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Threatened brill species in marine waters of Turkey: Scopthalmus rhombus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Scopthalmidae)

Year 2016, , 1 - 6, 02.02.2016


Scopthalmus rhombus is rarely occurred and restricted to marine and estuarine sites in the
eastern Marmara Sea and western Black Sea coast of Turkey. S. rhombus is occasionally
caught in low numbers and continuously decreased in abundance due to overfishing and
habitat degradations. This species should be considered to be threatened for Turkish marine
waters. This species might also be recorded in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as
Near Threatened (NT). 


  • Akşiray, F. (1987). Türkiye Deniz Balıkları ve Tayin Anahtarı (2. Baskı) İstanbul Üniv. Rektörlüğü Yayınları(3490).
  • Arneri, E., Colella, S., & Giannetti, G. (2001). Age determination and growth of turbot and brill in the Adriatic Sea: reversal of the seasonal pattern of otolith zone formation. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 17(6), 256-261.
  • Azevedo, M. F., Oliveira, C., Pardo, B. G., Martínez, P., & Foresti, F. (2008). Phylogenetic analysis of the order Pleuronectiformes (Teleostei) based on sequences of 12S and 16S mitochondrial genes. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 31(1), 284-292.
  • Bauchot, M. (1987). Poissons osseux. Fiches FAO d'identification pour les besoins de la pêche.(rev. 1). Méditerranée et mer Noire. Zone de pêche, 37, 891-1421.
  • Bauchot, M., & Hureau, J. (1986). Sparidae. Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean, 2, 883-907.
  • Besyst, B., Cattrijsse, A., & Mees, J. (1999). Feeding ecology of juvenile flatfishes of the surf zone of a sandy beach. Journal of Fish Biology, 55(6), 1171-1186.
  • Blanquer, A., Alayse, J. P., Berrada‐Rkhami, O., & Berrebi, P. (1992). Allozyme variation in turbot (Psetta maxima) and brill (Scophthalmus rhombus)(Osteichthyes, Pleuronectoformes, Scophthalmidae) throughout their range in Europe. Journal of Fish Biology, 41(5), 725-736.
  • Caputo, V., Candi, G., Colella, S., & Arneri, E. (2001). Reproductive biology of turbot (Psetta maxima) and brill (Scophthalmus rhombus)(Teleostei, Pleuronectiformes) in the Adriatic Sea. Italian Journal of Zoology, 68(2), 107-113.
  • Dulčić, J., & Glamuzina, B. (2006). Length–weight relationships for selected fish species from three eastern Adriatic estuarine systems (Croatia). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 22(4), 254-256.
  • Dumay, O., Tari, P., Tomasini, J., & Mouillot, D. (2004). Functional groups of lagoon fish species in Languedoc Roussillon, southern France. Journal of Fish Biology, 64(4), 970-983.
  • Erazi, R. R. (1942). Marine fishes found in the Sea of Marmara and in the Bosphorus. Revue de la Faculte des.
  • Fischer, W., Bauchot, M.L., & Schneider, M. (1987). Fiches FAO díidentification des espèces pour les besoins de la pêche. Méditerranéeetmer Noire. FAO and EEC, Rome. Zone de pêche 37: 761-153.
  • Franco, A., Franzoi, P., Malavasi, S., Riccato, F., Torricelli, P., & Mainardi, D. (2006). Use of shallow water habitats by fish assemblages in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 66(1), 67-83.
  • Froese, R., & Pauly, D. (Eds) (2015). Fishbase, World Wide Web Electronic Publication
  • Fricke, R., Bilecenoglu, M., & Sari, H. M. (2007). Annotated checklist of fish and lamprey species (Gnathostomata and Petromyzontomorphi) of Turkey, including a Red List of threatened and declining species: Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde.
