Writing Rules

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

MESOS: Journal of Interdisciplinary Medieval Studies

Author Guidelines

Publication Language:

Manuscripts submitted to MESOS: Journal of Interdisciplinary Medieval Studies can be in Turkish or English.

Manuscript Preparation Guideline:

In manuscripts published in MESOS: Journal of Interdisciplinary Medieval Studies, the rules of publication ethics which have national and international validity should be followed.

Article manuscripts and translations should include an abstract of maximum 250 words with minimum 4 keywords in its own language.

In manuscripts submitted to our journal the spelling and punctuation rules of Turkish Language Association should be followed.

Concerning Arabic or Persian words, the transliteration principles of Turkiye Diyanet Foundation Islamic Encyclopedia should be followed.

Manuscripts should contain a title in both Turkish and English, author name(s), abstract and keywords with a bibliography.

Manuscripts should be styled as Times New Roman font in a compatible MS Word sized of A4.

Title should be centered with a point size 12, in black and bold, and completely capitalized. (TITLE)

Name(s) and surname(s) of author(s) should be under the title with a point size 12, in bold, aligned right, and the surname(s) should be completely capitalized (Name SURNAME) with a “reference mark” (*), and author(s) affiliations which contain the information of title(s) of author(s), the institution of the auther(s), and contact information [(if available) Title, University, Faculty or Institute, Department, City/ Country, Phone Number, E-mail Addresse, (if available) ORCID id] should be given italicized as a footnote of the reference mark.

It is recommended that authors should get a descriptive researcher-contributor identity number [Open Researcher ve Contributor ID (ORCID ID)] and state this identity number in own manuscipts in order to avoid circumstances such as name resemblance, changed surnames, national alphabetic letters, different types of writing, changed institutions in the case of browsing publication/reference through author name. ORCID ID number can be obtained by registering charged free from the website, https://orcid.org/register.

There should be an abstract in Turkish stating the related subject briefly, written in the point size of 10, aligned both sides, of maximum 250 words at the beginning of the manuscript. The abstract should not contain sources, tables, charts, and numbers of figures used. The keywords written in the point size of 10, aligned both sides, of minimum 4 words should be positioned below the abstract, and should be compatible with the contents of the manuscript and exclusive. An abstract and keywords in English should follow the abstract in Turkish.

The text itself should be written with Times New Roman font in a compatible MS Word sized of A4, and spaced 1,5. Paragraphes should begin 1cm from within. The margin of the page should be 2,5 cm on every side; page numbers should be given with Western Arabic Numbers, aligned right, below the related page. Parts to be stressed in text should be italicized, not in bold or between the quotation marks. Special fonts should be submitted in the appendix, if used.

It is proper to use main titles, headlines and subheadings in order to provide an organized flow and transmission of knowledge within manuscripts. If used, main titles should be bold, not italicized, and completely capitalized (MAIN SECTIONS, BIBLIOGRAPHY AND APPENDICES) while headlines and subheadings should be bold, not italicized with first letters of every word capitalized (Headlines and Subheadings).

Visual materials, maps, tables and plates within manuscipt or appendix should be submitted as a seperate file during submission.

For abbreviations index available at http://www.tdk.gov.tr/images/K%C4%B1saltmalar%20Dizini.pdf is valid.

Citation Format

Single Author-Book:

At first use in text

Hassan Khalilieh, Islamic Maritime Law: An Introduction (Leiden: Brill, 1998), 186.

After first use in text

Khalilieh, Islamic Maritime Law, 186.

In bibliography

Khalilieh, Hassan. Islamic Maritime Law: An Introduction (Leiden: Brill, 1998).

Edited Book:

At first use in text

Benjamin Arbel, “Maritime Trade in Famagusta during the Venetian Period (1474- 1571)”, The Harbour of all the Sea and Realm Crusader to Venetian Famagusta, ed. Michael J. K. Walsh vd.,(Budapest: Central European University Press, 2014), 95.

After first use in text

Arbel, “Maritime Trade”, 95.

In bibliography

Arbel, Benjamin. “Maritime Trade in Famagusta during the Venetian Period (1474- 1571)”, The Harbour of all the Sea and Realm Crusader to Venetian Famagusta, ed. Michael J. K. Walsh vd.,(Budapest: Central European University Press, 2014), 91-103.

Journal Articles:

At first use in text

Vasillios Christides, “Naval History and Naval Technology in Medieval Times the Need for Interdisciplinary Studies”, Byzantion 58/2, 1988:310.

After first use in text

Christides, “Naval History”, 310.

In bibliography

Christides, Vasillios. “Naval History and Naval Technology in Medieval Times the Need for Interdisciplinary Studies”, Byzantion 58/2, 1988:309-332.

Translated Book:

At first use in text

Étienne Gilson, Dante the Philosopher, tr. David Moore (London: Sheed&Ward 1948), 263.

After first use in text

Gilson, Dante the Philosopher, 263.

In bibliography

Étienne Gilson, Dante the Philosopher, tr. David Moore (London: Sheed&Ward 1948)


At first use in text

Mark Anthony Castricone, The Efficacy of Comedy, PhD Dissertation (Florida: University of South Florida 2019), 57.

After first use in text

Castricone, The Efficacy, 57.

In bibliography

Castricone, Mark Anthony. The Efficacy of Comedy, PhD Dissertation (Florida: University of South Florida 2019).

Primary Source:

At first use in text

Eusebius, Life of Constantine, tr. Averil Cameron & Stuart G. Hall, (Oxford: Clarendon Press 1999), I: 5.

Nüveyrî, Nihâyetü’l Ereb fi Fûnûnü’l Adab, c. XXIV, ed. Abdülmecid Tarhini (Beyrut: Dârü’l Kütübü’l İlmiyye 2004), 209.

Hasan el- Rammah, Kitâbü’l Furûsiyye fi Resmü’l Cihâdü’l Mahtûtat, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Arabe. 2825, vrk. 34.

After first use in text

Eusebius, Life of Constantine, I:5.

Nüveyrî, Nihâyetü’l Ereb, c. XXIV, 209.

Hasan el- Rammah, Kitâbü’l Furûsiyye, vrk. 34.

In bibliography

Eusebius, Life of Constantine, tr. Averil Cameron & Stuart G. Hall, (Oxford: Clarendon Press 1999).

Nüveyrî, Şihâbüddîn Ahmed b. Abdilvehhâb. Nihâyetü’l Ereb fi Fûnûnü’l Adab, c. XXIV, ed. Abdülmecid Tarhini (Beyrut: Dârü’l Kütübü’l İlmiyye 2004).

Hasan el- Rammah, Necmeddîn el- Ahdab. Kitâbü’l Furûsiyye fi Resmü’l Cihâdü’l Mahtûtat, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Arabe. 2825.

*In the case of author, translator, editor and such copyright owner being more than two, first one should be written, and the others should be abbreviated as “et al.”.

**Concerning the online sources, URL and date of access of the source should be indicated.