Bulk-Fill Kompozit Rezinler
Year 2020,
Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 117 - 123, 31.12.2020
Hakan Yasin Gönder
Ceyda Öz
Günümüzde dişhekimleri posterior bölgede dahil olmak üzere estetik ihtiyaçları karşılayabilmek için en fazla ışıkla sertleşen kompozitler kullanılmaktadır. Klasik yöntemle kompozitler tabakalama tekniği ile yerleştirilip her tabaka ayn ayn polimerize edilmektedirler. Tabakalama tekniğinin zorluğu, kontaminasyon riski olması, tabakalar arasında boşluk bırakma ihtimalinin bulunması ve tekniğin çok zaman almasından dolayı amalgam gibi tek seferde kaviteye uygulanabilen, kullanımı kolay kompozit materyallere ihtiyaç duyulmuştur. Bu nedenle üreticiler piyasaya rezin bazlı bulkfill kompozitleri sunmuşlardır. Bu kompozitler bir defada 4-6mm derinliğinde polimerize olabilmektedirler. Çalışma için 2020 yılına kadar yayınlanmış olan ilgili makaleler “bulk-fill ya da bulkfill yada bulk fiil” ve “composite ya da composites” anahatar kelimeleri kullanılarak ‘PubMed’ aratılmış ve elde edilen makaleler taranmıştır.
Yapılan çalışmada inkremental teknikte tabakalar arası boşluk ve kontaminasyon riski de bulk-fill kompozitler sayesinde elime edilebilmektedir. Full body bulk-fill kompozitler base bulk-fillere göre yüksek mekanik özellik gösterdiğinden posterior dişlerin geniş restorasyonlarında kapama yapılmaya gerek kalmadan rahatlıkla kullanılabilir.
- 1. Rees J, Jagger D, Williams D, Brown G, Duguid W. A reappraisal of the incremental packing technique for light cured composite resins. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2004;31:81-84.
- 2. Alrahlah A, Silikas N, Watts D. Post-cure depth of cure of bulk fill dental resin-composites. Dental Materials 2014;30:149-154.
- 3. Karaman E, Yazici AR, Ozgunaltay G, Dayangac B. Clinical evaluation of a nanohybrid and a flowable resin composite in non-carious cervical lesions: 24-month results. Journal of Adhesive Dentistry 2012;14.
- 4. Donadio‐Moura J, Gouw‐Soares S, de Freitas PM, Navarro RS, Powell LG, Eduardo CdP. Tensile bond strength of a flowable composite resin to ER: YAG‐laser‐treated dentin. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine: The Official Journal of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery 2005;36:351-355.
- 5. El-Damanhoury H, Platt J. Polymerization shrinkage stress kinetics and related properties of bulk-fill resin composites. Operative dentistry 2014;39:374-382.
- 6. Van Ende A, De Munck J, Lise DP, Van Meerbeek B. Bulk-Fill Composites: A Review of the Current Literature. J Adhes Dent 2017;19:95-109.
- 7. Burgess J, Cakir D. Comparative properties of low-shrinkage composite resins. Compendium of continuing education in dentistry (Jamesburg, NJ: 1995) 2010;31:10-15.
- 8. Li X, Pongprueksa P, Van Meerbeek B, De Munck J. Curing profile of bulk-fill resin-based composites. Journal of dentistry 2015;43:664-672.
- 9. Tomaszewska IM, Kearns JO, Ilie N, Fleming GJ. Bulk fill restoratives: To cap or not to cap–That is the question? Journal of dentistry 2015;43:309-316.
- 10. Al-Ahdal K, Silikas N, Watts DC. Rheological properties of resin composites according to variations in composition and temperature. Dental Materials 2014;30:517-524.
- 11. Park J, Chang J, Ferracane J, Lee IB. How should composite be layered to reduce shrinkage stress: incremental or bulk filling? Dental materials 2008;24:1501-1505.
- 12. Lee Y-K. Influence of filler on the difference between the transmitted and reflected colors of experimental resin composites. Dental Materials 2008;24:1243-1247.
- 13. Moszner N, Fischer UK, Ganster B, Liska R, Rheinberger V. Benzoyl germanium derivatives as novel visible light photoinitiators for dental materials. Dental Materials 2008;24:901-907.
- 14. Ilie N, Bucuta S, Draenert M. Bulk-fill resin-based composites: an in vitro assessment of their mechanical performance. Operative dentistry 2013;38:618-625.
- 15. Bucuta S, Ilie N. Light transmittance and micro-mechanical properties of bulk fill vs. conventional resin based composites. Clinical oral investigations 2014;18:1991-2000.
- 16. Lassila LV, Nagas E, Vallittu PK, Garoushi S. Translucency of flowable bulk-filling composites of various thicknesses. Chinese Journal of Dental Research 2012;15:31.
