Year 2021,
Volume: 43 Issue: 1, 213 - 230, 01.07.2021
Şerife Genç İleri
Mehmet Fatih Ulu
- AKTAS, A., Uysal, G. (2016). The Gender Wage Gap in Turkey, Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler
Dergisi, 38(2): 1–19.
- ALBRECHT, J., Björklund, A., Vroman, S. (2003). Is there a Glass Ceiling in Sweden?, Journal of Labor
Economics, 21(1): 145-177.
- ALMASIFARD, M. (2018). Gender Wage Gap in Selected Developing Upper-Middle Income Countries,
International Journal of Development Issues, 17(2): 142-156.
- AMUEDO-DORANTES, C., De La Rica, S. (2005). The Impact of Gender Segregation on Male-Female Wage
Differentials: Evidence from Matched Employer-Employee Data for Spain, IZA Discussion Papers 1742.
- ANTONCZYK, D., Fitzenberger, B., Sommerfeld, K. (2010). Rising Wage Inequality: The Decline of Collective
Bargaining, and The Gender Wage Gap, Labour Economics, 17: 835–847.
- ARTECONA, R., Cunningham, W. (2002). Effects of Trade Liberalization on The Gender Wage Gap in Mexico,
The World Bank Development Research Group/ Poverty Reduction and Economic Management
Network, No. 34144.
- ARULAMPALAM, W., Booth, A., Bryan, M. (2007). Is There a Glass Ceiling over Europe? Exploring the Gender
Pay Gap across the Wage Distribution, ILR Review, 60 (2): 163-186.
- AYDINER-AVSAR, N. (2010) International Trade and Gender Wage Gap: A Distributional Analysis for Turkey.
University of Utah, Working Paper.
- BAYARD, K., Hellerstein, J., Neumark, D., Troske, K. (2003). New Evidence on Sex Segregation and Sex
Differences in Wages from Matched Employee-Employer Data, Journal of Labor Economics, 21(4): 887-
- BECKER, G. S. (1971). The Economics of Discrimination, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press.
- BERIK, G., Rodgers, Y., R., Zveglich, J. E. (2004). International Trade and Wage Discrimination: Evidence from
East Asia, Review of Development Economics, 8(2): 237-254.
- BLACK, S. E., Brainerd, E. (2004). Importing Equality: The Impact of Globalization on Gender Discrimination,
Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 57(4): 540-559.
- BOLER, E. A., Javorcik, B., Ulltveit-Moe, K. H. (2015). Globalization: A Woman’s Best Friend? Exporters and
The Gender Wage Gap, Center for Economic Studies and Info Institute, Working Paper No. 5296.
- BOLER, E. A., Javorcik, B., Ulltveit-Moe, K. H. (2018). Working Across Time Zones: Exporters and The Gender
Wage Gap, Journal of International Economics, 111: 122-133.
- CHINHUI, J., Dae Il, K. (1999). The Effects of Rising Female Labor Supply on Male Wages, Journal of Labor
Economics, 17(1): 23-48.
- DAYIOGLU, M., Kasnakoglu, Z. (1997). Kentsel Kesimde Kadın ve Erkeklerin İşgücüne Katılımları ve Kazanç
Farklılıkları, Metu Studies in Development, 24(3): 329–361.
- DEB, K., Hauk, W. R. (2020). The Impact of Chinese Imports on Indian Wage Inequality, The Indian Journal of
Labour Economics, 63: 267–290.
- DUFLO, E. (2003). Grandmothers and Granddaughters: Old Age Pension and Intra-Household Allocation in
South Africa, World Bank Economic Review, 17(1): 1–25.
- FIELDS, J., Wolff, E. N. (1995). Interindustry Wage Differentials and The Gender Wage Gap, Industrial and
Labor Relations Review, 49(1): 105-120.
- GALOR, O., Weil, D. N. (1996). The Gender Gap, Fertility, and Growth, The American Economic Review, 86(3):
- GANNON, B., Plasman, R., Rycx, F., Tojerow, I. (2007). Inter-Industry Wage Differentials and The Gender Wage
Gap: Evidence from European Countries, The Economic and Social Review, 38(1): 135–155.
- GREANEY, T., Tanaka, A. (2020). Foreign Ownership, Exporting and Gender Wage Gaps: Evidence from
Japanese Linked Employer-Employee Data, Munich Personal Repec Archive, MPRA Paper No. 101339.
