The goal of this study was to look at the perspectives of administrators at public and private secondary and high schools in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus on the use of technology in education. To adequately study this topic, a qualitative method was used with semi-structured interview questions as the data-gathering technique. The study's participants were 34 administrators who worked during the Spring semester of the 2020-2021 academic year. These individuals were chosen at random from the several schools that volunteered to take part in this study. "Zoom and Google Meet" applications were used to conduct the interviews with the participants. This study included more females than males, with the bulk of participants coming from public schools. According to the findings, the majority of students took part in visual tracking Slide Share presentations. Finally, the data revealed certain benefits of using technology, such as quick learning and access to materials, as well as some drawbacks. Regarding the drawbacks, most participants called for an increase in the standard of student assessment. Teachers may be skeptical of the feedback they receive during evaluations that are not done on camera.
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