Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 19 Issue: 2, 1 - 13, 27.12.2019



  • [1] MIYATA T. 2007. Pharmacological basis of traditional medicines and health supplements as curatives. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, 103, 127–31. [2] REMBOLD H. 1965. Biologically active substances in royal jelly. Vitamins & Hormones, 23, 359–382. [3] TAKENAKA, T., ECHIGO, T. 1980. Chemical composition of royal jelly. Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture Saga University, 20, 71–78. [4] LERCKER, G., CAPELLA, P., CONTE, L., RUINI, F., & GIORDANI, G., 1981. Components of royal jelly: I. Identification of the organic acids. Lipids, 16, :912–919. [5] BARNUŢIU, L.I., MARGHITAS, L.A., DEZMIREAN, D.S., MIHAI, C.M., & BOBIS, O. 2011. Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Royal Jelly. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, ;44:67-72. [6] JAPANESE PHARMACOPOEIA. 2011. 16th Edition in English translation. In: Crude Drugs, Japan, p. 1728. [7] MISHIMA, S., SUZUKI, K.M., ISOHAMA, Y., KURATSU, N., ARAKI, Y., INOUE, M., ET AL. 2005. Royal jelly has estrogenic effects in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 101, 215–220. [8] MOUTSATSOU, P., PAPOUTSI, Z.., KASSI, E., HELDRING, N., ZHAO, C., TSIAPARA, A., ET AL 2010. Fatty acids derived from royal jelly are modulators of estrogen receptor functions. PLoS One, 5, 15594. [9] SUZUKI, K.M., ISOHAMA, Y., MARUYAMA, H., YAMADA, Y., NARITA, Y., OHTA, S., ET AL. 2008. Estrogenic activities of Fatty acids and a sterol isolated from royal jelly. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 5, 295–302. [10] NARITA, Y., NOMURA, J., OHTA, S., INOH, Y., SUZUKI K.M., ARAKI, Y., ET AL. 2006. Royal jelly stimulates bone formation: physiologic and nutrigenomic studies with mice and cell lines. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 70, 2508–2514. [11] SÄVENDAHL L. 2005. Hormonal regulation of growth plate cartilage. Hormone Research 64, 94-97. [12] ROBSON, H., SIEBLER, T., SHALET, S.M., & WILLIAMS, G.R. 2002. Interactions between GH, IGF-I, glucocorticoids, and thyroid hormones during skeletal growth. Pediatric Research, 52, 137–147. [13] VERHEIJEN R, KUIJPERS HJ, SCHLINGEMANN RO, BOEHMER AL, VAN DRIEL R, BRAKENHOFF, G.J., ET AL. 1989. Ki-67 detects a nuclear matrix-associated proliferation-related antigen. I. Intracellular localization during interphase. Journal of Cell Science, 92, 123–130. [14] IAMAROON, A., KHEMALEELAKUL, U., PONGSIRIWET, S., PINTONG, J. 2004. Co-expression of p53 and Ki67 and lack of EBV expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine, 33, 30-36. [15] STEVENS, D.A. & WILLIAMS, G.R. 1999. Hormone regulation of chondrocyte differentiation and endochondral bone formation. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 151, 195–204. [16] SJÖGREN, K., SHENG, M., MOVERARE, S., LIU, J.L., WALLENIUS, K., TÖRNELL, J., ET AL. 2002. Effects of liver-derived insulin-like growth factor I on bone metabolism in mice. Journal of Bone Mineral Research, 17, 1977–987. [17] SCHLÜTER, C., DUCHROW, M., WOHLENBERG, C., BECKER, M.H., KEY, G., FLAD, H.D., ET AL. 1993. The cell proliferation-associated antigen of antibody Ki-67: a very large, ubiquitous nuclear protein with numerous repeated elements, representing a new kind of cell cycle-maintaining proteins. Journal of Cell Biology, 123, 513-522. [18] SCHOLZEN, T. & GERDES, J. 2000. The Ki-67 protein: from the known and the unknown. Journal of Cell Physiology, 182, 311-322. [19] NARITA, Y., OHTA, S., SUZUKI, K.M., NEMOTO, T., ABE, K., & MISHIMA, S. 2009. Effects of long-term administration of royal jelly on pituitary weight and gene expression in middle-aged female rats. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 73, 431–433. [20] MACGILLIVRAY, M.H., MORISHIMA, A., CONTE, F., GRUMBACH, M., & SMITH, E.P. 1998. The essential roles of estrogens in pubertal growth, epiphyseal fusion and bone turnover: lessons from mutations in the genes for aromatase and the estrogen receptor. Hormone Research, 49, 2–8. [21] JUUL A. 2001. The effects of oestrogens on linear bone growth. Human Reproduction Update, 7, 303–313. [22] BÖRJESSON, A.E., LAGERQUIST, M.K., WINDAHL, S.H., & OHLSSON, C. 2013. The role of estrogen receptor α in the regulation of bone and growth plate cartilage. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 70, 4023–4037. [23] CHAGIN, A.S., LINDBERG, M.K., ANDERSSON, N., MOVERARE, S., GUSTAFSSON, J.A., SÄVENDAHL, L., ET AL. 2004. Estrogen receptor-beta inhibits skeletal growth and has the capacity to mediate growth plate fusion in female mice. Journal of Bone Mineral Research, 19, 72–77. [24] VELDHUIS, J.D., METZGER, D.L., MARTHA, P.M., MAURAS, N., KERRIGAN, J.R., KEENAN, B., ET AL. 1997. Estrogen and testosterone, but not a nonaromatizable androgen, direct network integration of the hypothalamo-somatotrope (growth hormone)-insulin-like growth factor I axis in the human: evidence from pubertal pathophysiology and sex-steroid hormone replacement. Journal of Clinical Endocrinolology & Metabolism, 82, 3414–3420. [25] CHAGIN, A.S., CHRYSIS, D., TAKIGAWA, M., RITZEN, E.M., & SÄVENDAHL, L. 2006. Locally produced estrogen promotes fetal rat metatarsal bone growth; an effect mediated through increased chondrocyte proliferation and decreased apoptosis. Journal of Endocrinology, 88, 193–203.