- HEIWAI, T., Yifan, Z. (2017). Do Multinationals Transfer Culture? Evidence on Female Employment in China,
Center for Economic Studies and Info Institute, Cesifo Working Paper No. 6295.
- HOLLWEG, C. H., Ong Lopez, A. (2020). Exporting and Female Labor Market Outcomes in Georgia, World
Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 9432.
- ILKKARACAN, İ., Selim, R. (2007) The Gender Wage Gap in the Turkish Labor Market, Review of Labour
Economics and Industrial Relations, 21(2): 563–59.
- ILO (2012). International Standard Classification of Occupations Structure, Group Definitions and
Correspondence Tables.
- ILO AND TURKSTAT (2020). Measuring the Gender Wage Gap: Turkey Case: 1-21.
- JUHN, C., Ujhelyi, G., Villegas-Sanchez, C. (2014). Men, Women, and Machines: How Trade Impacts Gender
Inequality, Journal of Development Economics, 106: 179-193.
- KARA, O. (2006). Occupational Gender Wage Discrimination in Turkey, Journal of Economic Studies, 33(2):
- LUGO, D. C., Pérez, R. E. R. (2017). Trade Liberalization and Gender Wage Gap in Mexico, Modern Economy,
8: 1167-1185.
- MENON, N., Rodgers, Y. M. (2009). International Trade and the Gender Wage Gap: New Evidence from India’s
Manufacturing Sector, World Development, 37(5): 965-981.
- MUSAZAY, S. (2019). Gender Wage Gap and İnternational Trade: Evidence from Turkey’s Manufacturing
Sector. (Unpublished master’s thesis). Ibn Haldun University, School of Graduate Studies, İstanbul.
- OOSTENDORP, R. H. (2004). Globalization and The Gender Wage Gap, World Bank Policy Research Working
Paper 3256.
- ÖZCAN, K. M., Özcan, Y. Z., Üçdoğruk, S. (2003). Wage Differences by Gender, Wage and Self Employment in
Urban Turkey, Journal of Economic Cooperation, 24(1): 1-24.
- ÖZTÜRK, S., Başar, D. (2018). Türkiye’de Kadınların İşgücü Piyasasına Yönelik Tercihleri: Kayıt Dışı Sektör
Özelinde Bir Analiz, Journal of Social Security, 8(2): 41-58.
- PÉREZ, R. E. R., Lugo, D.C. (2017) Trade Liberalization and Gender Wage Gap in Mexico, Modern Economy,
8: 1167-1185.
- SAURÉ, P., Zoabi, H. (2014). International Trade, The Gender Wage Gap and Female Labor Force Participation,
Journal of Development Economics, 111: 17-33.
- SEGUINO, S. (1997). Gender Wage Inequality and Export‐Led Growth in South Korea, The Journal of
Development Studies, 34(2): 102-132.
- TANSEL, A. (2001). Wage Earners, Self-Employed and Gender in The Informal Sector in Turkey, Economic
Research Forum Working Paper, No. 0102.
- TANSEL, A. (2004). Public‐Private Employment Choice, Wage Differentials and Gender in Turkey, IZA
Discussion Papers, 53(2): 1-43.
- TEKGÜÇ, H., Eryar, D., Cindoğlu, D. (2017). Women’s Tertiary Education Masks the Gender Wage Gap in
Turkey, Journal of Labor Research, 38: 360–386.
- THOMAS, D. (1990). Intra-Household Resource Allocation: An Inferential Approach, Journal of Human
Resources, 25(4): 635–664.
- WEI, H., Yang, S., Liu, S., Wu, J., Xiang, S. (2013). International Trade and Gender Wage Gap In China, European
Scientific Journal, 9(22): 21-52.
- WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM (2019). Global Gender Report 2020.
2020-report-100-years-pay-equality (Accessed on: 05.02.2021)
- YAHMED, S. B. (2012). Gender Wage Gaps Across Skills and Trade Openness, AMSE Working Papers, 1232:
- YAHMED, S. B. (2017). Gender Wage Discrimination and Trade Openness, Prejudiced Employers in an Open
Industry, ZEW Discussion Papers No. 17-047: 1-53.
Year 2021,
Volume: 43 Issue: 1, 213 - 230, 01.07.2021
Şerife Genç İleri
Mehmet Fatih Ulu
This paper studies the effect of trade openness on relative wage earnings of female workers in Turkey’s
manufacturing sector. We compute the export intensity of a sector by dividing the export value to
production value as our measure of trade openness. Using Structure of Earnings Survey data for 2010 and
2014, we estimate the impact of export intensity on the gender wage gap. Our results indicate that a onepercentage
point increase in the export intensity of a sector leads to a 0.17 percent higher gender wage gap.
