Year 2021,
, 145 - 156, 01.07.2021
V. Evrim Altuk Öztürk
Ayşegül İşcanoğlu Çekiç
- AURELI, S., Gigli, S., Medei, R., Supino, E. (2019). The Value Relevance of Environmental, Social, and Governance
Disclosure: Evidence from Dow Jones Sustainability World Index Listed Companies, Corporate Social
Responsibility and Environmental Management, 27(1): 43-52.
- BERTHELOT, S., Coulmont, M., Serret, V. (2012). Do Investors Value Sustainability Reports? A Canadian
Study, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 19(6): 355-363.
- CARNEVALE, C., Mazzuca, M. (2014). Sustainability Report and Bank Valuation: Evidence from European
Stock Markets, Business Ethics: A European Review, 23(1): 69-90.
- CHAN, C. C., Milne, M. J. (1999). Investor Reactions to Corporate Environmental Saints and Sinners: An
Experimental Analysis. Accounting and Business Research, 29(4): 265-279.
- ÇİMEN, A. (2019). The Impact of Sustainability Index on Firm Performance: An Event Study, International
Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences, 9(1): 170-183.
- ÇITAK, L., Ersoy, E. (2016). Firmaların BIST Sürdürülebilirlik Endeksine Alınmasına Yatırımcı Tepkisi: Olay
Çalışması ve Ortalama Testleri ile Bir Analiz (Investors’ Reactions to the Inclusion of Firms in the BIST
Sustainability Index: An Analysis by Event Study and Mean-Median Tests), International Journal of
Alanya Faculty of Business, 8(1): 43-57.
- ÇITAK, L., Akel, V., Ersoy, E. (2020). Investors’ Reactions to the Announcement of New Constituents of BIST
Sustainability Index: An Analysis by Event Study and Mean-Median Tests. Value Sharing for Sustainable
and Inclusive Development. IGI Global, 2018: 270-289.
- CORRADO C. J. (1989). A Nonparametric Test for Abnormal Security-Price Performance in Event Studies,
Journal of Financial Economics, 23: 385-395.
- COWAN A. R. (1992). Nonparametric Event Study Tests, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 2:
- DICKEY, D. A., Fuller, W. A. (1979). Distribution of The Estimators for Autoregressive Time Series with A Unit
Root, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 74(366): 427-431.
- DU, S., Yu, K., Bhattacharya, C. B., Sen, S. (2017). The Business Case for Sustainability Reporting: Evidence from
Stock Market Reactions, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 36(2): 313-330.
- ECCLES, R. G., Serafeim, G. (2013). A Tale of Two Stories: Sustainability and the Quarterly Earnings Call, Journal
of Applied Corporate Finance, 25(3): 8-19.
- EPSTEIN, M. J. (2018). Making Sustainability Work: Best Practices in Managing and Measuring Corporate
Social, Environmental and Economic Impacts. Routledge.
- FAMA, E. (1998). Market Efficiency, Long-Term Returns, and Behavioral Finance, Journal of Financial
Economics, 49(3): 283-306.
- JARQUE, C., Bera, A. (1987). A Test for Normality of Observations and Regression Residuals, International
Statistical Review, 55: 163–172.
- KOTHARI, S. P., Warner, J. B. (2006). Econometrics of Event Studies, Chapter 1 in Handbook of Corporate
Finance: Empirical Corporate Finance.
- LIU, Y., Zhou, X., Yang, J., Hoepner, A. G. (2017). Corporate Carbon Emissions and Financial Performance:
Does Carbon Disclosure Mediate the Relationship in the UK?, SSRN 2941123.
- MURGUIA, J. M., Lence, S. H. (2015). Investors’ Reaction to Environmental Performance: A Global Perspective
of the Newsweek’s “Green Rankings”, Environmental and Resource Economics, 60(4): 583-605.
- MURRAY, A., Sinclair, D., Power, D., Gray, R. (2006). Do Financial Markets Care About Social and Environmental
Disclosure?, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 19(2): 228-255.
- PELOZA, J. (2009). The Challenge of Measuring Financial Impacts from Investments in Corporate Social
Performance, Journal of Management, 35(6): 1518-1541.
- R CORE TEAM (2020). R: A language and Environment for Statistical Computing. R Foundation for Statistical
Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL
- RUDNYTSKYI, I. (2019). Estudy2: An Implementation of Parametric and Nonparametric Event Study. R
package version 0.9.1.
- SHAKIL, M.H., Mahmood, N., Tasnia, M., Munim, Z.H. (2019), Do environmental, Social and Governance
Performance Affect the Financial Performance of Banks? A Cross-Country Study of Emerging Market
Banks, Management of Environmental Quality, 30(6): 1331-1344.
February 6, 2021).
- TELLIS, G.J., Johnson, J. (2007). The Value of Quality, Marketing Science, 26(6): 758-773.
- WASARA, T. M., Ganda, F. (2019). The Relationship Between Corporate Sustainability Disclosure
and Firm Financial Performance in Johannesburg Stock Exchange (Jse) Listed Mining
Companies, Sustainability, 11(16): 4496.
- WONG, KTK. (2017). A Literature Review on Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting and Its Impact
on Financial Performance, Austin Journal of Business Administration and Management, 1(4): 1016.
- ZIEGLER, A., Busch, T., Hoffmann, V. H. (2011). Disclosed Corporate Responses to Climate Change and Stock
Performances: An International Empirical Analysis, Energy Economics, 33(6): 1283-1294.
Year 2021,
, 145 - 156, 01.07.2021
V. Evrim Altuk Öztürk
Ayşegül İşcanoğlu Çekiç
The goal of this study is to analyze the impacts of the environmental corporate social responsibility on stock
performances. In other words, this study aims to measure investors’ reactions to environmental awareness.
