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Seasonal Variation in Forage Plant Selection, Foraging Time, Duration and Preference of Apis mellifera adansonii in the Rainforest and Semi-savannah Ecosystems of Nigeria

Year 2016, Volume: 16 Issue: 2, 1 - 12, 30.12.2016


The foraging behaviour such as plant selection, time, duration and floral preference of colonies of Apis mellifera adansonii were studied during the dry and wet seasons in 2012 -2014. Colony observations were made from 6:00 am - 7:30 am, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm and 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm during the period, meteorological data on sunset and sunrise, moonrise and moonset were collected for the time of observations of the foraging workers. All the time recorded for the start and end of foraging were local time for the study sites.  The floral plant species distributed in 3 kilometer radius of the colony sites were sampled. Honey and pollen combs were also collected from all the experimental colonies for mellisopalynological investigations. There was a difference between the abundance of foraging plants in the savannah and rainforest zones in the tropics as indicated by Jacard’s  (Cj ) and Sorenson’s (CS) similarity coefficient of 0.37 and  45.9% respectively. The bees average starting and ending times of foraging were 07:01 h and 18.20 h respectively and the average duration of foraging was 11:30 h per day. During the dry and wet seasons, the foraging time and duration was not significantly different (P < 0.05). Pollen analyses showed that the bees in the savannah ecosystem visited  more flowers than those in the forest ecosystem; the former had a significantly higher pollen sum of 254 and 543 during dry and wet seasons respectively (P < 0.05).  The colonies in both forest and savannah areas showed preference for Elaeis guineensis Jacq.(Arecaceae). Results from this study have given insights into the “bee plants” of the two ecosystems as well as providing information to bee keepers about the behaviour of bees for improved apiary management.



