Comparison of FOC and DTC for speed sensorless PMSM using
Year 2022,
, 898 - 903, 14.10.2022
Barış Çavuş
Mustafa Aktaş
In this study, direct torque control (DTC) and field oriented control (FOC) simulation study of a speed sensorless permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is carried out. The speed signal required for the control methods was obtained with a sliding mode observer (SMO). As a result of the study, current, speed (measured and estimated) and torque signals of PMSM were obtained. Total harmonic distortion (THD) and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) analysis of the obtained signals were performed to evaluate the performance of DTC and FOC. In addition, DTC and FOC comparisons were made using the root mean square error (RMSE) criterion for the measured and estimated speed signals. In this study, it was determined that the DTC and FOC methods are superior and deficient compared to each other.
- Saadaoui, O., A. Khlaief, A. Chaari and M. Boussak. A new approach rotor speed estimation for PMSM based on sliding mode observer. in 2014 15th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (STA), 2014.
- L. Harnefors, S.E. Saarakkala, and M. Hinkkanen, Speed control of electrical drives using classical control methods. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 49 (2), 889-898, 2013. .1109/TIE.2019.2914647.
- D.-W. Seo, Y. Bak, and K.-B. Lee, An improved rotating restart method for a sensorless permanent magnet synchronous motor drive system using repetitive zero voltage vectors. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 67 (5), 3496-3504, 2019. https ://
- M. Abassi, A. Khlaief, O. Saadaoui, A. Chaari and M. Boussak. Performance analysis of FOC and DTC for PMSM drives using SVPWM technique. in 2015 16th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (STA). 2015.
- A. Kronberg, Design and simulation of field oriented control and direct torque control for a permanent magnet synchronous motor with positive saliency. Master Thesis, Uppsala University, 2012.
- G. Chandaka and G. Prasanth, Direct torque control and field oriented control of PMSM using SVPWM Technique. Int. J. Adv. Res. Sci. Eng, 3 (11), 2014.
- Z. Boulghasoul, A. Elbacha, E. Elwarraki and D. Yousfi. Combined vector control and direct torque control an experimental review and evaluation. in 2011 International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems. 2011.
- F. Blaschke A new method for the structural decoupling of AC induction machines. in Conf. Rec. IFAC. 1971.
- D. Casadei, et al., FOC and DTC: two viable schemes for induction motors torque control. IEEE transactions on Power Electronics, 17 (5), 779-787, 2002. https://
- S. Rezgui, A. Mehdi, S. Legrioui, H. Meddouce, A.M. Boulahia and H. Benalla. IRFOC vs DTC performance comparison analysis. in 2013 3rd International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems. 2013.
- S. Zaid, O. Mahgoub, and K. El-Metwally, Implementation of a new fast direct torque control algorithm for induction motor drives. IET Electric Power Applications, 4 (5), 305-313, 2010. https://do
- I. Takahashi and T. Noguchi, A new quick-response and high-efficiency control strategy of an induction motor. IEEE Transactions on Industry applications, (5), 820-827, 1986. 799.
- Z. Zhang, R. Tang, B. Bai and D. Xie, Novel direct torque control based on space vector modulation with adaptive stator flux observer for induction motors. IEEE transactions on Magnetics, 46 (8) 3133-3136, 2010.
- G.S. Buja and M.P. Kazmierkowski, Direct torque control of PWM inverter-fed AC motors-a survey. IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics, 51 (4), 744-757, 2004. 17.
- Y. S. Lai and J.-H. Chen, A new approach to direct torque control of induction motor drives for constant inverter switching frequency and torque ripple reduction. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 16 (3), 220-227, 2001. 200.
- K. -K. Shyu, J. -K. Lin, V. -T. Pham, M. -J. Yang and T. -W. Wang, Global minimum torque ripple design for direct torque control of induction motor drives. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 57 (9) 3148-3156, 2009. 2038401.
- Y. Li, Direct Torque Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine 2010, Universitat München.
- L. Yaohua, D. Gerling, and L. Weiguo. A novel switching table to suppress unreasonable torque ripple for the PMSM DTC drives. in 2008 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems. 2008.
- A. Khlaief, et al. Field-oriented control of interior permanent magnet synchronous motor with a space vector modulation. in Conference international STA'2008. 2008.
- B. ÇAVUŞ and M. Aktaş, Direct torque control of permanent magnet synchronous motor for electric vehicles. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, 9 (2), 58-65, 2020. htt ps://
- M. Aktaş and B. Çavuş, A computer‐aided educational tool for vector control of AC motors in graduate courses. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 28 (3), 705-723, 2020. 02/cae.22241.