Effects of Royal Jelly Supplementation on Growth Plate Zones and Longitudinal Growth in Young Rats

Year 2019, Volume: 19 Issue: 2, 1 - 13, 27.12.2019


Kraliçe arıların ana besin öğesini oluşturan Arı sütü, işçi arıların mandibular bezlerinden salgılanmaktadır. Son yıllarda, ailelerin çocuklarının büyümesine yardımcı olmak için Arısütü’nü uygulamasında artış olduğu gözlenmektedir. Bu çalışmada arısütü verilen genç sıçanlarda büyüme plağı zonlarına olan etkisi ve hormonal etkilerini (östrodiol, büyüme hormone ve insulin benzeri büyüme faktörü-1) araştırdık. 30 adet 7 günlük sıçan randomize olarak iki gruba ayrıldı. Bir gruba annesütünün yanısıra 15 gün süresince gavaj yolu ile günde 50 mg/kg Arı sütü uygulandı. Çalışmanın sonunda RJ verilen grubun göre ortalama ağırlığı kontrol grubuna daha fazla ve ortalama kuyruk uzunlukları daha uzundu (p<0.001; p=0.04). Plazma büyüme hormonu ve östradiol seviyesi RJ g rubunda daha yüksek olarak sonuçlandı (p=0.03; p=0.04). Büyüme plağının uzunluğu RJ grubunda control grubuna göre daha uzun olduğu tespit edildi. Ayrıca büyüme plağının proliferative zonunda östrojen reseptör ekspresyonu RJ grubunda control grubuna göre daha fazla olduğu gözlendi (p<0.001). Çalışma sonunda büyüme plağı zonları, östrodiol, büyüme hormonu ve insulin benzeri büyüme faktörü-1 ölçüldü. Bu çalışma sonucunda Arı sütü’nün büyüme plağı zonlarında ve serumda östrodiol ile büyüme hormonunun artışı olduğu ancak büyüme plağının uzamasının Arısütünün potansiyel östrojenik etkisine bağlı olacağı belirtildi.


