Current Issue

Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 10/1/24

Year: 2024



MUFİDER (Journal of Accounting and Finance Reviews) is a nationally peer-reviewed journal that welcomes theoretical and applied studies in the fields of accounting and finance. The primary aim of the journal is to promote development in accounting, finance, and related disciplines, and to enhance knowledge sharing by publishing research in a highly readable format. Additionally, the journal aims to foster communication among academic communities, policymakers, financial institutions, and regulators. The journal is published biannually (2 issues per year) and covers a wide range of topics.


The Journal of Accounting and Finance Reviews publishes scientific research articles in the following areas:


Money and Capital Markets
Banking and Insurance
Behavioral Finance
Environmental and Climate Finance
Firm Valuation
Islamic Banking
Central Banking and Monetary Policies
Financial Economics
Financial Modeling and Applications
Credit Rating and Credit Default Swaps (CDS)
Evaluation of Investment Projects
Project Management, Risk Analysis, and Governance
Portfolio Management
Derivative Products and Markets
International Trade and Finance
Financial Literacy
Foreign Exchange Markets
Volatility Calculations
Financial Econometrics


General Accounting
Inventory and Balance Sheet
Management Accounting
Cost Accounting
Accounting Standards
Accounting Education
Internal Audit and Independent Audit
Accounting Ethics and Culture
Specialized Accounting
Corporate Mergers
Accounting History

1. Article and Length

Articles submitted to the Journal of Accounting and Finance Studies (MUFİDER) should consist of title, abstract, keywords and JEL codes, main text, references, and if applicable, appendices. These articles should not exceed 20,000 words, including appendices and references. However, longer articles may be considered for review by the editor, taking into account the content of the articles.

2. Main Text and Section Headings

Articles submitted to the Journal of Accounting and Finance Studies (MUFİDER) should be written in Microsoft Word format, single-spaced, justified, and in A4 size. Headings within the text should be numbered as 1., 1.1., 1.1.2., etc. The main text should be indented, 11-point Times New Roman font, with single line spacing. The Main Title of the article should be descriptive and represent the main topics of the article. The Turkish and English Main Titles of the article should be in 12-point, bold, uppercase, and Times New Roman font. Headings within the text should be in 11-point, bold, and Times New Roman font. Paragraph spacing before and after the text should be applied as 6pt. Paragraph spacing before and after headings should be applied as 6pt.

3. Abstract, Keywords, and JEL Codes

The abstract of the article should be written in 10-point, italic, Times New Roman font and should not exceed 150 words. The Turkish heading "ÖZET" and the English heading "ABSTRACT" should be in 11-point, bold, italic, and Times New Roman font. The journal adopts the JEL (Journal of Economic Literature) code system, and submitted works must include a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 JEL codes. Articles should include a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 keywords. Additionally, author information, including title, institution, contact details, and ORCID ID, should be provided.

4. Tables, Figures, and Mathematical Equations

Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively. Each table and figure should be provided with a title. If tables and figures are taken from elsewhere, proper citation must be provided. Table headings should be in 10-point font. Text within tables and mathematical equations should be in the range of 8-10 points. Equations should be centered on the page and each equation should be numbered sequentially and placed to the right of the page in parentheses.

5. Extended English Abstract

All articles must include an extended English abstract following the references section. This section should not be less than 500 words and may include sections such as aim of the study, data set, empirical findings, etc.

6. References

All articles submitted to the journal should be written in accordance with the writing principles stated in the "Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition)" published by the American Psychological Association (APA). The text should use citation methods. All sources cited in the text should be listed in the references section. Some examples of in-text citation are as follows:

For single-author publications: (Zeren, 2013: 102).
For two-author publications: (Demirci & Zeren, 2016: 34).
For publications with three or more authors: (Zeren et al., 2007: 77).
If there are numerous sources by the same author, they should be listed from old to new date. If sources have the same date, they should be ordered alphabetically. The references section should be written in 9-point font. Some examples of references according to the mentioned rules are provided below:

Single Author Books

Sayılgan, G. (2017). İşletme Finansmanı [Corporate Finance]. Siyasal Kitabevi, Ankara.

Books with Multiple Authors

Akkuş, Ö., & Özkan, H. (2016). Stata Uygulamaları ile Nitel Veri Analizi [Qualitative Data Analysis with Stata Applications]. Seçkin Kitabevi, Ankara.

Single Author Articles

Zeren, F. (2017). Investigating the Puzzle of Dividend: An Application on BIST Dividend-25 Index. Kırklareli University Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 1-15.

Multi-Author Articles

Saraç, M., & Zeren, F. (2015). Dependency of Islamic Bank Interest Rates on Traditional Bank Interest Rates: More Evidence from Turkey. Applied Economics, February, 212-235.

Master's and Doctoral Theses

Kökdemir, C. (2004). Organizational Culture and Labor-Employer Relations. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Gazi University Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.

Internet Sources

Müderrisoğlu, O. (2006, August 21). Anadolu Approach will Bring Life to 70 Thousand SMEs. Sabah Newspaper. (Accessed on October 20, 2007).

Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Accounting and Finance Reviews (MUFIDER) should consist of the following components: title, abstract, keywords, and JEL codes, main text, references, and, if applicable, appendices. These articles should not exceed 20,000 words, including appendices and references. However, longer articles may also be considered for evaluation at the discretion of the editor, taking into account the content of the manuscript.

Publication Ethics

The publication processes applied in the Journal of Accounting and Finance Studies (MUFİDER) form the basis for the unbiased and reputable development and dissemination of knowledge. These processes directly reflect the quality of the work of authors and the institutions supporting them. Peer-reviewed studies are scientific works that embody and support the scientific method. In this regard, it is important for all stakeholders in the process (authors, readers and researchers, publishers, referees, and editors) to adhere to ethical principles and standards.