  • AKINWANDE K L; BADEJO MA (2009) Effects of Artificial Modification of Feeding Activities of Foraging and Non foraging Worker Bee (Apis mellifera adansonii L.) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) on Honey and Comb Production. Journal of Applied Science Research, 5(7): 780 -784 833920100147
  • CRANE E; WALKER, P (1984) Pollination directory for world crops. IBRA (ed.), London p.183.
  • CRANE, E (1999) The world history of beekeeping and honey hunting, Routledge, New York, p. 720.
  • WEIDENMULLER, A; TAUTZ, J (2002) In-hive behavior of pollen foragers (Apis mellifera) in honey bee colonies under conditions of high and low pollen need. Ethology,108,
  • ZHOU, Y; LI M; ZHAO, F; ZHA, H; YANG, L; LU, Y; WANG, G; SHI, J; CHEN, J. (2016). Floral Nectary Morphology and Proteomic Analysis of Nectar of Liriodendron tulipifera Linn. Front. Plant Sci. 7:826. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00826
  • PATE, JS; PEOPLES, MB; STORER, PJ; ATKINS, C.A; (1985) The extrafloral nectaries of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) II. Nectar composition, origin of nectar solutes, and nectary functioning. Planta 1985, 166: 28–38. 10.1007/BF00397382
  • KUO, J; PATE, JS (1985) The extrafloral nectaries of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp): I. Morphology, anatomy and fine structure. Planta, 166: 15–27.
  • MELO, Y; MACHADO, SR; MARCCUS, A (2010) Anatomy of extrafloral nectaries in Fabaceae from dry seasonal forest in Brazil. Bot J Linn Soc., 163: 87–98. 10.1111/j.109
  • ZHA, HG; FLOWERS, VL; YANG, M; CHEN, LY; SUN, H (2012) Acidic α- galactosidase is the most abundant nectarin in floral nectar of common tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). Ann. Bot. 109, 735–745. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcr321,
  • CHAUDHURY A (2001). Stamen and Pollen Development. eLS
  • NEST. BNV; MOORE, D (2012) Energetically optimal foraging strategy is emergent property of time-keeping behavior in honey bees. Behavioral Ecology, 23, 649–658.
  • MURLIS, J; ELKINTON, JS; CARDE; RT (1992) Odor plumes and how insects use them. Annual Review of Entomology, 37 : 505 – 532.
  • DIMOU, M; THRASYVOULOU, A (2007) Collection of wax scale (Ceroplastes sp.) by the honey bee Apis mellifera. Journal of Apicultural Research, 46, 129.
  • JOSHI, NC; JOSHI PC (2010) Foraging behaviour of Apis spp. on Apple Flowers in a subtropical environment. New York Science Journal, 3, 71–76.
  • ALQARNI, AS (2006) Tolerance of summer temperature in imported and indigenous honeybee Apis mellifera L. Races in central Saudi Arabia. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 13, 123–127.
  • ABOU-SHAARA, HF (2014). The foraging behaviour of honey bees, Apis mellifera: A review Veterinarni Medicina, 59 (1): 1–10
  • HUNT, GJ; PAGE, RE; FONDRK, MK; DULLUM, CJ (1995) Major quantitative trait loci affecting honey bee foraging behavior. Genetics, 141, 1537–1545.
  • PANKIW, T; TARPY, DR; PAGE, RE; (2002) Genotype and rearing environment affect honeybee perception and foraging behaviour. Animal Behaviour, 64, 663–672.
  • SUSHIL, SN; STANLEY, J; HEDAU, NK; BHATT, JC (2013) Enhancing seed production of three Brassica vegetables by honey bee pollination in north-western Himalayas of India. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, 1, 49–53.
  • AMDAM, GV; RUEPPELL, O; FONDRK, MK; PAGE, RE; NELSON, CM (2009) The nurses load: early- life exposure to broodrearing affects behavior and lifespan in honey bees (Apis mellifera). Experimental Gerontology, 44, 447–452.
  • ABOU-SHAARA, HF; AL-GHAMDI, AA; MOHAMED, AA (2013) Honey bee colonies performance enhance by newly modified beehives. Journal of Apicultural Science 57, 45–57.
  • FREE, JB; FERGUSON, AW, SIMPKINS, JR (1985) Influence of virgin queen honeybees (Apis mellifera) on queen rearing and foraging. Physiological Entomology 10, 271–274.
  • KRALJ, J; FUCHS, S (2010) Nosema sp. influences flight behavior of infected honey bee (Apis mellifera) foragers. Apidologie, 41, 21–28.
  • ABOU-SHAARA, HF; AL-GHAMDI, AA; MOHAMED; AA (2012) Tolerance of two honey bee races to various temperature and relative humidity gradients. Environmental and Experimental Biology, 10, 133–138.
  • PERNAL, SF; CURRIE, RW (2010) The influence of pollen quality on foraging behavior in honeybees (Apis mellifera L.). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology,51, 53–68.