  • [1] MIYATA T. 2007. Pharmacological basis of traditional medicines and health supplements as curatives. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, 103, 127–31. [2] REMBOLD H. 1965. Biologically active substances in royal jelly. Vitamins & Hormones, 23, 359–382. [3] TAKENAKA, T., ECHIGO, T. 1980. Chemical composition of royal jelly. Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture Saga University, 20, 71–78. [4] LERCKER, G., CAPELLA, P., CONTE, L., RUINI, F., & GIORDANI, G., 1981. Components of royal jelly: I. Identification of the organic acids. Lipids, 16, :912–919. [5] BARNUŢIU, L.I., MARGHITAS, L.A., DEZMIREAN, D.S., MIHAI, C.M., & BOBIS, O. 2011. Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Royal Jelly. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, ;44:67-72. [6] JAPANESE PHARMACOPOEIA. 2011. 16th Edition in English translation. In: Crude Drugs, Japan, p. 1728. [7] MISHIMA, S., SUZUKI, K.M., ISOHAMA, Y., KURATSU, N., ARAKI, Y., INOUE, M., ET AL. 2005. Royal jelly has estrogenic effects in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 101, 215–220. [8] MOUTSATSOU, P., PAPOUTSI, Z.., KASSI, E., HELDRING, N., ZHAO, C., TSIAPARA, A., ET AL 2010. Fatty acids derived from royal jelly are modulators of estrogen receptor functions. PLoS One, 5, 15594. [9] SUZUKI, K.M., ISOHAMA, Y., MARUYAMA, H., YAMADA, Y., NARITA, Y., OHTA, S., ET AL. 2008. Estrogenic activities of Fatty acids and a sterol isolated from royal jelly. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 5, 295–302. [10] NARITA, Y., NOMURA, J., OHTA, S., INOH, Y., SUZUKI K.M., ARAKI, Y., ET AL. 2006. Royal jelly stimulates bone formation: physiologic and nutrigenomic studies with mice and cell lines. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 70, 2508–2514. [11] SÄVENDAHL L. 2005. Hormonal regulation of growth plate cartilage. Hormone Research 64, 94-97. [12] ROBSON, H., SIEBLER, T., SHALET, S.M., & WILLIAMS, G.R. 2002. Interactions between GH, IGF-I, glucocorticoids, and thyroid hormones during skeletal growth. Pediatric Research, 52, 137–147. [13] VERHEIJEN R, KUIJPERS HJ, SCHLINGEMANN RO, BOEHMER AL, VAN DRIEL R, BRAKENHOFF, G.J., ET AL. 1989. Ki-67 detects a nuclear matrix-associated proliferation-related antigen. I. Intracellular localization during interphase. Journal of Cell Science, 92, 123–130. [14] IAMAROON, A., KHEMALEELAKUL, U., PONGSIRIWET, S., PINTONG, J. 2004. Co-expression of p53 and Ki67 and lack of EBV expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine, 33, 30-36. [15] STEVENS, D.A. & WILLIAMS, G.R. 1999. Hormone regulation of chondrocyte differentiation and endochondral bone formation. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 151, 195–204. [16] SJÖGREN, K., SHENG, M., MOVERARE, S., LIU, J.L., WALLENIUS, K., TÖRNELL, J., ET AL. 2002. Effects of liver-derived insulin-like growth factor I on bone metabolism in mice. Journal of Bone Mineral Research, 17, 1977–987. [17] SCHLÜTER, C., DUCHROW, M., WOHLENBERG, C., BECKER, M.H., KEY, G., FLAD, H.D., ET AL. 1993. The cell proliferation-associated antigen of antibody Ki-67: a very large, ubiquitous nuclear protein with numerous repeated elements, representing a new kind of cell cycle-maintaining proteins. Journal of Cell Biology, 123, 513-522. [18] SCHOLZEN, T. & GERDES, J. 2000. The Ki-67 protein: from the known and the unknown. Journal of Cell Physiology, 182, 311-322. [19] NARITA, Y., OHTA, S., SUZUKI, K.M., NEMOTO, T., ABE, K., & MISHIMA, S. 2009. Effects of long-term administration of royal jelly on pituitary weight and gene expression in middle-aged female rats. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 73, 431–433. [20] MACGILLIVRAY, M.H., MORISHIMA, A., CONTE, F., GRUMBACH, M., & SMITH, E.P. 1998. The essential roles of estrogens in pubertal growth, epiphyseal fusion and bone turnover: lessons from mutations in the genes for aromatase and the estrogen receptor. Hormone Research, 49, 2–8. [21] JUUL A. 2001. The effects of oestrogens on linear bone growth. Human Reproduction Update, 7, 303–313. [22] BÖRJESSON, A.E., LAGERQUIST, M.K., WINDAHL, S.H., & OHLSSON, C. 2013. The role of estrogen receptor α in the regulation of bone and growth plate cartilage. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 70, 4023–4037. [23] CHAGIN, A.S., LINDBERG, M.K., ANDERSSON, N., MOVERARE, S., GUSTAFSSON, J.A., SÄVENDAHL, L., ET AL. 2004. Estrogen receptor-beta inhibits skeletal growth and has the capacity to mediate growth plate fusion in female mice. Journal of Bone Mineral Research, 19, 72–77. [24] VELDHUIS, J.D., METZGER, D.L., MARTHA, P.M., MAURAS, N., KERRIGAN, J.R., KEENAN, B., ET AL. 1997. Estrogen and testosterone, but not a nonaromatizable androgen, direct network integration of the hypothalamo-somatotrope (growth hormone)-insulin-like growth factor I axis in the human: evidence from pubertal pathophysiology and sex-steroid hormone replacement. Journal of Clinical Endocrinolology & Metabolism, 82, 3414–3420. [25] CHAGIN, A.S., CHRYSIS, D., TAKIGAWA, M., RITZEN, E.M., & SÄVENDAHL, L. 2006. Locally produced estrogen promotes fetal rat metatarsal bone growth; an effect mediated through increased chondrocyte proliferation and decreased apoptosis. Journal of Endocrinology, 88, 193–203.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Articles

