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Yetenekli Eller: Ben Carson Hikayesi Filminin Tannenbaum Yıldız Modeline Göre Analizi: Potansiyelin Yeteneğe Dönüşümü

Year 2024, Issue: Ö2 - Özel Eğitimde Disiplinlerarası Çalışmalar, 33 - 74, 31.12.2024


Bu çalışma, Yetenekli Eller: Ben Carson Hikayesi filminin Tannenbaum'un Yıldız Modeli'ne göre üstün yetenekli bireylerin yetenek gelişimini nasıl ele aldığını incelemektedir. Araştırmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılarak filmdeki olaylar, karakter gelişimi ve temalar beş temel faktör olan genel yetenek, özel yetenek, çevre, şans ve zihinsel olmayan bireysel faktörler üzerinden değerlendirilmiştir. Tannenbaum’un Yıldız Modeli, yetenekli bireylerin gelişiminde çevresel ve bireysel faktörlerin rolünü vurgulayan kapsamlı bir kuramdır. Bu bağlamda, Ben Carson’un başarı yolculuğu, özellikle ailesel ve çevresel desteklerin, içsel motivasyonun ve fırsatların değerlendirilmesinin üstün yetenekli bireylerin yeteneklerini nasıl geliştirebileceği konusundaki çıkarımlarıyla analiz edilmiştir. Filmde Carson’un yaşadığı zorluklar ve başarıları, Tannenbaum’un modelinde yer alan tüm bileşenlerin yetenek gelişimine nasıl katkıda bulunduğunu göster-mektedir. Yapılan analiz sonucunda beş temaya ulaşılmıştır. Bunlar; üstün yetenek ve bilişsel kapasite, sıradışı beceriler ve yetenek alanları, annenin etkisi ve çevre, psikolojik sağlamlık, kendini adama ve duygusal büyüme son olarak da fırsatlar ve kritik olaylar temalarıdır. Her bir temanın altında yer alan alt temalar da ortaya konmuş ve alanyazın ışığında tartışılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları, yetenek gelişiminde Tannenbaum’un öneridiği üzere aile desteği, çevresel faktörler ve bireyin içsel motivasyonunun önemini or-taya koyarken, şansın ve fırsatların da bu süreçte kritik bir rol oynadığını vurgulamaktadır. Ayrıca araştırma sonuçlarına göre benzer durumda olan üstün yetenekli bireylerin yetenek gelişimine etki edebilecek çıkarsamalar yapılmıştır.

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Emeğiniz ve katkılarınız için şimdiden teşekkür ederim. Saygılarımla.


