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1990’lardan Günümüze Çin’de Meşruiyet ve Demokrasi Tartışmaları

Year 2021, Volume: 45 Issue: 4, 848 - 877, 13.12.2021


Çin düşünce dünyasında bir bütün olarak Mao Zedong sonrası dönemde, özellikle de 1989 Tiananmen olaylarını izleyen 1990’lı yıllarda bir Rönesans yaşanmıştır. Bu dönemde bir yandan liberalizm, eleştirel sosyalizm, Yeni Konfüçyüsçülük ve milliyetçilik gibi yeni düşünce akımları ortaya çıkar ve bunlar Çinli aydınlar arasında hızla yayılırken, bir yandan da devlet ve Çin Komünist Partisi (ÇKP) ile Çinli aydınlar arasındaki ilişki büyük bir dönüşüme uğramıştır. Bu süreçte ÇKP’nin bilgi üretimi üzerinde Maocu dönemde kurduğu egemenlik önemli ölçüde zayıflamıştır. Günümüzde devlet ile Parti, fikir üretimini ve entelijansiyayı denetim altında tutma yetilerini tamamıyla kaybetmemişse de onları yönlendirmekle yetinmek durumundadır.

Çin, akademik yazında ağırlıklı olarak otoriter bir tek parti sistemi olarak ele alınmaktadır. Bu durum, Çin iç siyaseti ve entelektüel bilgi üretimindeki çok sesliliğin gözden kaçırılmasına ve ülkenin iç siyasi meselelerde tek sesmiş gibi algılanmasına yol açmaktadır. Halbuki Çinli aydınlar, özellikle 1990’lardan itibaren ülkenin ekonomik, siyasi ve toplumsal meseleleri ile ilgili yoğun bir tartışma içine girmiştir. Dünya düzenine ve Çin yönetim sistemine yönelik farklı yaklaşımlara sahip düşünce akımlarına mensup Çinli aydınlar, bir yandan diğer düşünce akımlarına mensup aydınlar ile düşünce üretimini denetim altına almak ve devletin karar alma mekanizmalarını etkilemek için mücadele halindeyken bir yandan da kendi aralarında görüş farklılıkları yaşamaktadır. Bu çalışma, Çin düşün dünyasında 1990’lardan bu yana önemli bir yere sahip üç farklı düşünce akımı olan liberalizm, eleştirel sosyalizm ve Yeni Konfüçyüsçülüğe mensup Çinli aydınların mevcut sistemin meşruiyeti ve demokrasi kavramı üzerine yaptıkları tartışmaları ele almaktadır. Böylelikle çalışma, Çin entelijansiyasının ülkelerinin üç bin yıllık fikir dünyasından ve yönetim deneyiminden yararlanarak geliştirdikleri demokrasi ve meşruiyet kavramlarını inceleyerek Çin’in sahip olduğu canlı siyasi ve entelektüel tartışma ortamını gözler önüne sermeyi amaçlamaktadır. Diğer bir deyişle çalışma, günümüz Çin’inde aydın sınıfının tek parti sistemine boyun eğmek yerine bu sistemi olumlu ve olumsuz yönleri ile hararetli bir biçimde, zaman zaman rejime karşı çıkan fikirler geliştirerek tartıştığını ortaya koymaktadır. Ne var ki bu tartışmalarda öne sürülen fikirler ancak ÇKP’nin izin verdiği ölçüde etkili olabilmekte, öne çıkarılan fikirler de Parti tarafından hem rejimin hem de politikaların meşruiyetini sağlamakta kullanılmaktadır. Başka bir deyişle Çinli entelektüeller, farklı görüşler öne sürerek bilgi üretimine katkıda bulunsalar da bu fikirlerin politika yapım süreçleri üzerindeki etkisi Çin Komünist Partisi tarafından belirlenmektedir.

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Yazar, katkıları için Aylin Özman’a, Özhan Değirmencioğlu’na ve hakemlere teşekkürlerini sunar.