We further investigate the trade-gender wage gap link by grouping the sectors into four quartiles according
to their export intensities. Our estimations for each quartile reinforce our finding of a negative impact of
trade on the male-female wage inequality. Lastly, we analyze how the wage gap between men and women
change according to skill levels. In line with the previous findings in the literature, we estimate a higher
wage discrimination against high-skill women.
- AKTAS, A., Uysal, G. (2016). The Gender Wage Gap in Turkey, Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler
Dergisi, 38(2): 1–19.
- ALBRECHT, J., Björklund, A., Vroman, S. (2003). Is there a Glass Ceiling in Sweden?, Journal of Labor
Economics, 21(1): 145-177.
- ALMASIFARD, M. (2018). Gender Wage Gap in Selected Developing Upper-Middle Income Countries,
International Journal of Development Issues, 17(2): 142-156.
- AMUEDO-DORANTES, C., De La Rica, S. (2005). The Impact of Gender Segregation on Male-Female Wage
Differentials: Evidence from Matched Employer-Employee Data for Spain, IZA Discussion Papers 1742.
- ANTONCZYK, D., Fitzenberger, B., Sommerfeld, K. (2010). Rising Wage Inequality: The Decline of Collective
Bargaining, and The Gender Wage Gap, Labour Economics, 17: 835–847.
- ARTECONA, R., Cunningham, W. (2002). Effects of Trade Liberalization on The Gender Wage Gap in Mexico,
The World Bank Development Research Group/ Poverty Reduction and Economic Management
Network, No. 34144.
- ARULAMPALAM, W., Booth, A., Bryan, M. (2007). Is There a Glass Ceiling over Europe? Exploring the Gender
Pay Gap across the Wage Distribution, ILR Review, 60 (2): 163-186.
- AYDINER-AVSAR, N. (2010) International Trade and Gender Wage Gap: A Distributional Analysis for Turkey.
University of Utah, Working Paper.
- BAYARD, K., Hellerstein, J., Neumark, D., Troske, K. (2003). New Evidence on Sex Segregation and Sex
Differences in Wages from Matched Employee-Employer Data, Journal of Labor Economics, 21(4): 887-
- BECKER, G. S. (1971). The Economics of Discrimination, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press.
- BERIK, G., Rodgers, Y., R., Zveglich, J. E. (2004). International Trade and Wage Discrimination: Evidence from
East Asia, Review of Development Economics, 8(2): 237-254.
- BLACK, S. E., Brainerd, E. (2004). Importing Equality: The Impact of Globalization on Gender Discrimination,
Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 57(4): 540-559.
- BOLER, E. A., Javorcik, B., Ulltveit-Moe, K. H. (2015). Globalization: A Woman’s Best Friend? Exporters and
The Gender Wage Gap, Center for Economic Studies and Info Institute, Working Paper No. 5296.
- BOLER, E. A., Javorcik, B., Ulltveit-Moe, K. H. (2018). Working Across Time Zones: Exporters and The Gender
Wage Gap, Journal of International Economics, 111: 122-133.
- CHINHUI, J., Dae Il, K. (1999). The Effects of Rising Female Labor Supply on Male Wages, Journal of Labor
Economics, 17(1): 23-48.
- DAYIOGLU, M., Kasnakoglu, Z. (1997). Kentsel Kesimde Kadın ve Erkeklerin İşgücüne Katılımları ve Kazanç
Farklılıkları, Metu Studies in Development, 24(3): 329–361.
- DEB, K., Hauk, W. R. (2020). The Impact of Chinese Imports on Indian Wage Inequality, The Indian Journal of
Labour Economics, 63: 267–290.
- DUFLO, E. (2003). Grandmothers and Granddaughters: Old Age Pension and Intra-Household Allocation in
South Africa, World Bank Economic Review, 17(1): 1–25.
- FIELDS, J., Wolff, E. N. (1995). Interindustry Wage Differentials and The Gender Wage Gap, Industrial and
Labor Relations Review, 49(1): 105-120.
- GALOR, O., Weil, D. N. (1996). The Gender Gap, Fertility, and Growth, The American Economic Review, 86(3):
- GANNON, B., Plasman, R., Rycx, F., Tojerow, I. (2007). Inter-Industry Wage Differentials and The Gender Wage
Gap: Evidence from European Countries, The Economic and Social Review, 38(1): 135–155.