  • Afat, Nüket vd. “Gifted filmi bağlamında özel yeteneklilere ve eğitimlerine genel bir bakış”. Turkish Studies 15/5 (2020).
  • Alexopoulou, Archondoula vd. “Resilience and Academic Underachieve-ment in Gifted Students: Causes, Consequences and Strategic Methods of Prevention and Intervention”. .." International Journal of Online & Bi- omedical Engineering 15/14 (2019).
  • Anadolu, Ajans. “Mete Gazoz’un babası Metin Gazoz: Bir baba olarak Mete ile çok gurur duyuyorum” (2022). gurur-duyuyorum/2616786
  • Anlatan, Mervenur. “Türkiye’de Özel Yeteneklilerle Yapılan Çalışmalarda Benlik Algısı”. Gazi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi 9/1 (2023), 21-52.
  • Austin, John. Chase, chance and creativity. Columbia, 1978.
  • Betts, George - Kercher, Jolene. “The autonomous learner model for the gift-ed & talented”. Systems and models for developing programs for the gifted and talented. 49-103. Routledge, 2023.
  • Bland, Lori C. vd. “An overview of resilience in gifted children.” Roeper Review 17/2 (1994), 77-80.
  • Carley, Mark, S. “Training goes to the movies”. Training & Development 53/7 (1999), 15-19.
  • Clark, Barbara. No child is just born gifted: Creating and developing unlimited potential. Routledge, 2021.
  • Davis, Gary, A. - Nicolas Colangelo (ed.). Handbook of gifted education. Allyn and Bacon, 1997.
  • Demirel, Şule - Sak, Uğur. “Yetenek hiyerarşisi: üstün yetenek türlerinin toplumsal değerleri üzerine bir araştırma”. TALENT 1/1 (2011), 61-76.
  • Duman, Ayşenaz E. - Özdemir, Nurten, K. “Deha (Gifted) Filminin Üstün Yetenekli Bireylerin Kariyer Gelişimleri Açısından İncelenmesi”. Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi 22/1 (2024), 267-298.
  • Elnur, Ahmet. “Dijital Çağda Boş Zaman: Boş Zaman Olgusunnu Dijital-leşmesi Bağlamında ‘Ready Player One’ Filminin İncelenmesi”. Mev-zu:Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 11/3 (2024), 431-462.
  • Gagne, Fransoua. “From Giftedness to Gifted Education”. The integrative model of talent development (IMTD): From theory to educational applica-tions. 149-182. Routledge, 2021.
  • Gardner, Howard - Hatch, Thomas. “Educational implications of the theory of multiple intelligences”. Educational researcher 18/8 (1989), 4-10.
  • Gökçe, Erten vd. “Adaptation of Harter’s scale of intrinsic versus extrinsic motivational orienta-tion in the classroom to primary schools in Tur-key”. Egitim Arastirmalari-Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 42/11 (2011), 79-94.
  • Guilford, Joy, Paul. “Intelligence: 1965 model”. American psychologist 21/1 (1966), 20.
  • Halsted, Jouth Wynn. Some of my best friends are books: Guiding gifted readers from preschool to high school. Great Potential Press, 2009.
  • Harter, Sousan. “A new self-report scale of intrinsic versus extrinsic orienta-tion in the classroom: Motivational and informational components”. Developmental Psychology 17/3 (1981), 300-312.
  • Infantes-Paniagua, Aivaro vd. “Differences in self-concept between gifted and non-gifted students: A meta- analysis from 2005 to 2020” 38/2 (ts.), 278-294.
  • Kangas, Timothy, C. vd. “Cinematherapy in gifted education identity de-velopment: Integrating the arts through STEM-themed movies”. Journal of STEM Arts, Crafts, and Constructions 2/2 (2017), 45-65.
  • Klimecka, Eva. “Advantages and disadvantages of being ‘gifted’: percep-tions of the label by gifted pupils.” Research Papers in Education 38/6 (2023), 902-923.
  • Krippendorff, Klaus. Content Analysis: An Introduction To Its Methodology. Sage Publication, 2004.
  • Leana-Taşcılar, Marilena Z. Duygu gelişimini destekleme psikoeğitim programı. MEB, 2022.
  • Leana-Taşcılar, Marilena Z. Özel yetenekli çocukların psikolojisi: Kuramdan uygulamaya. Ankara: Nobel, 2. Basım, 2018.
  • Leana-Taşcılar, Marilena Z. “Üstün Zekalı Çocuklarda Mükemmelliğin Geliştirilmesi İçin Üstünlüğün Aktiotop Modeli’nin Türkiye’ye Uyar-lanması için Öneriler”. JEYSG 2/1 (2014), 18-32.
  • Luo, Linlin - Kiewra, Kenneth, A. “Parents’ roles in talent development”. Gifted Education International 37/1 (2021), 30-40.
  • Maharani, Surya. The Analysis of Politeness Strategy Applied by the Main Characters of" Gifted" Film. Ganesha: Universitas Pendidikan, 2023.
  • Majid, Rosadah - Aliza, Alias. “Consequences of risk factors in the devel-opment of gifted children.” Procedia-social and behavioral sciences 7 (2010), 63-69.
  • Miles, Matthew, B. - Huberman, Allen, M. Qualitative data analysis: a source book of new methods. Sage Publication, 2021.
  • Mushkina, İrina - Maznichenko, Maria. “Scientific Interpretation of Films about School as a means of Overcoming Challenges for Teachers in Their Work with Gifted Children”. ARPHA Proceedings. 5/1155-1170, 2022.
  • Neihart, Maureen. The social and emotional development of gifted children: What do we know?. Routledge, 2021.
  • Olszewski-Kubilius, Paola vd. “Benchmarking psychosocial skills important for talent development”. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Devel-opment, 168 (2019), 161-176.
  • Olszewski-Kubilius, Paola vd. “Personality dimensions of gifted adolescents: A review of the empirical literature.” Gifted Child Quarterly 32/4 (1988), 347-352.
  • Örnek, Nilay. “Nasıl Olunur? Şahika Ercümen”. Nasıl Olunur? Erişim 01 Ekim 2024.
  • Patton, Michael. Qualitative research and evaluation methods. Sage Publica-tion, 3. Basım, 2002.
  • Renzulli, Joseph. “Emerging conceptions of giftedness: Building a bridge to the new century”. Exceptionality 10/2 (2002), 67-75.
  • Sağlam, Abdulkadir vd. “Tannenbaum’un Yıldız Modeli’nin Kuramsal Yapısı”. The Journal Of Academic Social Science 126 (2022), 150-158.
  • Sak, Uğur. Üstün zekalılar: özellikleri, tanılanmaları ve eğitimleri. Vize, 7. Basım, 2017.
  • Schreier, Margrit vd. “Qualitative Content Analysis: Conceptualizations and Challenges in Research Practice”. Qualitative Content Analysis I". In Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 2019.
  • Siegle, Del. Understanding underachievement. Routledge, 2022.
  • Silverman, Linda. “The Overlooked Role of Modalities in Multi-Exceptional Children”. Roeper Review 46/2 (2024), 90-102.
  • Simonton, Dean, K. “The genetic side of giftedness: A nature-nurture defini-tion and a fourfold talent typology.” From Giftedness to Gifted Education. 335-352. Routledge, 2021.
  • Sternberg, Robert. “Our research program validating the triarchic theory of successful intelligen-ce: Reply to Gottfredson”. Intelligence 31/4 (2003), 399-413.
  • Sternberg, Robert - R. Davidson (ed.). Conceptions of giftedness. Cambridge, 2005.
  • Şakar, Seda vd. “Examination of Movies About Gifted Individuals”. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Dergisi 24/1 (2023), 179-197.
  • Tannenbaum, Abraham, J. “Nature and nurture of giftedness”. Handbook of gifted education. ed. Nicolas Colangelo - Gary Davis A. 45-49. Pearson, 2003.
  • Topçu, Sevgi - Leana-Taşcılar, Marilena Z. “The role of motivation and self-esteem in the academic achievement of Turkish gifted students.” Gifted Education International 34/1 (2018), 3-18.
  • Yan, Kong - Zhu, Haihui. “A decade comparison: self-concept of gif-ted and non-gifted adolescents.” International Education Journal 6/2 (2005), 224-231.
  • Yesildağ, Ahmet - Bostan, Sedat. “Movie analysis as an active learning model: a study with health management student”. The International Journal of Management Education 21/1 (2023), 100759. Get rights and content
  • Ziegler, Albert. “The Actiotop Model of Giftedness”. Conceptions of gifted-ness. ed. Robert Sternberg - Davidson, R. M. Springer, 2005.
  • Zimmerman, Barry. “Becoming a self-regulated learner: An overview.” The-ory into practice 41/2 (2002), 64- 70.
  • “Gifted Hands: Ben Carson Story”. haz. Thomas Carter. Johnson and John-son. Yayın Tarihi 2009.