  • Bell D A (2013). Introduction. İçinde: D A Bell ve R Fan (der), A Confucian Constitutional Order: How China’s Ancient Past Can Shape Its Political Future, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1-24.
  • Callahan W (2013). China Dreams: 20 Visions of the Future. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Cheek T (19.08.2010). The ‘Directed Public’ of China’s Public Intellectuals. Son erişim tarihi, 11.12.2019.
  • Cheek T (2014). Citizen Intellectuals in Historical Perspective: Reflections on Callahan’s “Citizen Ai”. The Journal of Asian Studies, 73 (4), 921-925.
  • Cheek T, Ownby D ve Fogel J A (2018). Mapping the Intellectual Public Sphere in China Today. China Information, 32 (1), 107–120.
  • Chen M (2015). Transcend Left and Right, Unite the Three Traditions, Renew the Party-state: A Confucian Interpretation of the China Dream. Son erişim tarihi, 11.12.2019.
  • Deng J ve Smith C A (2018). The Rise of New Confucianism and the Return of Spirituality to Politics in Mainland China. China Information, 32 (2), 294-314.
  • Jiang Q (2011). From Mind Confucianism to political Confucianism. İçinde R Fan (der), The Renaissance of Confucianism in Contemporary China, Dordrecht: Springer, 17-32.
  • Jiang Q (2013a). A Confucian Constitutional Order. İçinde: D A Bell ve R Fan (der), A Confucian Constitutional Order: How China’s Ancient Past Can Shape Its Political Future, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 17-32.
  • Jiang Q (2013b). The Supervisory System of Confucian Constitutionalism. İçinde: D A Bell ve R Fan (der), A Confucian Constitutional Order: How China’s Ancient Past Can Shape Its Political Future, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 33-45.
  • Lau M ve Mai J (2019). ‘We Must Carry On’: Chinese Government Critic and Liberal Icon Xu Zhangrun Vows to Keep Saying ‘What Needs to be Said’. South China Morning Post, 28 Nisan. Son erişim tarihi, 06.12.2019.
  • Leonard M (2008). What Does China Think? Londra: Fourth Estate.
  • Makeham J (2003). New Confucianism: A Critical Examination. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Ownby D (2010). Introduction to Wang Hui’s the Economy of Rising China and Its Contradictions. Son erişim tarihi, 11.12.2019.
  • Pan W (11.10.2007). The Chinese Model of Development. Son Erişim tarihi, 06.12.2019.
  • Pan W (2010a). “Western System versus Chinese system. Son erişim tarihi, 16.02.2021.
  • Pan W (2010b). The Chinese Economic Model is a Model for Success. Qiushi Journal, 2 (3). Son erişim tarihi, 06.12.2019.
  • Pan W (2011). Reflections on the ‘China model’ Discussion. International Critical Thought, 1 (1), 11-17.
  • Said E (1994). Entelektüel: Sürgün, Marjinal, Yabancı. Çev. Tuncay Birkan, İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Tang X ve McConaghy M (2018). Liberalism in Contemporary China: Questions, Strategies, Directions. China Information, 32 (1), 121-138.
  • Vukovich D (2012). The Battle for Chinese Discourse and the Rise of Chinese New Left: Toward a Postcolonial Politics of Knowledge. İçinde: Ban W ve Lu J (der). China and New Left Visions: Political and Cultural Interventions, Maryland, MD: Lexington Books, 61-80.
  • Vukovich D (2019). Illiberal China: The Ideological Challenge of the People’s Republic of China. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Wang B ve Lu J (2012). Introduction: China and New Left Critique. İçinde: Ban W ve Lu J (der). China and New Left Visions: Political and Cultural Interventions, Maryland, MD: Lexington Books, ix-xvi.
  • Wang H (1998). Contemporary Chinese Thought and the Question of Modernity. Social Text, 16 (2), 10-44.
  • Wang H (2003a). The New Criticism. İçinde C Wang (der), One China, Many Paths, Londra: Verso, 55-86.
  • Wang H (2003b). Alternative Globalizations and the Question of Modernity. İçinde: T Huters (der), China’s New Order: Society, Politics, and Economy in Transition, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Wang H (2006), Depoliticized Politics, Multiple Components of Hegemony, and the Eclipse of Sixties. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 7 (4), 683-700.
  • Wang H (2010). The Economy of Rising China and Its Contradictions. Son erişim tarihi, 11.12.2019.
  • Wang H (2016). Appendix: Contradiction, Systemic Crisis and Direction for Change: An Interview with Wang Hui. İçinde: S Thomas (der), China’s Twentieth Century: Revolution, Retreat and the Road to Equality, Londra: Verso.
  • Wang H ve Khong E L (13.01.2014). After the Party: An Interview with Wang Hui. Son erişim tarihi, 11.12.2019.
  • Wang S (2012). Traditional Moral Politics and Contemporary Concepts of Governance. Son erişim tarihi, 11.12.2019.
  • Wang S (2013). Is the Way of the Humane Authority a Good Thing? An Assessment of Confucian Constitutionalism. İçinde: D A Bell ve R Fan (der), A Confucian Constitutional Order: How China’s Ancient Past Can Shape Its Political Future, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 139-158.
  • Wang S (2014). Representative Democracy and Representational Democracy. Son erişim tarihi, 11.12.2019.
  • Xi J (11.04.2013). wangchuan Xi Jinping 8.19 jianghua quanwen: yanlun fangmian yao gan zhua gan guan ganyu liang jian [Full online text of Xi Jinping’s 19 August speech: Need to dare to confidently seize control in aspects of discourse by revealing the sword]. Son erişim tarihi, 06.12.2019.
  • Xi, J (2014). The Governance of China. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press.
  • Xi, J (2017). The Governance of China II. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press.
  • Xu, J (2018). The Specter of Leviathan: A Critique of Chinese Statism Since 2000. İçinde: D Ownby (der), Rethinking China’s Rise: A Liberal Critique, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 20-60.

