Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 43 Issue: 3, 525 - 575, 14.10.2019



  • Acemoğlu D ve Autor D H (2011). Skills, Tasks and Technologies: Implications for Employment and Earnings. Handbook of Labor Economics, 4B, 1043–1171.
  • Baran P A ve Sweezy P M (1966). Monopoly Capital. New York: Monthly Review Press. Bologna S (2005). Negri’s Proleterians and the State: A Critique. (trans. E. Emery).
  • İçinde: T S Murphey ve A K Mustapha (der), The Philosophy of Antonio Negri: Resistance in Practice, London and Ann Arbor, MI: Pluto Press, 38-47.
  • Bowring F (2004). From the Mass Worker to the Multitude: A Theoretical Contextualisation of Hardt’s and Negri’s Empire. Capital and Class, 28(2), 101-132.
  • Boyer R (2004). The Future of Economic Growth: As New Becomes Old. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Brenner R (2009). What is Good for Goldman Sachs is Good for America: The Origins of the Current Crisis. Retrieved April 14, 2009, from item/0sg0782h.
  • Brown N ve Szeman I (2005). What Is the Multitude? Questions for Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri. Cultural Studies, 19(3), 372-387.
  • Burton J (2013). Capitalism’s Californian Revolution: Yann Moulier Boutang, Cognitive Capitalism. Parrhesia, 16, 71-76.
  • Chakravartty P ve Schiller D (2010). Neoliberal Newspeak and Digital Capitalism in Crisis. International Journal of Communication, 4, 670-692.
  • Cleaver H (1999). Computer-linked Social Movements and the Global Threat to Capitalism. (
  • Collins R (2013). The End of Middle-Class Work: No More Escapes. İçinde: I Wallerstein, R Collins, M Mann, G Derluguian, C Calhoun (der), Does Capitalism Have A Future?, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 27-49.
  • Cornell University vd. (2018). The Global Innovation Index 2018: Energizing the World with Innovation. Ithaca, Fontainebleau, and Geneva.
  • Döttling R ve Perotti E C (2017). Secular Trends and Technological Progress. CEPR Discussion Papers DP12519, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  • Dyer-Witheford N (2004). Autonomist Marxism. Canberra, Australia: Treason Press.
  • Dyer-Witheford N (2005). Cognitive Capitalism and the Contested Campus. European Journal of Higher Arts Education, 2, 71-93.
  • Fisher E (2010). Contemporary Technology Discourse and the Legitimation of Capitalism. European Journal of Social Theory, 13(2), 229–252.
  • Foray D (2004). The Economics of Knowledge. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Foster J B vd. (2001). The New Economy: Myth and Reality. Monthly Review, 52(11), (April).
  • Foster J B ve Magdoff F (2009). The Great Financial Crisis: Causes and Consequences. New York: Monthly Review Press.
  • Fuchs C (2009). A Contribution to the Critique of the Political Economy of Transnational Informational Capitalism. Rethinking Marxism, 21(3), 387-402.
  • Fuchs C (2011). Cognitive Capitalism or Informational Capitalism? The Role of Class in the Information Economy. İçinde: M Peters ve E Bulut (der), Cognitive Capitalism, Education and Digital Labor, New York: Peter Lang, 75-119.
  • Fumagalli A ve Mezzadra S (2010). Nothing Will Ever Be the Same: Ten Theses on the Financial crisis. Crisis in the Global Economy. Los Angeles: Semiotext(e).
  • Golding P (2000). Forthcoming Features: Information and Communications Technologies and the Sociology of the Future. Sociology, 34 (1), 165-184.
  • Gordon R J (2012). Is U.S. Economic Growth Over? Faltering Innovation Confronts the Six Headwinds, NBER Working Paper No. 18315.
  • Gordon R J (2014). The Demise of U.S. Economic Growth: Restatement, Rebuttal, and Reflections, NBER Working Paper No. 19895
  • Gordon R J (2015). Secular Stagnation: A Supply-Side View. American Economic Review, Papers & Proceedings 2015, 105(5), 54–9.
  • Hall P A ve Soskice D (2001). Varieties of Capitalism: The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hansen A H (1939). Economic Progress and Declining Population Growth. American Economic Review, 29, 1-15.
  • Hardt M (1999). Affective Labour. Boundary 2, 26(2), 89-100.
