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Tehdit Edilmiş Erkeklikler: Ruanda Kırsalındaki Erkeklerin Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Deneyimleri

Year 2015, Issue: 3, 55 - 85, 01.02.2015


Bu çalışma, kırsalda yaşayan Ruanda erkeklerinin toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği kanun ve siyasalarını gündelik hayatlarında nasıl deneyimlediklerini analiz etmektedir. Geleneksel Ruanda toplumunun, erkek egemeliği ve kadının ikincil konumda oluşu ile neticelenmiş ataerkil bir sosyal yapısı vardır. 1994 Tutsi soykırımından sonra uygulamaya konulmuş olan yeni anayasa, toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğinin önemini tanırken kadının korunmasını kanun kapsamına alan özel yasal koşulları da içeriyordu. Erkeklerin Ruanda’da değişen güç dinamikleri ile olan deneyimlerini Kamonyi bölgesinde yapılmış olan odak grup tartışmalarından hareketle analiz ettim. Erkeklerin bu bağlamda anlattıkları iki temel hikaye ortaya çıktı: ailenin mülkiyetini arttırdığı için kadının veraset hakkını elde etmesini ve erkeğin ailenin temel geçim merkezi olma yükünü hafiflettiği için kadının yeni iş imkanlarına kavuşmuş olmasını takdir ediyorlar. Buna rağmen, yeni çıkarılan kanunlarda erkeğin çıkarlarının göz ardı edildiğini ve bunun da aile ve toplum içinde sorunlara yol açabileceğini de düşünüyorlar. Erkekliklerini yeniden konumlama süreci bugün yeni ev içi anlaşmazlıkları üretme tehlikesini de beraberinde getiriyor