- 17. Arikawa H, Kanie T, Fujii K, Takahashi H, Ban S. Effect of filler properties in composite resins on light transmittance characteristics and color. Dental materials journal 2007;26:38-44.
- 18. Ilie N, Keßler A, Durner J. Influence of various irradiation processes on the mechanical properties and polymerisation kinetics of bulk-fill resin based composites. Journal of dentistry 2013;41:695-702.
- 19. Chesterman J, Jowett A, Gallacher A, Nixon P. Bulk-fill resin-based composite restorative materials: a review. British Dental Journal 2017;222:337.
- 20. Abouelleil H, Pradelle N, Villat C, Attik N, Colon P, Grosgogeat B. Comparison of mechanical properties of a new fiber reinforced composite and bulk filling composites. Restorative dentistry & endodontics 2015;40:262-270.
- 21. Al Sunbul H, Silikas N, Watts DC. Surface and bulk properties of dental resin-composites after solvent storage. Dental Materials 2016;32:987-997.
- 22. Engelhardt F, Hahnel S, Preis V, Rosentritt M. Comparison of flowable bulk-fill and flowable resin-based composites: an in vitro analysis. Clinical oral investigations 2016;20:2123-2130.
- 23. Flury S, Hayoz S, Peutzfeldt A, Hüsler J, Lussi A. Depth of cure of resin composites: is the ISO 4049 method suitable for bulk fill materials? Dental Materials 2012;28:521-528.
- 24. Didem A, Yalcin G. Comparative mechanical properties of bulk-fill resins. Open journal of composite materials 2014;2014.
- 25. Do T, Church B, Verissimo C, et al. Cuspal flexure, depth-of-cure, and bond integrity of bulk-fill composites. Pediatric dentistry 2014;36:468-473.
- 26. de Assis FS, Lima S, Tonetto MR, et al. Evaluation of bond strength, marginal integrity, and fracture strength of bulk-vs incrementally-filled restorations. J Adhes Dent 2016;18:317-323.
- 27. Atalay C, Yazici A, Horuztepe A, Nagas E, Ertan A, Ozgunaltay G. Fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth restored with bulk fill, bulk fill flowable, fiber-reinforced, and conventional resin composite. Operative dentistry 2016;41:E131-E140.
- 28. Kemaloglu H, KAVAL ME, Turkun M, KURT SM. Effect of novel restoration techniques on the fracture resistance of teeth treated endodontically: an in vitro study. Dental materials journal 2015;34:618-622.
- 29. Feilzer A, De Gee A, Davidson C. Setting stress in composite resin in relation to configuration of the restoration. Journal of dental research 1987;66:1636-1639.
- 30. Isufi A, Plotino G, Grande NM, et al. Fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth restored with a bulkfill flowable material and a resin composite. Annali di stomatologia 2016;7:4.
- 31. Garcia D, Yaman P, Dennison J, Neiva G. Polymerization shrinkage and depth of cure of bulk fill flowable composite resins. Operative dentistry 2014;39:441-448.
- 32. Benetti AR, Havndrup-Pedersen C, Honoré D, Pedersen MK, Pallesen U. Bulk-fill resin composites: polymerization contraction, depth of cure, and gap formation. Operative dentistry 2015;40:190-200.
- 33. Jung J, Park S. Comparison of polymerization shrinkage, physical properties, and marginal adaptation of flowable and restorative bulk fill resin-based composites. Operative dentistry 2017;42:375-386.
- 34. Karaman E, Keskin B, Inan U. Three-year clinical evaluation of class II posterior composite restorations placed with different techniques and flowable composite linings in endodontically treated teeth. Clinical oral investigations 2017;21:709-716.
- 35. Cantekin K, Gumus H. In vitro and clinical outcome of sandwich restorations with a bulk-fill flowable composite liner for pulpotomized primary teeth. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 2014;38:349-354.
- 36. Van Dijken JW, Pallesen U. Posterior bulk-filled resin composite restorations: A 5-year randomized controlled clinical study. Journal of dentistry 2016;51:29-35.
- 37. Manhart J, Chen H-Y, Neuerer P, Thiele L, Jaensch B, Hickel R. Clinical performance of the posterior composite QuiXfil after 3, 6, and 18 months in Class 1 and 2 cavities. Quintessence International 2008;39.
- 38. Manhart J, Chen H-Y, Hickel R. Clinical evaluation of the posterior composite Quixfil in class I and II cavities: 4-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Adhesive Dentistry 2010;12.
- 39. Doğan D, Ercan E, Hamidi M, Aylikçi B, Colak H. One-year clinical evaluation of Quixfil and Gradia Direct composite restorative materials in posterior teeth. The Journal of the Michigan Dental Association 2013;95:36-41, 71.
