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Evaluation of the Prevalence of Lesions Resembling Cemento-Osseous Dysplasia on Panoramic Radiographs: A Retrospective Study

Year 2024, , 300 - 305, 30.12.2024


Aim: Cemento-osseous dysplasia (COD) is a benign fibro-osseous lesion where normal bone tissue is replaced by fibrous connective tissue. This study aims to evaluate the prevalence of COD and its periapical, focal, and florid types based on age and gender using panoramic radiographs.
Materials and Methods: This retrospective study was conducted at the Department of Oral, Dental, and Maxillofacial Radiology, Necmettin Erbakan University Faculty of Dentistry. Panoramic radiographs of 500 patients who visited between January 2023 and January 2024 were included in the study. These radiographs were screened for the presence of subtypes of cemento-osseous dysplasia. The findings were classified according to age, gender, and types of COD.
Results: Cemento-osseous dysplasia was detected in 25 out of 500 patients (5%). Among the radiographs, 19 cases were identified as focal COD (76%), and 6 cases as periapical COD (24%). No cases of florid COD were found. There was no significant difference in the prevalence of COD based on gender and age (p<0.05).
Conclusion: The study highlights the utility of panoramic radiographs in detecting COD. The findings illuminate the distribution of different types of COD according to age and gender. The data obtained may provide a better understanding of the recognition and management of COD for dental practitioners and other healthcare professionals.


  • MacDonald D. Classification and nomenclature of fibro-osseous lesions. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2021;131:385-9.
  • El-Naggar A, Chan J, Rubin Grandis J, Takata T, Slootweg P. WHO classification of head and neck tumours.: 4th ed. IARC. 2017. Available from
  • Bhandari R, Sandhu S, Bansal H, Behl R, Bhullar R. Focal cemento-osseous dysplasia masquerading as a residual cyst. Contemp Clin Dent. 2012;3:S60-2.
  • Mainville G, Turgeon D, Kauzman A. Diagnosis and management of benign fibro‐osseous lesions of the jaws: a current review for the dental clinician. Oral Dis. 2017;23:440-50.
  • Dagistan S, Tozoglu Ü, Göregen M, Çakur B. Florid cemento-osseous dysplasia: A case report Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2007;12:E348-50.
  • Mufeed A, Mangalath U, George A, Hafiz A. Infected florid osseous dysplasia: clinical and imaging follow-up. BMJ Case Rep. 2015;2015:bcr2014209099.
  • Önder B, Kurşun Ş, Öztaş B, Barış E, Erdem E. Florid osseous dysplasia in a middle-aged Turkish woman: A case report. Imaging Sci Dent. 2013;43:197-200.
  • Galgano C, Samson J, Küffer R, Lombardi T. Focal cemento‐osseous dysplasia involving a mandibular lateral incisor. Int Endod J. 2003;36:907-11.
  • Min C, Koh K, Kim K. Recurrent symptomatic cemento-osseous dysplasia: A case report. Imaging Sci Dent. 2018;48:131-7.
  • Kawai T, Hiranuma H, Kishino M, Jikko A, Sakuda M. Cemento-osseous dysplasia of the jaws in 54 Japanese patients: a radiographic study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 1999;87:107-14.
  • Mortazavi H, Baharvand M, Rahmani S, Jafari S, Parvaei P. Radiolucent rim as a possible diagnostic aid for differentiating jaw lesions. Imaging Sci Dent. 2015;45:253-61.
  • Tozoğlu Ü, Alkış H, Özbilim G, Tozoğlu S. Fokal Semento-Osseöz Displazi: Bir Olgu Sunumu. Ata Dis Hek Fak Derg. 2017;2017.
  • Slootweg PJ. Dental and oral pathology. China: Springer International Publishing; 2016. 2559.
  • Decolibus K, Shahrabi-Farahani S, Brar A, Rasner S, Aguirre S, Owosho A. Cemento-Osseous Dysplasia of the Jaw: Demographic and Clinical Analysis of 191 New Cases. Dent J (Basel). 2023;11:138.
  • Grün P, Bandura P, Grün A, Sutter W, Meller O, Turhani D. Sensory disturbance along the inferior alveolar nerve as a first clinical sign of multiple florid cemento-osseous dysplasia of the mandible—a case report. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2018;53:452-7.
  • Daviet-Noual V, Ejeil A, Gossiome C, Moreau N, Salmon B. Differentiating early stage florid osseous dysplasia from periapical endodontic lesions: a radiological-based diagnostic algorithm. BMC Oral Health. 2017;17:161.
  • Toledano-Serrabona J, Núñez-Urrutia S, Vegas-Bustamante E, Sánchez-Torres A, Gay-Escoda C. Florid cemento-osseous dysplasia: Report of 2 cases. J Clin Exp Dent. 2018;10:1145-8.
  • Kawai T, Hiranuma H, Kishino M, Jikko A, Sakuda MS. Cemento-osseous dysplasia of the jaws in 54 Japanese patients: a radiographic study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 1999;87:107-14.
  • Summerlin D, Tomich C. Focal cemento-osseous dysplasia: a clinicopathologic study of 221 cases. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1994;78:611-20.
  • Komabayashi T, Zhu Q. Cemento-osseous dysplasia in an elderly Asian male: a case report. J Oral Sci. 2011;53:117-20.
  • White S, Pharoah M. Oral radiology: principles and interpretation. 7th ed. St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby; 2013.
  • Macdonald-Jankowski D. Focal cemento-osseous dysplasia: a systematic review. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2008;37:350-60.
  • Eversole R, Su L, ElMofty S. Benign fibro-osseous lesions of the craniofacial complex a review. Head Neck Pathol. 2008;2:177-202.
  • Cankaya A, Erdem M, Olgac V, Firat D. Focal cemento-osseous dysplasia of mandible. BMJ Case Rep. 2012;2012:bcr2012006432.
  • Brannon R, Fowler C. Benign fibro-osseous lesions: a review of current concepts. Adv Anat Pathol. 2001;8:126-43.
  • Cannon J, Keller E, Dahlin D. Gigantiform cementoma: report of two cases (mother and son). J Oral Surg. 1980;38:65-70.
  • Miyake M, Nagahata S. Florid cemento-osseous dysplasia: Report of a case. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 1999;28:56-7.
  • Blaschke D. Diseases of bone manifested in the jaws. In: White S, Pharoah M, editors. Oral Radiol: Princ Interp. 4th ed. St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby; 1994.

