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Davranışsal İktisat Deneylerinde Toplumsal Cinsiyet Temelli Farklar

Year 2019, Volume: 43 Issue: 2, 411 - 434, 28.06.2019


Davranışsal iktisatta kullanılan deneysel yöntemler sadece standart kuramın temel
varsayımlarının deney ortamında test edilmesini sağlamamakta, aynı zamanda
standart kuramlara göre her koşulda ve her kurumsal yapıda tutarlı ve değişmez kabul
edilen tercihlerin deney kurgusundaki basit değişiklikler karşısındaki duyarlılığını da
ölçebilmektedir. Bu açıdan, iktisadi laboratuvar ve alan deneylerinde gözlenen toplumsal
cinsiyet temelli tercih farklılıklarının özel bir önemi vardır: Basit ve soyut deney kurgularında
kadın ve erkek denekler arasındaki davranış farklılıklarının, deneylerin kurgulanış
biçimleri ve deneklerin ait olduğu sosyo-kültürel yapılar göz ardı edilerek genelleştirilmesi,
akademik çevreler dışında toplumdaki ve iş hayatındaki kadın-erkek eşitsizliği için bir
meşruiyet aracı olarak kullanılmalarına yol açabilmektedir. Bu yüzden, bu çalışmada kadın
ve erkeklerin deneysel ortamda sergiledikleri davranış farklılıkları; olası çerçeve etkilerine,
toplum bilimsel ve kültürel etmenlere ağırlık verilerek ele alınmıştır. Genel olarak risk alma
davranışı, rekabet karşısında tavır ve sosyal tercih deneylerinin sonuçları çerçeveleme
etkilerinden ve deneklerin seçildiği toplumlardaki toplumsal cinsiyet normlarından
büyük ölçüde etkilenmektedir. Risk alma davranışlarında gözlemlenen farklar, alınan
kararların alındığı bağlama bağlıdır ve gerçek hayatta karşılaşılan iktisadi tercihler belli
bir bağlam içinde tanımlandığından deney ortamındaki soyut şans oyunlarında sergilenen
tavırların iş hayatında da sürdürüleceğini beklemek hatalı olabilmektedir. Ayrıca anasoylu
toplum yapılarından gelen kadınların risk alma davranışının, ataerkil toplumlardan
gelen kadınlarınkinden anlamlı düzeyde farklı olduğu da gösterilmiştir. Rekabet tercihi
deneylerinde ise kadınların rekabetten kaçınma davranışının yarattığı potansiyel iktisadi
verimlilik kaybı, kadınlara eşit temsil garantisi sunulduğunda ortadan kalkabilmekte, bu
olumlu etki pozitif ayrımcılığın getirdiği iktisadi maliyeti de baskılayabilmektedir. Aynı
zamanda, risk davranışında olduğu gibi, anasoylu toplumlarda kadınların rekabete
erkeklerden daha istekli olduğuna dair bulgular, ataerkil toplumlardaki kadınların
rekabetten kaçınma davranışının büyük ölçüde kültürel kaynaklı olduğuna işaret etmektedir.
Sosyal tercih deneylerinde, kadın deneklerin deney ortamındaki değişikliklere erkeklere
nazaran daha duyarlı olduğu gözlemlenmiş, aynı zamanda kadın deneklerin diğer kadın
deneklere gösterdiği ayrımcı tutumun denekler arası sosyal mesafe azaldığında ortadan
kalktığı ve kadınlar arası dayanışmanın güçlendiği gösterilmiştir.


  • Andreoni J ve Vesterlund L (2001). Which is the Fair Sex? Gender Differences in Altruism. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 116(1), 293-312.
  • Ashraf N, Camerer C F ve Loewenstein G (2005). Adam Smith, Behavioral Economist. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 19(3), 131-145.
  • Berenbaum S A Martin C L ve Ruble D N (2008). Gender Development. Child and Adolescent Development: An Advanced Course, 647-695.
  • Bertrand M ve Hallock K F (2001). The Gender Gap in Top Corporate Jobs. ILR Review, 55(1), 3-21.
