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Environmental opportunities of aquatic insects in nanotechnology

Year 2021, Volume: Volume 1 Issue: Issue 1, 24 - 29, 16.10.2021


Nanotechnology plays an important role opportunity in several industries, biotechnology, medicine, and environments by creating new opportunities. These roles may be developed for recyclability, to prevent environmental pollution and performance of countless products. For example, in terms of environmental protection, nanotechnology has every possible method. The most influential members of the environment are insects in terms of species numbers-varieties. For this reason, in terms of the sustainability of these areas, it is important to analyze insects in more detail, especially in freshwater. If these details are obtained, it can only be feasible with nano-scale research that current and evolving technology. The purpose of this review is to investigate to take lead in the formation of ideas that will enable the discovery of new features about correlations between aquatic insects and nanotechnology. It is expected that this review will enable us to explore the latest ecological data and will lead us to new methodological approaches on nano-scale for aquatic insects.


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There are 88 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Reviews

Mehmet Bektas This is me

Ozlem Barıs This is me

Publication Date October 16, 2021
Submission Date September 23, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: Volume 1 Issue: Issue 1