  • Adekunle, Julius. "Culture and Customs of Rwanda, USA." Greenwood Publishing Group Inc. (2007). Print.
  • Baaz, Maria Eriksson and Stern, Maria. " Why Do Soldiers Rape? Masculinity, Violence,and Sexuality in the Armed Forces in the Congo (Drc)." International Studies Quarterly 53 (2009): 495–518. Print.
  • Bryman, Alan. Social Science Methods. Oxford, 2012. Print.
  • Campbell, Catherine. "Learning to Kill? Masculinity, the Family and Violence in Netal." Journal of Southern African Studies 18.3 (1992): 614-28. Print.
  • Campbell, Hugh and Michael Mayerfeld Bell. "The Question of Rural Masculinities." Rural sociological society (2000): 532-46. Print.
  • Carolyn, Nordstrom. A Different Kind of War Story.: University of Pennsylvania Press. Philadelphia., 1997. Print.
  • Connell, Raewyn and Messerschmidt. "Hegemonic Masculinity: Rethinking the Concept." Gender & Society 19 (2005). Print.
  • Connell, Raewyn. Masculinity, Law and the Family. London. Routledge 2005. Print.
  • ---. Short Introductions Gender. Vol. 2nd Polity Press, 2009. Print. ---. "Change among the Gatekeepers: Men, Masculinities, and Gender Equality in the Global Arena." University of Chicago press 30.3 (2005): 1801-25. Print.
  • Cornwall, Andrea. "Men, Masculinity and Gender in Development." Taylor & Francis 5.2 (1997): 8-13. Print.
  • Delay Elizabeth, Rachel Weeks Dore, and Claudine Umuhoza. "Ahead of Game: Land Tenure Reform in Rwanda and the Process of Securing Women's Rights." Eastern African Studies 4.131-152 (2010). Print.
  • Ferguson, Harry. "Men and Masculinity in the Late-Modern Irend." Man's World? Changing Men's Practices in a Globalized World. Eds. Pease, Bob and Keith Pringle. London.New York: Zed Books, 2001. Print.
  • Hamber, Brandon. " Masculinity and Transition: Crisis or Confusion in South Africa?" Journal of Peacebuilding & Development 5 ( 2010): 75- 88. Print.
  • Hategekimana, Celestin. Women's Empowerment in the Post 1994 Rwanda. The Case Study of Mayaga Region.: Mandela Metropolitan University, 2011. Print.
  • FAO. The State of Food and Agriculture. Women in Agriculture Closing the Gender Gap for Development. Rome, Italy2010-2011. Print.
  • Freedman , Jane and Jacobson Sarah. "Masculinities, Gender and Violence:A Framework for Analysis." Enganging Men in the Fight against Gender Violence. Case Studies from Africa. Ed. Freedman, Jane. Vol. 1. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. Print.
  • Jackson, Cecile. "Men's Work, Masculinity and Gender Division S of Labour." development studies (2007): 87-108. Print.
  • Kagaba, Mediatrice. "Gender Equality Dilemma in Rwanda: Women Complex Experience with Equality." Jenda: Culture and African Women Studies (2015). Fortcoming
  • Kimmel, Michael. "Global Masculinity: Restorationa and Resistance." Man's World? Changing Men's Practices in a Globalised World. Eds. Pease, Bob and Keith Pringle. London. New York: Zed Books, 2001. Print.
  • Lwambo, Desiree. "Before the War , I Was a Man':Men and Masculinities in the Eastern Demogratic Republic of Congo." Gender and Development 21.1 (2013). Print.
  • Longman, Timothy. "Rwanda: Achieving Equality or Serving an Authoritarian State?" Women in African Parliaments. Ed. Britton, Gretchen Bauer and Hannah E. Lynne Rienner Lynne Rienner 2006. Print.
  • Levant, F. Ronald "The Masculinity Crisis." The journal of Men's Studies 5.3 (1997): 221-31. Print.
  • McAuslan, Patrick. Personal reflection on drafting laws to imporve women's access to land: is there a magic wand? Journal of Eastern African Studies 4.1 (2010). 114-130. Print.
  • National Institute of Statistics . The Integrated Household Loving Conditions Survey (Eicv3). Kigali, Rwanda2012. Print.
  • Narayan, Deepa. Voices of the Poor Can Anyone Hear Us? : Oxford University Press for the World Bank, 2000. Print.
  • Parpart, Jane. "Choosing Silence:Rethinking Voice, Agency,and Women’s Empowerment." Center for Gender in Global Context Michigan State University (2000): 432-4845. Print.
  • Petra, Debusscher. Ann, Ansoms. "Gender Equality Policies in Rwanda:Public Relations or Real Transformation?" Development and Change (2013). Print.
  • Porter, Antonia. "What Is Constructed Can Be Transformed: Masculinities in Post-Conflict Societies in Africa." International peace keeping 20.4 (2013). Print. Powley, Elizabeth. "Women’s Contributions to Governance:Findings from Research in Rwanda." In panel discussion. Woodrow Wilson Center,
  • N.W., Washington, D.C Woodrow Wilson international Cente for scolars, 2008. Print.
  • Randell, Shirley and Carlson Katie. "Gender and Development: Working with Men for Gender Equality in Rwanda." Routledge, Tylor and Francis group 27.1 (2013). Print.
  • Richters, Henny Slegh and Annemiek. "Masculinity and Gender- Based Violence in Rwanda: The Potential Contributiob of Community-Based Srategies to Make a Change." Enganging Men in the Fight Against Gender Violence. Case Studies From Africa. Ed. Jacobson, Jane Freedman and Sarah. Vol. 1. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. Web.
  • Rwanda Gender Monitaring Office. Gender Baseline Survey. Kigali2010. Print.
  • Rwanda Men Resource Centre. Masculinity and Gender Based Violence.Experiences and Perceptions of Men and Women. Kigali2010. Print.
  • Rwanda Men Resource Centre. Gender Based Violence Base-Line Study in 13 Districts. Kigali 2013. Print.
  • Rwanda Gender Monitaring Office. "Gender Assessment in Rwanda." Kigali: USAID, 2010. Print.
  • Republic of Rwanda. The Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda. Kigali2003. Print. Sentama, Ezachiel. "Peace Building in Post-Genocide Rwanda. The Role of Cooperatives in the Restoration of Interpersonal Relationships." University of Gothenburg 2009. Print.
  • Shearer, Samuel. "Securing Land Rights Project: A Working Paper on Land Tenure Regularization in Rwanda." RISD on the Securing Land Rights Projec (2013). Web. Silberchmidt, Margrethe. "Povert
  • Masculinities. Men in Africa from the late Nineteenth Century to the Present Ed. Ouzgane, Lahoucine and Morrell, Robert. Vol.: Palgrave Macmillan 2005. Web.
  • Squires, Judith. The New Politics of Gender Equality. Houndmills, Balsingstoke, Hampshire; New York, Palgrave, 2007. Print.
  • Sweetman, Caroline. "Introduction: Working with Men on Gender Equality." Gender & Development Volume 21.1 (2013). Print.
  • Smyth, Ines. "Talking of Gender: Words and Meaning in Development Organisations." Development in Practice 17 (2007): 582-88. Print. USAID. "Gender Assessment in Rwanda." 2011. Print.
  • Uwineza, Peace and Pearson, Elizabeth. "Sustaining Women's Gains in Rwanda:The Influence of Indigenous Culture and Post-Genocide Politics." (2009). Web.
  • Walsh, Fintan. Male Trouble. Masculinity and the Performance of Crisis New York: Palgrave. Macmillan, 2010. Print.
  • World Bank, report. "Masculinities, Social Change, and Development." In Gender equality and development 2012. Print.