  • Black S E ve Strahan P E (2001). The Division of Spoils: Rent-Sharing and Discrimination in A Regulated Industry. American Economic Review, 91(4), 814-831.
  • Blanchard O J (2009). The Crisis: Basic Mechanisms and Appropriate Policies (No. 9-80). International Monetary Fund.
  • Bolton G E ve Katok E (1995). An Experimental Test for Gender Differences in Beneficent Behavior. Economics Letters, 48(3-4), 287-292.
  • Bolton G E Katok E ve Zwick R (1998). Dictator Game Giving: Rules of Fairness Versus Acts Of Kindness. International Journal of Game Theory, 27(2), 269-299.
  • Bruni L ve Sugden R (2007). The Road Not Taken: How Psychology Was Removed From Economics, And How It Might Be Brought Back. The Economic Journal, 117(516), 146- 173.
  • Campbell A (2013). A Mind of Her Own: The Evolutionary Psychology of Women. OUP Oxford.
  • Charness G ve Gneezy U (2012). Strong Evidence for Gender Differences in Risk Taking. Journal of Economic Behavior Ve Organization, 83(1), 50-58.
  • Colander D, Goldberg M, Haas A, Juselius K, Kirman A, Lux T ve Sloth B (2009). The Financial Crisis and the Systemic Failure of the Economics Profession. Critical Review, 21(2-3), 249-267.
  • Di Tella R, MacCulloch R J ve Oswald A J (2001). Preferences over Inflation and Unemployment: Evidence from Surveys of Happiness. American Economic Review, 91(1), 335-341.
  • Eckel C C ve Grossman P J (1998). Are Women Less Selfish Than Men?: Evidence From Dictator Experiments. The Economic Journal, 108(448), 726-735.
  • Eckel C C ve Grossman P J (2001). Chivalry and Solidarity in Ultimatum Games. Economic Inquiry, 39(2), 171-188.
  • Forsythe R, Horowitz J L, Savin N E ve Sefton M (1994). Fairness in Simple Bargaining Experiments. Games and Economic Behavior, 6(3), 347-369.
  • Gneezy U, Leonard K L ve List J A (2009). Gender Differences in Competition: Evidence from a Matrilineal and a Patriarchal Society. Econometrica, 77(5), 1637-1664.
  • Gneezy U ve Rustichini A (2004). Gender and Competition at a Young Age. American Economic Review, 94 (2): 377-381.
  • Gong B ve Yang C L (2012). Gender Differences in Risk Attitudes: Field Experiments on the Matrilineal Mosuo and the Patriarchal Yi. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 83(1), 59-65.
  • Henrekson M ve Stenkula M (2009). Why Are There So Few Female Top Executives in Egalitarian Welfare States?. Independent Review, 14(2).
  • Hoffmann A O, Post T ve Pennings J M (2013). Individual Investor Perceptions and Behavior during the Financial Crisis. Journal of Banking & Finance, 37(1), 60-74.
  • Houser D ve Schunk D (2009). Fairness, Competition and Gender: Evidence from German Schoolchildren. Journal of Economic Psychology, 30(4), 634-641.
  • Jianakoplos N A ve Bernasek A (1998). Are Women More Risk Averse?. Economic Inquiry, 36(4), 620-630.
  • Johnson B W ve Eller M B (1998). Federal Taxation of Inheritance And Wealth Transfers. In Inheritance and Wealth in America (pp. 61-90). Springer, Boston, MA.
  • Klein N (2007). The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. Macmillan. s. 9-10.
  • Knight J (2002). Sexual Stereotypes. Nature, 415(6869), 254.
  • Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien (1978) 1978/press-release/, Erişim tarihi 12 Nisan 2019.
  • Lundberg U ve Frankenhaeuser M (1999). Stress and Workload of Men and Women in High-Ranking Positions. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 4(2), 142.
  • Naudé W (2009). The Financial Crisis of 2008 and the Developing Countries (No. 2009/01). WIDER Discussion Papers, World Institute for Development Economics (UNU-WIDER).
  • Nelson J A (2016). Not-So-Strong Evidence for Gender Differences in Risk Taking. Feminist Economics, 22(2), 114-142.
