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Exploring Womb Envy in Angela Carter’s Shadow Dance

Year 2024, , 17 - 21, 26.09.2024


Angela Carter's first novel, Shadow Dance, published amid the emergence of second-wave feminism in the 1960s, is a literary testament to the changing gender dynamics in that chaotic period. In the text, Carter crafts a tale that exposes the themes of misogyny, patriarchal domination, and gender-based violence. This novel is of particular importance in the context of second wave feminism, which coincided with the widespread availability of the contraceptive pill in the Western world. The pill symbolizes women's new ability to act on their bodies, especially in decisions related to childbirth, which is related to the evolution of their identities. In this exploration of Carter's work, the concept of "womb envy" emerges as a central theme, highlighting the deep anxiety underlying the male psyche. Carter's characters, Morris and Honeybuzzard, are portrayed similar images of these anxieties and desires, expressed in their so-called creative practices. Morris seeks to emulate women's creativity through painting, while Honeybuzzard plays the role of a bad mother who controls and punishes his/her children. When their attempts to imitate women's fertility fail, they often resort to violence against women in the brand new world of contraceptives. Thus, the text serves as a mirror to the changing feminist discourse of the time, emphasizing the interdependence of women's agency, identity, and men's responses to with these changes. By addressing the complex interplay between gender dynamics, this paper provides insight into Shadow Dance in relation to its thematic depth and enduring relevance in the study of gender relations and women's rights.


  • Bayne, E. (2011). Womb envy: The cause of misogyny and even male achievement? Women's Studies International Forum, 34(2), 151-160.
  • Carter, A. (1966). Shadow Dance. Heinemann.
  • Eschbach, C. L. (2008). Toward an understanding of womb envy: Developmental and clinical perspectives. In L. Wurmser & H. Jarass (Eds.), Jealousy and Envy — New Views about Two Powerful Feelings (pp. 49-74). Taylor & Francis.
  • Jacobson, E. (1950). Development of the wish for a child in boys. The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 5, 139-152.
  • Kittay, E. F. (1984). Womb envy: An explanatory concept. In J. Trebilcot (Ed.), Mothering: Essays in Feminist Theory (pp. 94-128). Rowman and Allanheld.
  • Klein, M. (1957). Envy and Gratitude. Tavistock Publications.
  • Lerner, H. E. (1974). Early origins of envy and devaluation of women: Implications for sex role stereotypes. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 38(6), 538-553.
  • Ortner, S. B. (1974). Is female to male as nature is to culture? In M. Z. Rosaldo & L. Lamphere (Eds.), Woman, culture and society (pp. 67-87). Stanford University Press.
  • Ramesh, R. (2011). Interrogation of patriarchal codes and misogynistic fantasies in Angela Carter's Shadow Dance. Indian Streams Journal, 1(5), 1-4.
  • van Leeuwen, Kato (1966). Pregnancy envy in the male. The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 47, 319−324.

Angela Carter’ın Shadow Dance Romanında Rahim Kıskançlığı Kavramı

Year 2024, , 17 - 21, 26.09.2024


Angela Carter'ın 1960'larda ikinci dalga feminizmin ortaya çıkışı sırasında yayımlanan ilk romanı Shadow Dance, bu kaotik dönemde değişen cinsiyet dinamiklerinin edebi bir yansımasıdır. Metinde Carter, kadın düşmanlığı, ataerkil tahakküm ve cinsiyete dayalı şiddet temalarını açığa çıkaran bir olay örgüsü yaratmıştır. Bu roman, Batı dünyasında doğum kontrol hapının yaygın olarak bulunmasıyla yükselen ikinci dalga feminizm bağlamında özel bir öneme sahiptir. Hap, kadınların, özellikle kimliklerinin evrimiyle bağlantılı olan doğumla ilgili kararlarda, bedenleri üzerinde hareket etme konusundaki yeni yeteneğini simgeler. Carter'ın metninin bu incelemesinde, "rahim kıskançlığı" kavramı ana tema olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Carter'ın karakterleri Morris ve Honeybuzzard, sözde yaratıcı pratiklerinde ifade edilen bu kaygı ve arzuların benzer sembolleri ile betimlenir. Morris resim yoluyla kadınların yaratıcılığını taklit etmeye çalışırken Honeybuzzard çocuklarını cezalandıran kötü bir anne rolünü üstlenir. Kadınların doğurganlığını taklit etme çabaları başarısızlıkla sonuçlanan bu karakterler kadına karşı şiddete başvurmayı seçerler. Dolayısıyla metin, zamanın değişen feminist söylemine bir ayna görevi görür; kadınların kimliğinin ve erkeklerin bu değişikliklere verdiği tepkilerin karşılıklı bağımlılığını vurgular. Cinsiyet dinamikleri arasındaki karmaşık etkileşimi ele alan bu makale, Shadow Dance’in tematik derinliği ve cinsiyet ilişkileri ve kadın hakları araştırmalarındaki kalıcı önemi açısından yeni bir anlayış sağlar.


  • Bayne, E. (2011). Womb envy: The cause of misogyny and even male achievement? Women's Studies International Forum, 34(2), 151-160.
  • Carter, A. (1966). Shadow Dance. Heinemann.
  • Eschbach, C. L. (2008). Toward an understanding of womb envy: Developmental and clinical perspectives. In L. Wurmser & H. Jarass (Eds.), Jealousy and Envy — New Views about Two Powerful Feelings (pp. 49-74). Taylor & Francis.
  • Jacobson, E. (1950). Development of the wish for a child in boys. The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 5, 139-152.
  • Kittay, E. F. (1984). Womb envy: An explanatory concept. In J. Trebilcot (Ed.), Mothering: Essays in Feminist Theory (pp. 94-128). Rowman and Allanheld.
  • Klein, M. (1957). Envy and Gratitude. Tavistock Publications.
  • Lerner, H. E. (1974). Early origins of envy and devaluation of women: Implications for sex role stereotypes. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 38(6), 538-553.
  • Ortner, S. B. (1974). Is female to male as nature is to culture? In M. Z. Rosaldo & L. Lamphere (Eds.), Woman, culture and society (pp. 67-87). Stanford University Press.
  • Ramesh, R. (2011). Interrogation of patriarchal codes and misogynistic fantasies in Angela Carter's Shadow Dance. Indian Streams Journal, 1(5), 1-4.
  • van Leeuwen, Kato (1966). Pregnancy envy in the male. The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 47, 319−324.
There are 10 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects British and Irish Language, Literature and Culture
Journal Section Research Articles

Ismail Onur Sonat 0000-0001-6483-749X

Early Pub Date September 25, 2024
Publication Date September 26, 2024
Submission Date September 6, 2024
Acceptance Date September 25, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Sonat, I. O. (2024). Exploring Womb Envy in Angela Carter’s Shadow Dance. Melius: Journal of Narrative and Language Studies(3), 17-21.