  • FOHOUO, FT; DJONWANGWE, D; BRUCKNER, D (2008) Foraging behavior of the African honey bee (Apis mellifera adansonii) on Annona senegalensis, Croton macrostachyus, Psorospermum febrifugum and Syzygium guineense var. guineense flowers at Ngaoundere (Cameroon). Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 11, 719–725.
  • LOUVEAUX,J; MAURIZIO, A; VORWOHL, G (1978).Methods of Mellisopalynology. Bee World 59: 139-153.
  • Hagler, JR; Mueller, S; Teuber, LR; Machtley, SA; Van Deynze, A. (2011) Foraging range of honey bees, Apis mellifera, in alfalfa seed production fields. Journal of Insect Science 11, 144
  • COLIN, ME; BONMATIN, JM; MOINEAU, I; GAIMON, C; BRUN, S; VERMANDERE, JP (2004). A method to quantify and analyze the foraging activity of honey bees: relevance to the sublethal effect induced by systemic insecticides. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 47, 387–395.
  • REYES-CARRILLO, JL; EISCHEN, FA; CANO-RIOS, P; RODRIGUEZ, MRL CAMBEROS, UN, (2007).Pollen collection and honey bee forage distribution in Cantaloupe. Acta Zoological Mexicana, 23, 29–36.
  • RILEY, JR; SMITH, AD (2002): Design considerations for a harmonic radar to investigate the flight of insects. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 35, 151–169.
  • RILEY, JR; CHAPMAN, JW., REYNOLDS, DR; SMITH AD (2007) Recent applications of radar to entomology. Outlooks on Pest Management 18, 62–68.
  • LOUVEAUX, J; MAURIZIO, A; VORWOHL, G (1970) Methods of Mellisopalynology Bee World, 51: 125-131.
  • ERDTMAN, G (1960). The acetolysis method. A revised description. Svensk Botanical Tidsk, 54: 561-4.
  • SHUBHARANI, R; ROOPA, P; SIVARAM, V (2013) Pollen morphology of selected Bee forage plants. Global journal of Bio-Science and technology, 2 (1): 82-90
  • SOWUNMI, MA (1976). The potential value of honey in palaeopalynology and archaeology. Rev. Palaeobotany. Palynology. 21, 171-185, (AA 282/78).
  • AGWU CO; AKANBI TO (1985) A palynological study of honey from four vegetation zones in Nigeria. Pollen et Spores,27, 335-348
  • AYODELE, MS; FOLARIN, OM;. OLUWALANA, SA (2006) Pollen population, viscosity and density of locally produced honey. Tropical Science 46(4): 192-194.
  • MBAH, CE; AMAO, AO (2009) Natural foods and feeding habits of the African honey bee Apis mellifera adansonii Latrielle (1804) in Zaria, northern Nigeria. Science World Journal, 4(1): 11-14
  • AYANSOLA, AA; DAVIES, BA (2012) Honeybees floral resources in South -western Nigeria Journal of biology and science,.Vol.3,No.1:127-139.
  • DUKKU, UH (2013) Identification of plants visited by the honeybee, Apis mellifera L. in the Sudan Savanna zone of northeastern Nigeria. African Journal of Plant Science, 7(7): 273-284.
  • IGE, OE; MODUPE, TO. (2010) Pollen characterization of honey samples from North- Central Nigeria. Journal of Biological Sciences. 10: 43-47.
  • AYCAN, B; IBRAHIM; C; ADEM B; HULUSI, M (2008) Seasonal variation of collected pollen loads of honeybees (Apis mellifera L. anatoliaca), Grana, 47:1, 70-77,
  • IGE, OE; APO, KA (2007) Pollen analysis of honey samples from two vegetation zones in Nigeria. Science Focus, 13: 36-43.
  • ADEONIPEKUN, PA (2010). Investigating pollen pellets and honey samples from an apiary in Ibadan, South-West Nigeria. Journal of Biological Science and Bioconservation 10: 43-47.
  • AINA, DO; OWONIBI, K (2011) Beekeeping Prospects: Palynology and the Environment Advances in Applied Science Research. 2 (4): 79-85.
  • TRIPATH, H (2011) Beekeeping and agricultural productivity: Role of beekeeping with indigenous bee Apis cerana in crop production. Under the mango tree. Pp 12-47
  • LANE KK; DAVID RT (2006) Environmental and genotypic effects on Russian-Hybrid and Italian Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) foraging behavior. Environmental Entomology, 35(6), 1610-1616(7).
  • BIESMEIJER, JC; ERMERS MCW.(1999) Social foraging in stingless bees: how colonies of Melipona fasciata choose among nectar sources. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology, 46(2), 129–140.
  • TIRADO, R; SIMON, G; JOHNSTON, P (2013) Bees in Decline: A review of factors that put pollinators and agriculture in Europe at risk. Greenpeace Research Laboratories Technical Report (Review). Greenpeace International, Ottho Heldringstraat 5, 1066 AZ Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  • HAFTOM, G; ALEMAYEHU, T; TESFAY, B (2014) Relating climatic factors to foraging behaviour of honeybees (Apis mellifera) during blooming period of Guizotia abyssinica (L.F) Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 26, Article No.60.

