Information technologies (IT) are increasingly used in education all around the world. The examples of such application are massive open online courses, learning management systems, e-courses, e-books, video lectures, learning assessment tools etc. The learning assessment tools are of particular interest, because assessment is very important part of education. This paper describes the purposes of IT usage for assessment and the different assessment approaches. The paper also presents the web-based computer assisted assessment system developed in the Kyrgyz-Turkish âManasâ University and shares experience of implementation of the system in that university. As a result of this work the authors argue that there are more advantages of implementing such a system for assessment of the large amounts of students comparing to drawbacks like depending upon the technical issues and preliminary work for the item bank development.
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Year 2017,
Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 27 - 33, 01.10.2017
[1] A. Ferrari, R. Cachia, and Y. Punie, Innovation and creativity in education and training
in the EU member states: Fostering creative learning and supporting innovative
teaching.: JRC Technical Note 52374, 2009.
[2] Sue Bloxham and Pete Boyd, Developing Effective Assessment In Higher Education: A
Practical Guide.: McGraw-Hill International, 2007.
[3] J. Bull and C. McKenna, Blueprint for computer-assisted assessment. London:
RoutledgeFalmer, 2004.
[4] Gavin Sim, Phil Holifield, and Martin Brown, "Implementation of computer assisted
assessment: lessons from the literature," ALT-J, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 215-229, 2004, DOI:
[5] Gill Ferrell. (2014) Electronic management of assessment (EMA); a landscape review.
[Online]. [Accessed: 28 Mar.
[6] Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC). (2006) e-Assessment Glossary
(Extended). [Online].
k/media/documents/themes/elearning/eassess_glossary_extendedv101.pdf [Accessed: 28
Mar. 2017].
[7] M. Thelwall, "Computer-based assessment: a versatile educational tool," Computers & Education, vol. 34, pp. 37-49, 2000.
[8] Gráinne Conole and Bill Warburton, "A review of computer-assisted assessment," ALTJ,
vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 17-31, 2005, DOI: 10.1080/0968776042000339772.
[9] S. Brown, P. Race, and J. Bull, Eds., Computer Assisted Assessment in Higher
Education. London: Kogan Page, 1999.
[10] Williams E. Contreras-Higuera, Francesc Martı´nez-Olmo, M. Jose´ Rubio-Hurtado, and
Ruth Vila`-Ban˜os, "University Students’ Perceptions of E-Portfolios and Rubrics as
Combined Assessment Tools in Education Courses," Journal of Educational Computing
Research, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 85–107, 2016.
[11] N. Falchikov and J. Goldfinch, "Student peer assessment in higher education: a metaanalysis
comparing peer and teacher marks," Review of Educational Research, vol. 70,
pp. 287–322, 2000.
[12] Sheng-Chau Tseng and Chin-Chung Tsai, "On-line peer assessment and the role of the
peer feedback: A study of high school computer course," Computers & Education, vol.
49, pp. 1161–1174, 2007.
[13] Michael Christie et al., "Improving the Quality of Assessment Grading Tools in Master
of Education Courses: A Comparative Case Study in the Scholarship of Teaching and
Learning," Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 22-
35, 2015.
[14] N. Reid, "Designing online quiz questions to assess a range of cognitive skills," in
World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications,
Denver, AACE, 2002, pp. 1625–1630.
[15] Dov Kruger et al., "Improving Teacher Effectiveness: Designing Better Assessment
Tools in Learning Management Systems," Future Internet, vol. 7, pp. 484-499, 2015,
[16] N. Sclater, Ed., Final report for the Item Banks Infrastructure Study (IBIS). Bristol:
JISC, 2004.
[17] Christine Redecker and Øystein Johannessen, "Changing Assessment —Towards a New
Assessment Paradigm Using ICT," European Journal of Education, vol. 48, no. 1, pp.
79-96, 2013.
Brimkulov, U., Baryktabasov, K., & Jumabaeva, C. (2017). Information Technologies in Education: The Learning Assessment Tools. MANAS Journal of Engineering, 5(2), 27-33.
Brimkulov U, Baryktabasov K, Jumabaeva C. Information Technologies in Education: The Learning Assessment Tools. MJEN. October 2017;5(2):27-33.
Brimkulov, U., K. Baryktabasov, and C. Jumabaeva. “Information Technologies in Education: The Learning Assessment Tools”. MANAS Journal of Engineering 5, no. 2 (October 2017): 27-33.
Brimkulov U, Baryktabasov K, Jumabaeva C (October 1, 2017) Information Technologies in Education: The Learning Assessment Tools. MANAS Journal of Engineering 5 2 27–33.
U. Brimkulov, K. Baryktabasov, and C. Jumabaeva, “Information Technologies in Education: The Learning Assessment Tools”, MJEN, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 27–33, 2017.
Brimkulov, U. et al. “Information Technologies in Education: The Learning Assessment Tools”. MANAS Journal of Engineering 5/2 (October 2017), 27-33.
Brimkulov U, Baryktabasov K, Jumabaeva C. Information Technologies in Education: The Learning Assessment Tools. MJEN. 2017;5:27–33.
Brimkulov, U. et al. “Information Technologies in Education: The Learning Assessment Tools”. MANAS Journal of Engineering, vol. 5, no. 2, 2017, pp. 27-33.
Brimkulov U, Baryktabasov K, Jumabaeva C. Information Technologies in Education: The Learning Assessment Tools. MJEN. 2017;5(2):27-33.