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Year 2017, , 32 - 50, 28.08.2017


Ornamental plants which are grown as house plants, landscaping plants or for horticultural purposes mostly because of the leaves and the flowers that attract people. The improtance of ornamental plants increased in our urban life today. Because people may expreince a great socialepression due to the fact that they become exposed to many negative factors in the social life of a metropolitan city. By taking this aspect into the account, in the developing understanding of the modern city, mayors and city planners are now planning more livable cities with an increased amount of green fields. For this purpose, we have to allocate more space to the ornamental and landscape plants. However, a number of problems is faced in the cultivation of ornamental plants. In particular, weeds, diseases and pests are important topics in the cultivation of ornamental plants. If we do not fight against the weeds, diseases and pests, we would be unsuccessful in growing ornamental plants. A highly significant amount of damage caused by weeds is concerned in the cultivation of ornamental plants. Especially considering the fact that weeds can consume 3-4 times more water, organic and inorganic nutrients compared to ornamental plants. of 104 species of weeds detected in Adana Region, 1 of them was Pterydophyt, 19 were Monocotyledons, and 84 were Dicotyledon. An avarage of 116.139 number of weeds per metersquare were detected in the region. The highest density (165.390 number/m2) of weed species was found in Adana Metropolitan Municipality center, followed by Cukurova (114.159), Seyhan (113.030), Yüregir (106.164), Kozan (99.896) and Ceyhan (98.199) districts, respectively. The narrow leaved weeds which were found to be in the highest density (weed average>10) in ornamental plants growing areas of Adana region; Cynodon dactylon, Agropyron repens, Setaria viridis, Digitaria sanguinalis. Broad leaf weeds; Taraxacum officinale and Portulaca oleracea..


  • [1] Altınayar, G. (1988). Water weeds. T.C. Bayındırlık ve İskan Bakanlığı, Devlet Su İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü, İşletme ve Bakım Dairesi Başkanlığı, Ankara / Türkiye, 231s.
  • [2] Altınısık, N. & Kadıoğlu, İ. (2003). Study on the determination of weed species and their control measures in the turfgrass areas of Sabiha Gokcen. . GOÜ. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 20 (2), 1-8
  • [3] Anonim, (2007). Landscape gardening. www.konya.bel.tr/images/parkbahceler/pdf/bahce_duzenleme_peyzaj.pdf
  • [4] Anonim, (2013). Ruhsatlı Bitki koruma Ürünleri. Tarım ve Köy işleri Bakanlığı, Koruma kontrol Genel müdürlüğü yayınları, Ankara.
  • [5] Anonim, (2015). Bitkisel üretim istatistikleri. www.tuik.gov.tr
  • [6] Anonim, (2015a) Çim alanı tesisi ve bakımı. www.anadoluparkbahceler.com/pdf/cim-alan-tesisi-ve-bakimi.pdf
  • [7] Batman, M., (1987). Ankara'da Çimlerde Görülen Yabanc ı otlar ve Savaşım'. A.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bitki Koruma.
  • [8] Baytop, A. (1985). Flora Of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands., Vol. 9:724.,Edited by Davis.Anabilim Dal ı Yüksek Lisans Tezi (Yayımlanmamış ), Ankara.
  • [9] Davis, P.H. (1965-1988). Flora of Turkey and East Aegean ıslands. University Press Edinburg. Cilt1-10.
  • [10] Grant, D.L., Cooper, R.B. & Webster, H.L. (1990). Isoxaben for Brood-spectrum weed control in warm season
  • [11] Turf. In proceedings, Southern Weed Science Society, 43.nd Annual meeting, 145-153. (Weed Abstr. 1991, 40 (4), 1083).
  • [12] Güncan, A. (2001). Weeds and Principles, Selçuk Univ. Agriculture faculty, Textbook., Konya.
  • [13] Güncan, A. & Karaca, M. (2014). Weeds and control principles. Selcuk üniversity Printing office Textbook Konya.
  • [14] Güncan, A. (2016). Weeds and control principles. Selcuk üniversity Printing office Textbook.,Page, 311. Konya.
  • [15] Kitiş, Y.E. (2011). Weed Control in Lawns. Tarım Günlüğü Dergisi, Sayı: 2, 18-22 s.
  • [16] Odum,E.P. (1971).Fundamentals of Ecology.W.B.Saunders Company, Philadelphia, London,Toronto, 574 pp.
  • [17] Sözer, S. Maden, S., Yazgan, M.E., Açıksöz, S., Kendir, H., Dılek, E.F. & Karadeniz, N. (1998). A Research
  • [18] on the Weed Control Possibilities During Establishment Stages of Lawn Areas as a Maintenance Tool
  • [19] Under Central Anatolian Conditions. Journal of Agricultural Sciences.1998, 4 (2), 8-14.
  • [20] Tastan, B. & Ercis, A. (1989). Investigations on the challenges chemical Weed species and densities in.Ankara
  • [21] Province. KKGA-B-01-H-082 number project. Final report.. Anakra Agricultural Struggle
  • [22] Research institute, Ankara.
  • [23] Tastan, B. & Ercis, A. (1993). Weed species their abundances and chemical control in lawns in Ankara
  • [24] province. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry (Türk Tarım ve Ormancılık Dergisi), 17(2), 331-337
  • [25] Uluğ, E., Kadıoğlu, İ. and Üremiş, İ. (1993). Turkey's weeds and some characteristics, Agriculture and Village
  • [26] Affairs Ministry, Agricultural Struggle Research institute. Publication number: 78, Page: 513, Adana.
  • [27] Uygur, F.N., Kadıoğlu, İ., & Boz, Ö. (1993). First Herbology Congress of Turkey.3-5 Şubat 1993-Adana, 87-91.
  • [28] Üstüner, T. & Güncan, A. (2002). Reserchs on weed species which are problem density and importance with association in potato fileds of Niğde province. Turkey herbology journal, Volume;5, number;2, page;30-41.
Year 2017, , 32 - 50, 28.08.2017



