Research Article
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Extraction of Oil from Azadirachta indica and Moringa stenopetala Seeds and Evaluation of its Physicochemical Properties

Year 2024, , 163 - 176, 27.12.2024


Azadirachta indica and Moringa stenopetala trees have been regarded as underutilized, tropical plants, fast-growing, drought-tolerant, robust, oleaginous, and evergreen perennial trees growing widely in various regions of Ethiopia. Almost every part of these plants (i.e., roots, stems, foliage, seeds, and barks) can be used as food additives and as raw materials for pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, soap, and biofuel processing industries. This study aimed at the extraction and characterization of oil from A. indica and M. stenopetala seeds using the solvent method. The Box-Behnken Design was employed in the experimental design and result analysis. The particle size (0.2, 0.5, 0.8 mm), solvent-to-solute ratio (3:1, 6:1, 9:1), and extraction time (2, 5, 8 hrs) were experimental variables with three levels of low, medium, and high, whereas, the extraction temperature was kept uniform. Seventeen experiments were conducted for each species thereby developing the quadratic models with a P-value < 0.0001(significant). The quality and adequacy of the models were evaluated by analysis of variance (ANOVA) at 5% least significant difference. Results of the physicochemical determination of oils were triplicated and obtained as mean ± standard deviation. The determined physicochemical properties of A. indica and M. stenopetala seed oils were kinematic viscosity, specific gravity, pH value, refractive index, acid value, free fatty acid, saponification value, iodine value, and peroxide value. The obtained experimental results showed that the extracted oils from A. indica and M. stenopetala seeds exhibit good oil quality, and hence, they can be employed for commercial and industrial purposes, and the generation of renewable energy (biofuel).


  • [1]. Bania J., Nath AJ, Das A., Sileshi G., “Integrating Moringa oleifera and Moringa stenopetala in Agroforestry for Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change in Asia and Africa. In: Dagar, J.C., Gupta, S.R., Sileshi, G.W. (eds) Agroforestry for Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture in Asia and Africa”, Sustainability Sciences in Asia and Africa, Springer, Singapore, (2023). 4602-8_22
  • [2]. Kumssa D., Joy E., Young S., Odee D., Ander E., Magare C. et al., “Challenges opportunities for Moringa growers in southern Ethiopia and Kenya”, PLoS ONE, 12(11), (2017), e0187651.
  • [3]. National Research Council, “Lost Crops of Africa, Vol. II, Vegetables”, The National Academies Press, Washington, DC., (2006).
  • [4]. Yisehak K., Solomon M., Tadelle M., “Contribution of Moringa (Moringa stenopetala, Bac.), a Highly Nutritious Vegetable Tree, for Food Security in South Ethiopia: A Review”, Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 4, (2011), 477-488.
  • [5]. Jiru D., Sonder K., Alemayehu L., Mekonen Y., Anjulo A., “Leaf yield and Nutritive value of Moringa stenopetala and Moringa Oleifera Accessions: Its potential role in food security in constrained dry farming agroforestry systems”, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, (2006).
  • [6]. Melesse A., Tiruneh W., Negesse T., “Effects of feeding Moringa stenopetala leaf meal on nutrient intake and growth performance of Rhode Island Red chicks under Tropical climate”, Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems, 14, (2011), 485-492.
  • [7]. Gad N., Sekara A., Abdelhamid M., “The Potential Role of Cobalt and/or Organic Fertilizers in Improving the Growth, Yield, and Nutritional Composition of Moringa oleifera,” Agronomy, 9(12) (2019), 862.
  • [8]. Beyene D., “Genetic variation in Moringa stenopetala Germplasm of Ethiopia by using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA as genetic Marker. Msc. thesis Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia”, (2005).
  • [9]. Gebregiorgis F., Negesse T., Nurfeta A. Feed intake and utilization in sheep fed graded levels of dried Moringa (Moringa stenopetala) leaf as a supplement to Rhodes grass hay”, Tropical Animal Health and Production, 41, (2011), 1-9.