  • Niederle M, Segal C ve Vesterlund L (2013). How Costly is Diversity? Affirmative Action in Light Of Gender Differences in Competitiveness. Management Science, 59(1), 1-16.
  • Pawlowski B, Atwal R ve Dunbar R I M (2008). Sex Differences in Everyday Risk-Taking Behavior in Humans. Evolutionary Psychology, 6(1), 29-42.
  • Polachek S (1981). Occupational Self-Selection: A Human Capital Approach to Sex Differences in Occupational Structure. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 63(1), 60-69.
  • Powell M ve Ansic D (1997). Gender Differences in Risk Behavior in Financial Decision- Making: An Experimental Analysis. Journal of Economic Psychology, 18(6), 605-628.
  • PRB (2001) Record Number of Women in the U.S. Labor Force. recordnumberofwomenintheuslaborforce/ Erişim tarihi, 22 Nisan 2019.
  • Resnick S ve Wolff R (2010). The Economic Crisis: A Marxian Interpretation. Rethinking Marxism, 22(2), 170-186.
  • Roszkowski M J ve Davey G (2010). Risk Perception and Risk Tolerance Changes Attributable To the 2008 Economic Crisis: A Subtle but Critical Difference. Journal of Financial Service Professionals, 64(4), 42-53.
  • Schubert R, Brown M, Gysler M ve Brachinger H W (1999). Financial Decision-Making: Are Women Really More Risk-Averse?. American Economic Review, 89(2), 381-385.
  • Smith V L (1965). Experimental Auction Markets and the Walrasian Hypothesis. Journal of Political Economy, 73(4), 387-393.
  • Solnick S J (2001). Gender Differences in the Ultimatum Game. Economic Inquiry, 39(2), 189-200.
  • Stigler G J (1950). The Development of Utility Theory. Journal of political economy, 58(4), 307-327.
  • Szyszka A (2010). Behavioral Anatomy of the Financial Crisis. Journal of Centrum Cathedra, 3(2), 121-135.
  • Thaler R H (1988). Anomalies: The Ultimatum Game. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2(4), 195-206.
  • Thaler R H (1990). Anomalies: Saving, Fungibility, And Mental Accounts. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 4(1), 193-205.
  • Thaler R H ve Benartzi S (2004). Save More Tomorrow™: Using Behavioral Economics To Increase Employee Saving. Journal of Political Economy, 112(S1), S164-S187.
  • TÜİK (2010) Trafik Kazaları İstatistikleri Raporu. Ankara.
  • Tversky A ve Kahneman D (1992). Advances in Prospect Theory: Cumulative Representation of Uncertainty. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 5(4), 297-323.
  • Waldron I, McCloskey C ve Earle I (2005). Trends In Gender Differences In Accidents Mortality: Relationships To Changing Gender Roles And Other Societal Trends. Demographic Research, 13, 415-454.
Year 2019, Volume: 43 Issue: 2, 411 - 434, 28.06.2019



  • Andreoni J ve Vesterlund L (2001). Which is the Fair Sex? Gender Differences in Altruism. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 116(1), 293-312.
  • Ashraf N, Camerer C F ve Loewenstein G (2005). Adam Smith, Behavioral Economist. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 19(3), 131-145.
  • Berenbaum S A Martin C L ve Ruble D N (2008). Gender Development. Child and Adolescent Development: An Advanced Course, 647-695.
  • Bertrand M ve Hallock K F (2001). The Gender Gap in Top Corporate Jobs. ILR Review, 55(1), 3-21.
  • Black S E ve Strahan P E (2001). The Division of Spoils: Rent-Sharing and Discrimination in A Regulated Industry. American Economic Review, 91(4), 814-831.
  • Blanchard O J (2009). The Crisis: Basic Mechanisms and Appropriate Policies (No. 9-80). International Monetary Fund.
  • Bolton G E ve Katok E (1995). An Experimental Test for Gender Differences in Beneficent Behavior. Economics Letters, 48(3-4), 287-292.
  • Bolton G E Katok E ve Zwick R (1998). Dictator Game Giving: Rules of Fairness Versus Acts Of Kindness. International Journal of Game Theory, 27(2), 269-299.