In this regard, we consider listing in the BIST Sustainability Index as an environmental awareness and we
implement an event study around the announcement of the companies included in the BIST Sustainability
Index. This study covers the daily stock prices of 59 companies indexed in the BIST Sustainability Index
between 2014-2019. The eight different event windows are considered. According to the findings of the
study, no significant performance change is observed in the companies included or delisting from the
sustainability index in short time.
- AURELI, S., Gigli, S., Medei, R., Supino, E. (2019). The Value Relevance of Environmental, Social, and Governance
Disclosure: Evidence from Dow Jones Sustainability World Index Listed Companies, Corporate Social
Responsibility and Environmental Management, 27(1): 43-52.
- BERTHELOT, S., Coulmont, M., Serret, V. (2012). Do Investors Value Sustainability Reports? A Canadian
Study, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 19(6): 355-363.
- CARNEVALE, C., Mazzuca, M. (2014). Sustainability Report and Bank Valuation: Evidence from European
Stock Markets, Business Ethics: A European Review, 23(1): 69-90.
- CHAN, C. C., Milne, M. J. (1999). Investor Reactions to Corporate Environmental Saints and Sinners: An
Experimental Analysis. Accounting and Business Research, 29(4): 265-279.
- ÇİMEN, A. (2019). The Impact of Sustainability Index on Firm Performance: An Event Study, International
Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences, 9(1): 170-183.
- ÇITAK, L., Ersoy, E. (2016). Firmaların BIST Sürdürülebilirlik Endeksine Alınmasına Yatırımcı Tepkisi: Olay
Çalışması ve Ortalama Testleri ile Bir Analiz (Investors’ Reactions to the Inclusion of Firms in the BIST
Sustainability Index: An Analysis by Event Study and Mean-Median Tests), International Journal of
Alanya Faculty of Business, 8(1): 43-57.
- ÇITAK, L., Akel, V., Ersoy, E. (2020). Investors’ Reactions to the Announcement of New Constituents of BIST
Sustainability Index: An Analysis by Event Study and Mean-Median Tests. Value Sharing for Sustainable
and Inclusive Development. IGI Global, 2018: 270-289.
- CORRADO C. J. (1989). A Nonparametric Test for Abnormal Security-Price Performance in Event Studies,
Journal of Financial Economics, 23: 385-395.
- COWAN A. R. (1992). Nonparametric Event Study Tests, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 2:
- DICKEY, D. A., Fuller, W. A. (1979). Distribution of The Estimators for Autoregressive Time Series with A Unit
Root, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 74(366): 427-431.
- DU, S., Yu, K., Bhattacharya, C. B., Sen, S. (2017). The Business Case for Sustainability Reporting: Evidence from
Stock Market Reactions, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 36(2): 313-330.
- ECCLES, R. G., Serafeim, G. (2013). A Tale of Two Stories: Sustainability and the Quarterly Earnings Call, Journal
of Applied Corporate Finance, 25(3): 8-19.
- EPSTEIN, M. J. (2018). Making Sustainability Work: Best Practices in Managing and Measuring Corporate
Social, Environmental and Economic Impacts. Routledge.
- FAMA, E. (1998). Market Efficiency, Long-Term Returns, and Behavioral Finance, Journal of Financial
Economics, 49(3): 283-306.
- JARQUE, C., Bera, A. (1987). A Test for Normality of Observations and Regression Residuals, International
Statistical Review, 55: 163–172.
- KOTHARI, S. P., Warner, J. B. (2006). Econometrics of Event Studies, Chapter 1 in Handbook of Corporate
Finance: Empirical Corporate Finance.
- LIU, Y., Zhou, X., Yang, J., Hoepner, A. G. (2017). Corporate Carbon Emissions and Financial Performance:
Does Carbon Disclosure Mediate the Relationship in the UK?, SSRN 2941123.
- MURGUIA, J. M., Lence, S. H. (2015). Investors’ Reaction to Environmental Performance: A Global Perspective
of the Newsweek’s “Green Rankings”, Environmental and Resource Economics, 60(4): 583-605.
- MURRAY, A., Sinclair, D., Power, D., Gray, R. (2006). Do Financial Markets Care About Social and Environmental
Disclosure?, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 19(2): 228-255.
- PELOZA, J. (2009). The Challenge of Measuring Financial Impacts from Investments in Corporate Social
Performance, Journal of Management, 35(6): 1518-1541.
- R CORE TEAM (2020). R: A language and Environment for Statistical Computing. R Foundation for Statistical
Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL
- RUDNYTSKYI, I. (2019). Estudy2: An Implementation of Parametric and Nonparametric Event Study. R
package version 0.9.1.
- SHAKIL, M.H., Mahmood, N., Tasnia, M., Munim, Z.H. (2019), Do environmental, Social and Governance
Performance Affect the Financial Performance of Banks? A Cross-Country Study of Emerging Market
Banks, Management of Environmental Quality, 30(6): 1331-1344.
February 6, 2021).
- TELLIS, G.J., Johnson, J. (2007). The Value of Quality, Marketing Science, 26(6): 758-773.
- WASARA, T. M., Ganda, F. (2019). The Relationship Between Corporate Sustainability Disclosure
and Firm Financial Performance in Johannesburg Stock Exchange (Jse) Listed Mining
Companies, Sustainability, 11(16): 4496.
- WONG, KTK. (2017). A Literature Review on Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting and Its Impact
on Financial Performance, Austin Journal of Business Administration and Management, 1(4): 1016.
- ZIEGLER, A., Busch, T., Hoffmann, V. H. (2011). Disclosed Corporate Responses to Climate Change and Stock
Performances: An International Empirical Analysis, Energy Economics, 33(6): 1283-1294.