  • [10]. Addis G., Jiru D., Mekonnen Y., Dage E., “Moringa [Moringa stenopetala (Bak.f) Cufod]. In Guide to Use and Processing Practices. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Horn of Africa Regional Environment Center and Network and Addis Ababa University”, (2014).
  • [11]. Abuye C., Urga K., Knapp H., Selmar D., Omwega A., Imungi J., Winterhalter P., “A compositional study of Moringa stenopetala leaves”, East Afr Med J 80(5), (2003), 247-252.
  • [12]. Teketay D., “Edible Wild Plants in Ethiopia,” Addis Ababa University Press, Addis Ababa, (2010), 260-262.
  • [13]. EIAR, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Importance of Moringa stenopetala, Addis Ababa”, (2003).
  • [14]. Andinet E., Araya A., Nigist A., Peter L. “Moringa stenopetala seed oil as a potential feedstock for Biodiesel production in Ethiopia, Department of Chemistry, Addis Ababa University”, (2010).
  • [15]. Vietmeyer N., “Neem: A Tree for Solving Global Problems,” National Academy Press, Washington DC, (1992), 1-141.
  • [16]. Islas J., Acosta E., G-Buentello Z., Delgado-Gallegos J., Moreno-Treviño M., Escalante B, Moreno-Cuevas J., “An overview of Neem (Azadirachta indica) and its potential impact on health”, Journal of Functional Foods, 74, (2020).
  • [17]. Adepoju T., Olawale O, “Optimization and Predictive Capability of RSM Using Controllable Variables in Azadiracha Indica Oilseeds Extraction Process”, International Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research 3(1), 2015, 1-10.
  • [18] Elteraifi I., Hassanali A, “Oil and Azadirachtin contents of neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) seed kernels collected from trees growing in different habitats in Sudan”, Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci 5(3), (2011), 1063- 1072.
  • [19]. Baskar G., Kalavathy G., Aiswarya R., Selvakumari I., “Advances in bio-oil extraction from nonedible oilseeds and algal biomass. In Advances in Eco-Fuels for a Sustainable Environment; Woodhead Publishing Seriesin Energy: Cambridge, UK, (2019), 187-210.
  • [20]. Mustapa A., Manan Y., Azizi A., Norulaini A., Omar K., “Effects of parameters on yield for sub-critical R134a extraction of palm oil”, J Food Eng, 95, (2009), 606-616.
  • [21]. Chaiklahana R., Chirasuwana N., Lohab V., Bunnagc B., “Lipid and fatty acids extraction from the cyanobacterium Spirulina. Science Asia 34, (2008), 299-305.
  • [22]. Siddiquee M., Rohani S., “Lipid extraction and biodiesel production from municipal sewage sludges: A review,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15, (2011), 1067-1072.
  • [23]. Olaniyan A., “Effect of extraction conditions on the yield and quality of oil from castor bean,” Journal of Cereals and Oilseeds, 1, (2010), 24-33.
  • [24]. Ogunniyi D., “Castor Oil: a vital industrial raw material”, Bio-resource Technology, 97, (2006), 1086-1091.
  • [25]. Yusuf A., Mamza P., Ahmed A., Agunwa U., “Extraction and characterization of castor seed oil from wild Ricinus communis L.,” International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology, 4(5), (2015), 1392-1404.
  • [26]. Patel V., Durmancas G., Viswanath L., Maples R., Subong B., “Castor oil: properties, uses and optimization of processing parameters in commercial production. Lipid Insights, 9, (2016), 1-12.
  • [27]. Akpan U., Jimoh A., Mohammed A., “Extraction, characterization and modification of castor seed oil,” Leonardo Journal of Sciences, 8, (2006), 43-52.
  • [28]. Tayde S., Patnaik M., Bhagt S., Renge V., “Epoxidation of vegetable oils: A review”, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology, 2 (4), (2011), 491-501.