Nijerya'nın Yağmur Ormanları ve Yarı-Savan Ekosistemlerindeki Apis mellifera adansonii'nin Nektarlı Bitki Seçimi, Tarlacı Dönemi ile Süresi ve Tercihindeki Mevsimsel Değişim

Year 2016, Volume: 16 Issue: 2, 1 - 12, 30.12.2016


Apis mellifera adansonii kolonilerinin bitki seçimi, zamanı, süresi ve çiçek tercihi gibi tarlacı davranışları 2012-2014 yılları süresince kurak ve yağışlı mevsimlerde incelenmiştir. Koloni gözlemleri dönem boyunca sabah 06: 00-7: 30, 11:00-13:00 ve 18:00-19:30 saatleri arasında yapılırken tarlacı işçi arıların gözlemleri sırasında gün batımı ile gün doğumu, ay doğumu ile ay batımı arasındaki meteorolojik veriler toplanmıştır. Tarlacı davranışlarının başlangıcı ve bitişi için kaydedilen bütün zaman tanımları için çalışmaların yapıldığı  alanın yerel  saati kullanılmıştır. Koloni bölgelerinin 3 km yarıçapına yayılmış olan floral bitki türleri örneklenmiştir. Mellisopalinojik araştırmalar için tüm deneysel kolonilerden bal ve polen petekleri toplanmıştır. ,  savan ve tropik yağmur orman bölgeleri arasında nektarlı bitkiler bolluğu açısından fark olduğu Jacard'ın (Cj) ve Sorenson'ın (CS) sırasıyla %0.37 ve %45.9  benzerlik katsayısı oranı ile belirtildiği şekilde  gözlenmiştir. Arıların, tarlacı davranışlarının ortalama başlangıç ve bitiş saatleri sırasıyla 07:01 ve 18:20 arasında olup ve günlük ortalama tarlacı süresi 11:30saattir.    Kurak ve yağışlı mevsimlerdeki tarlacılık zamanı ve uzunluğu önemli ölçüde farklı değildir (P<0.05).Polen analizleri, savan ekosistemindeki arıların orman ekosistemdekilerine göre daha fazla çiçeği ziyaret ettiğini göstermiştir.  Savan ekosistemindekilerin toplam polen sayısı, kurak mevsimde 254 iken yağışlı mevsimde 543’tür (P<0.05).  Hem orman hem de savan bölgesindeki koloniler, Elaeis guineensis Jacq.(Arecaceae)’i tercih etmişlerdir.  Bu çalışmanın sonuçları, iki ekosistemin "arı bitkileri”  hakkında bilgi vermenin yanı sıra  gelişmiş arıcılık  için  bilinmesi gerekli olan arı davranışları hakkında arıcıları da bilgilendirmektedir.