  • Bruni L ve Sugden R (2007). The Road Not Taken: How Psychology Was Removed From Economics, And How It Might Be Brought Back. The Economic Journal, 117(516), 146- 173.
  • Campbell A (2013). A Mind of Her Own: The Evolutionary Psychology of Women. OUP Oxford.
  • Charness G ve Gneezy U (2012). Strong Evidence for Gender Differences in Risk Taking. Journal of Economic Behavior Ve Organization, 83(1), 50-58.
  • Colander D, Goldberg M, Haas A, Juselius K, Kirman A, Lux T ve Sloth B (2009). The Financial Crisis and the Systemic Failure of the Economics Profession. Critical Review, 21(2-3), 249-267.
  • Di Tella R, MacCulloch R J ve Oswald A J (2001). Preferences over Inflation and Unemployment: Evidence from Surveys of Happiness. American Economic Review, 91(1), 335-341.
  • Eckel C C ve Grossman P J (1998). Are Women Less Selfish Than Men?: Evidence From Dictator Experiments. The Economic Journal, 108(448), 726-735.
  • Eckel C C ve Grossman P J (2001). Chivalry and Solidarity in Ultimatum Games. Economic Inquiry, 39(2), 171-188.
  • Forsythe R, Horowitz J L, Savin N E ve Sefton M (1994). Fairness in Simple Bargaining Experiments. Games and Economic Behavior, 6(3), 347-369.
  • Gneezy U, Leonard K L ve List J A (2009). Gender Differences in Competition: Evidence from a Matrilineal and a Patriarchal Society. Econometrica, 77(5), 1637-1664.
  • Gneezy U ve Rustichini A (2004). Gender and Competition at a Young Age. American Economic Review, 94 (2): 377-381.
  • Gong B ve Yang C L (2012). Gender Differences in Risk Attitudes: Field Experiments on the Matrilineal Mosuo and the Patriarchal Yi. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 83(1), 59-65.
  • Henrekson M ve Stenkula M (2009). Why Are There So Few Female Top Executives in Egalitarian Welfare States?. Independent Review, 14(2).
  • Hoffmann A O, Post T ve Pennings J M (2013). Individual Investor Perceptions and Behavior during the Financial Crisis. Journal of Banking & Finance, 37(1), 60-74.
  • Houser D ve Schunk D (2009). Fairness, Competition and Gender: Evidence from German Schoolchildren. Journal of Economic Psychology, 30(4), 634-641.
  • Jianakoplos N A ve Bernasek A (1998). Are Women More Risk Averse?. Economic Inquiry, 36(4), 620-630.
  • Johnson B W ve Eller M B (1998). Federal Taxation of Inheritance And Wealth Transfers. In Inheritance and Wealth in America (pp. 61-90). Springer, Boston, MA.
  • Klein N (2007). The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. Macmillan. s. 9-10.
  • Knight J (2002). Sexual Stereotypes. Nature, 415(6869), 254.
  • Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien (1978) 1978/press-release/, Erişim tarihi 12 Nisan 2019.
  • Lundberg U ve Frankenhaeuser M (1999). Stress and Workload of Men and Women in High-Ranking Positions. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 4(2), 142.
  • Naudé W (2009). The Financial Crisis of 2008 and the Developing Countries (No. 2009/01). WIDER Discussion Papers, World Institute for Development Economics (UNU-WIDER).
  • Nelson J A (2016). Not-So-Strong Evidence for Gender Differences in Risk Taking. Feminist Economics, 22(2), 114-142.
  • Niederle M, Segal C ve Vesterlund L (2013). How Costly is Diversity? Affirmative Action in Light Of Gender Differences in Competitiveness. Management Science, 59(1), 1-16.
  • Pawlowski B, Atwal R ve Dunbar R I M (2008). Sex Differences in Everyday Risk-Taking Behavior in Humans. Evolutionary Psychology, 6(1), 29-42.
  • Polachek S (1981). Occupational Self-Selection: A Human Capital Approach to Sex Differences in Occupational Structure. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 63(1), 60-69.