  • [29]. Adejumo B., Abayomi D., “Effect of Moisture Content on Some Physical Properties of Moringa Oleifera Seed”, Jour. Ag. Vet. Sc, 1(5), (2012), 12-21.
  • [30]. Aslan N., Cebeci Y., “Application of Box-Behnken design and response surface methodology for modeling of some Turkish coals,” Turkish coals. Fuel, 86, (2007), 90-97.
  • [31]. Aliyu A., Nwaedozie J., Ahmed A., “Quality Parameters of Biodiesel Produced from Locally Sourced Moringa oleifera and Citrullus colocynthis L. Seeds Found in Kaduna, Nigeria, International Research Journal of Pure & Applied Chemistry, 3(4), (2013), 377-390.
  • [32]. Othman O., Ngaasapa F., “Physicochemical characteristics of some imported edible vegetable oils and fat marketed in Dare Salaam”, Tanzania Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 1 (2), (2010), 138-147.
  • [33]. Fazal W., Musa K., Mohsan N., Khakemin K., “Comparison of some Physico-chemical properties of different oils available in the local market in Pakistan”, International Journal of Recent Research Aspects, 2(2), (2015), 93-98.
  • [34]. Mohammed I., Ali T., “Physicochemical characteristics of some imported edible vegetable oils in Iraq. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 6(5), (2015), 488-494.
  • [35]. AOAC, 17th edn., “Official Method 920.160-Saponification Number of Oils and Fats/IUPAC 2.202 I.S.I Hand Book of Food Analysis (Part XIII),” (2000).
  • [36]. AOAC, 17th edn., “Official Method 920.159-Iodine Absorption Number of Oils and Fats/I.S.I Hand Book of Food Analysis Part-III”, (2000).
  • [37]. Nangbes J., Nvau J., Buba W., Zukdimma A., “Extraction and characterization of castor (Ricinus Communis) seed oil”, The International Journal of Engineering and Science, 2(9), (2013), 105-109.
  • [38]. AOAC, 17th edn., “Official Method 965.33 Peroxide value in oils and fats/Pearson’s composition and analysis of food,” (2000), pp. 641.
  • [39]. ASTM D445., “American Society for Testing Materials, Standard Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent and Opaque Liquids (and Calculation of Dynamic Viscosity)”, (2021).
  • [40]. AOAC, 17th edn., “Official method 920.212, Specific gravity (Apparent) of Oils, Pycnometer method/I.S.I. Hand book of Food analysis (Part XIII),” (2000), pp. 72.
  • [41]. Jack P., Daniel S., Kristin M., Price L., Dean T., “Refractive index and density measurements of peanut oil for determining oleic and linoleic acid contents”, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 90, (2013), 199-206.
  • [42]. AOAC, 17th edn., “Official method 921.08- Index of refraction of oils and fats/I.S.I Handbook of Food analysis (Part XIII)”, (2000), pp. 70.
  • [43]. Anwar F., Bhanger M., “Analytical characterization of Moringa oleifera seed oil grown in temperate regions of Pakistan,” J Agric. Food Chem, 51, (2003), 6558-6563.
  • [44]. ISO 660:2020. Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of acid value and acidity, (2020).
  • [45]. Anwar F., Zafar S., Rashid U., “Characterization of Moringa oleifera seed oil from drought and irrigated regions of Punjab, Pakistan”, Grasas Aceites, 57 (2), (2006), 160-168.
  • [46]. Bakari H., Ruben Z., Delattre C., Pierre G., Dubessay P., Michaud P., “Influence of Physicochemical Characteristics of Neem Seeds (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) on Biodiesel Production”, Biomolecules, 10, (2020), 616.
  • [47]. Lalas S., Tsaknis J., Sflomos K., “Characterization of Moringa stenopetala seed oil variety “Marigat” from island Kokwa”, Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol, 105(1), (2003), 23-31.
