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Citrus Virus Sanitation Programmes in World and Türkiye

Yıl 2023, , 6 - 11, 28.07.2023
Bu makale için 28 Temmuz 2023 tarihinde bir düzeltme yayımlandı.


More than 80 virus diseases are effective in various parts of the world today. Virus diseases have many negative effects on citrus and are one of the most important factors limiting economic citrus production. In many citrus growing countries, "Citrus Variety Development Programs" have been established in order to obtain clean budwood production from virus diseases depending on their own conditions and possibilities. California, Spain, Republic of South Africa, Australia, Brazil, Italy, Taiwan, People's Republic of China, Japan, Morocco, Argentina, Indonesia, Israel, France and Turkey are among these programs carried out in the world. The results of studies on the spread of virus diseases in our country since the 1960s have shown that one of the main reasons for low yield in our country is the widespread presence of these diseases in citrus orchards. After is the shoot tip grafting, thermotherapy is applied to the cultivars to be purified and then they are tested biologically and molecularly in the Türkiye Citrus Variety Improvement Program. .


  • AKİB, 2022. Akdeniz İhracatçı Birlikleri Türkiye Geneli 2022 Yılı Ocak-Aralık Ayları Değerlendirme Raporu. Erişim Tarihi: 15.07.2022.
  • Azeri T, 1973. Exocortis Virüs on Satsuma Mandarin in İzmir Region of Turkey. Turkish Phytopathology 2(1):1-15.
  • Cengiz A, 1965. Güney Bölgesi Turunçgillerde Stubborn Hastalığı Üzerinde Araştırmalar. Bitki Koruma Bülteni 5(4):163-179.
  • Continella G, Germana C, La Rosa G, Tribulato E, 1988. Performance and Physiological Parameters of Comune Clementine Influenced by Four Rootstocks. Proc Sixth Inter Citrus Congress 91-100.
  • De Lange JH, 1978. Citrus Subtropical Fruit Journal. 613-616.
  • Dolar MS, 1976. The Host Plants, Distribution, Symptoms, The Degree og Damage, Transmission and Control Methods of Tristeza in Citrus Orchards of Adana, Antalya and Içel Regions. Publication No:40. Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, 44pp.
  • OEPP/EPPO, 1980. EPPO (European & Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization) Standard, Certification Schemes: Pathogen-tested citrus trees and rootstocks.
  • FAO, 2022. Statistical database. Http:// Accessed 15 July, 2022. Fawcett HS, 1933. New Symptoms of Psorosis Indicating a Virus Disease of Citrus. Phytopathology 23: 930.
  • Forsyth JB, 1985. Citrus Budwood Scheme. Agdex 220135 N.S.W. Dept. Agriculture, 8pp.
  • Göral T, 1987. Turunçgillerde Çeşit Geliştirme ve Olanakları. Derim 4(2): 63-77. Göral T, Taşdemir HA, Davarcı T, Mermer S, Göral Ş, Kelten M, Taşdemir T, Güneş S, 1992. The Citrus Variety Improvement Program in Turkey. In: Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the International Organization of Citrus Virologists, IOCV, Riverside, 401-405.
  • Hızal AY, Göral T, 1987. Türkiye’de Turunçgil Üretimi, İhracatı ve Virüs Hastalıkları Yönünden Durumu. Derim 4(1): 32-42.
  • Kuhara S, Koizumi M, Yamaguchi A, Yamada S, 1981. A Nationwide Campaign for Certification of Early Satsuma "Miyamato Wase" for Citrus Mosaic by Means of ELISA. In Proc . Int. Soc. Citriculture 1: 441-444.
  • Murashige T, Skoog F, 1962. A Revised Medium for Rapid Growth and Bioassays with Tobacco Tissue Cultures. Physiology Plants 15:473-497.
  • Nadori EB, N'hami A, Tourkmani M, 1986. Programme D'amélioration Sanitaire et de Certification des Agrumes Au Maroc. EPPO Bulletin 19: 239-243.
  • Nauer EM, Calavan EC, Roistacher CN, Atkins DR, 1980. Update on the CCPP Budwood Program. Citrograph 65:207-209.
  • Navarro L, Roistacher CN, Murashige T, 1975. Improvement of Shoot-tip Grafting in vitro for Virus-free Citrus. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 100: 471-479.
  • Navarro L, 1976. The Citrus Variety Improvement Program in Spain. In: Calavan E.C. (Eds). Proceedings of the 12th Conference of International Organization of Citrus Virologist, University California, 198-203pp.
  • Navarro L, Juarez J, Pina JA, Ballester JF, Arredui JM, 1988. The Citrus Variety Improvement Program in Spain After 11 years. In: Timmer LW, Garnsey SM, Navarro L (Eds). Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the International Organization of Citrus Virologists, IOCV, Riverside, California, 400-406pp.
  • Pujol AR, Benatena HN, 1965. Study of Psorosis in Concordia, Argentina. In: Price WC (Eds). Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the International Organization of Citrus Virology, University Florida Press, Gainesville, 170-174pp.
  • Roistacher CN, 1991. Graft Transmissible Diseases of Citrus. FAO, Rome, 266.
  • Salibe AA, 1986. Report to the Government of Turkey on a Programme for Citrus Improvement and Protection in Turkey.
  • Santos Filho HP, Paguio OR, Coelho YS, Medina Urrutia VM, 1984. The Citrus Variety İmprovement Program in Brazil. Fifth International Citrus Congress 2:325-327.
  • Supriyanto A, Whittle AM, 1989. Citrus Rehabilitation in Indonesia. Eleventh IOCV Conference, International Organization Citrus Virology 409-413.
  • TUİK, 2021. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri Erişim tarihi: 15.07.2020.
  • Ulubelde M, 1985. Turunçgillerin Taksonomisi, Ege Bölge Zirai Araştırma Enstitüsü Yayınları, No:55, 1-43pp. Menemen, İzmir.
  • Von Broembsen LA, Lee ATC., 1988. South Africa’s Citrus Improvement Program. In: Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the International Organization of Citrus Virologists, IOCV, Riverside, CA, 407-416pp.
  • Yen MJ, Huang CH, Hsu HT, 1979. The Citrus Variety Improvement and Virus-free Nursery Tree Propagation Program in Taiwan. Journal of Agricultural Research of China 28(1): 35-44.
  • Zhang WC, 1985. Citrus Clonal Selection, Progeny Testing and in vitro Propagation. United States - People' s Republic of China Citrus Symposium, 39:20-33.

