Kawashima, M., Fujiyoshi, Y., & Wakatsuchi, M. (2005). Aircraft observations of air-mass modification over the Sea of Okhotsk during sea-ice growth. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 117(1), 111-129. doi: DOI 10.1007/s10546-004-3407-y
  • [23] Jönsson, L. (1989, September 5-8). Flow studies of the northern part of the Strait of Öresund by means of remote sensing, 229-234.
  • [24] Kikuchi, T., Satow, K., Ohata, T., Yamanouchi, T., & Nishio, F. (1992). Wind and Temperature Regime in Mizuho Plateau, East Antarctica. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 13(1), 67-79.
  • [25] Koçman, A. (1993). Türkiye İklimi. İzmir: Ege Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Yayınları.
  • [26] Library, U. G.-A. M. a. G. (2001). Socio-economic indicators for the countries of the Black Sea basin. Retrieved Accessd December 11, 2010., from
  • [27] Lonseth, L., & Bern, T.-I. (1991, June 25-28 ). Operational use of AVHRR (Advanced High Resolution Radiometer) products to monitor the Norwegian coastal current. Proceedings of 5th AVHRR Data Users’ Meeting, 313-319.
  • [28] Maul, G. A. (1985). Introduction to Satellite Oceanography. Boston, MA.: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
  • [29] McClimans, T. A. (1989). Activities at the Norwegian-Hydrotechnical-Laboratory. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 10(4-5), 617-623.
  • [30] Moctezuma, M., Maitre, H., & Parmiggiani, F. (1993). Automatic tracking of ice floes on AVHRR images sequences. Darmstadt-Eberstadt: EUMETSAT.
  • [31] Murray, J. W., Jannasch, H. W., Honjo, S., Anderson, R. F., Reeburgh, W. S., Top, Z., . . . Izdar, E. (1989). Unexpected changes in the oxic/anoxic interface in the Black Sea. Nature, 338, 411 - 413. doi: 10.1038/338411a0
  • [32] Nikitin, P. A. (1991). Satellite-based monitoring of sea ice. Darmstadt-Eberstadt: EUMETSAT.
  • [33] Oguz, T., Latun, V. S., Latif, M. A., Vladimirov, V. V., Sur, H. I., Markov, A. A., . . . Unluata, U. (1993). Circulation in the Surface and Intermediate Layers of the Black-Sea. Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers, 40(8), 1597-1612. doi: Doi 10.1016/0967-0637(93)90018-X
  • [34] Özsoy, E., & Ünlüata, E. (1997). Oceanography of the Black Sea: a review of some recent results Earth-Science Reviews, 42, 231-272.
  • [35] Paltridge, G. W., & Platt, C. M. (1976). Radiative Processes in Meteorology and Climatology. New York: Elsevier.
  • [36] Prata, A. J., & Wells, J. B. (1990). A Satellite Sensor Image of the Leeuwin Current, Western-Australia. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 11(1), 173-180.
  • [37] Sheng, Y., Xiao, Q., & Chen, W. (1993). Method of applying AVHRR data to monitor flood disaster. Darmstadt-Eberstadt: EUMETSAT.
  • [38] Sheres, D., & Kenyon, K. E. (1990). An eddy, coastal jets and incoming swell all interacting near Pt Conception, California. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 11, 5-25.
  • [39] Simpson, J. H., & Pingree, R. D. (1978). Shallow sea fronts produced by tidal string. In M. J. a. E. In Bowman, W.E. (eds) (Ed.), (Vol. 29). New York: Springer-Verlag.
  • [40] Simpson, J. J., & Keller, R. H. (1995). An improved fuzzy logic segmentation of sea ice, clouds, and ocean in remotely sensed Arctic imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment, 54(3), 290-312. doi: Doi 10.1016/0034-4257(95)00175-1
  • [41] Sousa, F. M., & Fiuza, A. (1989). Recurrence of upwelling flaments off northern Portugal as revealed by satellite imagery. Darmstadt-Eberstadt: EUMETSAT.
  • [42] Studies, U. o. D. C. o. M. (2003). Surface Area—Black Sea Geography. Retrieved 2015, from
  • [43] Swithinbank, C. (1973). Higher Resolution Satellite Pictures. Polar Rec, 16(104), 739-751.
  • [44] Tanaka, S., Sugimura, T., Nishimura, T., Ninomiya, Y., & Hatakeyama, Y. (1982). Compilation of the Kuroshio Current vector map from NOAA-6/AVHRR (Advanced High Resolution Radiometer) data and consideration of oceanic eddies and the short period fluctuation of the Kuroshio. Journal of Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 2, 11-30.
  • [45] Vastano, A. C., Borders, S., & Wittenberg, R. (1985). Sea surface flow estimation with infrared and visible imagery. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 2, 401-403.
  • [46] Vastano, A. C., & Borders, S. E. (1984). Sea-Surface Motion over an Anticyclonic Eddy on the Oyashio Front. Remote Sensing of Environment, 16(1), 87-90. doi: Doi 10.1016/0034-4257(84)90029-4
  • [47] Vaughan, R. A., & Downey, I. D. (1988). Circulation patterns in AVHRR (Advanced High Resolution Radiometer) imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 9, 597-600.
  • [48] Viehoff, T. (1989). Mesoscale Variability of Sea-Surface Temperature in the North-Atlantic. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 10(4-5), 771-785.
  • [49] Viola, A., & Böhm, E. (1991). Satellite- and air-derived sea surface temperature measurement during TEMPO. Darmstadt-Eberstadt: EUMETSAT.
  • [50] Zheng, Q., Klemas, V., & Huang, N. E. (1984). Dynamics of the Slope Water Off New-England and Its Influence on the Gulf-Stream as Inferred from Satellite Ir Data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 15(2), 135-153. doi: Doi 10.1016/0034-4257(84)90042-7.
There are 49 citations in total.


Subjects Metrology, Applied and Industrial Physics
Journal Section Article

Mehmet Tahir Kavak This is me

Sabri Karadoğan

Sedat Karayücel

Publication Date December 29, 2016
Submission Date September 27, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


IEEE M. T. Kavak, S. Karadoğan, and S. Karayücel, “LONG TERM CLOUD COVER AND SST INVESTIGATION OF THE BLACK SEA”, MEJS, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 71–85, 2016, doi: 10.23884/mejs.2016.2.2.01.

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