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Some Notes Relating to a Modern Misnaming of a Medieval Islamic Design

Year 2019, Issue: 1, 72 - 119, 31.12.2019


The aim of this article is to show the recent naming of the so-called “8 pointed star and cross design,” as representing “The Breath of the Compassionate,” has no support in the historical sources, and to draw attention to some of the problems in understanding, consequent upon the ongoing re-naming/misnaming of designs and design types, for a proper understanding of the content conveyed by works of Islamic art at the time they were made and displayed. Attention is drawn to the use of this type of design in Seljuk art, and it suggests that the use of this design in its vertical form is often to be associated with the ruler, as the Second Sulaymān, that is to indicate through the use of this design that the ruler was to be understood as being The Just Ruler of the Time. It also indicates the importance of the set of designs, of which this forms but one example, that were termed in the 13th c. mushabak-shabaka - meaning a lattice, net, or a grid design, thereby, from the etymological root of the term, conveying a rather different meaning from the modern term “geometric design;” and finds the recent repeated association of this mushabak-shabaka design type with, “the infinite pattern,” “infinity,” or the “illusion of infinity” to be without foundation from the historical sources and context. Some reasons for the importance of this group of mushabak-shabaka designs in works of Islamic art and culture in both two and three dimensions from the 3rd/9th c. A.D. down to the present day are suggested; together with both etymological and religious reasons for the increased prominence and use of “knotting-inter-lace” designs in the 5th-8th/11th to 14th centuries - that can perhaps more accurately be termed, “al-i’tiqād” designs