Panoramik Radyografilerde Semento-Osseöz Displaziye Benzeyen Lezyonların Prevalansının Değerlendirilmesi: Retrospektif Bir Çalışma

Year 2024, , 300 - 305, 30.12.2024


Amaç: Semento-osseöz displazi (SOD), normal kemik dokusunun fibröz bağ dokusu ile yer değiştirdiği iyi huylu bir fibro-osseöz lezyondur. Bu çalışma, panoramik radyografilerde SOD'un prevalansını ve periapikal, fokal ve florid SOD tiplerini yaş ve cinsiyete göre değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu retrospektif çalışma, Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Ağız, Diş ve Çene Radyolojisi Bölümü'nde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ocak 2023-Ocak 2024 tarihleri arasında başvuran 500 hastanın panoramik radyografileri çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Bu grafilerde semento osseöz displazinin alt türlerinin varlığı taranmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular yaş, cinsiyet ve SOD çeşitlerine göre sınıflandırılmıştır.
Bulgular: Semento osseöz displazi 500 hastanın 25’inde (%5) tespit edilmiştir. Radyografilerde 19 fokal SOD (%76), 6 periapikal SOD (%24) bulunmuştur. Florid SOD’a ise rastlanmamıştır. Semento osseöz displazinin görülmesinde cinsiyet ve yaş ile ilişkili anlamlı bir fark kaydedilmemiştir (p<0,05).
Sonuç: Çalışma, SOD'un tespiti için panoramik radyografilerin kullanılabilirliğini vurgulamaktadır. Elde edilen bulgular, SOD'un farklı tiplerinin yaş ve cinsiyete göre dağılımını aydınlatmaktadır. Elde edilen veriler, diş hekimlerine ve diğer sağlık profesyonelleri için SOD'un tanınması ve yönetimi konusunda daha iyi bir anlayış sağlayabilir.


