Year 2020,
Special Issue 2020, 18 - 24, 20.07.2020
Sıtkı Güner
Salih Serkan Kır
Electric vehicles (EVs) and photovoltaic (PV) systems are one of the most appropriate coupled facilities with each other in smart grids. The goal of this study is to develop a fuzzy-based smart charging management system (SCMS) in order to enable more economic benefits to the EV parking lot from the roof-top PV system under market conditions with dynamic pricing. To achieve this, PV model, parking lot model and energy market model are generated and they are considered as the inputs of the SCMS. The SCMS decides whether the energy generated by the PV system is injected into the grid or used for charging electric vehicles. All models are generated using real system data in this study. Furthermore, using bi-facial PV panels in the PV system simulation is one of the novel approaches of this study. Charging EVs in the PLs from renewable energy resources is very important as it will facilitate the management of this mobile load in the near future. The results of this study will both help to manage the EV load and increase the profit of the EV PL.
We would like to thank ISPARK General Directorate for their contribution to the study.
- Birnie,D. P., “Solar-to-vehicle (S2V) systems for powering commuters of the future,” Journal of Power Sources, Vol: 186, 539–542, 2009.
- Figueiredo, R., Nunes, P., and Brito, M. C., “The feasibility of solar parking lots for electric vehicles,” Energy, Vol: 140, 1182-1197, 2017.
- Brenna, M., Dolara, A., Foiadelli, F., Leva, S. and Longo, M., “Urban scale photovoltaic charging stations for electric vehicles,” IEEE Trans. On Sustainable Energy, Vol: 5, Issue: 4, 1234 – 1241, 2014.
- Solar Power World, “Photoblog: Assurant celebrates earth day with new solar array”, webpage:
- Maryland Energy Administration, “Parking lot solar PV canopy with EV charger grant program”, webpage:
- Root, L. and Perez, R., “Photovoltaic covered parking lots – a survey of deployable space in the Hudson River Valley, New York city, and Long Island, New York”, webpage:
- Tulpule, P. J., Marano, V., Yurkovich, S., and Rizzoni, G., “Economic and environmental impacts of a PV powered workplace parking garage charging station,” Applied Energy, Vol: 108, 323-332, 2013.
- Chekired, F. Mahrane, A., Samara, Z., Chikh, M., Guenounou, A. and Meflah, A., “Fuzzy logic energy management for a photovoltaic solar home”, 8th International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, 2017.
- Khalid, R., Javaid, N., Rahim, M. H., Aslam, S., and Sher, A., “Fuzzy energy management controller and scheduler for smart homes,” Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, Vol: 21, 103–118, 2019.
- Khalatbarisoltani, A., Cepeda, J. C. O., Boulon, L., Lupien, D., Solano, S. J., and Duarte, C., “A new real-time centralized energy management strategy for modular electric vehicles,” 2018 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), 2018.
- Bandpey, M. F. and Firouzjah, K. G., “Two-stage charging strategy of plug-in electric vehicles based on fuzzy control,” Computers and Operations Research, Vol: 96, 236–243, 2018.
- Jannati, J. and Nazarpour, D., “Multi-objective scheduling of electric vehicles intelligent parking lot in the presence of hydrogen storage system under peak load management,” Energy, Vol:163, 338-350, 2018.
- Ooshaksarei, P., Zulkifli, R., Alghoul, M., and Zaharim, A., “Terrestrial applications of bifacial photovoltaic solar panels,” Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on System Science and Simulation in Engineering, 2011.
- Guner, S. and Ozdemir, A., “Distributed storage capacity modelling of EV parking lots,” International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ELECO 2015, 2015, 359-363.
- Guner, S. and Ozdemir, A., “Stochastic energy storage capacity model of EV parking lots,” IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol: 11, Issue: 7, 1754- 1761, 2017.
- Guner, S., Ozdemir, A., and Serbes G., “Impact of car arrival/departure patterns on EV parking lot energy storage capacity,” 14th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems PMAPS 2016, 2016.
- Yagcitekin, B., Uzunoglu, M., Karakas, A., and Vurgun, M., “Assessment of a car park with electric vehicles,” 4th International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives 2013, 2013, 961-964.
- Yilmaz, M. and Krein, P. T., “Review of benefits and challenges of vehicle-to-grid technology”, Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE) 2012, 2012.
- Marra, F., Yang, G. Y., Træholt, C., Larsen, E., Rasmussen, C. N. and You, S., “Demand profile study of battery electric vehicle under different charging options,” IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2012.
- Zheng, J., Wang, X., Men, K., Zhu, C., and Zhu, S., “Aggregation model-based optimization for electric vehicle charging strategy,” IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, Vol: 4, Issue: 2, 1058–1066, 2013.
- Guner, S. and Ozdemir, A., “Impact of EV parking lot on distribution system reliability,” 15th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems PMAPS 2018, 2018.
- Jinko Solar.
- ABB.
- Guner, S. and Ozdemir, A., “Seasonal impacts on the storage capacity of EV parking lots,” 2017 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), 2017.
- PJM, Day-Ahead Energy Market, definition.