  • AKINWANDE K L; BADEJO MA (2009) Effects of Artificial Modification of Feeding Activities of Foraging and Non foraging Worker Bee (Apis mellifera adansonii L.) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) on Honey and Comb Production. Journal of Applied Science Research, 5(7): 780 -784 833920100147
  • CRANE E; WALKER, P (1984) Pollination directory for world crops. IBRA (ed.), London p.183.
  • CRANE, E (1999) The world history of beekeeping and honey hunting, Routledge, New York, p. 720.
  • WEIDENMULLER, A; TAUTZ, J (2002) In-hive behavior of pollen foragers (Apis mellifera) in honey bee colonies under conditions of high and low pollen need. Ethology,108,
  • ZHOU, Y; LI M; ZHAO, F; ZHA, H; YANG, L; LU, Y; WANG, G; SHI, J; CHEN, J. (2016). Floral Nectary Morphology and Proteomic Analysis of Nectar of Liriodendron tulipifera Linn. Front. Plant Sci. 7:826. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00826
  • PATE, JS; PEOPLES, MB; STORER, PJ; ATKINS, C.A; (1985) The extrafloral nectaries of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) II. Nectar composition, origin of nectar solutes, and nectary functioning. Planta 1985, 166: 28–38. 10.1007/BF00397382
  • KUO, J; PATE, JS (1985) The extrafloral nectaries of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp): I. Morphology, anatomy and fine structure. Planta, 166: 15–27.
  • MELO, Y; MACHADO, SR; MARCCUS, A (2010) Anatomy of extrafloral nectaries in Fabaceae from dry seasonal forest in Brazil. Bot J Linn Soc., 163: 87–98. 10.1111/j.109
  • ZHA, HG; FLOWERS, VL; YANG, M; CHEN, LY; SUN, H (2012) Acidic α- galactosidase is the most abundant nectarin in floral nectar of common tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). Ann. Bot. 109, 735–745. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcr321,
  • CHAUDHURY A (2001). Stamen and Pollen Development. eLS
  • NEST. BNV; MOORE, D (2012) Energetically optimal foraging strategy is emergent property of time-keeping behavior in honey bees. Behavioral Ecology, 23, 649–658.
  • MURLIS, J; ELKINTON, JS; CARDE; RT (1992) Odor plumes and how insects use them. Annual Review of Entomology, 37 : 505 – 532.
  • DIMOU, M; THRASYVOULOU, A (2007) Collection of wax scale (Ceroplastes sp.) by the honey bee Apis mellifera. Journal of Apicultural Research, 46, 129.
  • JOSHI, NC; JOSHI PC (2010) Foraging behaviour of Apis spp. on Apple Flowers in a subtropical environment. New York Science Journal, 3, 71–76.
  • ALQARNI, AS (2006) Tolerance of summer temperature in imported and indigenous honeybee Apis mellifera L. Races in central Saudi Arabia. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 13, 123–127.
  • ABOU-SHAARA, HF (2014). The foraging behaviour of honey bees, Apis mellifera: A review Veterinarni Medicina, 59 (1): 1–10
  • HUNT, GJ; PAGE, RE; FONDRK, MK; DULLUM, CJ (1995) Major quantitative trait loci affecting honey bee foraging behavior. Genetics, 141, 1537–1545.
  • PANKIW, T; TARPY, DR; PAGE, RE; (2002) Genotype and rearing environment affect honeybee perception and foraging behaviour. Animal Behaviour, 64, 663–672.
  • SUSHIL, SN; STANLEY, J; HEDAU, NK; BHATT, JC (2013) Enhancing seed production of three Brassica vegetables by honey bee pollination in north-western Himalayas of India. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, 1, 49–53.
  • AMDAM, GV; RUEPPELL, O; FONDRK, MK; PAGE, RE; NELSON, CM (2009) The nurses load: early- life exposure to broodrearing affects behavior and lifespan in honey bees (Apis mellifera). Experimental Gerontology, 44, 447–452.
  • ABOU-SHAARA, HF; AL-GHAMDI, AA; MOHAMED, AA (2013) Honey bee colonies performance enhance by newly modified beehives. Journal of Apicultural Science 57, 45–57.
  • FREE, JB; FERGUSON, AW, SIMPKINS, JR (1985) Influence of virgin queen honeybees (Apis mellifera) on queen rearing and foraging. Physiological Entomology 10, 271–274.
  • KRALJ, J; FUCHS, S (2010) Nosema sp. influences flight behavior of infected honey bee (Apis mellifera) foragers. Apidologie, 41, 21–28.
  • ABOU-SHAARA, HF; AL-GHAMDI, AA; MOHAMED; AA (2012) Tolerance of two honey bee races to various temperature and relative humidity gradients. Environmental and Experimental Biology, 10, 133–138.
  • PERNAL, SF; CURRIE, RW (2010) The influence of pollen quality on foraging behavior in honeybees (Apis mellifera L.). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology,51, 53–68.