Analysis of the Gifted Hands: Ben Carson Story Movie According to Tannenbaum's Star Model: Transforming Potential into Talent

Year 2024, Issue: Ö2 - Özel Eğitimde Disiplinlerarası Çalışmalar, 33 - 74, 31.12.2024


This study examines the representation of the true story depicted in the film Gifted Hands. The Ben Carson Story assesses the manner in which the film addresses the talent development of gifted individuals in accordance with Tannenbaum's Star Model. In this study, a content analysis method, one of the qualitative research methods, was employed to evaluate the events, character development, and themes in the film based on five main factors: general ability, special ability, environment, luck, and individual non-mental factors. Tannenbaum's Star Model is a comprehensive theory that places significant emphasis on the role of environmental and individual factors in the development of talented individuals. In this context, an analy-sis was conducted of Ben Carson's journey to success, with particular atten-tion paid to the role of familial and environmental supports, intrinsic moti-vation, and seizing opportunities in the development of the talents of gifted individuals. Carson's experiences in the film serve to illustrate the manner in which the various elements of Tannenbaum's model contribute to the deve-lopment of talent. The analysis yielded five themes. The themes that emer-ged from the analysis were: giftedness and cognitive capacity, extraordinary skills and areas of talent, maternal influence and environment, psychologi-cal resilience, commitment and emotional growth, and finally, opportunities and critical events. In addition, subthemes under each theme were presen-ted and discussed in the context of previous literature on the subject. The findings of the study indicate the significance of familial support, environ-mental influences, and intrinsic motivation in the development of talent, as proposed by Tannenbaum. Additionally, the study underscores the pivotal role that chance and opportunities play in this process. Furthermore, the findings of the study led to the formulation of inferences that may influence the talent development of gifted individuals in analogous circumstances.

