New Voltage-Mode All-pass Filter Topology Employing Single Current Operational Amplifier
Year 2016,
, 16 - 22, 03.02.2016
Hasan Çiçekli
Ahmet Gökçen
In this paper, a new voltage-mode all-pass filter topology based on single current operational amplifier (COA) and the implementation of COA by using current conveyors are presented. The proposed topology employs three admittances and single active circuit element. COA implementation by using current conveyor blocks as sub-circuit contributes to workability of the COA employing circuits by using commercially available integrated circuits that can be employed as current conveyor. The validity of the proposed filter is verified by PSPICE simulation programme by using the MOSIS 0.35 micron CMOS process parameters. The simulation results agree well with the theoretical analysis and the circuit achieve a good total harmonic distortion (THD) performance.
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Year 2016,
, 16 - 22, 03.02.2016
Hasan Çiçekli
Ahmet Gökçen
- Altun, M. (2007). Akım Modlu İşlemsel Kuvvetlendirici Tasarımı ve Uygulamaları, M.Sc. thesis, Electronics Engineering Dept., Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Altun, M., & Kuntman, H. (2006). Yüksek başarımlı, tümüyle farksal akım modlu işlemsel kuvvetlendirici (COA) tasarımı ve tüm geçiren süzgeç yapısında kullanımı, ELECO 2006, Elektrik-Elektronik ve Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Bursa, 6-10 Aralık 2006, Bildiri Kitabı (Elektronik), s. 46-49.
- Altun, M., & Kuntman, H. (2007). A high drive fully differential current mode operational amplifier providing high output impedance and filter application. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics.
- Berners, D. (2008), November 19, Allpass Filters.
- Cheng, K.-H., & Wang, H.-C. (1997). Design of current mode operational amplifier with differential-input and differential-output. Paper presented at the Circuits and Systems, 1997. ISCAS'97., Proceedings of 1997 IEEE International Symposium on.
- Kaulberg, T. (1993). A CMOS current-mode operational amplifier. Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of, 28(7), 849-852.
- Kılınç, S., & Çam U. (2003). Akım Modlu Alçak ve Yüksek Geçiren Süzgeçlerin Akım İşlemsel Kuvvetlendiricisi İle Gerçeklenmesi, Elektrik-Elektronik-Bilgisayar Müh. 10. Ulusal Kongresi, İstanbul, 18-21 Eylül 2003, Bildiri Kitabı Cilt II, s.314-317.
- Kilinç, S., & Çam, U. (2004). Current-mode first-order allpass filter employing single current operational amplifier. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 41(1), 47-53.
- Kılınç, S., Saygıner, M., Çam, U., Swaminathan, A., Mao, Y., & Wu, M Kuntman, H. (2005). Simple and accurate macromodel for current operational amplifier (COA)”, Proceedings of ELECO 2005: The 4th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bursa, Turkey, 7-11 December 2005, pp.1-5.
- Mucha, I. (1995). Current operational amplifiers: Basic architecture, properties, exploitation and future. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 7(3), 243-255.
- Songkla, S. N., & Jaikla, W. (2012). Realization of electronically tunable current-mode first-order allpass filter and its application. Int. Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 2012(6), 40-43.
- Uygur, A., & Kuntman, H. (2004). Basit ve kullanışlı bir akım işlemsel kuvvetlendiricisi tasarımı. ELECO 2004: Elektrik–Elektronik ve Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, 8-12.
- Yamaçlı, S., & Kuntman, H. (2005) Novel current-mode active–only electronically tunable multifunction filter using COAs and OTAs. Paper presented at the Proceedings of ELECO 2005: The 4th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
- Youssef, M. A., & Soliman, A. M. (2005). A novel CMOS realization of the differential input balanced output current operational amplifier and its applications. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 44(1), 37-53.