- G. Shahgholian, M. H. Rezaei, A. Etesami and M. R. Yousefi. Simulation of speed sensor less control of PMSM based on DTC method with MRAS. Conference Proceedings IPEC. 2010.
- L. Yongdong and Z. Hao. Sensorless control of permanent magnet synchronous motor—a survey. in 2008 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference. 2008.
- V. Dutt and R. Dhiman, Comparative study of direct torque control of induction motor using intelligent techniques. Canadian Journal on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2 (11), 550-556, 2011.
- M. S. Basar, M. M. Bech, T. O. Andersen, P. Scavenius and T. T.-Basar. Comparison of sensorless FOC and SVM-DTFC of PMSM for low-speed applications. in 4th International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives. 2013.
- M.C. Paicu, I. Boldea, G.-D. Andreescu and F. Blaabjerg, Very low speed performance of active flux based sensorless control: interior permanent magnet synchronous motor vector control versus direct torque and flux control. IET electric power applications, 3 (6), 551-561, 2009. 90.
- D. Xiao, S. Nalakath, S. R. Filho, G. Fang, A. Dong, Y. Sun, J. Wiseman, and A. Emadi, Universal full-speed sensorless control scheme for interior permanent magnet synchronous motors. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 36 (4), 4723-4737, 2020. https://doi .org/10.1109/TPEL.2020.3023140.
- S. Ye, Fuzzy sliding mode observer with dual SOGI-FLL in sensorless control of PMSM drives. Isa Transactions, 85, 161-176, 2019. 6/j.isatra.2018.10.004.
- M. Ghanes and G. Zheng, On sensorless induction motor drives: Sliding-mode observer and output feedback controller. IEEE transactions on industrial electronics, 56 (9), 3404-3413, 2009. 0.1109/TIE.2009.2026387.
- Y. Yue, et al. Direct torque control method of PMSM based on fractional order PID controller. in 2017 6th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems (DDCLS). 2017.
- D. Y. Ohm, J.W. Brown, and V.B. Chava. Modeling and parameter characterization of permanent magnet synchronous motors. in Proceeding of the 24th Annual Symposium of Incremental Motion Control Systems and Devices, San Jose. 1995.
KKG kullanılan hız algılayıcısız SMSM için AYK ve DMK'nin karşılaştırılması
Year 2022,
, 898 - 903, 14.10.2022
Barış Çavuş
Mustafa Aktaş
Bu çalışmada hız sensörsüz sabit mıknatıslı senkron motorun (SMSM) doğrudan moment kontrolü (DMK) ve alan yönlendirmeli kontrol (AYK) benzetim çalışması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kontrol yöntemleri için gerekli olan hız sinyali kayan kipli gözlemci (KKG) ile elde edilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda SMSM’nin akım, hız (ölçülen ve tahmin edilen) ve moment sinyalleri elde edilmiştir. DMK ve AYK performansının değerlendirilebilmesi için elde edilen sinyallerin toplam harmonik bozunum (THB) ve ayrık dalgacık dönüşümü (ADD) analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ayrıca ölçülen ve tahmin edilen hız sinyalleri için hata karelerinin ortalamasının karekökü (HKOK) kriteri kullanılarak DMK ve AYK karşılaştırması yapılmıştır. Bu çalışma ile DMK ve AYK yöntemlerinin birbirlerine göre üstün ve eksik oldukları durumlar belirlenmiştir.
- Saadaoui, O., A. Khlaief, A. Chaari and M. Boussak. A new approach rotor speed estimation for PMSM based on sliding mode observer. in 2014 15th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (STA), 2014.
- L. Harnefors, S.E. Saarakkala, and M. Hinkkanen, Speed control of electrical drives using classical control methods. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 49 (2), 889-898, 2013. .1109/TIE.2019.2914647.
- D.-W. Seo, Y. Bak, and K.-B. Lee, An improved rotating restart method for a sensorless permanent magnet synchronous motor drive system using repetitive zero voltage vectors. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 67 (5), 3496-3504, 2019. https ://
- M. Abassi, A. Khlaief, O. Saadaoui, A. Chaari and M. Boussak. Performance analysis of FOC and DTC for PMSM drives using SVPWM technique. in 2015 16th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (STA). 2015.
- A. Kronberg, Design and simulation of field oriented control and direct torque control for a permanent magnet synchronous motor with positive saliency. Master Thesis, Uppsala University, 2012.
- G. Chandaka and G. Prasanth, Direct torque control and field oriented control of PMSM using SVPWM Technique. Int. J. Adv. Res. Sci. Eng, 3 (11), 2014.
- Z. Boulghasoul, A. Elbacha, E. Elwarraki and D. Yousfi. Combined vector control and direct torque control an experimental review and evaluation. in 2011 International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems. 2011.