Dünyada ve Ülkemizde Turunçgil Virüs Arındırma Programları

Yıl 2023, , 6 - 11, 28.07.2023
Bu makale için 28 Temmuz 2023 tarihinde bir düzeltme yayımlandı.


Günümüzde dünyanın çeşitli yerlerinde turunçgillerde etkili olan 80’e yakın virüs hastalığı bulunmaktadır. Virüs hastalıkları turunçgil tarımı üzerinde pek çok olumsuz etkiye sahip olup, ekonomik turunçgil üretimini sınırlayıcı en önemli faktörlerden birisidir. Turunçgil yetiştiriciliği yapan birçok ülkede kendi koşullarına ve olanaklarına bağlı olarak virüs hastalıklarından temiz üretim materyali elde edilmesi için “Turunçgil Çeşit Geliştirme Programları" oluşturulmuştur. Dünyada belli başlı yürütülen bu programlar arasında Kaliforniya, İspanya, Güney Afrika Cumhuriyeti, Avustralya, Brezilya, İtalya, Tayvan, Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti, Japonya, Fas, Arjantin, Endonezya, İsrail, Fransa ve Türkiye yer almaktadır. 1960’lı yıllardan itibaren ülkemizde virüs hastalıklarının yayılımı ile ilgili olarak yapılan çalışmaların sonuçları, ülkemizde verim düşüklüğünün başlıca nedenlerinden birisinin turunçgil bahçelerinde bu hastalıkların yaygın olarak bulunması olduğunu göstermiştir. Türkiye Turunçgil Çeşit Geliştirme Programına dahil olan bireyler sürgün ucu aşılama ve termoterapi ile arındırılmakta ve sonrasında biyolojik ve moleküler olarak testlenmektedir.