- 40. Colak H, Tokay U, Uzgur R, Hamidi M, Ercan E. A prospective, randomized, double-blind clinical trial of one nano-hybrid and one high-viscosity bulk-fill composite restorative systems in class II cavities: 12 months results. Nigerian journal of clinical practice 2017;20:822-831.
- 41. Yazici A, Antonson S, Kutuk Z, Ergin E. Thirty-six-month clinical comparison of bulk fill and nanofill composite restorations. Operative dentistry 2017;42:478-485.
- 42. Burke F, Crisp RJ, Panchal D, Redfearn P, Sands P. A Practice-Based Clinical Evaluation of a Bulk Fill Restorative Material. The European journal of prosthodontics and restorative dentistry 2016;24:152-157.
Year 2020,
Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 117 - 123, 31.12.2020
Hakan Yasin Gönder
Ceyda Öz
- 1. Rees J, Jagger D, Williams D, Brown G, Duguid W. A reappraisal of the incremental packing technique for light cured composite resins. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2004;31:81-84.
- 2. Alrahlah A, Silikas N, Watts D. Post-cure depth of cure of bulk fill dental resin-composites. Dental Materials 2014;30:149-154.
- 3. Karaman E, Yazici AR, Ozgunaltay G, Dayangac B. Clinical evaluation of a nanohybrid and a flowable resin composite in non-carious cervical lesions: 24-month results. Journal of Adhesive Dentistry 2012;14.
- 4. Donadio‐Moura J, Gouw‐Soares S, de Freitas PM, Navarro RS, Powell LG, Eduardo CdP. Tensile bond strength of a flowable composite resin to ER: YAG‐laser‐treated dentin. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine: The Official Journal of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery 2005;36:351-355.
- 5. El-Damanhoury H, Platt J. Polymerization shrinkage stress kinetics and related properties of bulk-fill resin composites. Operative dentistry 2014;39:374-382.
- 6. Van Ende A, De Munck J, Lise DP, Van Meerbeek B. Bulk-Fill Composites: A Review of the Current Literature. J Adhes Dent 2017;19:95-109.
- 7. Burgess J, Cakir D. Comparative properties of low-shrinkage composite resins. Compendium of continuing education in dentistry (Jamesburg, NJ: 1995) 2010;31:10-15.
- 8. Li X, Pongprueksa P, Van Meerbeek B, De Munck J. Curing profile of bulk-fill resin-based composites. Journal of dentistry 2015;43:664-672.
- 9. Tomaszewska IM, Kearns JO, Ilie N, Fleming GJ. Bulk fill restoratives: To cap or not to cap–That is the question? Journal of dentistry 2015;43:309-316.
- 10. Al-Ahdal K, Silikas N, Watts DC. Rheological properties of resin composites according to variations in composition and temperature. Dental Materials 2014;30:517-524.
- 11. Park J, Chang J, Ferracane J, Lee IB. How should composite be layered to reduce shrinkage stress: incremental or bulk filling? Dental materials 2008;24:1501-1505.
- 12. Lee Y-K. Influence of filler on the difference between the transmitted and reflected colors of experimental resin composites. Dental Materials 2008;24:1243-1247.
- 13. Moszner N, Fischer UK, Ganster B, Liska R, Rheinberger V. Benzoyl germanium derivatives as novel visible light photoinitiators for dental materials. Dental Materials 2008;24:901-907.
- 14. Ilie N, Bucuta S, Draenert M. Bulk-fill resin-based composites: an in vitro assessment of their mechanical performance. Operative dentistry 2013;38:618-625.
- 15. Bucuta S, Ilie N. Light transmittance and micro-mechanical properties of bulk fill vs. conventional resin based composites. Clinical oral investigations 2014;18:1991-2000.
- 16. Lassila LV, Nagas E, Vallittu PK, Garoushi S. Translucency of flowable bulk-filling composites of various thicknesses. Chinese Journal of Dental Research 2012;15:31.
- 17. Arikawa H, Kanie T, Fujii K, Takahashi H, Ban S. Effect of filler properties in composite resins on light transmittance characteristics and color. Dental materials journal 2007;26:38-44.
- 18. Ilie N, Keßler A, Durner J. Influence of various irradiation processes on the mechanical properties and polymerisation kinetics of bulk-fill resin based composites. Journal of dentistry 2013;41:695-702.
- 19. Chesterman J, Jowett A, Gallacher A, Nixon P. Bulk-fill resin-based composite restorative materials: a review. British Dental Journal 2017;222:337.
- 20. Abouelleil H, Pradelle N, Villat C, Attik N, Colon P, Grosgogeat B. Comparison of mechanical properties of a new fiber reinforced composite and bulk filling composites. Restorative dentistry & endodontics 2015;40:262-270.