- F. Blaschke A new method for the structural decoupling of AC induction machines. in Conf. Rec. IFAC. 1971.
- D. Casadei, et al., FOC and DTC: two viable schemes for induction motors torque control. IEEE transactions on Power Electronics, 17 (5), 779-787, 2002. https://
- S. Rezgui, A. Mehdi, S. Legrioui, H. Meddouce, A.M. Boulahia and H. Benalla. IRFOC vs DTC performance comparison analysis. in 2013 3rd International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems. 2013.
- S. Zaid, O. Mahgoub, and K. El-Metwally, Implementation of a new fast direct torque control algorithm for induction motor drives. IET Electric Power Applications, 4 (5), 305-313, 2010. https://do
- I. Takahashi and T. Noguchi, A new quick-response and high-efficiency control strategy of an induction motor. IEEE Transactions on Industry applications, (5), 820-827, 1986. 799.
- Z. Zhang, R. Tang, B. Bai and D. Xie, Novel direct torque control based on space vector modulation with adaptive stator flux observer for induction motors. IEEE transactions on Magnetics, 46 (8) 3133-3136, 2010.
- G.S. Buja and M.P. Kazmierkowski, Direct torque control of PWM inverter-fed AC motors-a survey. IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics, 51 (4), 744-757, 2004. 17.
- Y. S. Lai and J.-H. Chen, A new approach to direct torque control of induction motor drives for constant inverter switching frequency and torque ripple reduction. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 16 (3), 220-227, 2001. 200.
- K. -K. Shyu, J. -K. Lin, V. -T. Pham, M. -J. Yang and T. -W. Wang, Global minimum torque ripple design for direct torque control of induction motor drives. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 57 (9) 3148-3156, 2009. 2038401.
- Y. Li, Direct Torque Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine 2010, Universitat München.
- L. Yaohua, D. Gerling, and L. Weiguo. A novel switching table to suppress unreasonable torque ripple for the PMSM DTC drives. in 2008 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems. 2008.
- A. Khlaief, et al. Field-oriented control of interior permanent magnet synchronous motor with a space vector modulation. in Conference international STA'2008. 2008.
- B. ÇAVUŞ and M. Aktaş, Direct torque control of permanent magnet synchronous motor for electric vehicles. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, 9 (2), 58-65, 2020. htt ps://
- M. Aktaş and B. Çavuş, A computer‐aided educational tool for vector control of AC motors in graduate courses. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 28 (3), 705-723, 2020. 02/cae.22241.
- G. Shahgholian, M. H. Rezaei, A. Etesami and M. R. Yousefi. Simulation of speed sensor less control of PMSM based on DTC method with MRAS. Conference Proceedings IPEC. 2010.
- L. Yongdong and Z. Hao. Sensorless control of permanent magnet synchronous motor—a survey. in 2008 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference. 2008.
- V. Dutt and R. Dhiman, Comparative study of direct torque control of induction motor using intelligent techniques. Canadian Journal on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2 (11), 550-556, 2011.
- M. S. Basar, M. M. Bech, T. O. Andersen, P. Scavenius and T. T.-Basar. Comparison of sensorless FOC and SVM-DTFC of PMSM for low-speed applications. in 4th International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives. 2013.
- M.C. Paicu, I. Boldea, G.-D. Andreescu and F. Blaabjerg, Very low speed performance of active flux based sensorless control: interior permanent magnet synchronous motor vector control versus direct torque and flux control. IET electric power applications, 3 (6), 551-561, 2009. 90.
- D. Xiao, S. Nalakath, S. R. Filho, G. Fang, A. Dong, Y. Sun, J. Wiseman, and A. Emadi, Universal full-speed sensorless control scheme for interior permanent magnet synchronous motors. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 36 (4), 4723-4737, 2020. https://doi .org/10.1109/TPEL.2020.3023140.
- S. Ye, Fuzzy sliding mode observer with dual SOGI-FLL in sensorless control of PMSM drives. Isa Transactions, 85, 161-176, 2019. 6/j.isatra.2018.10.004.
- M. Ghanes and G. Zheng, On sensorless induction motor drives: Sliding-mode observer and output feedback controller. IEEE transactions on industrial electronics, 56 (9), 3404-3413, 2009. 0.1109/TIE.2009.2026387.
- Y. Yue, et al. Direct torque control method of PMSM based on fractional order PID controller. in 2017 6th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems (DDCLS). 2017.
- D. Y. Ohm, J.W. Brown, and V.B. Chava. Modeling and parameter characterization of permanent magnet synchronous motors. in Proceeding of the 24th Annual Symposium of Incremental Motion Control Systems and Devices, San Jose. 1995.