Project Number



  • Afat, Nüket vd. “Gifted filmi bağlamında özel yeteneklilere ve eğitimlerine genel bir bakış”. Turkish Studies 15/5 (2020).
  • Alexopoulou, Archondoula vd. “Resilience and Academic Underachieve-ment in Gifted Students: Causes, Consequences and Strategic Methods of Prevention and Intervention”. .." International Journal of Online & Bi- omedical Engineering 15/14 (2019).
  • Anadolu, Ajans. “Mete Gazoz’un babası Metin Gazoz: Bir baba olarak Mete ile çok gurur duyuyorum” (2022). gurur-duyuyorum/2616786
  • Anlatan, Mervenur. “Türkiye’de Özel Yeteneklilerle Yapılan Çalışmalarda Benlik Algısı”. Gazi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi 9/1 (2023), 21-52.
  • Austin, John. Chase, chance and creativity. Columbia, 1978.
  • Betts, George - Kercher, Jolene. “The autonomous learner model for the gift-ed & talented”. Systems and models for developing programs for the gifted and talented. 49-103. Routledge, 2023.
  • Bland, Lori C. vd. “An overview of resilience in gifted children.” Roeper Review 17/2 (1994), 77-80.
  • Carley, Mark, S. “Training goes to the movies”. Training & Development 53/7 (1999), 15-19.
  • Clark, Barbara. No child is just born gifted: Creating and developing unlimited potential. Routledge, 2021.
  • Davis, Gary, A. - Nicolas Colangelo (ed.). Handbook of gifted education. Allyn and Bacon, 1997.
  • Demirel, Şule - Sak, Uğur. “Yetenek hiyerarşisi: üstün yetenek türlerinin toplumsal değerleri üzerine bir araştırma”. TALENT 1/1 (2011), 61-76.
  • Duman, Ayşenaz E. - Özdemir, Nurten, K. “Deha (Gifted) Filminin Üstün Yetenekli Bireylerin Kariyer Gelişimleri Açısından İncelenmesi”. Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi 22/1 (2024), 267-298.
  • Elnur, Ahmet. “Dijital Çağda Boş Zaman: Boş Zaman Olgusunnu Dijital-leşmesi Bağlamında ‘Ready Player One’ Filminin İncelenmesi”. Mev-zu:Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 11/3 (2024), 431-462.
  • Gagne, Fransoua. “From Giftedness to Gifted Education”. The integrative model of talent development (IMTD): From theory to educational applica-tions. 149-182. Routledge, 2021.
  • Gardner, Howard - Hatch, Thomas. “Educational implications of the theory of multiple intelligences”. Educational researcher 18/8 (1989), 4-10.
  • Gökçe, Erten vd. “Adaptation of Harter’s scale of intrinsic versus extrinsic motivational orienta-tion in the classroom to primary schools in Tur-key”. Egitim Arastirmalari-Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 42/11 (2011), 79-94.
  • Guilford, Joy, Paul. “Intelligence: 1965 model”. American psychologist 21/1 (1966), 20.
  • Halsted, Jouth Wynn. Some of my best friends are books: Guiding gifted readers from preschool to high school. Great Potential Press, 2009.
  • Harter, Sousan. “A new self-report scale of intrinsic versus extrinsic orienta-tion in the classroom: Motivational and informational components”. Developmental Psychology 17/3 (1981), 300-312.
  • Infantes-Paniagua, Aivaro vd. “Differences in self-concept between gifted and non-gifted students: A meta- analysis from 2005 to 2020” 38/2 (ts.), 278-294.
  • Kangas, Timothy, C. vd. “Cinematherapy in gifted education identity de-velopment: Integrating the arts through STEM-themed movies”. Journal of STEM Arts, Crafts, and Constructions 2/2 (2017), 45-65.
  • Klimecka, Eva. “Advantages and disadvantages of being ‘gifted’: percep-tions of the label by gifted pupils.” Research Papers in Education 38/6 (2023), 902-923.
  • Krippendorff, Klaus. Content Analysis: An Introduction To Its Methodology. Sage Publication, 2004.
  • Leana-Taşcılar, Marilena Z. Duygu gelişimini destekleme psikoeğitim programı. MEB, 2022.
  • Leana-Taşcılar, Marilena Z. Özel yetenekli çocukların psikolojisi: Kuramdan uygulamaya. Ankara: Nobel, 2. Basım, 2018.
  • Leana-Taşcılar, Marilena Z. “Üstün Zekalı Çocuklarda Mükemmelliğin Geliştirilmesi İçin Üstünlüğün Aktiotop Modeli’nin Türkiye’ye Uyar-lanması için Öneriler”. JEYSG 2/1 (2014), 18-32.
  • Luo, Linlin - Kiewra, Kenneth, A. “Parents’ roles in talent development”. Gifted Education International 37/1 (2021), 30-40.
  • Maharani, Surya. The Analysis of Politeness Strategy Applied by the Main Characters of" Gifted" Film. Ganesha: Universitas Pendidikan, 2023.