  • Reading of Mystical Ideas, SUNY Press, New York, 2012Akkach 2005, Samer Akkach, Cosmology and Architecture in Premodern Islam: An Architectural Reading of Mystical Ideas, SUNY Press, New York,Akkach 1997 Samer Akkach, “The world of Imagination in Ibn ‘Arabi’s Ontology,” 97-113, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 24(1), 1997Arabi 1991, Ismail Hakkı Bursevı’s translation and commentary on Fusus al-Hıkam by Muhyıddın ıbn ‘Arabı, rendered into English by Bulent Rauf with the help of R. Brass and H. Tollemache, III., Muhyıddın ıbn ‘Arabı Society, Oxford, Istanbul, San Francisco, 1991.Arberry 1977 Arthur John Arberry, Discourses of Rumi (or Fihi Man Fihi), Trans. A. J. Arberry, Samuel Weisner, New York. 1977Auld 2004, Sylvia Auld, Renaissance Venice, Islam and Mahmud the Kurd: A Metalworking Enigma Altajir World Of Islam Trust, 2004Bakhtiyar 1991 Laleh Bakhtiyar, Sufi, Expressions of the Mystic Quest, Thames and Hudson, London, (1976) 1991Bakırer 2000 Ömür Bakırer, Onüc ve Ondördüncü yüzyıllarda Anadolu Mihrabları, TTK., Ankara, (1976) 2000Bakirer1999 Ömür Bakirer, “Recently Discovered Stucco Window Lattices from the Anatolian Seljuk Period” 127-133, Eds. Déroche et al., 10th International Congress of Turkish Art. 10e Congrès international d'art turc. Genève, 1995, Fondation Max van Berchem, Geneva, 1999Barışta 1984 H. Örcün Barışta, Türk işleme sanatı tarihi, Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, 5. sayı, Ankara 1984Barrow 1735 John Barrow, Dictionarium polygraphicum, or, The whole body of arts regularly digested: containing the arts of designing, drawing, painting ... adorned with proper sculptures, curiously engraven on more than fifty copper plates, C. Hitch, C. Davis, London, II., 1735, npn.Behrens-Abouseif – Orazi 1989 Doris Behrens-Abouseif and Roberto Orazi, “Mas̲h̲rabiyya”, in: Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition, Edited by: P. Bearman, Th. Bianquis, C. E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel, W.P. Heinrichs. Consulted online on 24 February 2018 1996, I, Ibn Bibi El-Hüseyin b. Muhammed b. Ali El-Ca’feri Er-Rugadi, El Evamirü’l-Ala’iye Fi’l-Umuri’l-Ala’iye, (Selçukname), Vols. I, II. Trans. Mürsel Öztürk. TTK, Ankara 1996Bibi 1956 Ibn Bibi, El Evamirü’l-Ala’iyye Fi’ Umuri’l-Alaiyye, (Tıpkı basım) Haz. Adnan Sadık Erzi, TTK, Ankara, 1956Bier 2017 Carol Bier, “Alloys and Architecture: Periodic and Quasiperiodic Patterns in Sinan’s Selimiye in Edirne,” 82-100 in, Overturning Certainties in Near Eastern Archaeology: A Festschrift in honor of K. Aslihan Yener, Ed. Çiğdem Maner, ‎Mara T. Horowitz, ‎Allan S. Gilbert, Brill, Leiden, 2017Bier 2015 Carol Bier, “Geometry in Islamic Art,” 1-21 in, Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures, Springer, 2015 DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-3934-5_10111-1Bier 2008 Carol Bier, Art and Mithāl: Reading Geometry as Visual Commentary, International Journal of Iranian Studies, Vol. 41, No. 4, Sciences, Crafts, and the Production of Knowledge: Iran and Eastern Islamic Lands (ca. 184-1153 AH/800-1740 CE), Sep., 2008, pp. 491-509Bonner 2017, Jay Bonner, Islamic Geometric Patterns: Their Historical Development and Traditional Methods of Construction, Springer, New York, 2017Burckhardt 2008 Titus Burckhardt, Introduction to Sufi Doctrine, World Wisdom, Inc, Bloomington, Indiana, (1959) 2008 Burckhardt 2001 Titus Burckhardt, Mystical astrology according to Ibn ‘Arabi, Titus Burckhardt (1950), Trans. Bulent Rauf, Fons Vitae, Louisville, KT, 2001O’Callaghan 2016 Cheryll Ann O’Callaghan, The Tapestry of Me: Through Sacred Geometry, Balboa Press, Bloomington, Indiana, 2016Canby 2005 Shelia R. Canby, Islamic Art in Detail, Harvard University Press, U.S.A., 2005Chorbaci 2016 Wasma’a Khalid Chorbaci, “In the Tower of Babel: Beyond symmetry in islamic design,” 751-790 in Ed. Istvan Hargittai, Symmetry 2: Unifying Human Understanding, Pergamon Press, Elsevier, Oxford, 2016Chorbachi 1989 Wasma’a Khalid Chorbachi, “In the Tower of Babel: Beyond symmetry in islamic design,” 751-789 in, Computers & Mathematics with Applications Vol. 17, Issues 4–6, 1989 2004 Keith Critchlow, essay in, Eds. Z. Hussain, F. Khan, A. Mitha, Handasah: unity in pattern, Shisha, the International Agency for Contemporary South Asian Crafts and Visual Arts, Manchester, 2004Critchlow 1973 Keith Critchlow, Islamic Pattern, An Analytical and Cosmological Approach, Thames and Hudson, London, (1973) 1992.Duggan 2017 Terrance M. P. Duggan, On Reading The Meanings Carried By The Zigzag Design In Islamic Art, Uluslararası XXI. Ortaçağ ve Türk Dönemi Kazıları ve Sanat Tarihi Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, Antalya, 25-27 October 2017, forthcoming 2019Duggan 2018 Terrance M. P. Duggan, “The Just Ruler of the Age - Exhibiting Legitimacy for Rule through Visual Representation, as in the Written and Inscribed Record: On the Meanings Conveyed by the Creatures Depicted on 8-Pointed Tiles from Rūm Seljuk 13th c. Palaces, Pavilions and Bath-Houses: The Jinn” Phaselis, IV, 2018, 389-421Duggan 2015 Terrance M. P. Duggan, “The O’Grady factor and false resemblance – blinding Oriental-isms and misapprehensions of the 13th century in the absence of due contextualisation and a little common sense,” Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi, İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü, I. Dil, Talat S. Halman Kültür ve Edebiyat Çalıştayı, Haziran 2015, Talât Sait Halman’a Armağan Kitabı, Ed. A. Arıkan, 2015, 178-198Duggan 2014 Terrance M. P. Duggan, Veil of Lights, Mediterranean Journal of Humanities IV/1, 2014, 129-157.Eckmann-Schutz 1976 János Eckmann, Ed. E. Schutz, Middle Turkic Glosses of the Rylands Interlinear Koran Translation, Akadémiai Kiadó, Vol. 21, Bibliotheca orientalis Hungarica, Budapest, 1976Ekhtiar-Moore 2012, Unit 3: Geometric Design in Islamic Art, 77-90 in, Ed. Maryam D. Ekhtiar-Claire Moore, Art of the Islamic World: A Resource for Educators, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2012Elmore 1999 Gerald T. 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Ortaçağ İslam Dünyasına Ait Bir Motifin Modern Dönemde Yanlış Adlandırılmasına İlişkin Notlar