Discussions on Legitimacy and Democracy in China since the 1990s

Year 2021, Volume: 45 Issue: 4, 848 - 877, 13.12.2021


In the post-Mao Zedong period, especially during the 1990’s following the 1989 Tiananmen events, a Renaissance took place in the Chinese world of thought. During this period, new currents of thought such as liberalism, critical socialism, Neo-Confucianism and nationalism emerged and spread rapidly among Chinese intellectuals, while the relationship between the state and the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Chinese intellectuals underwent a major transformation. In this process, the CPC’s Maoist era dominance over the production of knowledge has significantly weakened. Today, although the state and the Party have not completely lost their ability to control knowledge production and the intelligentsia, they must be content with steering them.

In the academic literature, the People's Republic of China is mainly treated as an authoritarian single-party system. This leads to the ignorance of polyphony in Chinese domestic politics and intellectual knowledge production and creates the perception that the country is monodic in domestic political issues. However, since the 1990s, Chinese intellectuals have been in an intense debate about the country's economic, political and social issues. On the one hand, Chinese intellectuals, who are members of currents of thought that have different approaches to the world order and the Chinese administrative system, are in a struggle with other intellectuals to control knowledge production and influence the decision-making mechanisms of the state. On the other hand, each group of intellectuals also have diversity of views and are engaged in a debate. This study discusses the liveliness of Chinese intellectual production by analyzing the discussions among the Chinese intellectuals from three different currents of thought, namely liberalism, critical socialism and New Confucianism, on the legitimacy of the current system and the concept of democracy. In this way, by addressing the concepts of democracy and legitimacy that the Chinese intelligentsia has developed by taking advantage of the three thousand years of intellectual world and management experience of their countries, the study aims to reveal the country’s lively political and intellectual debate environment. In other words, the study reveals that in today's China, instead of submitting to the single-party system, the intellectual class fervently discusses this system with its positive and negative aspects, by, from time to time, developing ideas that even oppose the regime itself. However, the ideas that stand out in the discussions can only be influential to the extent permitted by the Communist Party of China and are used by it to ensure the legitimacy of both the regime and the policies pursued. In other words, even though Chinese intellectuals contribute to knowledge production by mooting different ideas, the impact of these ideas on policy-making processes is determined by the CPC.