  • [48]. Kapoor I., Singh B., Singh G., De Heluani C., De Lampasona M., Catalan C., “Chemistry and in vitro antioxidant activity of volatile oil and oleoresins of black pepper (Piper nigrum),” J Agric. Food Chem, 57(12), (2009), 5358-5364.
  • [49]. Meseret H., Haile T., Gebremedhin C., Chala G., “Effects of location and extraction solvent on Physico chemical properties of Moringa stenopetala seed oil”, Heliyon, 5, (2019), e02781.
  • [50]. Adegbe A., Larayetan R., Omojuwa T., “Proximate analysis, physicochemical properties and chemical constituents’ characterization of Moringa Oleifera (Moringaceae) seed oil using GC-MS analysis. Am. J. Chem 6 (2), (2016), 23-28.

Extraction of Oil from Azadirachta indica and Moringa stenopetala Seeds and Evaluation of its Physicochemical Properties

Year 2024, , 163 - 176, 27.12.2024


Azadirachta indica and Moringa stenopetala trees have been regarded as underutilized, tropical plants, fast-growing, drought-tolerant, robust, oleaginous, and evergreen perennial trees growing widely in various regions of Ethiopia. Almost every part of these plants (i.e., roots, stems, foliage, seeds, and barks) can be used as food additives and as raw materials for pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, soap, and biofuel processing industries. This study aimed at the extraction and characterization of oil from A. indica and M. stenopetala seeds using the solvent method. The Box-Behnken Design was employed in the experimental design and result analysis. The particle size (0.2, 0.5, 0.8 mm), solvent-to-solute ratio (3:1, 6:1, 9:1), and extraction time (2, 5, 8 hrs) were experimental variables with three levels of low, medium, and high, whereas, the extraction temperature was kept uniform. Seventeen experiments were conducted for each species thereby developing the quadratic models with a P-value < 0.0001(significant). The quality and adequacy of the models were evaluated by analysis of variance (ANOVA) at 5% least significant difference. Results of the physicochemical determination of oils were triplicated and obtained as mean ± standard deviation. The determined physicochemical properties of A. indica and M. stenopetala seed oils were kinematic viscosity, specific gravity, pH value, refractive index, acid value, free fatty acid, saponification value, iodine value, and peroxide value. The obtained experimental results showed that the extracted oils from A. indica and M. stenopetala seeds exhibit good oil quality, and hence, they can be employed for commercial and industrial purposes, and the generation of renewable energy (biofuel).


  • [1]. Bania J., Nath AJ, Das A., Sileshi G., “Integrating Moringa oleifera and Moringa stenopetala in Agroforestry for Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change in Asia and Africa. In: Dagar, J.C., Gupta, S.R., Sileshi, G.W. (eds) Agroforestry for Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture in Asia and Africa”, Sustainability Sciences in Asia and Africa, Springer, Singapore, (2023). 4602-8_22
  • [2]. Kumssa D., Joy E., Young S., Odee D., Ander E., Magare C. et al., “Challenges opportunities for Moringa growers in southern Ethiopia and Kenya”, PLoS ONE, 12(11), (2017), e0187651.
  • [3]. National Research Council, “Lost Crops of Africa, Vol. II, Vegetables”, The National Academies Press, Washington, DC., (2006).
  • [4]. Yisehak K., Solomon M., Tadelle M., “Contribution of Moringa (Moringa stenopetala, Bac.), a Highly Nutritious Vegetable Tree, for Food Security in South Ethiopia: A Review”, Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 4, (2011), 477-488.
  • [5]. Jiru D., Sonder K., Alemayehu L., Mekonen Y., Anjulo A., “Leaf yield and Nutritive value of Moringa stenopetala and Moringa Oleifera Accessions: Its potential role in food security in constrained dry farming agroforestry systems”, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, (2006).