Özgür Pirgon

Müge Atar This is me

Metin Çiriş This is me

Murat Sever This is me

Publication Date December 27, 2019
Submission Date October 24, 2019
Acceptance Date November 6, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 19 Issue: 2


APA Pirgon, Ö., Atar, M., Çiriş, M., Sever, M. (2019). Effects of Royal Jelly Supplementation on Growth Plate Zones and Longitudinal Growth in Young Rats. Mellifera, 19(2), 1-13.
AMA Pirgon Ö, Atar M, Çiriş M, Sever M. Effects of Royal Jelly Supplementation on Growth Plate Zones and Longitudinal Growth in Young Rats. mellifera. December 2019;19(2):1-13.
Chicago Pirgon, Özgür, Müge Atar, Metin Çiriş, and Murat Sever. “Effects of Royal Jelly Supplementation on Growth Plate Zones and Longitudinal Growth in Young Rats”. Mellifera 19, no. 2 (December 2019): 1-13.
EndNote Pirgon Ö, Atar M, Çiriş M, Sever M (December 1, 2019) Effects of Royal Jelly Supplementation on Growth Plate Zones and Longitudinal Growth in Young Rats. Mellifera 19 2 1–13.
IEEE Ö. Pirgon, M. Atar, M. Çiriş, and M. Sever, “Effects of Royal Jelly Supplementation on Growth Plate Zones and Longitudinal Growth in Young Rats”, mellifera, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 1–13, 2019.
ISNAD Pirgon, Özgür et al. “Effects of Royal Jelly Supplementation on Growth Plate Zones and Longitudinal Growth in Young Rats”. Mellifera 19/2 (December 2019), 1-13.
JAMA Pirgon Ö, Atar M, Çiriş M, Sever M. Effects of Royal Jelly Supplementation on Growth Plate Zones and Longitudinal Growth in Young Rats. mellifera. 2019;19:1–13.
MLA Pirgon, Özgür et al. “Effects of Royal Jelly Supplementation on Growth Plate Zones and Longitudinal Growth in Young Rats”. Mellifera, vol. 19, no. 2, 2019, pp. 1-13.
Vancouver Pirgon Ö, Atar M, Çiriş M, Sever M. Effects of Royal Jelly Supplementation on Growth Plate Zones and Longitudinal Growth in Young Rats. mellifera. 2019;19(2):1-13.