Project Number



  • Bell D A (2013). Introduction. İçinde: D A Bell ve R Fan (der), A Confucian Constitutional Order: How China’s Ancient Past Can Shape Its Political Future, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1-24.
  • Callahan W (2013). China Dreams: 20 Visions of the Future. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Cheek T (19.08.2010). The ‘Directed Public’ of China’s Public Intellectuals. Son erişim tarihi, 11.12.2019.
  • Cheek T (2014). Citizen Intellectuals in Historical Perspective: Reflections on Callahan’s “Citizen Ai”. The Journal of Asian Studies, 73 (4), 921-925.
  • Cheek T, Ownby D ve Fogel J A (2018). Mapping the Intellectual Public Sphere in China Today. China Information, 32 (1), 107–120.
  • Chen M (2015). Transcend Left and Right, Unite the Three Traditions, Renew the Party-state: A Confucian Interpretation of the China Dream. Son erişim tarihi, 11.12.2019.
  • Deng J ve Smith C A (2018). The Rise of New Confucianism and the Return of Spirituality to Politics in Mainland China. China Information, 32 (2), 294-314.
  • Jiang Q (2011). From Mind Confucianism to political Confucianism. İçinde R Fan (der), The Renaissance of Confucianism in Contemporary China, Dordrecht: Springer, 17-32.
  • Jiang Q (2013a). A Confucian Constitutional Order. İçinde: D A Bell ve R Fan (der), A Confucian Constitutional Order: How China’s Ancient Past Can Shape Its Political Future, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 17-32.
  • Jiang Q (2013b). The Supervisory System of Confucian Constitutionalism. İçinde: D A Bell ve R Fan (der), A Confucian Constitutional Order: How China’s Ancient Past Can Shape Its Political Future, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 33-45.
  • Lau M ve Mai J (2019). ‘We Must Carry On’: Chinese Government Critic and Liberal Icon Xu Zhangrun Vows to Keep Saying ‘What Needs to be Said’. South China Morning Post, 28 Nisan. Son erişim tarihi, 06.12.2019.
  • Leonard M (2008). What Does China Think? Londra: Fourth Estate.
  • Makeham J (2003). New Confucianism: A Critical Examination. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Ownby D (2010). Introduction to Wang Hui’s the Economy of Rising China and Its Contradictions. Son erişim tarihi, 11.12.2019.
  • Pan W (11.10.2007). The Chinese Model of Development. Son Erişim tarihi, 06.12.2019.
  • Pan W (2010a). “Western System versus Chinese system. Son erişim tarihi, 16.02.2021.
  • Pan W (2010b). The Chinese Economic Model is a Model for Success. Qiushi Journal, 2 (3). Son erişim tarihi, 06.12.2019.
  • Pan W (2011). Reflections on the ‘China model’ Discussion. International Critical Thought, 1 (1), 11-17.
  • Said E (1994). Entelektüel: Sürgün, Marjinal, Yabancı. Çev. Tuncay Birkan, İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Tang X ve McConaghy M (2018). Liberalism in Contemporary China: Questions, Strategies, Directions. China Information, 32 (1), 121-138.
  • Vukovich D (2012). The Battle for Chinese Discourse and the Rise of Chinese New Left: Toward a Postcolonial Politics of Knowledge. İçinde: Ban W ve Lu J (der). China and New Left Visions: Political and Cultural Interventions, Maryland, MD: Lexington Books, 61-80.
  • Vukovich D (2019). Illiberal China: The Ideological Challenge of the People’s Republic of China. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Wang B ve Lu J (2012). Introduction: China and New Left Critique. İçinde: Ban W ve Lu J (der). China and New Left Visions: Political and Cultural Interventions, Maryland, MD: Lexington Books, ix-xvi.
  • Wang H (1998). Contemporary Chinese Thought and the Question of Modernity. Social Text, 16 (2), 10-44.
  • Wang H (2003a). The New Criticism. İçinde C Wang (der), One China, Many Paths, Londra: Verso, 55-86.
  • Wang H (2003b). Alternative Globalizations and the Question of Modernity. İçinde: T Huters (der), China’s New Order: Society, Politics, and Economy in Transition, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Wang H (2006), Depoliticized Politics, Multiple Components of Hegemony, and the Eclipse of Sixties. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 7 (4), 683-700.
  • Wang H (2010). The Economy of Rising China and Its Contradictions. Son erişim tarihi, 11.12.2019.
  • Wang H (2016). Appendix: Contradiction, Systemic Crisis and Direction for Change: An Interview with Wang Hui. İçinde: S Thomas (der), China’s Twentieth Century: Revolution, Retreat and the Road to Equality, Londra: Verso.
  • Wang H ve Khong E L (13.01.2014). After the Party: An Interview with Wang Hui. Son erişim tarihi, 11.12.2019.
  • Wang S (2012). Traditional Moral Politics and Contemporary Concepts of Governance. Son erişim tarihi, 11.12.2019.
  • Wang S (2013). Is the Way of the Humane Authority a Good Thing? An Assessment of Confucian Constitutionalism. İçinde: D A Bell ve R Fan (der), A Confucian Constitutional Order: How China’s Ancient Past Can Shape Its Political Future, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 139-158.
  • Wang S (2014). Representative Democracy and Representational Democracy. Son erişim tarihi, 11.12.2019.
  • Xi J (11.04.2013). wangchuan Xi Jinping 8.19 jianghua quanwen: yanlun fangmian yao gan zhua gan guan ganyu liang jian [Full online text of Xi Jinping’s 19 August speech: Need to dare to confidently seize control in aspects of discourse by revealing the sword]. Son erişim tarihi, 06.12.2019.
  • Xi, J (2014). The Governance of China. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press.
  • Xi, J (2017). The Governance of China II. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press.
  • Xu, J (2018). The Specter of Leviathan: A Critique of Chinese Statism Since 2000. İçinde: D Ownby (der), Rethinking China’s Rise: A Liberal Critique, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 20-60.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Articles / Articles