  • [6]. Melesse A., Tiruneh W., Negesse T., “Effects of feeding Moringa stenopetala leaf meal on nutrient intake and growth performance of Rhode Island Red chicks under Tropical climate”, Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems, 14, (2011), 485-492.
  • [7]. Gad N., Sekara A., Abdelhamid M., “The Potential Role of Cobalt and/or Organic Fertilizers in Improving the Growth, Yield, and Nutritional Composition of Moringa oleifera,” Agronomy, 9(12) (2019), 862.
  • [8]. Beyene D., “Genetic variation in Moringa stenopetala Germplasm of Ethiopia by using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA as genetic Marker. Msc. thesis Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia”, (2005).
  • [9]. Gebregiorgis F., Negesse T., Nurfeta A. Feed intake and utilization in sheep fed graded levels of dried Moringa (Moringa stenopetala) leaf as a supplement to Rhodes grass hay”, Tropical Animal Health and Production, 41, (2011), 1-9.
  • [10]. Addis G., Jiru D., Mekonnen Y., Dage E., “Moringa [Moringa stenopetala (Bak.f) Cufod]. In Guide to Use and Processing Practices. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Horn of Africa Regional Environment Center and Network and Addis Ababa University”, (2014).
  • [11]. Abuye C., Urga K., Knapp H., Selmar D., Omwega A., Imungi J., Winterhalter P., “A compositional study of Moringa stenopetala leaves”, East Afr Med J 80(5), (2003), 247-252.
  • [12]. Teketay D., “Edible Wild Plants in Ethiopia,” Addis Ababa University Press, Addis Ababa, (2010), 260-262.
  • [13]. EIAR, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Importance of Moringa stenopetala, Addis Ababa”, (2003).
  • [14]. Andinet E., Araya A., Nigist A., Peter L. “Moringa stenopetala seed oil as a potential feedstock for Biodiesel production in Ethiopia, Department of Chemistry, Addis Ababa University”, (2010).
  • [15]. Vietmeyer N., “Neem: A Tree for Solving Global Problems,” National Academy Press, Washington DC, (1992), 1-141.
  • [16]. Islas J., Acosta E., G-Buentello Z., Delgado-Gallegos J., Moreno-Treviño M., Escalante B, Moreno-Cuevas J., “An overview of Neem (Azadirachta indica) and its potential impact on health”, Journal of Functional Foods, 74, (2020).
  • [17]. Adepoju T., Olawale O, “Optimization and Predictive Capability of RSM Using Controllable Variables in Azadiracha Indica Oilseeds Extraction Process”, International Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research 3(1), 2015, 1-10.
  • [18] Elteraifi I., Hassanali A, “Oil and Azadirachtin contents of neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) seed kernels collected from trees growing in different habitats in Sudan”, Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci 5(3), (2011), 1063- 1072.
  • [19]. Baskar G., Kalavathy G., Aiswarya R., Selvakumari I., “Advances in bio-oil extraction from nonedible oilseeds and algal biomass. In Advances in Eco-Fuels for a Sustainable Environment; Woodhead Publishing Seriesin Energy: Cambridge, UK, (2019), 187-210.
  • [20]. Mustapa A., Manan Y., Azizi A., Norulaini A., Omar K., “Effects of parameters on yield for sub-critical R134a extraction of palm oil”, J Food Eng, 95, (2009), 606-616.
  • [21]. Chaiklahana R., Chirasuwana N., Lohab V., Bunnagc B., “Lipid and fatty acids extraction from the cyanobacterium Spirulina. Science Asia 34, (2008), 299-305.
  • [22]. Siddiquee M., Rohani S., “Lipid extraction and biodiesel production from municipal sewage sludges: A review,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15, (2011), 1067-1072.
  • [23]. Olaniyan A., “Effect of extraction conditions on the yield and quality of oil from castor bean,” Journal of Cereals and Oilseeds, 1, (2010), 24-33.
  • [24]. Ogunniyi D., “Castor Oil: a vital industrial raw material”, Bio-resource Technology, 97, (2006), 1086-1091.