  • Hardt M ve Negri A (1994). Labour of Dionysus: Critique of the State-Form. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Hardt M ve Negri A (2000). Empire. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Hardt M ve Negri A (2004). Multitude: War and Democracy in the Age of Empire. New York: Penguin.
  • Harvey D (2003). The New Imperialism. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
  • Howitt P (2004). Endogenous Growth, Productivity and Economic Policy: A Progress Report. International Productivity Monitor, Centre for the Study of Living Standards, 8, 3-15.
  • İSO (İstanbul Sanayi Odası) (2017). Türkiye’nin 500 Büyük Sanayi Kuruluşu (İSO 500). İstanbul: İSO.
  • Jeon H (2014). Cognitive Capitalism or Cognition in Capitalism? A Critique of Cognitive Capitalism Theory. Spectrum: Journal of Global Studies, 2(3), 89-116.
  • Jessop B (2002). The Future of the Capitalist State. London: Polity Press.
  • Kim H (2007). The Knowledge-Led Accumulation Regime: A Theory of Contemporary Capitalism. IRLE Working Paper No. 158-07, workingpapers/158-07.pdf.
  • Lazzarato M (2004). From Capital-labor to Capital-life. Ephemera, 4(3), 187-208.
  • Lazzarato M (2016). Immaterial Labor. Work, Migration, Memes, Personal Geopolitics, 30, 78-88.
  • Lucarelli S (2013). Introduction: From Knowledge-based Economy to Cognitive Capitalism. (Section A), İçinde: F Bria ve D Roio (der), Theoretical Framework on Future Knowledge-based Economy, D-CENT Decentralised Citizens Engagement Technologies, Specific Targeted Research Project, Collective Awareness Platforms, 5-14.
  • Marazzi C (2008). Capital and Language. Los Angeles: Semiotext(e).
  • Marx K (1974). Grundrisse. London: Penguin Books.
  • Marx K (1990). Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, Volume I, London: Penguin Books.
  • Marx K (1999). Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, Volume III, The Process of Capitalist Production as a Whole. (Edited by Friedrich Engels), First Published: 1894, On-Line Version: 1999, New York: International Publishers. (https://www.
  • Mason P (2015). PostCapitalism: A Guide to Our Future. United States of America: Allen Lane.
  • Moulier Y (1989). Introduction. İçinde: A Negri (der), The Politics of Subversion. Cambridge: Polity, 1-46.
  • Moulier-Boutang Y (2011). Cognitive Capitalism. (Translated by Ed Emery), English Edition, Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
  • Nahles A (2018). Putting People First in the Digital Age. International Politics and Society, 01.08.2018, ( putting-people-first-in-the-digital-age-2879/).
  • Negri A (1984). Marx Beyond Marx: Lessons on the Grundrisse. Massachusetts: Bergin and Garvey.
  • Negri A (1988). Revolution Retrieved. Selected Writings on Marx, Keynes, Capitalist Crisis and New Social Subjects. London: Red Notes.
  • Negri A (1989). The Politics of Subversion: A Manifesto for the Twenty First Century. Cambridge: Polity.
  • Negri A (1992). Interpretation of the Class Situation Today: Methodological Aspects. İçinde: W Bonefeld, R Gunn ve K Psychopedis (der.) Open Marxism. Volume II: Theory and Practice. London: Pluto.
  • Negri A (2008). Reflections on Empire. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
  • OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) (2018a). Main Science and Technology Indicators Full Database. (
  • OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) (2018b). Compare Your Country by OECD. (
  • Rifkin J (2014). The Zero Marginal Cost Society: The Internet of Things, the Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism. United States of America, NY: Palgrave Macmillan Edition.
  • Robinson W I (2018). The Next Economic Crisis: Digital Capitalism and Global Police State. Race & Class, 60(1), 77-92.
  • Rodriguez-Montemayor E (2018). How the Digital Economy Has Exacerbated Inequality. INSEAD Knowledge. July 18, 2018. ( digital-economy-has-exacerbated-inequality-9726#dLcUMBKkJuASwDmL.99).
  • Rodrik D (2016). Premature Deindustrialization. Journal of Economic Growth, Springer, 21(1), 1-33.
  • Saxer M (2017). The Human Economy: The Social Democratic Path to Decent Livelihoods and Development in Digital Capitalism, July 17, 2017, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
  • Schiller D (1999). Digital Capitalism. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Schiller D (2007). How to Think about Information. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press.