  • FOHOUO, FT; DJONWANGWE, D; BRUCKNER, D (2008) Foraging behavior of the African honey bee (Apis mellifera adansonii) on Annona senegalensis, Croton macrostachyus, Psorospermum febrifugum and Syzygium guineense var. guineense flowers at Ngaoundere (Cameroon). Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 11, 719–725.
  • LOUVEAUX,J; MAURIZIO, A; VORWOHL, G (1978).Methods of Mellisopalynology. Bee World 59: 139-153.
  • Hagler, JR; Mueller, S; Teuber, LR; Machtley, SA; Van Deynze, A. (2011) Foraging range of honey bees, Apis mellifera, in alfalfa seed production fields. Journal of Insect Science 11, 144
  • COLIN, ME; BONMATIN, JM; MOINEAU, I; GAIMON, C; BRUN, S; VERMANDERE, JP (2004). A method to quantify and analyze the foraging activity of honey bees: relevance to the sublethal effect induced by systemic insecticides. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 47, 387–395.
  • REYES-CARRILLO, JL; EISCHEN, FA; CANO-RIOS, P; RODRIGUEZ, MRL CAMBEROS, UN, (2007).Pollen collection and honey bee forage distribution in Cantaloupe. Acta Zoological Mexicana, 23, 29–36.
  • RILEY, JR; SMITH, AD (2002): Design considerations for a harmonic radar to investigate the flight of insects. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 35, 151–169.
  • RILEY, JR; CHAPMAN, JW., REYNOLDS, DR; SMITH AD (2007) Recent applications of radar to entomology. Outlooks on Pest Management 18, 62–68.
  • LOUVEAUX, J; MAURIZIO, A; VORWOHL, G (1970) Methods of Mellisopalynology Bee World, 51: 125-131.
  • ERDTMAN, G (1960). The acetolysis method. A revised description. Svensk Botanical Tidsk, 54: 561-4.
  • SHUBHARANI, R; ROOPA, P; SIVARAM, V (2013) Pollen morphology of selected Bee forage plants. Global journal of Bio-Science and technology, 2 (1): 82-90
  • SOWUNMI, MA (1976). The potential value of honey in palaeopalynology and archaeology. Rev. Palaeobotany. Palynology. 21, 171-185, (AA 282/78).
  • AGWU CO; AKANBI TO (1985) A palynological study of honey from four vegetation zones in Nigeria. Pollen et Spores,27, 335-348
  • AYODELE, MS; FOLARIN, OM;. OLUWALANA, SA (2006) Pollen population, viscosity and density of locally produced honey. Tropical Science 46(4): 192-194.
  • MBAH, CE; AMAO, AO (2009) Natural foods and feeding habits of the African honey bee Apis mellifera adansonii Latrielle (1804) in Zaria, northern Nigeria. Science World Journal, 4(1): 11-14
  • AYANSOLA, AA; DAVIES, BA (2012) Honeybees floral resources in South -western Nigeria Journal of biology and science,.Vol.3,No.1:127-139.
  • DUKKU, UH (2013) Identification of plants visited by the honeybee, Apis mellifera L. in the Sudan Savanna zone of northeastern Nigeria. African Journal of Plant Science, 7(7): 273-284.
  • IGE, OE; MODUPE, TO. (2010) Pollen characterization of honey samples from North- Central Nigeria. Journal of Biological Sciences. 10: 43-47.
  • AYCAN, B; IBRAHIM; C; ADEM B; HULUSI, M (2008) Seasonal variation of collected pollen loads of honeybees (Apis mellifera L. anatoliaca), Grana, 47:1, 70-77,
  • IGE, OE; APO, KA (2007) Pollen analysis of honey samples from two vegetation zones in Nigeria. Science Focus, 13: 36-43.
  • ADEONIPEKUN, PA (2010). Investigating pollen pellets and honey samples from an apiary in Ibadan, South-West Nigeria. Journal of Biological Science and Bioconservation 10: 43-47.
  • AINA, DO; OWONIBI, K (2011) Beekeeping Prospects: Palynology and the Environment Advances in Applied Science Research. 2 (4): 79-85.
  • TRIPATH, H (2011) Beekeeping and agricultural productivity: Role of beekeeping with indigenous bee Apis cerana in crop production. Under the mango tree. Pp 12-47
  • LANE KK; DAVID RT (2006) Environmental and genotypic effects on Russian-Hybrid and Italian Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) foraging behavior. Environmental Entomology, 35(6), 1610-1616(7).
  • BIESMEIJER, JC; ERMERS MCW.(1999) Social foraging in stingless bees: how colonies of Melipona fasciata choose among nectar sources. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology, 46(2), 129–140.
  • TIRADO, R; SIMON, G; JOHNSTON, P (2013) Bees in Decline: A review of factors that put pollinators and agriculture in Europe at risk. Greenpeace Research Laboratories Technical Report (Review). Greenpeace International, Ottho Heldringstraat 5, 1066 AZ Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  • HAFTOM, G; ALEMAYEHU, T; TESFAY, B (2014) Relating climatic factors to foraging behaviour of honeybees (Apis mellifera) during blooming period of Guizotia abyssinica (L.F) Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 26, Article No.60.
There are 51 citations in total.


