Ethical Principles and Publication Policy


1. Maltepe University Faculty of Law Review is a peer-reviewed and semi annually published journal since 2002.
2. Maltepe University Faculty of Law Review is recognized as a national journal in the National Law Database of TÜBİTAK – ULAKBİM, DergiPark and Jürix.
3. Maltepe University Faculty of Law Review accepts native and foreign researchers’ articles that are unique and under the field of law. All scientific studies sent to the Review should not have been previously published or sent to be published elsewhere. All references of the article should be mentioned in accordance with ethical principles and should be in compliance with the Review’s writing rules.
4. The Review publishers articles written in Turkish or in foreign languages. In any language articles should contain Turkish and English titles, an abstract of 150-200 words and 5 keywords, both in Turkish and English.
5. Translations should be sent together with the original text and the permission of the author.
6. Articles and copyright forms should be submitted to the Editorial Board either by printed copy together with a copy saved on a CD or via e-mail to or the Review’s DergiPark web-page. The author should indicate contact information (name, title, institution, address, e-mail address, telephone number, ORCID ID) on the last page of the article. The persons who do not have a contribution to the articles should not be indicated as authors. Additionally, alteration of the order of authors’ names or addittion/removal of authors should be demanded after application for publishing.
7. Author takes responsibility in submitting the article after having corrected all typing and grammatical errors. Editorial Board accepts the submitted article as a final text to be published. Editorial Board reserves the right to decline articles that have excessive typing and grammatical errors or that are incompatible with the academic writing criteria.
8. After being subject to a preliminary examination by the Editorial Board, articles are sent to a referee of higher title for evaluation. Articles are reviewed by two referees from different institutions. Articles are subjected to blind review. Referees are expected to finalise their reviews without delay and submit their reviews by filling up the Referee Evaluation Report. Due to the blind review principle, credentials of referees should not be indicated in the Evaluation Report. Referees may give reviews in the direction being eligible to publish, not being eligible to publish or eligible to publish after readjustment. In order to be published, articles that are evaluated as “should be revised” should be revised in accordance with the suggestions proposed in the Evaluation Report. Revised articles are sent to the referee for a re-evaluation. Articles which received negative reviews from both referees get rejected for publication. In case of having one evaluation as “not being eligible to publish” and one another as “eligible to publish”; a third review from a different referee may be received and the Editorial Board may act in accordance with the third review. In case of having one review as “not eligible to publish”, the Review can act under the decision of the Editor.
9. It is enough for the Editorial Board to reject an article in the existence of excessive amounts of incompliance with writing rules and grammatical and typing errors. The Editorial Board also reserves the right to reject publication of an article for other reasons. Conclusion of evaluation process of referees in an affirmative manner does not give the author the right to publish his/her article.
10. Maltepe University Faculty of Law Review holds all publication rights of the articles that are approved by the Editorial Board. Authort’s consent to the on-line publishing of their articles. Any other publications using some parts of articles published in the Review as quotations should refer to the Review. Full text of the articles cannot be used without a permission from the Review.
11. The responsibility of the published articles belongs to the authors. All opinions in the articles cannot be attributed to the Maltepe University Faculty of Law Review.
12. Authors are not entitled to any payment for the published articles.
13. Having submitted their articles, authors accept the publication principles of the Review.
14. All articles should comply with the Writing Rules/References and Footnotes of the Review.
15. All articles should contain a bibliography which complies with the Writing Rules/References and Footnotes.

Maltepe University Faculty of Law Review is based on the directive of the “Publication Ethics Committee” (Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE ( on ethical principles and rules.
1. Articles that are submitted to the Maltepe University Faculty of Law Review should be unique and under the field of law.
2. Authors are expected that all scientific studies sent to the Review should not have been previously published or sent to be published elsewhere.
3. Bibliography of articles should be in compliance with the Writing Rules and should be indicated in accordance with the ethical principles.
4. The persons who do not have a contribution to the articles should not be indicated as authors. Additionally, alteration of the order of authors’ names or addittion/removal of authors should be demanded after application for publishing.
5. In case of noticing an error in the article at the publication procedure, authors are expected to inform the Editor and collaborate with the Board.
6. All references to the article shoud be indicated in compliance with publication rules.
1. Editors apply the blind review principle, keep credentials of referees confidential and choose referees in accordance with their fields of expertise.
2. Editors protect intellectual property rights of published articles. They inspect the uniqueness of articles and ensure that the regarding articles does not infringe other publications’ right to intellectual property.
3. Editors decide upon matters within the limits of the purpose and scope of the Review without discrimination upon authors with objective and just evaluations. Editors have the right to reject an article if they detect problematic elements regarding the scientificness of it without referee evaluation. By using a comprehensive web of referees, Editors maintain objective evaluation of articles.
1- Referees may only evaluate articles which are under their field of study. Otherwise, they are expected to decline evaluation.
2- In case of any conflict of interests, referees should not accept an article which is sent for their review.
3- Due to the blind review principle, Referees should not indicate their credentials in the Referee Evaluation Report.
4- Referees are expected to comply with the time frame given to them by the Editorial Board.