  • Schiller D (2011). Power Under Pressure: Digital Capitalism In Crisis. International Journal of Communication, 5, 924–941.
  • Schiller D ve Yeo S (2017). Science and Engineering in Digital Capitalism. İçinde: D Tyfield vd. (der), Routledge Handbook of the Political Economy of Science, Abingdon: Routledge, 70-82.
  • Smith K (2002). What is the ‘Knowledge Economy’? Knowledge Intensity and Distributed Knowledge Bases. Discussion Papers from United Nations University, Institute for New Technologies, No. 6.
  • Staab P ve Butollo F (2018). Digital Capitalism - How China is Challenging Silicon Valley. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Division of Economic and Social Policy, 04/2018.
  • Summers L H (2014). U.S. Economic Prospects: Secular Stagnation, Hysteresis, and the Zero Lower Bound. Business Economics, 49(2), 65-73.
  • Summers L H (2015). Demand Side Secular Stagnation. American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings, 105(5), 60–65.
  • TC Ticaret Bakanlığı (2018). Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri (31/10/2018). Ankara: TC Ticaret Bakanlığı. (
  • Trott C (2007). Immaterial Labour and World Order: An Evaluation of a Thesis. Ephemera, 7(1), 203-232.
  • TÜİK (Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu) (2017). 2016 Yılı Araştırma ve Geliştirme Faaliyetleri Araştırması. Ankara: TÜİK.
  • TÜSİAD (Türkiye Sanayici ve İş İnsanları Derneği) (2017). Türkiye’nin Sanayide Dönüşüm Yetkinliği Raporu, N. Numanoğlu ve F. H. İnce (der), İstanbul. TÜSİAD.
  • Unger R M (2019). The Knowledge Economy. London, New York: Verso.
  • Varian H R (1996). Differential Pricing and Efficiency. First Monday, 1(2), August 1996
  • Vercellone C (2005). The Hypothesis of Cognitive Capitalism. (Towards a Cosmopolitan Marxism, Historical Materialism Annual Conference), 4-6 November, Birkbeck College and SOAS, London, 4 et 5 November 2005). <halshs-00273641>
  • Vercellone C (2008). The New Articulation of Wages, Rent and Profit in Cognitive Capitalism. The Art of Rent, Feb 2008, Queen Mary University School of Business and Management, London, United Kingdom. <halshs-00265584>
  • Vercellone C (2013a). Crisis and the Transition towards Cognitive Capitalism: Its Origin and Meaning. İçinde: F Bria ve D Roio (der), Theoretical Framework on Future Knowledge-based Economy, D-CENT Decentralised Citizens Engagement Technologies, Specific Targeted Research Project, Collective Awareness Platforms, 18-23.
  • Vercellone C (2013b). From the Mass-worker to Cognitive Labour: Historical and Theoretical Considerations. İçinde: M Linder ve KH Roth (der), Beyond Marx: Theorising the Global Labour Relations of the Twenty-First Century, Leiden: Koninklijke Brill NV, 417–445.
  • Virno P (2007). General Intellect. Historical Materialism - Research in Critical Marxist Theory, 15, 3–8.
  • World Economic Forum. (2011). Global Competitiveness Report 2011-2012, K. Schwab ve X. Sala-i-Martín (der), (
  • World Economic Forum. (2017). Global Competitiveness Report 2017-2018, K. Schwab ve X. Sala-i-Martín (der), (
  • Zukerfeld M ve Yansen G (2016). Access, Resources, and Classes in the History of Capitalism: A Theory of Social Stratification from a Cognitive Materialist Perspective. TripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique, 14(1), 208–231.
