Conference Paper
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Year 2005, Volume: 6 Issue: 21, 37 - 43, 01.02.2005


Ýþ bireyin yaþamýnýn belki de en önemli yanýdýr. Diðer etkinliklerle kýyaslandýðýnda bireyin en fazla zamanýný alan etkinliðin “iþ” olduðu görülür (Baron, 1986; Maghradi, 1999). Bu nedenle iþten alýnan doyum yaþamýn en önemli konusu haline gelmiþtir. Konu bu kadar önemli olunca, araþtýrmacýlarýn yoðun ilgisini çekmiþtir. Ýþ doyumu doðal olarak kendi baþýna bir kavram deðildir. Diðer bir dizi kavramla, deðiþkenle iliþkilidir. Bu deðiþkenlerden ikisi iþteki monotonluk ve iþi yaparken söz konusu olan otonomidir. Monotonluk belli bir ortamdaki duyumsal uyarýlmayla baðlantýlý olarak tanýmlanmaktadýr. McBain (1970) e göre, uyaran deðiþmiyor ya da öngörülebilir bir biçimde deðiþiyorsa, bu duruma “monoton” denir. Monoton, ya da tekrara dayalý bir iþ yaparken bireyin performansýnýn tedricen düþtüðü bilinen bir gerçektir. Performanstaki bu düþüþün insan ve sosyal maliyeti hemen her zaman ilgi çekmiþtir (Lyznicki ve ark., 1998). Görüldüðü gibi monotonluk gerçekte negatif bir durumdur ve daha da önemlisi iþ doyumuyla yakýndan ilgilidir. Ýþte otonomi, baðýmsýz düþünebilmek, kararlar alabilmek ve bu kararlarý uygulayabilmektir. Ýþ doyumu, iþin monotonluðu ve iþteki otonominin bir þekilde kazaya yatkýnlýkla baðlantýlý olmasý gerekir. Bu araþtýrmada bu konu araþtýrýlmýþtýr. Bu çalýþmada iþ doyumu, yapýlan iþin monotonluðu ve iþte otonomi ile iþ kazalarý arasýnda bir baðýn olup olmadýðý araþtýrýlmýþtýr. Ýþ doyumu ile otonomi arasýnda pozitif bir iliþkinin olduðu beklenmektedir. Buna karþýn iþin monotonluðu ile iþ doyumu ve otonomi arasýnda güçlü negatif bir iliþkinin olduðu düþünülmektedir. Kazaya yatkýnlýðýn ise yapýlan iþin monotonluðuyla doðru, buna karþýn iþ doyumu ve otonomiyle ters orantýlý olmasý beklenmektedir. Araþtýrmaya deðiþik iþkollarýnda çalýþan 400 denek katýlmýþtýr. Deneklerin tamamý Mersin ili sýnýrlarý içerisinde çalýþmaktadýr. Araþtýrmada kullanýlmak üzere bir ölçek geliþtirilmiþ ve bu ölçeðin geçerlik güvenirlik çalýþmalarý ayrýca yapýlmýþtýr. Araþtýrma sonucunda, beklenen bulgular elde edilmiþtir. Yani kazaya yatkýnlýðýn monoton iþle pozitif iliþkili olduðu bulunmuþtur. Ýþ doyumu ve iþte otonomi ile kazaya yatkýnlýk arasýnda ise negatif anlamlý iliþkilerin olduðu görülmüþtür.