Threatened Masculinities: Men’s Experiences of Gender Equality in Rural Rwanda

Year 2015, Issue: 3, 55 - 85, 01.02.2015


This article analyses how rural Rwandan men experience gender equality laws and policies in their everyday lives. Traditional Rwandan society had a patriarchal social structure that resulted in men’s dominance and women’s subordination. A new constitution, adopted after the 1994 Tutsi genocide, recognizes the importance of gender equality and includes specific legal provisions to ensure women’s equal protection under the law. Working from focus group discussions in Kamonyi District, I explore men’s experiences of shifting power relations in Rwanda. Men have two main stories to tell in this regard: they appreciate the right of inheritance that women have acquired, as it increases the family assets, and new employment opportunities for women that offer men relief from the burden of providing for the family. Yet they also believe that men’s interests have been neglected in new laws, leading to problems in the family and community. The process of repositioning their masculinities today produces new forms of household conflict


  • Adekunle, Julius. "Culture and Customs of Rwanda, USA." Greenwood Publishing Group Inc. (2007). Print.
  • Baaz, Maria Eriksson and Stern, Maria. " Why Do Soldiers Rape? Masculinity, Violence,and Sexuality in the Armed Forces in the Congo (Drc)." International Studies Quarterly 53 (2009): 495–518. Print.
  • Bryman, Alan. Social Science Methods. Oxford, 2012. Print.
  • Campbell, Catherine. "Learning to Kill? Masculinity, the Family and Violence in Netal." Journal of Southern African Studies 18.3 (1992): 614-28. Print.
  • Campbell, Hugh and Michael Mayerfeld Bell. "The Question of Rural Masculinities." Rural sociological society (2000): 532-46. Print.
  • Carolyn, Nordstrom. A Different Kind of War Story.: University of Pennsylvania Press. Philadelphia., 1997. Print.
  • Connell, Raewyn and Messerschmidt. "Hegemonic Masculinity: Rethinking the Concept." Gender & Society 19 (2005). Print.
  • Connell, Raewyn. Masculinity, Law and the Family. London. Routledge 2005. Print.
  • ---. Short Introductions Gender. Vol. 2nd Polity Press, 2009. Print. ---. "Change among the Gatekeepers: Men, Masculinities, and Gender Equality in the Global Arena." University of Chicago press 30.3 (2005): 1801-25. Print.
  • Cornwall, Andrea. "Men, Masculinity and Gender in Development." Taylor & Francis 5.2 (1997): 8-13. Print.
  • Delay Elizabeth, Rachel Weeks Dore, and Claudine Umuhoza. "Ahead of Game: Land Tenure Reform in Rwanda and the Process of Securing Women's Rights." Eastern African Studies 4.131-152 (2010). Print.
  • Ferguson, Harry. "Men and Masculinity in the Late-Modern Irend." Man's World? Changing Men's Practices in a Globalized World. Eds. Pease, Bob and Keith Pringle. London.New York: Zed Books, 2001. Print.
  • Hamber, Brandon. " Masculinity and Transition: Crisis or Confusion in South Africa?" Journal of Peacebuilding & Development 5 ( 2010): 75- 88. Print.
  • Hategekimana, Celestin. Women's Empowerment in the Post 1994 Rwanda. The Case Study of Mayaga Region.: Mandela Metropolitan University, 2011. Print.
  • FAO. The State of Food and Agriculture. Women in Agriculture Closing the Gender Gap for Development. Rome, Italy2010-2011. Print.
  • Freedman , Jane and Jacobson Sarah. "Masculinities, Gender and Violence:A Framework for Analysis." Enganging Men in the Fight against Gender Violence. Case Studies from Africa. Ed. Freedman, Jane. Vol. 1. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. Print.
  • Jackson, Cecile. "Men's Work, Masculinity and Gender Division S of Labour." development studies (2007): 87-108. Print.
  • Kagaba, Mediatrice. "Gender Equality Dilemma in Rwanda: Women Complex Experience with Equality." Jenda: Culture and African Women Studies (2015). Fortcoming
  • Kimmel, Michael. "Global Masculinity: Restorationa and Resistance." Man's World? Changing Men's Practices in a Globalised World. Eds. Pease, Bob and Keith Pringle. London. New York: Zed Books, 2001. Print.
  • Lwambo, Desiree. "Before the War , I Was a Man':Men and Masculinities in the Eastern Demogratic Republic of Congo." Gender and Development 21.1 (2013). Print.
  • Longman, Timothy. "Rwanda: Achieving Equality or Serving an Authoritarian State?" Women in African Parliaments. Ed. Britton, Gretchen Bauer and Hannah E. Lynne Rienner Lynne Rienner 2006. Print.
  • Levant, F. Ronald "The Masculinity Crisis." The journal of Men's Studies 5.3 (1997): 221-31. Print.
  • McAuslan, Patrick. Personal reflection on drafting laws to imporve women's access to land: is there a magic wand? Journal of Eastern African Studies 4.1 (2010). 114-130. Print.
  • National Institute of Statistics . The Integrated Household Loving Conditions Survey (Eicv3). Kigali, Rwanda2012. Print.
  • Narayan, Deepa. Voices of the Poor Can Anyone Hear Us? : Oxford University Press for the World Bank, 2000. Print.
  • Parpart, Jane. "Choosing Silence:Rethinking Voice, Agency,and Women’s Empowerment." Center for Gender in Global Context Michigan State University (2000): 432-4845. Print.
  • Petra, Debusscher. Ann, Ansoms. "Gender Equality Policies in Rwanda:Public Relations or Real Transformation?" Development and Change (2013). Print.
  • Porter, Antonia. "What Is Constructed Can Be Transformed: Masculinities in Post-Conflict Societies in Africa." International peace keeping 20.4 (2013). Print. Powley, Elizabeth. "Women’s Contributions to Governance:Findings from Research in Rwanda." In panel discussion. Woodrow Wilson Center,
  • N.W., Washington, D.C Woodrow Wilson international Cente for scolars, 2008. Print.
  • Randell, Shirley and Carlson Katie. "Gender and Development: Working with Men for Gender Equality in Rwanda." Routledge, Tylor and Francis group 27.1 (2013). Print.
  • Richters, Henny Slegh and Annemiek. "Masculinity and Gender- Based Violence in Rwanda: The Potential Contributiob of Community-Based Srategies to Make a Change." Enganging Men in the Fight Against Gender Violence. Case Studies From Africa. Ed. Jacobson, Jane Freedman and Sarah. Vol. 1. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. Web.
  • Rwanda Gender Monitaring Office. Gender Baseline Survey. Kigali2010. Print.
  • Rwanda Men Resource Centre. Masculinity and Gender Based Violence.Experiences and Perceptions of Men and Women. Kigali2010. Print.
  • Rwanda Men Resource Centre. Gender Based Violence Base-Line Study in 13 Districts. Kigali 2013. Print.
  • Rwanda Gender Monitaring Office. "Gender Assessment in Rwanda." Kigali: USAID, 2010. Print.
  • Republic of Rwanda. The Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda. Kigali2003. Print. Sentama, Ezachiel. "Peace Building in Post-Genocide Rwanda. The Role of Cooperatives in the Restoration of Interpersonal Relationships." University of Gothenburg 2009. Print.
  • Shearer, Samuel. "Securing Land Rights Project: A Working Paper on Land Tenure Regularization in Rwanda." RISD on the Securing Land Rights Projec (2013). Web. Silberchmidt, Margrethe. "Povert
  • Masculinities. Men in Africa from the late Nineteenth Century to the Present Ed. Ouzgane, Lahoucine and Morrell, Robert. Vol.: Palgrave Macmillan 2005. Web.
  • Squires, Judith. The New Politics of Gender Equality. Houndmills, Balsingstoke, Hampshire; New York, Palgrave, 2007. Print.
  • Sweetman, Caroline. "Introduction: Working with Men on Gender Equality." Gender & Development Volume 21.1 (2013). Print.
  • Smyth, Ines. "Talking of Gender: Words and Meaning in Development Organisations." Development in Practice 17 (2007): 582-88. Print. USAID. "Gender Assessment in Rwanda." 2011. Print.
  • Uwineza, Peace and Pearson, Elizabeth. "Sustaining Women's Gains in Rwanda:The Influence of Indigenous Culture and Post-Genocide Politics." (2009). Web.
  • Walsh, Fintan. Male Trouble. Masculinity and the Performance of Crisis New York: Palgrave. Macmillan, 2010. Print.
  • World Bank, report. "Masculinities, Social Change, and Development." In Gender equality and development 2012. Print.
There are 44 citations in total.


Other ID JA34GH74CK
Journal Section Articles

Mediatrice Kagaba This is me

Publication Date February 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Issue: 3


APA Kagaba, M. (2015). Threatened Masculinities: Men’s Experiences of Gender Equality in Rural Rwanda. Masculinities: A Journal of Identity and Culture(3), 55-85.