  • [25]. Yusuf A., Mamza P., Ahmed A., Agunwa U., “Extraction and characterization of castor seed oil from wild Ricinus communis L.,” International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology, 4(5), (2015), 1392-1404.
  • [26]. Patel V., Durmancas G., Viswanath L., Maples R., Subong B., “Castor oil: properties, uses and optimization of processing parameters in commercial production. Lipid Insights, 9, (2016), 1-12.
  • [27]. Akpan U., Jimoh A., Mohammed A., “Extraction, characterization and modification of castor seed oil,” Leonardo Journal of Sciences, 8, (2006), 43-52.
  • [28]. Tayde S., Patnaik M., Bhagt S., Renge V., “Epoxidation of vegetable oils: A review”, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology, 2 (4), (2011), 491-501.
  • [29]. Adejumo B., Abayomi D., “Effect of Moisture Content on Some Physical Properties of Moringa Oleifera Seed”, Jour. Ag. Vet. Sc, 1(5), (2012), 12-21.
  • [30]. Aslan N., Cebeci Y., “Application of Box-Behnken design and response surface methodology for modeling of some Turkish coals,” Turkish coals. Fuel, 86, (2007), 90-97.
  • [31]. Aliyu A., Nwaedozie J., Ahmed A., “Quality Parameters of Biodiesel Produced from Locally Sourced Moringa oleifera and Citrullus colocynthis L. Seeds Found in Kaduna, Nigeria, International Research Journal of Pure & Applied Chemistry, 3(4), (2013), 377-390.
  • [32]. Othman O., Ngaasapa F., “Physicochemical characteristics of some imported edible vegetable oils and fat marketed in Dare Salaam”, Tanzania Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 1 (2), (2010), 138-147.
  • [33]. Fazal W., Musa K., Mohsan N., Khakemin K., “Comparison of some Physico-chemical properties of different oils available in the local market in Pakistan”, International Journal of Recent Research Aspects, 2(2), (2015), 93-98.
  • [34]. Mohammed I., Ali T., “Physicochemical characteristics of some imported edible vegetable oils in Iraq. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 6(5), (2015), 488-494.
  • [35]. AOAC, 17th edn., “Official Method 920.160-Saponification Number of Oils and Fats/IUPAC 2.202 I.S.I Hand Book of Food Analysis (Part XIII),” (2000).
  • [36]. AOAC, 17th edn., “Official Method 920.159-Iodine Absorption Number of Oils and Fats/I.S.I Hand Book of Food Analysis Part-III”, (2000).
  • [37]. Nangbes J., Nvau J., Buba W., Zukdimma A., “Extraction and characterization of castor (Ricinus Communis) seed oil”, The International Journal of Engineering and Science, 2(9), (2013), 105-109.
  • [38]. AOAC, 17th edn., “Official Method 965.33 Peroxide value in oils and fats/Pearson’s composition and analysis of food,” (2000), pp. 641.
  • [39]. ASTM D445., “American Society for Testing Materials, Standard Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent and Opaque Liquids (and Calculation of Dynamic Viscosity)”, (2021).
  • [40]. AOAC, 17th edn., “Official method 920.212, Specific gravity (Apparent) of Oils, Pycnometer method/I.S.I. Hand book of Food analysis (Part XIII),” (2000), pp. 72.
  • [41]. Jack P., Daniel S., Kristin M., Price L., Dean T., “Refractive index and density measurements of peanut oil for determining oleic and linoleic acid contents”, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 90, (2013), 199-206.
  • [42]. AOAC, 17th edn., “Official method 921.08- Index of refraction of oils and fats/I.S.I Handbook of Food analysis (Part XIII)”, (2000), pp. 70.
  • [43]. Anwar F., Bhanger M., “Analytical characterization of Moringa oleifera seed oil grown in temperate regions of Pakistan,” J Agric. Food Chem, 51, (2003), 6558-6563.