The Journal of Accounting and Finance Studies (MUFİDER) is committed to the academic community and the world in ensuring ethics in the publication and quality of articles. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited, and any publications found to contain plagiarism will be removed from the Journal of Accounting and Finance Studies (MUFİDER) or will not be published. Therefore, all documents received are checked for plagiarism using "Plagiarism Detection Software Programs" (Ithenticate, Turnitin) before the review process begins. When signing the publication agreement, the author(s) must guarantee that the article and related materials are original and do not violate any copyrights.

The ethical duties and responsibilities outlined below have been prepared based on guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for open access:

Author Ethical Responsibilities

1. Authors are expected to ensure that the works they submit are original. If authors use or refer to other works, they must cite them accurately and completely.

2. Individuals who do not contribute intellectually to the creation of the work should not be listed as authors.

3. All potential conflicts of interest and relationships that may constitute a conflict of interest must be disclosed for all submitted works intended for publication.

4. Authors may be asked for raw data related to their articles as part of the review process; in such cases, authors should be prepared to provide the requested data and information to the editorial board.

5. Authors must have documentation demonstrating the rights to use the data used in their research/analyses.

6. If an author discovers an error or mistake in their published, preprint, or peer-reviewed work, they have an obligation to inform the journal editor or publisher and collaborate with the editor in correction or retraction procedures.

7. Authors cannot simultaneously submit their work to more than one journal. Each submission can only be initiated after the previous submission is completed. A work published in another journal cannot be submitted to the Journal of Accounting and Finance Studies (MUFİDER).

Referee Ethical Responsibilities

1. Referees should only accept to review studies related to their area of expertise.

2. They should conduct reviews in an impartial and confidential manner.

3. If a referee believes that they are facing a conflict of interest during the review process, they should refuse to review the work and inform the journal editor.

4. Referees must destroy the works they have reviewed after the review process due to the principle of confidentiality. They can only use the final versions of the works they have reviewed after they have been published.

5. Reviews should be conducted objectively based solely on the content of the work. They should not allow nationality, gender, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or commercial concerns to influence the review process.

6. Referees should provide constructive and courteous feedback. They should not make disparaging personal comments containing hostility, defamation, or insults.

7. Referees must complete the evaluation of the work they have accepted to review in a timely manner and in accordance with the above ethical responsibilities.

Editor Ethical Responsibilities

1. All publications are evaluated based on their intellectual content regardless of the author's gender, race, ethnicity, religion, citizenship, or political values.

2. Information regarding the articles is kept confidential.

3. Any conflicts of interest observed regarding the article should be disclosed.

4. The Editorial Board assumes responsibility for making publication decisions for submitted articles based on the evaluation of the article, the editorial board's policies, and legal prohibitions against plagiarism, defamation, and copyright infringement.


For a manuscript to be submitted to the journal, it must not have been previously published in another journal and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. The copyright of articles and writings published in this journal belongs to the authors, except for commercial purposes, and with the condition of citation.

Concerns Regarding the Implementation of Ethical Criteria in TR DizinEditors and authors have received numerous questions regarding the implementation of ethical criteria in TR Dizin. In order to provide answers to these questions and to clarify the issue, a reiteration of the explanation has become necessary.

The ethical rules included in the criteria in previous years were detailed with explanations in 2020. It was assumed that permissions had been obtained for studies requiring ethics committee approval, and the requirement to include information about permissions in the article was added to the criteria.

However, it has been understood from feedback that detailed information regarding Ethics Committee Permissions is needed. Therefore, a comprehensive study will be shared on the TR Dizin website later, and an announcement will be made to you.

To assist with frequently asked questions, we provide the following information for your reference:

QUESTION: Is ethics committee approval required for all articles?

No. As stated in the criteria, articles requiring Ethics Committee Approval are specified.

QUESTION: Is ethical committee approval required for all articles?

No. As stated in the criteria, articles requiring Ethics Committee Approval are specified.

Researches requiring Ethics Committee Approval include:

✓All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches using survey, interview, focus group study, observation, experiment, and interview techniques to collect data from participants

✓The use of humans and animals (including materials/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes

✓Clinical research conducted on humans

✓Research conducted on animals

✓Retrospective studies in accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data


✓In case reports, it should be stated that the "Informed Consent Form" has been obtained.

✓Permission should be obtained from the owners for the use of others' scales, surveys, photographs, and it should be stated.

✓It should be stated that copyright regulations have been complied with for the use of ideas and artworks.

QUESTION: Is retrospective Ethics Committee Approval required for completed studies and publications derived from theses in past years?

No retrospective Ethics Committee Approval is required for research data used before 2020, derived from master's/doctoral studies (which should be stated in the article), articles submitted to the journal the previous year, accepted but not yet published.

QUESTION: Has TR Dizin's rules restricted publications made outside of universities?

No. Researchers who are not affiliated with universities can also apply to Ethics Committees in their regions.


Journals should comply with ethical rules regarding "Publication Ethics," "Research Ethics," and "Obtaining Legal/Special Permits" by referring to international standards, both on their website and in the printed journal, under separate headings.

The issue of compliance with publication ethics in journals should not be left solely to the responsibility of authors; the journal's publication ethics should be clearly defined.

Journals must clearly state in articles to be published whether ethical committee approval and/or legal/special permission is required. If such permissions are required, it should be clearly stated which institution granted the permission, on what date, and under which decision or reference number.

If the study requires the use of human and animal subjects (including materials/data), it should be declared that the study was conducted in accordance with appropriate international declarations, guidelines, etc.

No fees are charged from any author or institution.

The Journal of Accounting and Finance Reviews (MUFIDER) does not require any fees from authors for submission or publication.