Year 2019, Issue: 1, 72 - 119, 31.12.2019


Birtakım notlar aracılığıyla, bu makale, yapıldıkları ve sergilendikleri dönemde İslam sanat çalışmaları tarafından iletilen içeriklerin doğru bir şekilde anlaşılabilmesi için, tasarım ve tasarım türlerinin devam eden bir şekilde yeniden adlandırılması / yanlış bir şekilde adlandırılmasından kaynaklı ortaya çıkan bazı anlayış sorunlarına dikkat çekmektir. Özellikle de, son zamanlarda sözde “8-uçlu yıldız ve haç tasarımının”, “Merhametlinin Nefesini” temsil ettiği şeklinde aksettirilmesi için tarihi kaynaklarda herhangi bir destek olmadığını göstermek adına, Selçuklu sanatında bu tür tasarımların nasıl kullanıldığına dikkat çekilmektedir ve bu tasarımın dikey formunda kullanılmasının çoğu zaman hükümdar (İkinci Süleyman) ile ilgili olduğu öne sürülmektedir. Başka bir deyişle, bu motifin kullanılma nedeni, zamanın hükümdarının, Zamanın Adil Hükümdarı olarak anlaşılması gerektiğine işaret etmek içindir. Ayrıca, bunun sadece bir örneği olduğu ve 13. Yüzyılda mushabak-shabaka (kafes, file ya da ağ motifi) olarak adlandırılan motif grubunun önemine işaret etmekte, ve böylece, bu ifadenin etimolojik kökeninden yola çıkılarak, modern “geometrik motif” teriminden oldukça farklı bir takım çağrışımlar aksettirmektedir. Son zamanlarda bu mushabak-shabaka motif türünün, “sonsuz şekil”, “sonsuzluk” ya da “sonsuzluk illüzyonu” ile tekrar tekrar ilişkilendirilmesinin çağdaş tarihi ve dini kaynaklar ve bağlamalarda herhangi bir dayanağı bulunmamaktadır. 3./9. Yüzyıldan bugüne hem iki hem de üç boyutlu olarak bu mushabak-shabaka grubu tasarımların İslam sanat çalışmaları ve kültüründeki öneminin bazı sebepleri olarak, etimolojik ve dini sebeplerle birlikte, 5.-8. / 11.-14. Yüzyıllar arasında, belki de daha doğru bir şekilde al-i’tiqad” motifleri olarak tanımlanabilecek “düğümleme – birbirine geçirme”