Emre Demir 0000-0002-9580-863X

Project Number -
Publication Date December 13, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 45 Issue: 4


APA Demir, E. (2021). 1990’lardan Günümüze Çin’de Meşruiyet ve Demokrasi Tartışmaları. Mülkiye Dergisi, 45(4), 848-877.
AMA Demir E. 1990’lardan Günümüze Çin’de Meşruiyet ve Demokrasi Tartışmaları. Mülkiye Dergisi. December 2021;45(4):848-877.
Chicago Demir, Emre. “1990’lardan Günümüze Çin’de Meşruiyet Ve Demokrasi Tartışmaları”. Mülkiye Dergisi 45, no. 4 (December 2021): 848-77.
EndNote Demir E (December 1, 2021) 1990’lardan Günümüze Çin’de Meşruiyet ve Demokrasi Tartışmaları. Mülkiye Dergisi 45 4 848–877.
IEEE E. Demir, “1990’lardan Günümüze Çin’de Meşruiyet ve Demokrasi Tartışmaları”, Mülkiye Dergisi, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 848–877, 2021.
ISNAD Demir, Emre. “1990’lardan Günümüze Çin’de Meşruiyet Ve Demokrasi Tartışmaları”. Mülkiye Dergisi 45/4 (December 2021), 848-877.
JAMA Demir E. 1990’lardan Günümüze Çin’de Meşruiyet ve Demokrasi Tartışmaları. Mülkiye Dergisi. 2021;45:848–877.
MLA Demir, Emre. “1990’lardan Günümüze Çin’de Meşruiyet Ve Demokrasi Tartışmaları”. Mülkiye Dergisi, vol. 45, no. 4, 2021, pp. 848-77.
Vancouver Demir E. 1990’lardan Günümüze Çin’de Meşruiyet ve Demokrasi Tartışmaları. Mülkiye Dergisi. 2021;45(4):848-77.
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