  • Baron R.,1986, Behavior in organizations. , Allyn and Ba- con, Newton, MA.
  • Cabon P., 1992, Maintien de la vigilance et gestion du som- meil dans les systèmes automatisés, Doctoral thesis, Univer- sité René Descartes, Paris, France.
  • Cherrington D.J., 1994, Organizational behavior: The ma- nagement of individual and organizational performance, (2nd ed.), Allyn and Bacon, Boston, MA.
  • Davies D.R., Parasuraman R., 1982, The Psychology of Vi- gilance, Academic Press, New York.
  • Dawis R. and Lofquist L., 1984, A psychological theory of work adjustment, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Dinges D.F., 1995, An overview of sleepiness and accidents, J. Sleep Res. 4, pp. 4–14.
  • Granny C., Smith P. and Stone E., 1992, Job satisfaction: Advances in research and application, Lexington Books, Le- xington, MA.
  • Hancock P.A. and Warm, J.S., 1989, A dynamic model of stress and sustained attention, Hum. Factors 31, pp. 519–537. 9. Harris W., 1977, Fatigue, circadian rhythm and truck acci- dents. In: Mackie, R.R. (Ed.), Vigilance, Plenum Press, pp. 133–147.
  • Herzberg F., 1966, Work and the nature of the man, Word, Cleveland, OH.
  • Kenny P.J., 1995, The interaction between driver impair- ment and road design in the causation of road crashes-three case studies, In: Hartley L. (Ed.), Driver Impairment, Driver Fatigue and Driving Simulation, Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 87–94.
  • Lease S., 1998, Annual review, 1993–1997: Work attitudes and outcomes, Journal of Vocational Behavior 53, pp. 154–183.
  • Locke E., 1976, The nature and causes of job satisfaction. In: Dunnette, M., Editor, 1976, Handbook of industrial and organizational psychology, Rand McNally, Chicago, IL, pp. 1297–1349.
  • Lyznicki J. M., Doege T. C., Davis, R. M., 1998, J.M. Lyznicki T.C. Doege, R.M. Davis and M.A. Williams , Sleepi- ness, driving and motor vehicle crashes, JAMA 279 (1998), pp. 1908–1913.
  • Mackworth J.F., 1969, Vigilance and Habituation: A Neu- ropsychological Approach, Penguin, Harmondsworth.
  • McBain W., 1970, Arousal, monotony, and accidents in li- ne driving, J. Appl. Psychol. 54, pp. 509–519.
  • Maghradi A., 1999, Assessing the effect of job satisfaction on managers, International Journal of Vaule-Based Manage- ment 12, pp. 1–12.
  • Milosevic S., 1997, Drivers’ fatigue studies. Ergonomics 40, pp. 381–389.
  • O’Hanlon J.F. and Kelly, G.R., 1977, Comparison of perfor- mance and physiological changes between drivers who per- form well and poorly during prolonged vehicular operation. NATO Conf. Ser. 3, pp. 87–100.
  • Rice R., McFarlin, D. and Bennett D., 1989, Standards of comparison and job satisfaction, Journal of Applied Psycho- logy 74, pp. 591–598.
  • Schneider B., and Locke E.A., 1971, A critique of Herz- berg’s classification system and a suggested revision. Organiza- tional Behavior and Human Performance 12, pp. 441–458.
  • Smith P., Kendall L. and Hullin C., 1969. The measure- ment of satisfaction in work and retirement, Rand McNally, Chicago, IL.
  • Soliman H.M., 1970. Motivation-hygiene theory of job at- titudes. Journal of Applied Psychology 55, pp. 452–461.
  • Weiss J., Dawis R.V., England, G.W. and Lofquist, L.H., 1967, Manual for the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (Minnesota Studies in Vocational Rehabilitation
  • No: 22) , University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
  • Wertheim A.H., 1991, Highway hypnosis: a theoretical a- nalysis, In: Gale, A.D., et al. (Eds.), Vision in Vehicle III. Else- vier, North-Holland, pp. 467–472.
Year 2005, Volume: 6 Issue: 21, 37 - 43, 01.02.2005