  • MacDonald D. Classification and nomenclature of fibro-osseous lesions. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2021;131:385-9.
  • El-Naggar A, Chan J, Rubin Grandis J, Takata T, Slootweg P. WHO classification of head and neck tumours.: 4th ed. IARC. 2017. Available from
  • Bhandari R, Sandhu S, Bansal H, Behl R, Bhullar R. Focal cemento-osseous dysplasia masquerading as a residual cyst. Contemp Clin Dent. 2012;3:S60-2.
  • Mainville G, Turgeon D, Kauzman A. Diagnosis and management of benign fibro‐osseous lesions of the jaws: a current review for the dental clinician. Oral Dis. 2017;23:440-50.
  • Dagistan S, Tozoglu Ü, Göregen M, Çakur B. Florid cemento-osseous dysplasia: A case report Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2007;12:E348-50.
  • Mufeed A, Mangalath U, George A, Hafiz A. Infected florid osseous dysplasia: clinical and imaging follow-up. BMJ Case Rep. 2015;2015:bcr2014209099.
  • Önder B, Kurşun Ş, Öztaş B, Barış E, Erdem E. Florid osseous dysplasia in a middle-aged Turkish woman: A case report. Imaging Sci Dent. 2013;43:197-200.
  • Galgano C, Samson J, Küffer R, Lombardi T. Focal cemento‐osseous dysplasia involving a mandibular lateral incisor. Int Endod J. 2003;36:907-11.
  • Min C, Koh K, Kim K. Recurrent symptomatic cemento-osseous dysplasia: A case report. Imaging Sci Dent. 2018;48:131-7.
  • Kawai T, Hiranuma H, Kishino M, Jikko A, Sakuda M. Cemento-osseous dysplasia of the jaws in 54 Japanese patients: a radiographic study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 1999;87:107-14.
  • Mortazavi H, Baharvand M, Rahmani S, Jafari S, Parvaei P. Radiolucent rim as a possible diagnostic aid for differentiating jaw lesions. Imaging Sci Dent. 2015;45:253-61.
  • Tozoğlu Ü, Alkış H, Özbilim G, Tozoğlu S. Fokal Semento-Osseöz Displazi: Bir Olgu Sunumu. Ata Dis Hek Fak Derg. 2017;2017.
  • Slootweg PJ. Dental and oral pathology. China: Springer International Publishing; 2016. 2559.
  • Decolibus K, Shahrabi-Farahani S, Brar A, Rasner S, Aguirre S, Owosho A. Cemento-Osseous Dysplasia of the Jaw: Demographic and Clinical Analysis of 191 New Cases. Dent J (Basel). 2023;11:138.
  • Grün P, Bandura P, Grün A, Sutter W, Meller O, Turhani D. Sensory disturbance along the inferior alveolar nerve as a first clinical sign of multiple florid cemento-osseous dysplasia of the mandible—a case report. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2018;53:452-7.
  • Daviet-Noual V, Ejeil A, Gossiome C, Moreau N, Salmon B. Differentiating early stage florid osseous dysplasia from periapical endodontic lesions: a radiological-based diagnostic algorithm. BMC Oral Health. 2017;17:161.
  • Toledano-Serrabona J, Núñez-Urrutia S, Vegas-Bustamante E, Sánchez-Torres A, Gay-Escoda C. Florid cemento-osseous dysplasia: Report of 2 cases. J Clin Exp Dent. 2018;10:1145-8.
  • Kawai T, Hiranuma H, Kishino M, Jikko A, Sakuda MS. Cemento-osseous dysplasia of the jaws in 54 Japanese patients: a radiographic study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 1999;87:107-14.
  • Summerlin D, Tomich C. Focal cemento-osseous dysplasia: a clinicopathologic study of 221 cases. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1994;78:611-20.
  • Komabayashi T, Zhu Q. Cemento-osseous dysplasia in an elderly Asian male: a case report. J Oral Sci. 2011;53:117-20.
  • White S, Pharoah M. Oral radiology: principles and interpretation. 7th ed. St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby; 2013.
  • Macdonald-Jankowski D. Focal cemento-osseous dysplasia: a systematic review. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2008;37:350-60.
  • Eversole R, Su L, ElMofty S. Benign fibro-osseous lesions of the craniofacial complex a review. Head Neck Pathol. 2008;2:177-202.
  • Cankaya A, Erdem M, Olgac V, Firat D. Focal cemento-osseous dysplasia of mandible. BMJ Case Rep. 2012;2012:bcr2012006432.
  • Brannon R, Fowler C. Benign fibro-osseous lesions: a review of current concepts. Adv Anat Pathol. 2001;8:126-43.
  • Cannon J, Keller E, Dahlin D. Gigantiform cementoma: report of two cases (mother and son). J Oral Surg. 1980;38:65-70.
  • Miyake M, Nagahata S. Florid cemento-osseous dysplasia: Report of a case. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 1999;28:56-7.
  • Blaschke D. Diseases of bone manifested in the jaws. In: White S, Pharoah M, editors. Oral Radiol: Princ Interp. 4th ed. St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby; 1994.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology

İbrahim Burak Yüksel 0000-0001-6465-401X

Serkan Bahrilli 0009-0006-3730-7235

Ali Altındağ 0000-0001-8549-5193

Taha Zirek 0000-0002-8622-1343

Publication Date December 30, 2024
Submission Date July 8, 2024
Acceptance Date December 2, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


Vancouver Yüksel İB, Bahrilli S, Altındağ A, Zirek T. Evaluation of the Prevalence of Lesions Resembling Cemento-Osseous Dysplasia on Panoramic Radiographs: A Retrospective Study. NEU Dent J. 2024;6(3):300-5.