  • [1] Altınayar, G. (1988). Water weeds. T.C. Bayındırlık ve İskan Bakanlığı, Devlet Su İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü, İşletme ve Bakım Dairesi Başkanlığı, Ankara / Türkiye, 231s.
  • [2] Altınısık, N. & Kadıoğlu, İ. (2003). Study on the determination of weed species and their control measures in the turfgrass areas of Sabiha Gokcen. . GOÜ. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 20 (2), 1-8
  • [3] Anonim, (2007). Landscape gardening. www.konya.bel.tr/images/parkbahceler/pdf/bahce_duzenleme_peyzaj.pdf
  • [4] Anonim, (2013). Ruhsatlı Bitki koruma Ürünleri. Tarım ve Köy işleri Bakanlığı, Koruma kontrol Genel müdürlüğü yayınları, Ankara.
  • [5] Anonim, (2015). Bitkisel üretim istatistikleri. www.tuik.gov.tr
  • [6] Anonim, (2015a) Çim alanı tesisi ve bakımı. www.anadoluparkbahceler.com/pdf/cim-alan-tesisi-ve-bakimi.pdf
  • [7] Batman, M., (1987). Ankara'da Çimlerde Görülen Yabanc ı otlar ve Savaşım'. A.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bitki Koruma.
  • [8] Baytop, A. (1985). Flora Of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands., Vol. 9:724.,Edited by Davis.Anabilim Dal ı Yüksek Lisans Tezi (Yayımlanmamış ), Ankara.
  • [9] Davis, P.H. (1965-1988). Flora of Turkey and East Aegean ıslands. University Press Edinburg. Cilt1-10.
  • [10] Grant, D.L., Cooper, R.B. & Webster, H.L. (1990). Isoxaben for Brood-spectrum weed control in warm season
  • [11] Turf. In proceedings, Southern Weed Science Society, 43.nd Annual meeting, 145-153. (Weed Abstr. 1991, 40 (4), 1083).
  • [12] Güncan, A. (2001). Weeds and Principles, Selçuk Univ. Agriculture faculty, Textbook., Konya.
  • [13] Güncan, A. & Karaca, M. (2014). Weeds and control principles. Selcuk üniversity Printing office Textbook Konya.
  • [14] Güncan, A. (2016). Weeds and control principles. Selcuk üniversity Printing office Textbook.,Page, 311. Konya.
  • [15] Kitiş, Y.E. (2011). Weed Control in Lawns. Tarım Günlüğü Dergisi, Sayı: 2, 18-22 s.
  • [16] Odum,E.P. (1971).Fundamentals of Ecology.W.B.Saunders Company, Philadelphia, London,Toronto, 574 pp.
  • [17] Sözer, S. Maden, S., Yazgan, M.E., Açıksöz, S., Kendir, H., Dılek, E.F. & Karadeniz, N. (1998). A Research
  • [18] on the Weed Control Possibilities During Establishment Stages of Lawn Areas as a Maintenance Tool
  • [19] Under Central Anatolian Conditions. Journal of Agricultural Sciences.1998, 4 (2), 8-14.
  • [20] Tastan, B. & Ercis, A. (1989). Investigations on the challenges chemical Weed species and densities in.Ankara
  • [21] Province. KKGA-B-01-H-082 number project. Final report.. Anakra Agricultural Struggle
  • [22] Research institute, Ankara.
  • [23] Tastan, B. & Ercis, A. (1993). Weed species their abundances and chemical control in lawns in Ankara
  • [24] province. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry (Türk Tarım ve Ormancılık Dergisi), 17(2), 331-337
  • [25] Uluğ, E., Kadıoğlu, İ. and Üremiş, İ. (1993). Turkey's weeds and some characteristics, Agriculture and Village
  • [26] Affairs Ministry, Agricultural Struggle Research institute. Publication number: 78, Page: 513, Adana.
  • [27] Uygur, F.N., Kadıoğlu, İ., & Boz, Ö. (1993). First Herbology Congress of Turkey.3-5 Şubat 1993-Adana, 87-91.
  • [28] Üstüner, T. & Güncan, A. (2002). Reserchs on weed species which are problem density and importance with association in potato fileds of Niğde province. Turkey herbology journal, Volume;5, number;2, page;30-41.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Article

Tamer Üstüner

Publication Date August 28, 2017
Submission Date June 8, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017



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