Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 1 - 11, 31.08.2021


The aim of this study is to investigate the changes, uncertainties and differences experienced at every
stage of education during the current pandemic process, teacher and student psychology and ways of
coping with stress within the framework of the researched literature. Although it is an important
situation for teachers and students to move forward by accepting the reality of the process we are in,
every person in the world has their own responsibilities. In this study, document analysis which is a
qualitative research method, was used. Education and training processes have a very important place
in the current pandemic conditions. It is known that doing things that can be done from home during
the pandemic is a good method to save lives. At this point, it was seen as inevitable that education
should continue from home. All positive and negative situations experienced in this process are
important on the psychology of teachers and students in education life. By using technology, getting
out of the usual situation and giving education as a teacher and trainer from home and getting
education as a student are among the most important factors that create stress. It is best to minimize
this stress level and to use the most appropriate methods of coping with stress and to turn this
situation into a positive one with the cooperation of teachers and students. In the process, the
psychological effects of distance education system on teacher and student have shown differences and
similarities according to each level. Active participation of students in their lessons, providing a good
learning environment and motivating teachers to their students will reduce the level of negative stress
in the process in a psychological sense. At this level of stress, personal responsibility is more
important in the distance education system. This study examines the teacher and student psychology
related to the pandemic process and the scientific literature on coping with stress, and it is considered
important in terms of contributing to the field and guiding the researchers who will work in the field.


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There are 57 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Articles

Gizem Öneri Uzun This is me

Publication Date August 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 4 Issue: 2