  • Baron R.,1986, Behavior in organizations. , Allyn and Ba- con, Newton, MA.
  • Cabon P., 1992, Maintien de la vigilance et gestion du som- meil dans les systèmes automatisés, Doctoral thesis, Univer- sité René Descartes, Paris, France.
  • Cherrington D.J., 1994, Organizational behavior: The ma- nagement of individual and organizational performance, (2nd ed.), Allyn and Bacon, Boston, MA.
  • Davies D.R., Parasuraman R., 1982, The Psychology of Vi- gilance, Academic Press, New York.
  • Dawis R. and Lofquist L., 1984, A psychological theory of work adjustment, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Dinges D.F., 1995, An overview of sleepiness and accidents, J. Sleep Res. 4, pp. 4–14.
  • Granny C., Smith P. and Stone E., 1992, Job satisfaction: Advances in research and application, Lexington Books, Le- xington, MA.
  • Hancock P.A. and Warm, J.S., 1989, A dynamic model of stress and sustained attention, Hum. Factors 31, pp. 519–537. 9. Harris W., 1977, Fatigue, circadian rhythm and truck acci- dents. In: Mackie, R.R. (Ed.), Vigilance, Plenum Press, pp. 133–147.
  • Herzberg F., 1966, Work and the nature of the man, Word, Cleveland, OH.
  • Kenny P.J., 1995, The interaction between driver impair- ment and road design in the causation of road crashes-three case studies, In: Hartley L. (Ed.), Driver Impairment, Driver Fatigue and Driving Simulation, Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 87–94.
  • Lease S., 1998, Annual review, 1993–1997: Work attitudes and outcomes, Journal of Vocational Behavior 53, pp. 154–183.
  • Locke E., 1976, The nature and causes of job satisfaction. In: Dunnette, M., Editor, 1976, Handbook of industrial and organizational psychology, Rand McNally, Chicago, IL, pp. 1297–1349.
  • Lyznicki J. M., Doege T. C., Davis, R. M., 1998, J.M. Lyznicki T.C. Doege, R.M. Davis and M.A. Williams , Sleepi- ness, driving and motor vehicle crashes, JAMA 279 (1998), pp. 1908–1913.
  • Mackworth J.F., 1969, Vigilance and Habituation: A Neu- ropsychological Approach, Penguin, Harmondsworth.
  • McBain W., 1970, Arousal, monotony, and accidents in li- ne driving, J. Appl. Psychol. 54, pp. 509–519.
  • Maghradi A., 1999, Assessing the effect of job satisfaction on managers, International Journal of Vaule-Based Manage- ment 12, pp. 1–12.
  • Milosevic S., 1997, Drivers’ fatigue studies. Ergonomics 40, pp. 381–389.
  • O’Hanlon J.F. and Kelly, G.R., 1977, Comparison of perfor- mance and physiological changes between drivers who per- form well and poorly during prolonged vehicular operation. NATO Conf. Ser. 3, pp. 87–100.
  • Rice R., McFarlin, D. and Bennett D., 1989, Standards of comparison and job satisfaction, Journal of Applied Psycho- logy 74, pp. 591–598.
  • Schneider B., and Locke E.A., 1971, A critique of Herz- berg’s classification system and a suggested revision. Organiza- tional Behavior and Human Performance 12, pp. 441–458.
  • Smith P., Kendall L. and Hullin C., 1969. The measure- ment of satisfaction in work and retirement, Rand McNally, Chicago, IL.
  • Soliman H.M., 1970. Motivation-hygiene theory of job at- titudes. Journal of Applied Psychology 55, pp. 452–461.
  • Weiss J., Dawis R.V., England, G.W. and Lofquist, L.H., 1967, Manual for the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (Minnesota Studies in Vocational Rehabilitation
  • No: 22) , University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
  • Wertheim A.H., 1991, Highway hypnosis: a theoretical a- nalysis, In: Gale, A.D., et al. (Eds.), Vision in Vehicle III. Else- vier, North-Holland, pp. 467–472.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Research Article

Ertığrul Gödelek This is me

Umut Çiçek This is me

Publication Date February 1, 2005
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 6 Issue: 21


APA Gödelek, E., & Çiçek, U. (2005). İŞ DOYUMU, MONOTONLUK, OTONOMİ VE KAZAYA YATKINLIK. TTB Mesleki Sağlık Ve Güvenlik Dergisi, 6(21), 37-43.
AMA Gödelek E, Çiçek U. İŞ DOYUMU, MONOTONLUK, OTONOMİ VE KAZAYA YATKINLIK. MSG. February 2005;6(21):37-43.
Chicago Gödelek, Ertığrul, and Umut Çiçek. “İŞ DOYUMU, MONOTONLUK, OTONOMİ VE KAZAYA YATKINLIK”. TTB Mesleki Sağlık Ve Güvenlik Dergisi 6, no. 21 (February 2005): 37-43.
EndNote Gödelek E, Çiçek U (February 1, 2005) İŞ DOYUMU, MONOTONLUK, OTONOMİ VE KAZAYA YATKINLIK. TTB Mesleki Sağlık ve Güvenlik Dergisi 6 21 37–43.
IEEE E. Gödelek and U. Çiçek, “İŞ DOYUMU, MONOTONLUK, OTONOMİ VE KAZAYA YATKINLIK”, MSG, vol. 6, no. 21, pp. 37–43, 2005.
ISNAD Gödelek, Ertığrul - Çiçek, Umut. “İŞ DOYUMU, MONOTONLUK, OTONOMİ VE KAZAYA YATKINLIK”. TTB Mesleki Sağlık ve Güvenlik Dergisi 6/21 (February 2005), 37-43.
MLA Gödelek, Ertığrul and Umut Çiçek. “İŞ DOYUMU, MONOTONLUK, OTONOMİ VE KAZAYA YATKINLIK”. TTB Mesleki Sağlık Ve Güvenlik Dergisi, vol. 6, no. 21, 2005, pp. 37-43.
Vancouver Gödelek E, Çiçek U. İŞ DOYUMU, MONOTONLUK, OTONOMİ VE KAZAYA YATKINLIK. MSG. 2005;6(21):37-43.