  • Majid, Rosadah - Aliza, Alias. “Consequences of risk factors in the devel-opment of gifted children.” Procedia-social and behavioral sciences 7 (2010), 63-69.
  • Miles, Matthew, B. - Huberman, Allen, M. Qualitative data analysis: a source book of new methods. Sage Publication, 2021.
  • Mushkina, İrina - Maznichenko, Maria. “Scientific Interpretation of Films about School as a means of Overcoming Challenges for Teachers in Their Work with Gifted Children”. ARPHA Proceedings. 5/1155-1170, 2022.
  • Neihart, Maureen. The social and emotional development of gifted children: What do we know?. Routledge, 2021.
  • Olszewski-Kubilius, Paola vd. “Benchmarking psychosocial skills important for talent development”. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Devel-opment, 168 (2019), 161-176.
  • Olszewski-Kubilius, Paola vd. “Personality dimensions of gifted adolescents: A review of the empirical literature.” Gifted Child Quarterly 32/4 (1988), 347-352.
  • Örnek, Nilay. “Nasıl Olunur? Şahika Ercümen”. Nasıl Olunur? Erişim 01 Ekim 2024.
  • Patton, Michael. Qualitative research and evaluation methods. Sage Publica-tion, 3. Basım, 2002.
  • Renzulli, Joseph. “Emerging conceptions of giftedness: Building a bridge to the new century”. Exceptionality 10/2 (2002), 67-75.
  • Sağlam, Abdulkadir vd. “Tannenbaum’un Yıldız Modeli’nin Kuramsal Yapısı”. The Journal Of Academic Social Science 126 (2022), 150-158.
  • Sak, Uğur. Üstün zekalılar: özellikleri, tanılanmaları ve eğitimleri. Vize, 7. Basım, 2017.
  • Schreier, Margrit vd. “Qualitative Content Analysis: Conceptualizations and Challenges in Research Practice”. Qualitative Content Analysis I". In Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 2019.
  • Siegle, Del. Understanding underachievement. Routledge, 2022.
  • Silverman, Linda. “The Overlooked Role of Modalities in Multi-Exceptional Children”. Roeper Review 46/2 (2024), 90-102.
  • Simonton, Dean, K. “The genetic side of giftedness: A nature-nurture defini-tion and a fourfold talent typology.” From Giftedness to Gifted Education. 335-352. Routledge, 2021.
  • Sternberg, Robert. “Our research program validating the triarchic theory of successful intelligen-ce: Reply to Gottfredson”. Intelligence 31/4 (2003), 399-413.
  • Sternberg, Robert - R. Davidson (ed.). Conceptions of giftedness. Cambridge, 2005.
  • Şakar, Seda vd. “Examination of Movies About Gifted Individuals”. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Dergisi 24/1 (2023), 179-197.
  • Tannenbaum, Abraham, J. “Nature and nurture of giftedness”. Handbook of gifted education. ed. Nicolas Colangelo - Gary Davis A. 45-49. Pearson, 2003.
  • Topçu, Sevgi - Leana-Taşcılar, Marilena Z. “The role of motivation and self-esteem in the academic achievement of Turkish gifted students.” Gifted Education International 34/1 (2018), 3-18.
  • Yan, Kong - Zhu, Haihui. “A decade comparison: self-concept of gif-ted and non-gifted adolescents.” International Education Journal 6/2 (2005), 224-231.
  • Yesildağ, Ahmet - Bostan, Sedat. “Movie analysis as an active learning model: a study with health management student”. The International Journal of Management Education 21/1 (2023), 100759. Get rights and content
  • Ziegler, Albert. “The Actiotop Model of Giftedness”. Conceptions of gifted-ness. ed. Robert Sternberg - Davidson, R. M. Springer, 2005.
  • Zimmerman, Barry. “Becoming a self-regulated learner: An overview.” The-ory into practice 41/2 (2002), 64- 70.
  • “Gifted Hands: Ben Carson Story”. haz. Thomas Carter. Johnson and John-son. Yayın Tarihi 2009.
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Special Talented Education
Journal Section Articles

Marilena Leana Taşcılar 0000-0002-1271-0371

Project Number YOK
Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date September 14, 2024
Acceptance Date November 14, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: Ö2 - Özel Eğitimde Disiplinlerarası Çalışmalar


ISNAD Leana Taşcılar, Marilena. “Yetenekli Eller: Ben Carson Hikayesi Filminin Tannenbaum Yıldız Modeline Göre Analizi: Potansiyelin Yeteneğe Dönüşümü”. Mevzu – Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Ö2 - Özel Eğitimde Disiplinlerarası Çalışmalar (December 2024), 33-74.

Mevzu – Journal of Social Sciences is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC).