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Yıl 2023, Cilt: 18 Sayı: 40, 379 - 408, 28.12.2023


Platform çalışması günümüzde yaygınlaşmaya başlayan standart dışı yeni bir çalışma şeklidir. Sermayenin birikim krizine karşı geliştirdiği bir strateji olan platform çalışması, üçlü bir yapıyı içermektedir. Bu yapıda geleneksel çalışma ilişkilerindeki işçi, işveren ve işyeri kavramları yerlerini platform çalışanı, müşteri ve platform kavramlarına bırakmaktadır. Neoliberal esneklik ve kuralsızlaştırma politikaların bir uzantısı olarak değerlendirebileceğimiz platform çalışmasında, platformlar kendisini bir teknolojik aracı olarak tanımlamakta ve işçilerini kendi hesabına çalışan ya da bağımsız yüklenici olarak sınıflandırmaktadır. Esnek çalışma süreleri, öngörülemeyen gelir akışı, örgütlenme zorlukları ve sosyal koruma eksikliği ile platform çalışmasında işçiler güvencesizleştirilmektedir.


  • Azzellini, Dario, Ian Greer ve Charles Umney (2022). “Why platform capitalism is not the future of work”, Work in the Global Economy, 2(2), s. 272-289.
  • Bakın, Ali (2023a), Teknoloji ve Dijital Emek, (Bursa: Dora Yayınları).
  • Bakın, Ali (2023b). “Platform Kapitalizmi ve Dijital Emek”, Bulut Meryem ve Zeynel Karacagil (Ed.), Sosyal Bilimlerde Güncel Tartışmalar - 12, (Ankara: Bilgin Kültür Sanat Yayınları): 43-56.
  • Berg, Janine, Marianne Furrer, Ellie Harmon, Uma Rani ve M. Six Silberman (2018), Digital labour platforms and the future of work: Towards decent work in the online world, (Cenevre: International Labour Organization).
  • Bosch, Gerhard (2004), “Towards a New Standard Employment Relationship in Western Europe”, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 42(4), s. 617-636.
  • Bourdieu, Pierre (1998), Contre-feux, (Paris: Raisons d’Agir). Chakravartty, Paula ve Dan Schiller (2010), “Global Financial Crisis| Neoliberal Newspeak and Digital Capitalism in Crisis”, International Journal of Communication, 4(2010), s. 670-692
  • Cusumano, Michael A. (2010), Staying power: Six enduring principles for managing strategy and innovation in an uncertain world (lessons from Microsoft, Apple, Intel, Google, Toyota and more), (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
  • Çelik, Aziz (2007), “Eğreti emek-parçalanan sınıf”, Birikim, 217, s. 1-12. Dicken, Peter (2011), Global Shift: Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy, (New York: Guilford Press).
  • Eurofound (2018), Employment and working conditions of selected types of platform work, (Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union). Forde, Chris, Mark Stuart, Simon Joyce, Liz Oliver, Danat Valizade,
  • Gabriella Alberti, Kate Hardy, Vera Trappmann, Charles Umney ve Calum Carson (2017), The social protection of workers in the platform economy (Study for the committee on Employment and Social Affairs, Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies), (Brüksel: Publications Office of the European Union).
  • Fuchs, Christian (2015), Dijital Emek ve Karl Marx, (Tahir Emre Kalaycı ve Senem Oğuz, Çev.), (Ankara: NotaBene Yayınları).
  • Gandini, Alessandro (2019), “Labour process theory and the gig economy”, Human Relations, 72(6), s. 1039-1056.
  • Goodwin, Tom (2015, Mart 3), “The battle is for the customer interface”, TechCrunch, (25.08.2023).
  • Graham, Mark ve Jamie Woodcock (2018), “Towards a fairer platform economy: Introducing the Fairwork Foundation”, Alternate Routes, 29. s. 242-253.
  • Harvey, David (1997), Postmodernliğin Durumu (Sungur Savran, Çev.), (İstanbul: Metis Yayınları).
  • Harvey, David (2015), Neoliberalizmin Kısa Tarihi (Aylin Onacak, Çev.), (İstanbul: Sel Yayıncılık).
  • Hauben, Harald, Karolien Lenaerts ve Willem Waeyaert (2020), The platform economy and precarious work, (Luxembourg: Study).
  • ILO (2011), Policies and regulations to combat precarious employment, (Cenevre: International Labour Organization).
  • ILO (2021), World Employment and Social Outlook: The role of digital labour platforms in transforming the world of work, (Cenevre: International Labour Organization).
  • ILO (2022), Decent Work in the Platform Economy, (Cenevre: International Labour Organization - Conditions of Work and Equality Department).
  • Jones, Phil (2021), Work Without the Worker: Labour in the Age of Platform Capitalism, (Londra: Verso Books).
  • Kalleberg, Arne L. (2000), “Nonstandard Employment Relations: Part-time, Temporary and Contract Work”, Annual Review of Sociology, 26(1), s. 341-365.
  • Kenney, Martin ve John Zysman, J. (2016), “The rise of the platform economy”, Issues in science and technology, 32(3), s. 61-69.
  • Kıyan, Zafer (2015), “’Dijital Kapitalizmin’ İletişim Alanındaki İzleri: Üretim, Dolaşım, Emek ve Tüketim Süreçleri”, Toplum ve Bilim, (135), s. 27-56.
  • Kilhoffer, Zachary, Willem Pieter De Groen, Karolien Lenaerts, Ine Smits, Harald Hauben, Willem Waeyaert, Elisa Giacumacatos, Jean-Philippe Lhernould ve Sophie Robin-Olivier (2020), Study to gather evidence on the working conditions of platform workers, (Brüksel: European Commission).
  • Kozanoğlu, Hayri (2018), 50 Soruda Teknolojik Gelişmeler ve Hayatımız, (İstanbul: Altınbaş Üniversitesi Yayınları).
  • Parlak, Zeki (2004), “Sanayi Ötesi Toplum Teorilerinin Eleştirel Bir Değerlendirmesi”, Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (8), s. 95-125
  • Pesole, Annarosa, Maria Cesira Urzi Brancati, Enrique Fernandez Macias, Federico Biagi ve Ignacio Gonzalez Vazquez (2018), Platform Workers in Europe: Evidence from the COLLEEM Survey, (Brüksel: Publications Office of the European Union).
  • Rekabet Kurumu (2019), Rekabet Terimleri Sözlüğü, Gözden Geçirilmiş Altıncı Baskı, (Ankara: Rekabet Kurumu)
  • Rosenblat, Alex ve Luke Stark (2016), “Algorithmic labor and information asymmetries: A case study of Uber’s drivers”, International journal of communication, 10, 27, s. 3758-3784.
  • Roy, Sanjay (2022, Nisan 3), “Gig Work: Techno-normative Control and Rising Precarity”, Peoples Democracy, (20 Ağustos 2023).
  • Schiller, Dan (1999), Digital capitalism: Networking the global market system, (Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT press).
  • Sevgi, Hüseyin (2021), “Dijital Kapitalizm ve Endüstri İlişkileri”, Sevgi, Hüseyin (Ed.), 21. Yüzyılda Endüstri İlişkileri - Çalışma Yaşamının Dönüşümü, Aktörleri ve Geleceği, (İstanbul: NotaBene Yayınları): 7-35.
  • Srnicek, Nick (2017a), Platform Capitalism, (Cambridge: Polity Press).
  • Srnicek, Nick (2017b), “The challenges of platform capitalism: Understanding the logic of a new business model”, Juncture, 23(4), s. 254-257
  • Steinberg, Marc (2022), “From Automobile Capitalism to Platform Capitalism: Toyotism as a prehistory of digital platforms”, Organization Studies, 43(7), s. 1069-1090.
  • Strowel, Alain ve Wouter Vergote (2019), “Digital platforms: To regulate or not to regulate? Message to regulators: Fix the economics first, then focus on the right regulation”, Devolder, E. (Ed.), The platform economy: Unravelling the legal status of online intermediaries, (Cambridge: Intersentia): 1-30.
  • The Online Labour Index 2020 (2023, Mayıs 12). (20.08.2023).
  • Todolí-Signes, Adrián (2017), “The ‘gig economy’: Employee, self-employed or the need for a special employment regulation?”, Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 23(2), s. 193-205.
  • Tokol, Aysen. (2021), “Platform Çalışma, Çalışanlar Açısından Yarattığı Sorunlar ve Sendikalar”, Sevgi, Hüseyin (Ed.), 21. Yüzyılda Endüstri İlişkileri - Çalışma Yaşamının Dönüşümü, Aktörleri ve Geleceği, (İstanbul: NotaBene Yayınları): 37-77.
  • TUC. (2021), Seven ways platform workers are fighting back, Trades Union Congress (TUC), (15.08.2023).
  • Vallas, Steven ve Juliet B. Schor (2020), “What Do Platforms Do? Understanding the Gig Economy”, Annual Review of Sociology, 46(1), s. 273-294
  • van Doorn, Niels (2017), “Platform labor: On the gendered and racialized exploitation of low-income service work in the ‘on-demand’ economy”, Information, Communication & Society, 20(6), s. 898-914.
  • Veen, Alex, Tom Barratt ve Caleb Goods (2020), “Platform-Capital’s ‘App-etite’ for Control: A Labour Process Analysis of Food-Delivery Work in Australia”, Work, Employment and Society, 34(3), s. 388-406.
  • Wood, Alex J., Mark Graham, Vili Lehdonvirta ve Isis Hjorth (2019), “Good Gig, Bad Gig: Autonomy and Algorithmic Control in the Global Gig Economy”, Work, Employment and Society, 33(1), s. 56-75.
  • Woodcock, Jamie ve Mark Graham (2020), The gig economy: A critical introduction, (Cambridge: Polity).

Platform work and the increasıng precarity of labor

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 18 Sayı: 40, 379 - 408, 28.12.2023


Platform work is a new, non-standard way of working that is beginning to spread today. Platform work is a strategy developed by capital against the accumulation crisis, includes a tripartite structure. In this structure, the concepts of employee, employer and workplace in traditional labor relations are replaced by the concepts of platform employee, customer and platform. In the platform study, which we can evaluate as an extension of neoliberal flexibility and deregulation policies, platforms define themselves as a technological intermediary and classify their workers as self-employed or independent contractors. With flexible working hours, unpredictable income flow, organizational difficulties and lack of social protection, workers are precarized in platform work.


  • Azzellini, Dario, Ian Greer ve Charles Umney (2022). “Why platform capitalism is not the future of work”, Work in the Global Economy, 2(2), s. 272-289.
  • Bakın, Ali (2023a), Teknoloji ve Dijital Emek, (Bursa: Dora Yayınları).
  • Bakın, Ali (2023b). “Platform Kapitalizmi ve Dijital Emek”, Bulut Meryem ve Zeynel Karacagil (Ed.), Sosyal Bilimlerde Güncel Tartışmalar - 12, (Ankara: Bilgin Kültür Sanat Yayınları): 43-56.
  • Berg, Janine, Marianne Furrer, Ellie Harmon, Uma Rani ve M. Six Silberman (2018), Digital labour platforms and the future of work: Towards decent work in the online world, (Cenevre: International Labour Organization).
  • Bosch, Gerhard (2004), “Towards a New Standard Employment Relationship in Western Europe”, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 42(4), s. 617-636.
  • Bourdieu, Pierre (1998), Contre-feux, (Paris: Raisons d’Agir). Chakravartty, Paula ve Dan Schiller (2010), “Global Financial Crisis| Neoliberal Newspeak and Digital Capitalism in Crisis”, International Journal of Communication, 4(2010), s. 670-692
  • Cusumano, Michael A. (2010), Staying power: Six enduring principles for managing strategy and innovation in an uncertain world (lessons from Microsoft, Apple, Intel, Google, Toyota and more), (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
  • Çelik, Aziz (2007), “Eğreti emek-parçalanan sınıf”, Birikim, 217, s. 1-12. Dicken, Peter (2011), Global Shift: Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy, (New York: Guilford Press).
  • Eurofound (2018), Employment and working conditions of selected types of platform work, (Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union). Forde, Chris, Mark Stuart, Simon Joyce, Liz Oliver, Danat Valizade,
  • Gabriella Alberti, Kate Hardy, Vera Trappmann, Charles Umney ve Calum Carson (2017), The social protection of workers in the platform economy (Study for the committee on Employment and Social Affairs, Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies), (Brüksel: Publications Office of the European Union).
  • Fuchs, Christian (2015), Dijital Emek ve Karl Marx, (Tahir Emre Kalaycı ve Senem Oğuz, Çev.), (Ankara: NotaBene Yayınları).
  • Gandini, Alessandro (2019), “Labour process theory and the gig economy”, Human Relations, 72(6), s. 1039-1056.
  • Goodwin, Tom (2015, Mart 3), “The battle is for the customer interface”, TechCrunch, (25.08.2023).
  • Graham, Mark ve Jamie Woodcock (2018), “Towards a fairer platform economy: Introducing the Fairwork Foundation”, Alternate Routes, 29. s. 242-253.
  • Harvey, David (1997), Postmodernliğin Durumu (Sungur Savran, Çev.), (İstanbul: Metis Yayınları).
  • Harvey, David (2015), Neoliberalizmin Kısa Tarihi (Aylin Onacak, Çev.), (İstanbul: Sel Yayıncılık).
  • Hauben, Harald, Karolien Lenaerts ve Willem Waeyaert (2020), The platform economy and precarious work, (Luxembourg: Study).
  • ILO (2011), Policies and regulations to combat precarious employment, (Cenevre: International Labour Organization).
  • ILO (2021), World Employment and Social Outlook: The role of digital labour platforms in transforming the world of work, (Cenevre: International Labour Organization).
  • ILO (2022), Decent Work in the Platform Economy, (Cenevre: International Labour Organization - Conditions of Work and Equality Department).
  • Jones, Phil (2021), Work Without the Worker: Labour in the Age of Platform Capitalism, (Londra: Verso Books).
  • Kalleberg, Arne L. (2000), “Nonstandard Employment Relations: Part-time, Temporary and Contract Work”, Annual Review of Sociology, 26(1), s. 341-365.
  • Kenney, Martin ve John Zysman, J. (2016), “The rise of the platform economy”, Issues in science and technology, 32(3), s. 61-69.
  • Kıyan, Zafer (2015), “’Dijital Kapitalizmin’ İletişim Alanındaki İzleri: Üretim, Dolaşım, Emek ve Tüketim Süreçleri”, Toplum ve Bilim, (135), s. 27-56.
  • Kilhoffer, Zachary, Willem Pieter De Groen, Karolien Lenaerts, Ine Smits, Harald Hauben, Willem Waeyaert, Elisa Giacumacatos, Jean-Philippe Lhernould ve Sophie Robin-Olivier (2020), Study to gather evidence on the working conditions of platform workers, (Brüksel: European Commission).
  • Kozanoğlu, Hayri (2018), 50 Soruda Teknolojik Gelişmeler ve Hayatımız, (İstanbul: Altınbaş Üniversitesi Yayınları).
  • Parlak, Zeki (2004), “Sanayi Ötesi Toplum Teorilerinin Eleştirel Bir Değerlendirmesi”, Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (8), s. 95-125
  • Pesole, Annarosa, Maria Cesira Urzi Brancati, Enrique Fernandez Macias, Federico Biagi ve Ignacio Gonzalez Vazquez (2018), Platform Workers in Europe: Evidence from the COLLEEM Survey, (Brüksel: Publications Office of the European Union).
  • Rekabet Kurumu (2019), Rekabet Terimleri Sözlüğü, Gözden Geçirilmiş Altıncı Baskı, (Ankara: Rekabet Kurumu)
  • Rosenblat, Alex ve Luke Stark (2016), “Algorithmic labor and information asymmetries: A case study of Uber’s drivers”, International journal of communication, 10, 27, s. 3758-3784.
  • Roy, Sanjay (2022, Nisan 3), “Gig Work: Techno-normative Control and Rising Precarity”, Peoples Democracy, (20 Ağustos 2023).
  • Schiller, Dan (1999), Digital capitalism: Networking the global market system, (Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT press).
  • Sevgi, Hüseyin (2021), “Dijital Kapitalizm ve Endüstri İlişkileri”, Sevgi, Hüseyin (Ed.), 21. Yüzyılda Endüstri İlişkileri - Çalışma Yaşamının Dönüşümü, Aktörleri ve Geleceği, (İstanbul: NotaBene Yayınları): 7-35.
  • Srnicek, Nick (2017a), Platform Capitalism, (Cambridge: Polity Press).
  • Srnicek, Nick (2017b), “The challenges of platform capitalism: Understanding the logic of a new business model”, Juncture, 23(4), s. 254-257
  • Steinberg, Marc (2022), “From Automobile Capitalism to Platform Capitalism: Toyotism as a prehistory of digital platforms”, Organization Studies, 43(7), s. 1069-1090.
  • Strowel, Alain ve Wouter Vergote (2019), “Digital platforms: To regulate or not to regulate? Message to regulators: Fix the economics first, then focus on the right regulation”, Devolder, E. (Ed.), The platform economy: Unravelling the legal status of online intermediaries, (Cambridge: Intersentia): 1-30.
  • The Online Labour Index 2020 (2023, Mayıs 12). (20.08.2023).
  • Todolí-Signes, Adrián (2017), “The ‘gig economy’: Employee, self-employed or the need for a special employment regulation?”, Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 23(2), s. 193-205.
  • Tokol, Aysen. (2021), “Platform Çalışma, Çalışanlar Açısından Yarattığı Sorunlar ve Sendikalar”, Sevgi, Hüseyin (Ed.), 21. Yüzyılda Endüstri İlişkileri - Çalışma Yaşamının Dönüşümü, Aktörleri ve Geleceği, (İstanbul: NotaBene Yayınları): 37-77.
  • TUC. (2021), Seven ways platform workers are fighting back, Trades Union Congress (TUC), (15.08.2023).
  • Vallas, Steven ve Juliet B. Schor (2020), “What Do Platforms Do? Understanding the Gig Economy”, Annual Review of Sociology, 46(1), s. 273-294
  • van Doorn, Niels (2017), “Platform labor: On the gendered and racialized exploitation of low-income service work in the ‘on-demand’ economy”, Information, Communication & Society, 20(6), s. 898-914.
  • Veen, Alex, Tom Barratt ve Caleb Goods (2020), “Platform-Capital’s ‘App-etite’ for Control: A Labour Process Analysis of Food-Delivery Work in Australia”, Work, Employment and Society, 34(3), s. 388-406.
  • Wood, Alex J., Mark Graham, Vili Lehdonvirta ve Isis Hjorth (2019), “Good Gig, Bad Gig: Autonomy and Algorithmic Control in the Global Gig Economy”, Work, Employment and Society, 33(1), s. 56-75.
  • Woodcock, Jamie ve Mark Graham (2020), The gig economy: A critical introduction, (Cambridge: Polity).
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Politika ve Yönetim (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ali Bakın