- 21. Al Sunbul H, Silikas N, Watts DC. Surface and bulk properties of dental resin-composites after solvent storage. Dental Materials 2016;32:987-997.
- 22. Engelhardt F, Hahnel S, Preis V, Rosentritt M. Comparison of flowable bulk-fill and flowable resin-based composites: an in vitro analysis. Clinical oral investigations 2016;20:2123-2130.
- 23. Flury S, Hayoz S, Peutzfeldt A, Hüsler J, Lussi A. Depth of cure of resin composites: is the ISO 4049 method suitable for bulk fill materials? Dental Materials 2012;28:521-528.
- 24. Didem A, Yalcin G. Comparative mechanical properties of bulk-fill resins. Open journal of composite materials 2014;2014.
- 25. Do T, Church B, Verissimo C, et al. Cuspal flexure, depth-of-cure, and bond integrity of bulk-fill composites. Pediatric dentistry 2014;36:468-473.
- 26. de Assis FS, Lima S, Tonetto MR, et al. Evaluation of bond strength, marginal integrity, and fracture strength of bulk-vs incrementally-filled restorations. J Adhes Dent 2016;18:317-323.
- 27. Atalay C, Yazici A, Horuztepe A, Nagas E, Ertan A, Ozgunaltay G. Fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth restored with bulk fill, bulk fill flowable, fiber-reinforced, and conventional resin composite. Operative dentistry 2016;41:E131-E140.
- 28. Kemaloglu H, KAVAL ME, Turkun M, KURT SM. Effect of novel restoration techniques on the fracture resistance of teeth treated endodontically: an in vitro study. Dental materials journal 2015;34:618-622.
- 29. Feilzer A, De Gee A, Davidson C. Setting stress in composite resin in relation to configuration of the restoration. Journal of dental research 1987;66:1636-1639.
- 30. Isufi A, Plotino G, Grande NM, et al. Fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth restored with a bulkfill flowable material and a resin composite. Annali di stomatologia 2016;7:4.
- 31. Garcia D, Yaman P, Dennison J, Neiva G. Polymerization shrinkage and depth of cure of bulk fill flowable composite resins. Operative dentistry 2014;39:441-448.
- 32. Benetti AR, Havndrup-Pedersen C, Honoré D, Pedersen MK, Pallesen U. Bulk-fill resin composites: polymerization contraction, depth of cure, and gap formation. Operative dentistry 2015;40:190-200.
- 33. Jung J, Park S. Comparison of polymerization shrinkage, physical properties, and marginal adaptation of flowable and restorative bulk fill resin-based composites. Operative dentistry 2017;42:375-386.
- 34. Karaman E, Keskin B, Inan U. Three-year clinical evaluation of class II posterior composite restorations placed with different techniques and flowable composite linings in endodontically treated teeth. Clinical oral investigations 2017;21:709-716.
- 35. Cantekin K, Gumus H. In vitro and clinical outcome of sandwich restorations with a bulk-fill flowable composite liner for pulpotomized primary teeth. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 2014;38:349-354.
- 36. Van Dijken JW, Pallesen U. Posterior bulk-filled resin composite restorations: A 5-year randomized controlled clinical study. Journal of dentistry 2016;51:29-35.
- 37. Manhart J, Chen H-Y, Neuerer P, Thiele L, Jaensch B, Hickel R. Clinical performance of the posterior composite QuiXfil after 3, 6, and 18 months in Class 1 and 2 cavities. Quintessence International 2008;39.
- 38. Manhart J, Chen H-Y, Hickel R. Clinical evaluation of the posterior composite Quixfil in class I and II cavities: 4-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Adhesive Dentistry 2010;12.
- 39. Doğan D, Ercan E, Hamidi M, Aylikçi B, Colak H. One-year clinical evaluation of Quixfil and Gradia Direct composite restorative materials in posterior teeth. The Journal of the Michigan Dental Association 2013;95:36-41, 71.
- 40. Colak H, Tokay U, Uzgur R, Hamidi M, Ercan E. A prospective, randomized, double-blind clinical trial of one nano-hybrid and one high-viscosity bulk-fill composite restorative systems in class II cavities: 12 months results. Nigerian journal of clinical practice 2017;20:822-831.
- 41. Yazici A, Antonson S, Kutuk Z, Ergin E. Thirty-six-month clinical comparison of bulk fill and nanofill composite restorations. Operative dentistry 2017;42:478-485.
- 42. Burke F, Crisp RJ, Panchal D, Redfearn P, Sands P. A Practice-Based Clinical Evaluation of a Bulk Fill Restorative Material. The European journal of prosthodontics and restorative dentistry 2016;24:152-157.