  • [44]. ISO 660:2020. Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of acid value and acidity, (2020).
  • [45]. Anwar F., Zafar S., Rashid U., “Characterization of Moringa oleifera seed oil from drought and irrigated regions of Punjab, Pakistan”, Grasas Aceites, 57 (2), (2006), 160-168.
  • [46]. Bakari H., Ruben Z., Delattre C., Pierre G., Dubessay P., Michaud P., “Influence of Physicochemical Characteristics of Neem Seeds (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) on Biodiesel Production”, Biomolecules, 10, (2020), 616.
  • [47]. Lalas S., Tsaknis J., Sflomos K., “Characterization of Moringa stenopetala seed oil variety “Marigat” from island Kokwa”, Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol, 105(1), (2003), 23-31.
  • [48]. Kapoor I., Singh B., Singh G., De Heluani C., De Lampasona M., Catalan C., “Chemistry and in vitro antioxidant activity of volatile oil and oleoresins of black pepper (Piper nigrum),” J Agric. Food Chem, 57(12), (2009), 5358-5364.
  • [49]. Meseret H., Haile T., Gebremedhin C., Chala G., “Effects of location and extraction solvent on Physico chemical properties of Moringa stenopetala seed oil”, Heliyon, 5, (2019), e02781.
  • [50]. Adegbe A., Larayetan R., Omojuwa T., “Proximate analysis, physicochemical properties and chemical constituents’ characterization of Moringa Oleifera (Moringaceae) seed oil using GC-MS analysis. Am. J. Chem 6 (2), (2016), 23-28.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Separation Processes
Journal Section Research Article

Degnechew Genene 0000-0002-4412-174X

Publication Date December 27, 2024
Submission Date October 18, 2023
Acceptance Date July 9, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Genene, D. (2024). Extraction of Oil from Azadirachta indica and Moringa stenopetala Seeds and Evaluation of its Physicochemical Properties. MANAS Journal of Engineering, 12(2), 163-176.
AMA Genene D. Extraction of Oil from Azadirachta indica and Moringa stenopetala Seeds and Evaluation of its Physicochemical Properties. MJEN. December 2024;12(2):163-176. doi:10.51354/mjen.1377816
Chicago Genene, Degnechew. “Extraction of Oil from Azadirachta Indica and Moringa Stenopetala Seeds and Evaluation of Its Physicochemical Properties”. MANAS Journal of Engineering 12, no. 2 (December 2024): 163-76.
EndNote Genene D (December 1, 2024) Extraction of Oil from Azadirachta indica and Moringa stenopetala Seeds and Evaluation of its Physicochemical Properties. MANAS Journal of Engineering 12 2 163–176.
IEEE D. Genene, “Extraction of Oil from Azadirachta indica and Moringa stenopetala Seeds and Evaluation of its Physicochemical Properties”, MJEN, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 163–176, 2024, doi: 10.51354/mjen.1377816.
ISNAD Genene, Degnechew. “Extraction of Oil from Azadirachta Indica and Moringa Stenopetala Seeds and Evaluation of Its Physicochemical Properties”. MANAS Journal of Engineering 12/2 (December 2024), 163-176.
JAMA Genene D. Extraction of Oil from Azadirachta indica and Moringa stenopetala Seeds and Evaluation of its Physicochemical Properties. MJEN. 2024;12:163–176.
MLA Genene, Degnechew. “Extraction of Oil from Azadirachta Indica and Moringa Stenopetala Seeds and Evaluation of Its Physicochemical Properties”. MANAS Journal of Engineering, vol. 12, no. 2, 2024, pp. 163-76, doi:10.51354/mjen.1377816.
Vancouver Genene D. Extraction of Oil from Azadirachta indica and Moringa stenopetala Seeds and Evaluation of its Physicochemical Properties. MJEN. 2024;12(2):163-76.

Manas Journal of Engineering