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 18 Sayı: 40

Kaynak Göster

APA Bakın, A. (2023). PLATFORM ÇALIŞMASI VE EMEĞİN ARTAN GÜVENCESİZLİĞİ. Memleket Siyaset Yönetim, 18(40), 379-408.
AMA Bakın A. PLATFORM ÇALIŞMASI VE EMEĞİN ARTAN GÜVENCESİZLİĞİ. Memleket Siyaset Yönetim. Aralık 2023;18(40):379-408. doi:10.56524/msydergi.1366615
Chicago Bakın, Ali. “PLATFORM ÇALIŞMASI VE EMEĞİN ARTAN GÜVENCESİZLİĞİ”. Memleket Siyaset Yönetim 18, sy. 40 (Aralık 2023): 379-408.
EndNote Bakın A (01 Aralık 2023) PLATFORM ÇALIŞMASI VE EMEĞİN ARTAN GÜVENCESİZLİĞİ. Memleket Siyaset Yönetim 18 40 379–408.
IEEE A. Bakın, “PLATFORM ÇALIŞMASI VE EMEĞİN ARTAN GÜVENCESİZLİĞİ”, Memleket Siyaset Yönetim, c. 18, sy. 40, ss. 379–408, 2023, doi: 10.56524/msydergi.1366615.
ISNAD Bakın, Ali. “PLATFORM ÇALIŞMASI VE EMEĞİN ARTAN GÜVENCESİZLİĞİ”. Memleket Siyaset Yönetim 18/40 (Aralık 2023), 379-408.
JAMA Bakın A. PLATFORM ÇALIŞMASI VE EMEĞİN ARTAN GÜVENCESİZLİĞİ. Memleket Siyaset Yönetim. 2023;18:379–408.
MLA Bakın, Ali. “PLATFORM ÇALIŞMASI VE EMEĞİN ARTAN GÜVENCESİZLİĞİ”. Memleket Siyaset Yönetim, c. 18, sy. 40, 2023, ss. 379-08, doi:10.56524/msydergi.1366615.
Vancouver Bakın A. PLATFORM ÇALIŞMASI VE EMEĞİN ARTAN GÜVENCESİZLİĞİ. Memleket Siyaset Yönetim. 2023;18(40):379-408.