  • Golani, D. (1996). The marine ichthyofauna of the eastern Levant-history, inventory and characterization. Israel Journal of Zoology 42: 15–55.
  • Golani, D., Kada, O., Nouar, A., Quignard, J.P., & Cuttelod, A. (2011). Scophthalmus rhombus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
  • Holmes, R., & Gibson, R. (1983). A comparison of predatory behaviour in flatfish. Animal behaviour, 31(4), 1244-1255.
  • IUCN. (2015). IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
  • Letourneur, Y., Darnaude, A., Salen-Picard, C., & Harmelin-Vivien, M. (2001). Spatial and temporal variations of fish assemblages in a shallow Mediterranean soft-bottom area (Gulf of Fos, France). Oceanologica Acta, 24(3), 273-285.
  • Muus, B.J., & Dahlstrøm, P. (1989). Havfiskog Fiskerii Nordvest Europa. GEC Gads Forlag, København, 244 p.
  • Muus, B. J., Nielsen, J. G., Dahlstrøm, P., & Nyström, B. O. (1999). Sea fish: Scandinavian Fishing Year Book.
  • Nielsen, J.G. (1986). Scopthalmidae. 1287-1293. In: P.J.P. Whitehead, M.L. Baucheot, J.C. Hureau, J. Nielsen and E. Tortonese (Eds.). Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean, Vol. III, UNESCO, Paris.
  • Pardo, B. G., Bouza, C., Castro, J., Martínez, P., & Sánchez, L. (2001). Localization of ribosomal genes in Pleuronectiformes using Ag-, CMA3-banding and in situ hybridization. Heredity, 86(5), 531-536.
  • Pardo, G.B., Casas, L., Fortes, G.G., Bouza, C., Martínez, P., Clark, M.S., & Sánchez, L. (2005). New microsatellite markers in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) derived from an enriched genomic library and sequence databases. Molecular Ecology Notes 5: 62-64.
  • Pranovi, F., Raicevich, S., Franceschini, G., Torricelli, P., & Giovanardi, O. (2001). Discard analysis and damage to non-target species in the" rapido" trawl fishery. Marine Biology, 139(5), 863-875.
  • Riede, K. (2004). Global register of migratory species: from global to regional scales: final report of the R&D-Projekt 808 05 081: Federal Agency for Nature Conservation.
  • Robert, F., & Vianet, R. (1988). Age and growth of Psetta maxima (Linné, 1758) and Scopthalmus rhombus (Linné, 1758) in the Gulf of Lion (Mediterranean). Journal of Applied Ichthyology 4(3): 111-120.
  • Samsun, N., Kalaycı, F., & Samsun, S. (2001). The determination of biologic and morphologic characteristics of turbot (Scopthalmus maeoticus Palas, 1811) caught in the Sinop Region. National Water Days 2005(1): 58-64.
  • Slastenenko, E. (1956). Karadeniz havzası balıkları.(The fishes of the Black Sea basin). EBK. Um. Md.
  • Torcu, H., & Aka, Z. (2000). A Study on the Fishes of Edremit Bay (Aegean Sea) Turkish Journal of Zoology, 24(1), 45-62.
  • Turan, C. (2006). Phylogenetic relationships of Mediterranean Mullidae species (Perciformes) inferred from genetic and morphologic data. Scientia Marina, 70(2), 311-318.
  • Turan, C. (2008). Molecular systematic analyses of Mediterranean skates (Rajiformes). Turkish Journal of Zoology, 32(4), 437-442.
  • Turan, C., Ozturk, B., Erguden, D., Gurlek, M., Yaglioglu, D., & Uygur, N. (2007). Atlas of marine bony fishes of Turkey. Atlas and systematic of marine bony fishes of Turkey. Nobel Publishing House, Adana, 83-485.
  • Turan, C., Boero, F., Boltachev, A., Duzgunes, E., Ilyin, Y.P., Kideys, A., Micu, D., Milliman, C.D., Minciheva, G., Moschella, P., Oguz, T., Ozturk, B., Pörtner, H.O., Shiganova, T., Shivarov, A., Yakushev, E., & Briand, F. (2010). Executive Summary of Climate Forcing and its Impacts on the Black Sea Marine Biota. No: 39. CIESM Workshop Monographs, Monaco.
Year 2016, , 1 - 6, 02.02.2016