Year 2020,
Special Issue 2020, 18 - 24, 20.07.2020
Sıtkı Güner
Salih Serkan Kır
Bu çalışmanın amacı, dinamik fiyatlamanın olduğu piyasa koşullarında otoparkın çatısına kurulan fotovoltaik üretim sisteminin ürettiği enerjiden daha fazla ekonomik fayda sağlamak için bulanık mantık tabanlı akıllı şarj yönetim sistemi geliştirmektir. Bunu yapabilmek için fotovoltaik üretim sisteminin, otopark ve enerji piyasası modelleri oluşturulmakta ve modeller akıllı şarj yönetim sistemine giriş olarak verilmektedir. Akıllı şarj yönetim sistemi fotovoltaik üretim sisteminin ürettiği enerjinin şebekeye satılacağına veya elektrikli araçların şarj edileceğine karar vermektedir. Bu çalışmadaki modellerde gerçek veriler kullanılmaktadır. Ayrıca, fotovoltaik üretim sistemi simülasyonunda çift yönlü fotovoltaik panellerin kullanması bu çalışmanın yeni yaklaşımlarından biridir. Yakın gelecekte elektrikli araçların otoparklarda yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarından şarj edilmesi bu mobil yükün yönetimini kolaylaştıracağı için çok önemlidir. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları hem elektrikli araç yükünün yönetimine yardımcı olacak, hem de otoparkların kazancını artıracaktır.
- Birnie,D. P., “Solar-to-vehicle (S2V) systems for powering commuters of the future,” Journal of Power Sources, Vol: 186, 539–542, 2009.
- Figueiredo, R., Nunes, P., and Brito, M. C., “The feasibility of solar parking lots for electric vehicles,” Energy, Vol: 140, 1182-1197, 2017.
- Brenna, M., Dolara, A., Foiadelli, F., Leva, S. and Longo, M., “Urban scale photovoltaic charging stations for electric vehicles,” IEEE Trans. On Sustainable Energy, Vol: 5, Issue: 4, 1234 – 1241, 2014.
- Solar Power World, “Photoblog: Assurant celebrates earth day with new solar array”, webpage:
- Maryland Energy Administration, “Parking lot solar PV canopy with EV charger grant program”, webpage:
- Root, L. and Perez, R., “Photovoltaic covered parking lots – a survey of deployable space in the Hudson River Valley, New York city, and Long Island, New York”, webpage:
- Tulpule, P. J., Marano, V., Yurkovich, S., and Rizzoni, G., “Economic and environmental impacts of a PV powered workplace parking garage charging station,” Applied Energy, Vol: 108, 323-332, 2013.
- Chekired, F. Mahrane, A., Samara, Z., Chikh, M., Guenounou, A. and Meflah, A., “Fuzzy logic energy management for a photovoltaic solar home”, 8th International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, 2017.
- Khalid, R., Javaid, N., Rahim, M. H., Aslam, S., and Sher, A., “Fuzzy energy management controller and scheduler for smart homes,” Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, Vol: 21, 103–118, 2019.
- Khalatbarisoltani, A., Cepeda, J. C. O., Boulon, L., Lupien, D., Solano, S. J., and Duarte, C., “A new real-time centralized energy management strategy for modular electric vehicles,” 2018 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), 2018.
- Bandpey, M. F. and Firouzjah, K. G., “Two-stage charging strategy of plug-in electric vehicles based on fuzzy control,” Computers and Operations Research, Vol: 96, 236–243, 2018.
- Jannati, J. and Nazarpour, D., “Multi-objective scheduling of electric vehicles intelligent parking lot in the presence of hydrogen storage system under peak load management,” Energy, Vol:163, 338-350, 2018.
- Ooshaksarei, P., Zulkifli, R., Alghoul, M., and Zaharim, A., “Terrestrial applications of bifacial photovoltaic solar panels,” Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on System Science and Simulation in Engineering, 2011.
- Guner, S. and Ozdemir, A., “Distributed storage capacity modelling of EV parking lots,” International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ELECO 2015, 2015, 359-363.
- Guner, S. and Ozdemir, A., “Stochastic energy storage capacity model of EV parking lots,” IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol: 11, Issue: 7, 1754- 1761, 2017.
- Guner, S., Ozdemir, A., and Serbes G., “Impact of car arrival/departure patterns on EV parking lot energy storage capacity,” 14th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems PMAPS 2016, 2016.
- Yagcitekin, B., Uzunoglu, M., Karakas, A., and Vurgun, M., “Assessment of a car park with electric vehicles,” 4th International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives 2013, 2013, 961-964.
- Yilmaz, M. and Krein, P. T., “Review of benefits and challenges of vehicle-to-grid technology”, Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE) 2012, 2012.
- Marra, F., Yang, G. Y., Træholt, C., Larsen, E., Rasmussen, C. N. and You, S., “Demand profile study of battery electric vehicle under different charging options,” IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2012.
- Zheng, J., Wang, X., Men, K., Zhu, C., and Zhu, S., “Aggregation model-based optimization for electric vehicle charging strategy,” IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, Vol: 4, Issue: 2, 1058–1066, 2013.
- Guner, S. and Ozdemir, A., “Impact of EV parking lot on distribution system reliability,” 15th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems PMAPS 2018, 2018.
- Jinko Solar.
- ABB.
- Guner, S. and Ozdemir, A., “Seasonal impacts on the storage capacity of EV parking lots,” 2017 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), 2017.
- PJM, Day-Ahead Energy Market, definition.