  • Zukerfeld M (2017). Knowledge in the Age of Digital Capitalism:

‘Yeni Kapitalizm’ Teorileri, Dijital Devrim ve Türkiye Kapitalizmi

Year 2019, Volume: 43 Issue: 3, 525 - 575, 14.10.2019


Yirminci yüzyılın son on yılından itibaren dünyanın ileri kapitalist merkezlerinde bilgi
ve yeniliğe dayalı bir ‘yeni kapitalizm’ aşamasına geçildiği görülmektedir. Bu makalenin
amaçlarından biri, merkez ülkelerde gelişen çağdaş kapitalizme ilişkin modern ana akım
ve Marxian teorileri incelemektir. Diğer yandan, bu makalenin diğer bir amacı
ise Türkiye ekonomisinin böyle bir yapısal dönüşüm için asgari ön koşulları taşıyıp
taşımadığını tartışmaktır. Bu makalede çağdaş ana-akım bilgi teorilerinin basit ve
yetersiz yapılarının radikal bir eleştirisi sunulmaktadır. Buna karşın, Marxian teorilerin,
daha kapsamlı, karmaşık ve çok boyutlu bir çağdaş kapitalizm perspektifi sağladığı
ileri sürülebilir. Bu çalışmada incelenen Marxian yeni kapitalizm teorileri şunlardır:
dijital kapitalizm teorisi, otonomist teori, bilişsel kapitalizm teorisi, ulusötesi bilgisel
kapitalizm teorisi ve bilişsel materyalizm teorisi. Yeni kapitalizmi, tarihsel kapitalizmin bir
aşaması olarak gören Marxian teoriler, toplumsal ilişkilerin tarihsel boyutunu, üretken
güçlerin gelişimini, bilgi/güç ilişkilerini ve sınıf çelişkilerini teorik analizlerine dâhil
etmektedirler. Tekno-iyimser ortodoks iktisatçılar, yeni kapitalizmin yüksek-becerili,
yüksek ücretli işler yaratacağını ve ayrıca, toplumsal eşitsizliklere ve iktisadi durgunluğa
son vereceğini düşünüyorlardı. Buna karşın, dijital dönüşümün merkez ülkelerde aşırı birikim
sorununu daha da ağırlaştırdığı, iktisadi eşitsizlikleri daha da arttırdığı, kitlesel
işsizliği yaygınlaştırdığı ve güvencesiz/geçici istihdamı büyüttüğü gözlemlenmektedir.
Diğer yandan, küresel ekonominin yarı-çevre ekonomilerinin, yeni kapitalizm çağında
ileri kapitalist merkezler ile aralarındaki açığı kapatabilmeleri için ekonomilerini bu yeni
çağın gereklerine göre dönüştürmelerinin zorunlu olduğu düşünülmektedir. Türkiye’de
hem ‘elit’ entelektüel emek niceliksel ve niteliksel olarak yetersizdir ve hem de bilişsel
kapitalizmin zorunlu unsuru olan kitlesel entelektüellik gelişmemiştir. Ayrıca, Türkiye
ekonomisinin önemli ‘yapısal zayıflıkları’ ve bilim ve teknolojiye ayrılan göreli olarak
yetersiz kaynaklar, teknoloji-odaklı uzun-dönemli bir iktisadi dönüşüm için önemli engellerdir.


  • Acemoğlu D ve Autor D H (2011). Skills, Tasks and Technologies: Implications for Employment and Earnings. Handbook of Labor Economics, 4B, 1043–1171.
  • Baran P A ve Sweezy P M (1966). Monopoly Capital. New York: Monthly Review Press. Bologna S (2005). Negri’s Proleterians and the State: A Critique. (trans. E. Emery).
  • İçinde: T S Murphey ve A K Mustapha (der), The Philosophy of Antonio Negri: Resistance in Practice, London and Ann Arbor, MI: Pluto Press, 38-47.
  • Bowring F (2004). From the Mass Worker to the Multitude: A Theoretical Contextualisation of Hardt’s and Negri’s Empire. Capital and Class, 28(2), 101-132.
  • Boyer R (2004). The Future of Economic Growth: As New Becomes Old. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Brenner R (2009). What is Good for Goldman Sachs is Good for America: The Origins of the Current Crisis. Retrieved April 14, 2009, from item/0sg0782h.
  • Brown N ve Szeman I (2005). What Is the Multitude? Questions for Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri. Cultural Studies, 19(3), 372-387.
  • Burton J (2013). Capitalism’s Californian Revolution: Yann Moulier Boutang, Cognitive Capitalism. Parrhesia, 16, 71-76.
  • Chakravartty P ve Schiller D (2010). Neoliberal Newspeak and Digital Capitalism in Crisis. International Journal of Communication, 4, 670-692.