  • AKİB, 2022. Akdeniz İhracatçı Birlikleri Türkiye Geneli 2022 Yılı Ocak-Aralık Ayları Değerlendirme Raporu. Erişim Tarihi: 15.07.2022.
  • Azeri T, 1973. Exocortis Virüs on Satsuma Mandarin in İzmir Region of Turkey. Turkish Phytopathology 2(1):1-15.
  • Cengiz A, 1965. Güney Bölgesi Turunçgillerde Stubborn Hastalığı Üzerinde Araştırmalar. Bitki Koruma Bülteni 5(4):163-179.
  • Continella G, Germana C, La Rosa G, Tribulato E, 1988. Performance and Physiological Parameters of Comune Clementine Influenced by Four Rootstocks. Proc Sixth Inter Citrus Congress 91-100.
  • De Lange JH, 1978. Citrus Subtropical Fruit Journal. 613-616.
  • Dolar MS, 1976. The Host Plants, Distribution, Symptoms, The Degree og Damage, Transmission and Control Methods of Tristeza in Citrus Orchards of Adana, Antalya and Içel Regions. Publication No:40. Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, 44pp.
  • OEPP/EPPO, 1980. EPPO (European & Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization) Standard, Certification Schemes: Pathogen-tested citrus trees and rootstocks.
  • FAO, 2022. Statistical database. Http:// Accessed 15 July, 2022. Fawcett HS, 1933. New Symptoms of Psorosis Indicating a Virus Disease of Citrus. Phytopathology 23: 930.
  • Forsyth JB, 1985. Citrus Budwood Scheme. Agdex 220135 N.S.W. Dept. Agriculture, 8pp.
  • Göral T, 1987. Turunçgillerde Çeşit Geliştirme ve Olanakları. Derim 4(2): 63-77. Göral T, Taşdemir HA, Davarcı T, Mermer S, Göral Ş, Kelten M, Taşdemir T, Güneş S, 1992. The Citrus Variety Improvement Program in Turkey. In: Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the International Organization of Citrus Virologists, IOCV, Riverside, 401-405.
  • Hızal AY, Göral T, 1987. Türkiye’de Turunçgil Üretimi, İhracatı ve Virüs Hastalıkları Yönünden Durumu. Derim 4(1): 32-42.
  • Kuhara S, Koizumi M, Yamaguchi A, Yamada S, 1981. A Nationwide Campaign for Certification of Early Satsuma "Miyamato Wase" for Citrus Mosaic by Means of ELISA. In Proc . Int. Soc. Citriculture 1: 441-444.
  • Murashige T, Skoog F, 1962. A Revised Medium for Rapid Growth and Bioassays with Tobacco Tissue Cultures. Physiology Plants 15:473-497.
  • Nadori EB, N'hami A, Tourkmani M, 1986. Programme D'amélioration Sanitaire et de Certification des Agrumes Au Maroc. EPPO Bulletin 19: 239-243.
  • Nauer EM, Calavan EC, Roistacher CN, Atkins DR, 1980. Update on the CCPP Budwood Program. Citrograph 65:207-209.
  • Navarro L, Roistacher CN, Murashige T, 1975. Improvement of Shoot-tip Grafting in vitro for Virus-free Citrus. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 100: 471-479.
  • Navarro L, 1976. The Citrus Variety Improvement Program in Spain. In: Calavan E.C. (Eds). Proceedings of the 12th Conference of International Organization of Citrus Virologist, University California, 198-203pp.
  • Navarro L, Juarez J, Pina JA, Ballester JF, Arredui JM, 1988. The Citrus Variety Improvement Program in Spain After 11 years. In: Timmer LW, Garnsey SM, Navarro L (Eds). Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the International Organization of Citrus Virologists, IOCV, Riverside, California, 400-406pp.
  • Pujol AR, Benatena HN, 1965. Study of Psorosis in Concordia, Argentina. In: Price WC (Eds). Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the International Organization of Citrus Virology, University Florida Press, Gainesville, 170-174pp.
  • Roistacher CN, 1991. Graft Transmissible Diseases of Citrus. FAO, Rome, 266.
  • Salibe AA, 1986. Report to the Government of Turkey on a Programme for Citrus Improvement and Protection in Turkey.
  • Santos Filho HP, Paguio OR, Coelho YS, Medina Urrutia VM, 1984. The Citrus Variety İmprovement Program in Brazil. Fifth International Citrus Congress 2:325-327.
  • Supriyanto A, Whittle AM, 1989. Citrus Rehabilitation in Indonesia. Eleventh IOCV Conference, International Organization Citrus Virology 409-413.
  • TUİK, 2021. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri Erişim tarihi: 15.07.2020.
  • Ulubelde M, 1985. Turunçgillerin Taksonomisi, Ege Bölge Zirai Araştırma Enstitüsü Yayınları, No:55, 1-43pp. Menemen, İzmir.
  • Von Broembsen LA, Lee ATC., 1988. South Africa’s Citrus Improvement Program. In: Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the International Organization of Citrus Virologists, IOCV, Riverside, CA, 407-416pp.
  • Yen MJ, Huang CH, Hsu HT, 1979. The Citrus Variety Improvement and Virus-free Nursery Tree Propagation Program in Taiwan. Journal of Agricultural Research of China 28(1): 35-44.
  • Zhang WC, 1985. Citrus Clonal Selection, Progeny Testing and in vitro Propagation. United States - People' s Republic of China Citrus Symposium, 39:20-33.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Bitki Bilimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Şenay Kurt 0000-0002-2921-063X

Ertuğrul Turgutoğlu 0000-0002-8354-8578

Gülay Demir 0000-0002-8260-4507

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Temmuz 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster