Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 5/14/24

Year: 2024

The journal covers the articles about the included fields and will focus on innovations and new developments. All the articles about Imaging in Oncology will be accepted in case of including new advances.

The main topic of this journal is Oncologic Imaging and the journal will accept articles (original, case reports as well as review articles) in all the fields (Nuclear Medicine, Radiation Oncology and Radiology) about Oncologic Imaging. 

The journal covers the articles about the included fields and will focus on innovations and new developments. All the articles about Imaging in Oncology will be accepted in case of including new advances.

The main topic of this journal is Oncologic Imaging and the journal will accept articles (original, case reports as well as review articles) in all the fields (Nuclear Medicine, Radiation Oncology and Radiology) about Oncologic Imaging. 

Cambria, 9 font size. Abstract should be at most 200 words. Key words that will consist of at least 3 and maximum 5 words should be written on the left side. Mathematical expressions should not be included in essence.

Content should be written in 1 column with Cambria 10 font size. The first line of each paragraph should be written by 0.5 cm indentation.
The article should begin with an introduction section, which includes the ideas and the basic objectives and approaches of the article, combining scientific knowledge, evidence-based information and logical discussions in different disciplines. This section should be written considering all readers. Technical terms, symbols and abbreviations should be defined when first used in the article.
The main sections of the manuscript are “introduction”, “method” “results” “discussion” and “conclusion” and they should be written in 10 font size, justify, bold and capital letters.
All of the empty lines should have 8 font size.
This template explains how to design the manuscript. If the author (s) uses this template file, no settings change will be required since settings such as font and size, line spacing, spaces before paragraphs, indents, etc. are made in styles. If you want to avoid problems when copy and paste texts or with the text format, you can use “Applying styles to the article” section which is at the end of template.

The Ethics standards of this publications include; the publication rights and permissions of the articles are preserved by the Journal. The authors should provide the data of the article for the reference for a reasonable time period. Also the authors are responsible to check for plagiarism and should provide original data. The manuscript that is submitted to journal should not be under consideration of another journal and-or not published previously except for publications as an abstract for a scientific meeting. The suitable citations are in the responsibility of the corresponding
author as well as the special permissions for the sources of the published visual materials (Tables, graphics, images) in case of external use. The coauthors of the article should participate sufficiently to the publication proses and approve of the last version of the manuscript before publication. If the publication includes human or animal subjects the authors should verify the rules and regulations are followed during the preparation of the article and the study was confirmed by an Ethics Committee. All the manuscript should include a financial disclosure and conflict of interest section and acknowledgements should be stated after the conclusion before the references.

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