  • Cleaver H (1999). Computer-linked Social Movements and the Global Threat to Capitalism. (
  • Collins R (2013). The End of Middle-Class Work: No More Escapes. İçinde: I Wallerstein, R Collins, M Mann, G Derluguian, C Calhoun (der), Does Capitalism Have A Future?, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 27-49.
  • Cornell University vd. (2018). The Global Innovation Index 2018: Energizing the World with Innovation. Ithaca, Fontainebleau, and Geneva.
  • Döttling R ve Perotti E C (2017). Secular Trends and Technological Progress. CEPR Discussion Papers DP12519, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
  • Dyer-Witheford N (2004). Autonomist Marxism. Canberra, Australia: Treason Press.
  • Dyer-Witheford N (2005). Cognitive Capitalism and the Contested Campus. European Journal of Higher Arts Education, 2, 71-93.
  • Fisher E (2010). Contemporary Technology Discourse and the Legitimation of Capitalism. European Journal of Social Theory, 13(2), 229–252.
  • Foray D (2004). The Economics of Knowledge. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Foster J B vd. (2001). The New Economy: Myth and Reality. Monthly Review, 52(11), (April).
  • Foster J B ve Magdoff F (2009). The Great Financial Crisis: Causes and Consequences. New York: Monthly Review Press.
  • Fuchs C (2009). A Contribution to the Critique of the Political Economy of Transnational Informational Capitalism. Rethinking Marxism, 21(3), 387-402.
  • Fuchs C (2011). Cognitive Capitalism or Informational Capitalism? The Role of Class in the Information Economy. İçinde: M Peters ve E Bulut (der), Cognitive Capitalism, Education and Digital Labor, New York: Peter Lang, 75-119.
  • Fumagalli A ve Mezzadra S (2010). Nothing Will Ever Be the Same: Ten Theses on the Financial crisis. Crisis in the Global Economy. Los Angeles: Semiotext(e).
  • Golding P (2000). Forthcoming Features: Information and Communications Technologies and the Sociology of the Future. Sociology, 34 (1), 165-184.
  • Gordon R J (2012). Is U.S. Economic Growth Over? Faltering Innovation Confronts the Six Headwinds, NBER Working Paper No. 18315.
  • Gordon R J (2014). The Demise of U.S. Economic Growth: Restatement, Rebuttal, and Reflections, NBER Working Paper No. 19895
  • Gordon R J (2015). Secular Stagnation: A Supply-Side View. American Economic Review, Papers & Proceedings 2015, 105(5), 54–9.
  • Hall P A ve Soskice D (2001). Varieties of Capitalism: The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hansen A H (1939). Economic Progress and Declining Population Growth. American Economic Review, 29, 1-15.
  • Hardt M (1999). Affective Labour. Boundary 2, 26(2), 89-100.
  • Hardt M ve Negri A (1994). Labour of Dionysus: Critique of the State-Form. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Hardt M ve Negri A (2000). Empire. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Hardt M ve Negri A (2004). Multitude: War and Democracy in the Age of Empire. New York: Penguin.
  • Harvey D (2003). The New Imperialism. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
  • Howitt P (2004). Endogenous Growth, Productivity and Economic Policy: A Progress Report. International Productivity Monitor, Centre for the Study of Living Standards, 8, 3-15.
  • İSO (İstanbul Sanayi Odası) (2017). Türkiye’nin 500 Büyük Sanayi Kuruluşu (İSO 500). İstanbul: İSO.
  • Jeon H (2014). Cognitive Capitalism or Cognition in Capitalism? A Critique of Cognitive Capitalism Theory. Spectrum: Journal of Global Studies, 2(3), 89-116.
  • Jessop B (2002). The Future of the Capitalist State. London: Polity Press.
  • Kim H (2007). The Knowledge-Led Accumulation Regime: A Theory of Contemporary Capitalism. IRLE Working Paper No. 158-07, workingpapers/158-07.pdf.
  • Lazzarato M (2004). From Capital-labor to Capital-life. Ephemera, 4(3), 187-208.
  • Lazzarato M (2016). Immaterial Labor. Work, Migration, Memes, Personal Geopolitics, 30, 78-88.
  • Lucarelli S (2013). Introduction: From Knowledge-based Economy to Cognitive Capitalism. (Section A), İçinde: F Bria ve D Roio (der), Theoretical Framework on Future Knowledge-based Economy, D-CENT Decentralised Citizens Engagement Technologies, Specific Targeted Research Project, Collective Awareness Platforms, 5-14.
  • Marazzi C (2008). Capital and Language. Los Angeles: Semiotext(e).
  • Marx K (1974). Grundrisse. London: Penguin Books.
  • Marx K (1990). Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, Volume I, London: Penguin Books.
  • Marx K (1999). Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, Volume III, The Process of Capitalist Production as a Whole. (Edited by Friedrich Engels), First Published: 1894, On-Line Version: 1999, New York: International Publishers. (https://www.
  • Mason P (2015). PostCapitalism: A Guide to Our Future. United States of America: Allen Lane.
  • Moulier Y (1989). Introduction. İçinde: A Negri (der), The Politics of Subversion. Cambridge: Polity, 1-46.
  • Moulier-Boutang Y (2011). Cognitive Capitalism. (Translated by Ed Emery), English Edition, Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
  • Nahles A (2018). Putting People First in the Digital Age. International Politics and Society, 01.08.2018, ( putting-people-first-in-the-digital-age-2879/).
  • Negri A (1984). Marx Beyond Marx: Lessons on the Grundrisse. Massachusetts: Bergin and Garvey.
  • Negri A (1988). Revolution Retrieved. Selected Writings on Marx, Keynes, Capitalist Crisis and New Social Subjects. London: Red Notes.
  • Negri A (1989). The Politics of Subversion: A Manifesto for the Twenty First Century. Cambridge: Polity.
  • Negri A (1992). Interpretation of the Class Situation Today: Methodological Aspects. İçinde: W Bonefeld, R Gunn ve K Psychopedis (der.) Open Marxism. Volume II: Theory and Practice. London: Pluto.
  • Negri A (2008). Reflections on Empire. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
  • OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) (2018a). Main Science and Technology Indicators Full Database. (
  • OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) (2018b). Compare Your Country by OECD. (
  • Rifkin J (2014). The Zero Marginal Cost Society: The Internet of Things, the Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism. United States of America, NY: Palgrave Macmillan Edition.
  • Robinson W I (2018). The Next Economic Crisis: Digital Capitalism and Global Police State. Race & Class, 60(1), 77-92.
  • Rodriguez-Montemayor E (2018). How the Digital Economy Has Exacerbated Inequality. INSEAD Knowledge. July 18, 2018. ( digital-economy-has-exacerbated-inequality-9726#dLcUMBKkJuASwDmL.99).
  • Rodrik D (2016). Premature Deindustrialization. Journal of Economic Growth, Springer, 21(1), 1-33.
  • Saxer M (2017). The Human Economy: The Social Democratic Path to Decent Livelihoods and Development in Digital Capitalism, July 17, 2017, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
  • Schiller D (1999). Digital Capitalism. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Schiller D (2007). How to Think about Information. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press.
  • Schiller D (2011). Power Under Pressure: Digital Capitalism In Crisis. International Journal of Communication, 5, 924–941.
  • Schiller D ve Yeo S (2017). Science and Engineering in Digital Capitalism. İçinde: D Tyfield vd. (der), Routledge Handbook of the Political Economy of Science, Abingdon: Routledge, 70-82.
  • Smith K (2002). What is the ‘Knowledge Economy’? Knowledge Intensity and Distributed Knowledge Bases. Discussion Papers from United Nations University, Institute for New Technologies, No. 6.
  • Staab P ve Butollo F (2018). Digital Capitalism - How China is Challenging Silicon Valley. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Division of Economic and Social Policy, 04/2018.
  • Summers L H (2014). U.S. Economic Prospects: Secular Stagnation, Hysteresis, and the Zero Lower Bound. Business Economics, 49(2), 65-73.
  • Summers L H (2015). Demand Side Secular Stagnation. American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings, 105(5), 60–65.
  • TC Ticaret Bakanlığı (2018). Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri (31/10/2018). Ankara: TC Ticaret Bakanlığı. (
  • Trott C (2007). Immaterial Labour and World Order: An Evaluation of a Thesis. Ephemera, 7(1), 203-232.
  • TÜİK (Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu) (2017). 2016 Yılı Araştırma ve Geliştirme Faaliyetleri Araştırması. Ankara: TÜİK.
  • TÜSİAD (Türkiye Sanayici ve İş İnsanları Derneği) (2017). Türkiye’nin Sanayide Dönüşüm Yetkinliği Raporu, N. Numanoğlu ve F. H. İnce (der), İstanbul. TÜSİAD.
  • Unger R M (2019). The Knowledge Economy. London, New York: Verso.
  • Varian H R (1996). Differential Pricing and Efficiency. First Monday, 1(2), August 1996
  • Vercellone C (2005). The Hypothesis of Cognitive Capitalism. (Towards a Cosmopolitan Marxism, Historical Materialism Annual Conference), 4-6 November, Birkbeck College and SOAS, London, 4 et 5 November 2005). <halshs-00273641>
  • Vercellone C (2008). The New Articulation of Wages, Rent and Profit in Cognitive Capitalism. The Art of Rent, Feb 2008, Queen Mary University School of Business and Management, London, United Kingdom. <halshs-00265584>
  • Vercellone C (2013a). Crisis and the Transition towards Cognitive Capitalism: Its Origin and Meaning. İçinde: F Bria ve D Roio (der), Theoretical Framework on Future Knowledge-based Economy, D-CENT Decentralised Citizens Engagement Technologies, Specific Targeted Research Project, Collective Awareness Platforms, 18-23.
  • Vercellone C (2013b). From the Mass-worker to Cognitive Labour: Historical and Theoretical Considerations. İçinde: M Linder ve KH Roth (der), Beyond Marx: Theorising the Global Labour Relations of the Twenty-First Century, Leiden: Koninklijke Brill NV, 417–445.
  • Virno P (2007). General Intellect. Historical Materialism - Research in Critical Marxist Theory, 15, 3–8.
  • World Economic Forum. (2011). Global Competitiveness Report 2011-2012, K. Schwab ve X. Sala-i-Martín (der), (
  • World Economic Forum. (2017). Global Competitiveness Report 2017-2018, K. Schwab ve X. Sala-i-Martín (der), (
  • Zukerfeld M ve Yansen G (2016). Access, Resources, and Classes in the History of Capitalism: A Theory of Social Stratification from a Cognitive Materialist Perspective. TripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique, 14(1), 208–231.
  • Zukerfeld M (2017). Knowledge in the Age of Digital Capitalism:
There are 84 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Articles / Articles

Alpaslan Akçoraoğlu This is me

Publication Date October 14, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 43 Issue: 3


APA Akçoraoğlu, A. (2019). ‘Yeni Kapitalizm’ Teorileri, Dijital Devrim ve Türkiye Kapitalizmi. Mülkiye Dergisi, 43(3), 525-575.
AMA Akçoraoğlu A. ‘Yeni Kapitalizm’ Teorileri, Dijital Devrim ve Türkiye Kapitalizmi. Mülkiye Dergisi. October 2019;43(3):525-575.
Chicago Akçoraoğlu, Alpaslan. “‘Yeni Kapitalizm’ Teorileri, Dijital Devrim Ve Türkiye Kapitalizmi”. Mülkiye Dergisi 43, no. 3 (October 2019): 525-75.
EndNote Akçoraoğlu A (October 1, 2019) ‘Yeni Kapitalizm’ Teorileri, Dijital Devrim ve Türkiye Kapitalizmi. Mülkiye Dergisi 43 3 525–575.
IEEE A. Akçoraoğlu, “‘Yeni Kapitalizm’ Teorileri, Dijital Devrim ve Türkiye Kapitalizmi”, Mülkiye Dergisi, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 525–575, 2019.
ISNAD Akçoraoğlu, Alpaslan. “‘Yeni Kapitalizm’ Teorileri, Dijital Devrim Ve Türkiye Kapitalizmi”. Mülkiye Dergisi 43/3 (October 2019), 525-575.
JAMA Akçoraoğlu A. ‘Yeni Kapitalizm’ Teorileri, Dijital Devrim ve Türkiye Kapitalizmi. Mülkiye Dergisi. 2019;43:525–575.
MLA Akçoraoğlu, Alpaslan. “‘Yeni Kapitalizm’ Teorileri, Dijital Devrim Ve Türkiye Kapitalizmi”. Mülkiye Dergisi, vol. 43, no. 3, 2019, pp. 525-7.
Vancouver Akçoraoğlu A. ‘Yeni Kapitalizm’ Teorileri, Dijital Devrim ve Türkiye Kapitalizmi. Mülkiye Dergisi. 2019;43(3):525-7.
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