  • Powell M ve Ansic D (1997). Gender Differences in Risk Behavior in Financial Decision- Making: An Experimental Analysis. Journal of Economic Psychology, 18(6), 605-628.
  • PRB (2001) Record Number of Women in the U.S. Labor Force. recordnumberofwomenintheuslaborforce/ Erişim tarihi, 22 Nisan 2019.
  • Resnick S ve Wolff R (2010). The Economic Crisis: A Marxian Interpretation. Rethinking Marxism, 22(2), 170-186.
  • Roszkowski M J ve Davey G (2010). Risk Perception and Risk Tolerance Changes Attributable To the 2008 Economic Crisis: A Subtle but Critical Difference. Journal of Financial Service Professionals, 64(4), 42-53.
  • Schubert R, Brown M, Gysler M ve Brachinger H W (1999). Financial Decision-Making: Are Women Really More Risk-Averse?. American Economic Review, 89(2), 381-385.
  • Smith V L (1965). Experimental Auction Markets and the Walrasian Hypothesis. Journal of Political Economy, 73(4), 387-393.
  • Solnick S J (2001). Gender Differences in the Ultimatum Game. Economic Inquiry, 39(2), 189-200.
  • Stigler G J (1950). The Development of Utility Theory. Journal of political economy, 58(4), 307-327.
  • Szyszka A (2010). Behavioral Anatomy of the Financial Crisis. Journal of Centrum Cathedra, 3(2), 121-135.
  • Thaler R H (1988). Anomalies: The Ultimatum Game. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2(4), 195-206.
  • Thaler R H (1990). Anomalies: Saving, Fungibility, And Mental Accounts. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 4(1), 193-205.
  • Thaler R H ve Benartzi S (2004). Save More Tomorrow™: Using Behavioral Economics To Increase Employee Saving. Journal of Political Economy, 112(S1), S164-S187.
  • TÜİK (2010) Trafik Kazaları İstatistikleri Raporu. Ankara.
  • Tversky A ve Kahneman D (1992). Advances in Prospect Theory: Cumulative Representation of Uncertainty. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 5(4), 297-323.
  • Waldron I, McCloskey C ve Earle I (2005). Trends In Gender Differences In Accidents Mortality: Relationships To Changing Gender Roles And Other Societal Trends. Demographic Research, 13, 415-454.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Articles / Articles

Umut Öneş This is me

Publication Date June 28, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 43 Issue: 2


APA Öneş, U. (2019). Davranışsal İktisat Deneylerinde Toplumsal Cinsiyet Temelli Farklar. Mülkiye Dergisi, 43(2), 411-434.
AMA Öneş U. Davranışsal İktisat Deneylerinde Toplumsal Cinsiyet Temelli Farklar. Mülkiye Dergisi. June 2019;43(2):411-434.
Chicago Öneş, Umut. “Davranışsal İktisat Deneylerinde Toplumsal Cinsiyet Temelli Farklar”. Mülkiye Dergisi 43, no. 2 (June 2019): 411-34.
EndNote Öneş U (June 1, 2019) Davranışsal İktisat Deneylerinde Toplumsal Cinsiyet Temelli Farklar. Mülkiye Dergisi 43 2 411–434.
IEEE U. Öneş, “Davranışsal İktisat Deneylerinde Toplumsal Cinsiyet Temelli Farklar”, Mülkiye Dergisi, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 411–434, 2019.
ISNAD Öneş, Umut. “Davranışsal İktisat Deneylerinde Toplumsal Cinsiyet Temelli Farklar”. Mülkiye Dergisi 43/2 (June 2019), 411-434.
JAMA Öneş U. Davranışsal İktisat Deneylerinde Toplumsal Cinsiyet Temelli Farklar. Mülkiye Dergisi. 2019;43:411–434.
MLA Öneş, Umut. “Davranışsal İktisat Deneylerinde Toplumsal Cinsiyet Temelli Farklar”. Mülkiye Dergisi, vol. 43, no. 2, 2019, pp. 411-34.
Vancouver Öneş U. Davranışsal İktisat Deneylerinde Toplumsal Cinsiyet Temelli Farklar. Mülkiye Dergisi. 2019;43(2):411-34.
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