Subjects Structural Biology, Agricultural Engineering, Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Articles

Kayode L. Akınwande This is me

Joseph C. Anıkwe This is me

Peter A. Adeonıpekun This is me

Tobiloba Okunrounmu This is me

Publication Date December 30, 2016
Submission Date February 23, 2017
Acceptance Date November 17, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 16 Issue: 2


APA Akınwande, K. L., Anıkwe, J. C., Adeonıpekun, P. A., Okunrounmu, T. (2016). Seasonal Variation in Forage Plant Selection, Foraging Time, Duration and Preference of Apis mellifera adansonii in the Rainforest and Semi-savannah Ecosystems of Nigeria. Mellifera, 16(2), 1-12.
AMA Akınwande KL, Anıkwe JC, Adeonıpekun PA, Okunrounmu T. Seasonal Variation in Forage Plant Selection, Foraging Time, Duration and Preference of Apis mellifera adansonii in the Rainforest and Semi-savannah Ecosystems of Nigeria. mellifera. December 2016;16(2):1-12.
Chicago Akınwande, Kayode L., Joseph C. Anıkwe, Peter A. Adeonıpekun, and Tobiloba Okunrounmu. “Seasonal Variation in Forage Plant Selection, Foraging Time, Duration and Preference of Apis Mellifera Adansonii in the Rainforest and Semi-Savannah Ecosystems of Nigeria”. Mellifera 16, no. 2 (December 2016): 1-12.
EndNote Akınwande KL, Anıkwe JC, Adeonıpekun PA, Okunrounmu T (December 1, 2016) Seasonal Variation in Forage Plant Selection, Foraging Time, Duration and Preference of Apis mellifera adansonii in the Rainforest and Semi-savannah Ecosystems of Nigeria. Mellifera 16 2 1–12.
IEEE K. L. Akınwande, J. C. Anıkwe, P. A. Adeonıpekun, and T. Okunrounmu, “Seasonal Variation in Forage Plant Selection, Foraging Time, Duration and Preference of Apis mellifera adansonii in the Rainforest and Semi-savannah Ecosystems of Nigeria”, mellifera, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 1–12, 2016.
ISNAD Akınwande, Kayode L. et al. “Seasonal Variation in Forage Plant Selection, Foraging Time, Duration and Preference of Apis Mellifera Adansonii in the Rainforest and Semi-Savannah Ecosystems of Nigeria”. Mellifera 16/2 (December 2016), 1-12.
JAMA Akınwande KL, Anıkwe JC, Adeonıpekun PA, Okunrounmu T. Seasonal Variation in Forage Plant Selection, Foraging Time, Duration and Preference of Apis mellifera adansonii in the Rainforest and Semi-savannah Ecosystems of Nigeria. mellifera. 2016;16:1–12.
MLA Akınwande, Kayode L. et al. “Seasonal Variation in Forage Plant Selection, Foraging Time, Duration and Preference of Apis Mellifera Adansonii in the Rainforest and Semi-Savannah Ecosystems of Nigeria”. Mellifera, vol. 16, no. 2, 2016, pp. 1-12.
Vancouver Akınwande KL, Anıkwe JC, Adeonıpekun PA, Okunrounmu T. Seasonal Variation in Forage Plant Selection, Foraging Time, Duration and Preference of Apis mellifera adansonii in the Rainforest and Semi-savannah Ecosystems of Nigeria. mellifera. 2016;16(2):1-12.