  • Akşiray, F. (1987). Türkiye Deniz Balıkları ve Tayin Anahtarı (2. Baskı) İstanbul Üniv. Rektörlüğü Yayınları(3490).
  • Arneri, E., Colella, S., & Giannetti, G. (2001). Age determination and growth of turbot and brill in the Adriatic Sea: reversal of the seasonal pattern of otolith zone formation. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 17(6), 256-261.
  • Azevedo, M. F., Oliveira, C., Pardo, B. G., Martínez, P., & Foresti, F. (2008). Phylogenetic analysis of the order Pleuronectiformes (Teleostei) based on sequences of 12S and 16S mitochondrial genes. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 31(1), 284-292.
  • Bauchot, M. (1987). Poissons osseux. Fiches FAO d'identification pour les besoins de la pêche.(rev. 1). Méditerranée et mer Noire. Zone de pêche, 37, 891-1421.
  • Bauchot, M., & Hureau, J. (1986). Sparidae. Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean, 2, 883-907.
  • Besyst, B., Cattrijsse, A., & Mees, J. (1999). Feeding ecology of juvenile flatfishes of the surf zone of a sandy beach. Journal of Fish Biology, 55(6), 1171-1186.
  • Blanquer, A., Alayse, J. P., Berrada‐Rkhami, O., & Berrebi, P. (1992). Allozyme variation in turbot (Psetta maxima) and brill (Scophthalmus rhombus)(Osteichthyes, Pleuronectoformes, Scophthalmidae) throughout their range in Europe. Journal of Fish Biology, 41(5), 725-736.
  • Caputo, V., Candi, G., Colella, S., & Arneri, E. (2001). Reproductive biology of turbot (Psetta maxima) and brill (Scophthalmus rhombus)(Teleostei, Pleuronectiformes) in the Adriatic Sea. Italian Journal of Zoology, 68(2), 107-113.
  • Dulčić, J., & Glamuzina, B. (2006). Length–weight relationships for selected fish species from three eastern Adriatic estuarine systems (Croatia). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 22(4), 254-256.
  • Dumay, O., Tari, P., Tomasini, J., & Mouillot, D. (2004). Functional groups of lagoon fish species in Languedoc Roussillon, southern France. Journal of Fish Biology, 64(4), 970-983.
  • Erazi, R. R. (1942). Marine fishes found in the Sea of Marmara and in the Bosphorus. Revue de la Faculte des.
  • Fischer, W., Bauchot, M.L., & Schneider, M. (1987). Fiches FAO díidentification des espèces pour les besoins de la pêche. Méditerranéeetmer Noire. FAO and EEC, Rome. Zone de pêche 37: 761-153.
  • Franco, A., Franzoi, P., Malavasi, S., Riccato, F., Torricelli, P., & Mainardi, D. (2006). Use of shallow water habitats by fish assemblages in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 66(1), 67-83.
  • Froese, R., & Pauly, D. (Eds) (2015). Fishbase, World Wide Web Electronic Publication
  • Fricke, R., Bilecenoglu, M., & Sari, H. M. (2007). Annotated checklist of fish and lamprey species (Gnathostomata and Petromyzontomorphi) of Turkey, including a Red List of threatened and declining species: Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde.
  • Golani, D. (1996). The marine ichthyofauna of the eastern Levant-history, inventory and characterization. Israel Journal of Zoology 42: 15–55.
  • Golani, D., Kada, O., Nouar, A., Quignard, J.P., & Cuttelod, A. (2011). Scophthalmus rhombus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
  • Holmes, R., & Gibson, R. (1983). A comparison of predatory behaviour in flatfish. Animal behaviour, 31(4), 1244-1255.
  • IUCN. (2015). IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
  • Letourneur, Y., Darnaude, A., Salen-Picard, C., & Harmelin-Vivien, M. (2001). Spatial and temporal variations of fish assemblages in a shallow Mediterranean soft-bottom area (Gulf of Fos, France). Oceanologica Acta, 24(3), 273-285.