  • Reading of Mystical Ideas, SUNY Press, New York, 2012Akkach 2005, Samer Akkach, Cosmology and Architecture in Premodern Islam: An Architectural Reading of Mystical Ideas, SUNY Press, New York,Akkach 1997 Samer Akkach, “The world of Imagination in Ibn ‘Arabi’s Ontology,” 97-113, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 24(1), 1997Arabi 1991, Ismail Hakkı Bursevı’s translation and commentary on Fusus al-Hıkam by Muhyıddın ıbn ‘Arabı, rendered into English by Bulent Rauf with the help of R. Brass and H. Tollemache, III., Muhyıddın ıbn ‘Arabı Society, Oxford, Istanbul, San Francisco, 1991.Arberry 1977 Arthur John Arberry, Discourses of Rumi (or Fihi Man Fihi), Trans. A. J. Arberry, Samuel Weisner, New York. 1977Auld 2004, Sylvia Auld, Renaissance Venice, Islam and Mahmud the Kurd: A Metalworking Enigma Altajir World Of Islam Trust, 2004Bakhtiyar 1991 Laleh Bakhtiyar, Sufi, Expressions of the Mystic Quest, Thames and Hudson, London, (1976) 1991Bakırer 2000 Ömür Bakırer, Onüc ve Ondördüncü yüzyıllarda Anadolu Mihrabları, TTK., Ankara, (1976) 2000Bakirer1999 Ömür Bakirer, “Recently Discovered Stucco Window Lattices from the Anatolian Seljuk Period” 127-133, Eds. Déroche et al., 10th International Congress of Turkish Art. 10e Congrès international d'art turc. Genève, 1995, Fondation Max van Berchem, Geneva, 1999Barışta 1984 H. Örcün Barışta, Türk işleme sanatı tarihi, Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, 5. sayı, Ankara 1984Barrow 1735 John Barrow, Dictionarium polygraphicum, or, The whole body of arts regularly digested: containing the arts of designing, drawing, painting ... adorned with proper sculptures, curiously engraven on more than fifty copper plates, C. Hitch, C. Davis, London, II., 1735, npn.Behrens-Abouseif – Orazi 1989 Doris Behrens-Abouseif and Roberto Orazi, “Mas̲h̲rabiyya”, in: Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition, Edited by: P. Bearman, Th. Bianquis, C. E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel, W.P. Heinrichs. Consulted online on 24 February 2018 1996, I, Ibn Bibi El-Hüseyin b. Muhammed b. Ali El-Ca’feri Er-Rugadi, El Evamirü’l-Ala’iye Fi’l-Umuri’l-Ala’iye, (Selçukname), Vols. I, II. Trans. Mürsel Öztürk. TTK, Ankara 1996Bibi 1956 Ibn Bibi, El Evamirü’l-Ala’iyye Fi’ Umuri’l-Alaiyye, (Tıpkı basım) Haz. Adnan Sadık Erzi, TTK, Ankara, 1956Bier 2017 Carol Bier, “Alloys and Architecture: Periodic and Quasiperiodic Patterns in Sinan’s Selimiye in Edirne,” 82-100 in, Overturning Certainties in Near Eastern Archaeology: A Festschrift in honor of K. Aslihan Yener, Ed. Çiğdem Maner, ‎Mara T. Horowitz, ‎Allan S. Gilbert, Brill, Leiden, 2017Bier 2015 Carol Bier, “Geometry in Islamic Art,” 1-21 in, Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures, Springer, 2015 DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-3934-5_10111-1Bier 2008 Carol Bier, Art and Mithāl: Reading Geometry as Visual Commentary, International Journal of Iranian Studies, Vol. 41, No. 4, Sciences, Crafts, and the Production of Knowledge: Iran and Eastern Islamic Lands (ca. 184-1153 AH/800-1740 CE), Sep., 2008, pp. 491-509Bonner 2017, Jay Bonner, Islamic Geometric Patterns: Their Historical Development and Traditional Methods of Construction, Springer, New York, 2017Burckhardt 2008 Titus Burckhardt, Introduction to Sufi Doctrine, World Wisdom, Inc, Bloomington, Indiana, (1959) 2008 Burckhardt 2001 Titus Burckhardt, Mystical astrology according to Ibn ‘Arabi, Titus Burckhardt (1950), Trans. Bulent Rauf, Fons Vitae, Louisville, KT, 2001O’Callaghan 2016 Cheryll Ann O’Callaghan, The Tapestry of Me: Through Sacred Geometry, Balboa Press, Bloomington, Indiana, 2016Canby 2005 Shelia R. Canby, Islamic Art in Detail, Harvard University Press, U.S.A., 2005Chorbaci 2016 Wasma’a Khalid Chorbaci, “In the Tower of Babel: Beyond symmetry in islamic design,” 751-790 in Ed. Istvan Hargittai, Symmetry 2: Unifying Human Understanding, Pergamon Press, Elsevier, Oxford, 2016Chorbachi 1989 Wasma’a Khalid Chorbachi, “In the Tower of Babel: Beyond symmetry in islamic design,” 751-789 in, Computers & Mathematics with Applications Vol. 17, Issues 4–6, 1989 2004 Keith Critchlow, essay in, Eds. Z. Hussain, F. Khan, A. Mitha, Handasah: unity in pattern, Shisha, the International Agency for Contemporary South Asian Crafts and Visual Arts, Manchester, 2004Critchlow 1973 Keith Critchlow, Islamic Pattern, An Analytical and Cosmological Approach, Thames and Hudson, London, (1973) 1992.Duggan 2017 Terrance M. P. Duggan, On Reading The Meanings Carried By The Zigzag Design In Islamic Art, Uluslararası XXI. Ortaçağ ve Türk Dönemi Kazıları ve Sanat Tarihi Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, Antalya, 25-27 October 2017, forthcoming 2019Duggan 2018 Terrance M. P. Duggan, “The Just Ruler of the Age - Exhibiting Legitimacy for Rule through Visual Representation, as in the Written and Inscribed Record: On the Meanings Conveyed by the Creatures Depicted on 8-Pointed Tiles from Rūm Seljuk 13th c. Palaces, Pavilions and Bath-Houses: The Jinn” Phaselis, IV, 2018, 389-421Duggan 2015 Terrance M. P. 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There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Art History, Theory and Criticism (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

T.m.p. Duggan This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Issue: 1


Chicago Duggan, T.m.p. “Some Notes Relating to a Modern Misnaming of a Medieval Islamic Design”. MESOS Disiplinlerarası Ortaçağ Çalışmaları Dergisi 1, no. 1 (December 2019): 72-119.