- GREANEY, T., Tanaka, A. (2020). Foreign Ownership, Exporting and Gender Wage Gaps: Evidence from
Japanese Linked Employer-Employee Data, Munich Personal Repec Archive, MPRA Paper No. 101339.
- HEIWAI, T., Yifan, Z. (2017). Do Multinationals Transfer Culture? Evidence on Female Employment in China,
Center for Economic Studies and Info Institute, Cesifo Working Paper No. 6295.
- HOLLWEG, C. H., Ong Lopez, A. (2020). Exporting and Female Labor Market Outcomes in Georgia, World
Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 9432.
- ILKKARACAN, İ., Selim, R. (2007) The Gender Wage Gap in the Turkish Labor Market, Review of Labour
Economics and Industrial Relations, 21(2): 563–59.
- ILO (2012). International Standard Classification of Occupations Structure, Group Definitions and
Correspondence Tables.
- ILO AND TURKSTAT (2020). Measuring the Gender Wage Gap: Turkey Case: 1-21.
- JUHN, C., Ujhelyi, G., Villegas-Sanchez, C. (2014). Men, Women, and Machines: How Trade Impacts Gender
Inequality, Journal of Development Economics, 106: 179-193.
- KARA, O. (2006). Occupational Gender Wage Discrimination in Turkey, Journal of Economic Studies, 33(2):
- LUGO, D. C., Pérez, R. E. R. (2017). Trade Liberalization and Gender Wage Gap in Mexico, Modern Economy,
8: 1167-1185.
- MENON, N., Rodgers, Y. M. (2009). International Trade and the Gender Wage Gap: New Evidence from India’s
Manufacturing Sector, World Development, 37(5): 965-981.
- MUSAZAY, S. (2019). Gender Wage Gap and İnternational Trade: Evidence from Turkey’s Manufacturing
Sector. (Unpublished master’s thesis). Ibn Haldun University, School of Graduate Studies, İstanbul.
- OOSTENDORP, R. H. (2004). Globalization and The Gender Wage Gap, World Bank Policy Research Working
Paper 3256.
- ÖZCAN, K. M., Özcan, Y. Z., Üçdoğruk, S. (2003). Wage Differences by Gender, Wage and Self Employment in
Urban Turkey, Journal of Economic Cooperation, 24(1): 1-24.
- ÖZTÜRK, S., Başar, D. (2018). Türkiye’de Kadınların İşgücü Piyasasına Yönelik Tercihleri: Kayıt Dışı Sektör
Özelinde Bir Analiz, Journal of Social Security, 8(2): 41-58.
- PÉREZ, R. E. R., Lugo, D.C. (2017) Trade Liberalization and Gender Wage Gap in Mexico, Modern Economy,
8: 1167-1185.
- SAURÉ, P., Zoabi, H. (2014). International Trade, The Gender Wage Gap and Female Labor Force Participation,
Journal of Development Economics, 111: 17-33.
- SEGUINO, S. (1997). Gender Wage Inequality and Export‐Led Growth in South Korea, The Journal of
Development Studies, 34(2): 102-132.
- TANSEL, A. (2001). Wage Earners, Self-Employed and Gender in The Informal Sector in Turkey, Economic
Research Forum Working Paper, No. 0102.
- TANSEL, A. (2004). Public‐Private Employment Choice, Wage Differentials and Gender in Turkey, IZA
Discussion Papers, 53(2): 1-43.
- TEKGÜÇ, H., Eryar, D., Cindoğlu, D. (2017). Women’s Tertiary Education Masks the Gender Wage Gap in
Turkey, Journal of Labor Research, 38: 360–386.
- THOMAS, D. (1990). Intra-Household Resource Allocation: An Inferential Approach, Journal of Human
Resources, 25(4): 635–664.
- WEI, H., Yang, S., Liu, S., Wu, J., Xiang, S. (2013). International Trade and Gender Wage Gap In China, European
Scientific Journal, 9(22): 21-52.
- WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM (2019). Global Gender Report 2020.
2020-report-100-years-pay-equality (Accessed on: 05.02.2021)
- YAHMED, S. B. (2012). Gender Wage Gaps Across Skills and Trade Openness, AMSE Working Papers, 1232:
- YAHMED, S. B. (2017). Gender Wage Discrimination and Trade Openness, Prejudiced Employers in an Open
Industry, ZEW Discussion Papers No. 17-047: 1-53.