  • Muus, B.J., & Dahlstrøm, P. (1989). Havfiskog Fiskerii Nordvest Europa. GEC Gads Forlag, København, 244 p.
  • Muus, B. J., Nielsen, J. G., Dahlstrøm, P., & Nyström, B. O. (1999). Sea fish: Scandinavian Fishing Year Book.
  • Nielsen, J.G. (1986). Scopthalmidae. 1287-1293. In: P.J.P. Whitehead, M.L. Baucheot, J.C. Hureau, J. Nielsen and E. Tortonese (Eds.). Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean, Vol. III, UNESCO, Paris.
  • Pardo, B. G., Bouza, C., Castro, J., Martínez, P., & Sánchez, L. (2001). Localization of ribosomal genes in Pleuronectiformes using Ag-, CMA3-banding and in situ hybridization. Heredity, 86(5), 531-536.
  • Pardo, G.B., Casas, L., Fortes, G.G., Bouza, C., Martínez, P., Clark, M.S., & Sánchez, L. (2005). New microsatellite markers in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) derived from an enriched genomic library and sequence databases. Molecular Ecology Notes 5: 62-64.
  • Pranovi, F., Raicevich, S., Franceschini, G., Torricelli, P., & Giovanardi, O. (2001). Discard analysis and damage to non-target species in the" rapido" trawl fishery. Marine Biology, 139(5), 863-875.
  • Riede, K. (2004). Global register of migratory species: from global to regional scales: final report of the R&D-Projekt 808 05 081: Federal Agency for Nature Conservation.
  • Robert, F., & Vianet, R. (1988). Age and growth of Psetta maxima (Linné, 1758) and Scopthalmus rhombus (Linné, 1758) in the Gulf of Lion (Mediterranean). Journal of Applied Ichthyology 4(3): 111-120.
  • Samsun, N., Kalaycı, F., & Samsun, S. (2001). The determination of biologic and morphologic characteristics of turbot (Scopthalmus maeoticus Palas, 1811) caught in the Sinop Region. National Water Days 2005(1): 58-64.
  • Slastenenko, E. (1956). Karadeniz havzası balıkları.(The fishes of the Black Sea basin). EBK. Um. Md.
  • Torcu, H., & Aka, Z. (2000). A Study on the Fishes of Edremit Bay (Aegean Sea) Turkish Journal of Zoology, 24(1), 45-62.
  • Turan, C. (2006). Phylogenetic relationships of Mediterranean Mullidae species (Perciformes) inferred from genetic and morphologic data. Scientia Marina, 70(2), 311-318.
  • Turan, C. (2008). Molecular systematic analyses of Mediterranean skates (Rajiformes). Turkish Journal of Zoology, 32(4), 437-442.
  • Turan, C., Ozturk, B., Erguden, D., Gurlek, M., Yaglioglu, D., & Uygur, N. (2007). Atlas of marine bony fishes of Turkey. Atlas and systematic of marine bony fishes of Turkey. Nobel Publishing House, Adana, 83-485.
  • Turan, C., Boero, F., Boltachev, A., Duzgunes, E., Ilyin, Y.P., Kideys, A., Micu, D., Milliman, C.D., Minciheva, G., Moschella, P., Oguz, T., Ozturk, B., Pörtner, H.O., Shiganova, T., Shivarov, A., Yakushev, E., & Briand, F. (2010). Executive Summary of Climate Forcing and its Impacts on the Black Sea Marine Biota. No: 39. CIESM Workshop Monographs, Monaco.
There are 35 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Cemal Turan

Deniz Yağlioğlu This is me

Deniz Ergüden This is me

Mevlüt Gürlek This is me

Ali Uyan This is me

Serpil Karan This is me

Servet Doğdu

Publication Date February 2, 2016
Submission Date January 16, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2016


APA Turan, C., Yağlioğlu, D., Ergüden, D., Gürlek, M., et al. (2016). Threatened brill species in marine waters of Turkey: Scopthalmus rhombus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Scopthalmidae). Natural and Engineering Sciences, 1(1), 1-6. https://doi.org/10.28978/nesciences.286012

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