Year 2016,
, 83 - 88, 11.07.2016
Agah Oktay Özdemir
Mustafa Tutak
Bu çalışmada, pamuklu kumaş CI Reaktif Siyah 5 boyarmaddesi ile çektirme yöntemine göre farklı boyama şartlarında boyanmıştır. Boyama banyosu artık renkli çözeltileri UV-Vis ölçümlerine göre boyarmaddelerin maksimum çekim yüzdeleri belirlenmiştir. Boyalı kumaşlar yıkama işlemi öncesi ve sonrası olmak üzere spektrofotometrik renk ölçümleri yapılarak K/S renk verimi değerlerine göre relatif fiksaj yüzdesi hesaplanmıştır. En son olarak yıkama ve sürtme haslıkları belirlenerek seçilen boyama sonuçları içinde, çekim, fiksaj ve haslık sonuçları karşılaştırılmıştır.
- BROADBENT A.D., Basic Principles of Textile Coloration, Society of Dyers and Colourists, West Yorkshire, England, 2001.
- SHORE J., Cellulosics Dyeing, Society of Dyers and Colourists, West Yorkshire, England, 1995.
- FERUS-COMELO, M., “An Analysis of the Substantivity of Hydrolysed Reactive Dyes and Its Implication For Rinsing Processes”, Coloration Technology, 129, 24-31, 2013.
- ERSOZ, G., NAPOLEONI, A., ATALAY, S., “Comparative Study Using Chemical Wet Oxidation for Removal of Reactive Black 5 in the Presence of Activated Carbon”, Journal of Environmental Engineering, 139, 1462-1469, 2013.
- BANSAL, S., KUSHWAHA, J.P., SANGAL, V.K., “Electrochemical Treatment of Reactive Black 5 Textile Wastewater: Optimization, Kinetics, and Disposal Study”, Water Environment Research, 85, 2294-2306, 2013.
- GUO, X.Y.,CAI, Y.P., WEI, Z.B., “Treatment of Diazodye C.I. Reactive Black 5 in Aqueous Solution by Combined Process of Interior Microelectrolysis and Ozonation”, Water Science and Technology, 67, 1880-1885, 2013.
- BHATTI, I.A., ADEEL, S., NADEEM, R., ASGHAR, T., “Improvement of Colour Strength and Colour Fastness Properties of Gamma Irradiated Cotton Using Reactive Black-5”, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 81, 264-266, 2012.
- KHATRI, Z., MEMON, M.H., KHATRI, A., TANWARI, A., “Cold Pad-Batch Dyeing Method for Cotton Fabric Dyeing with Reactive Dyes Using Ultrasonic Energy”, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 18, 1301-1307, 2011.
- SUWANRUJI, P.,FREEMAN, H.S., “Design, Synthesis and Application of Easy Wash-Off Reactive Dyes”, Coloration Technology, 122, 27-36, 2006.
- 0] BLACKBURN, R.S., BURKINSHAW, S.M., “A Greener Approach to Cotton Dyeing Swith Excellent Wash Fastness”, Green Chemistry, 4, 47-52, 2002.
- 1] BURKINSHAW, S.M., KATSARELIAS, D., “The Wash-Off of Reactive Dyes on Cellulosic Fibres. 4. The Use of Different Alkalis with Monochlorotriazinyl Dyes on Cotton”, Dyes and Pigments, 35, 249-259, 1997.
- 2] THIAGARAJAN, P., NALANKILLI, G., “Improving Light Fastness of Reactive Dyed Cotton Fabric with Antioxidant and UV Absorbers”, Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research, 38, 161-164, 2013.
- 3] FANG, L., ZHANG, X.D., SUN, D.S., “Chemical Modification of Cotton Fabrics for Improving Utilization of Reactive Dyes”, Carbohydrate Polymers, 91, 363-369, 2013.
- 4] ZHENG, C.L., YUAN, A.L., WANG, H.B., SUN, J., “Dyeing Properties of Novel Electrolyte-Free Reactive Dyes on Cotton Fibre”, Coloration Technology, 128, 204-207, 2012.
- 5] TUTAK, M., ÖZDEMIR, A.O., “Reactive Dyeing of Cationized Cotton: Effects on the Dyeing Yield and the Fastness Properties”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 119, 500-504, 2011.
- 6] AHMED, N., OULTON, D.P., TAYLOR, J.A., “The Use of Reflectance Measurements in the Determination of Fixation of Reactive Dyes to Cotton”, Color Research and Application, 31, 117-121, 2006.
- 7] TÜRK STANDARTLARI ENSTİTÜSÜ, Tekstil-Renk Haslığı Deneyleri-Bölüm C06: Evsel ve Ticari Yıkamaya Karşı Renk Haslığı, TS EN ISO 105-C06, .2012.
- 8] TÜRK STANDARTLARI ENSTİTÜSÜ, Tekstil-Renk Haslığı Deneyleri-Bölüm X12: Sürtünmeye Karşı Renk Haslığı Tayini, TS EN ISO 105-X12, .2006.
- 9] ÖZDEMİR A., Selülozik Tekstil Materyallerinde Renklendirme Veriminin Artırılması İçin Katyonikleştirme Şartlarının Araştırılması, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Erciyes Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kayseri, 2009.
Year 2016,
, 83 - 88, 11.07.2016
Agah Oktay Özdemir
Mustafa Tutak
In this study, cotton fabrics were dyed with CI Reactive Black 5 dye on different dyeing conditions with exhaustion technique. Maximum exhaustion percent of dyeing was determined by UV-Vis measurement of colored waste dye bath solutions. Dyed fabrics color were measured by spectrophotometrically before and after washing relative fixation percent calculated by using K/S color strength values. Finally, Exhaustion, fixation and fastness results are compared in the selected dyeing results by determining the washing and rubbing fastness.
- BROADBENT A.D., Basic Principles of Textile Coloration, Society of Dyers and Colourists, West Yorkshire, England, 2001.
- SHORE J., Cellulosics Dyeing, Society of Dyers and Colourists, West Yorkshire, England, 1995.
- FERUS-COMELO, M., “An Analysis of the Substantivity of Hydrolysed Reactive Dyes and Its Implication For Rinsing Processes”, Coloration Technology, 129, 24-31, 2013.
- ERSOZ, G., NAPOLEONI, A., ATALAY, S., “Comparative Study Using Chemical Wet Oxidation for Removal of Reactive Black 5 in the Presence of Activated Carbon”, Journal of Environmental Engineering, 139, 1462-1469, 2013.
- BANSAL, S., KUSHWAHA, J.P., SANGAL, V.K., “Electrochemical Treatment of Reactive Black 5 Textile Wastewater: Optimization, Kinetics, and Disposal Study”, Water Environment Research, 85, 2294-2306, 2013.
- GUO, X.Y.,CAI, Y.P., WEI, Z.B., “Treatment of Diazodye C.I. Reactive Black 5 in Aqueous Solution by Combined Process of Interior Microelectrolysis and Ozonation”, Water Science and Technology, 67, 1880-1885, 2013.
- BHATTI, I.A., ADEEL, S., NADEEM, R., ASGHAR, T., “Improvement of Colour Strength and Colour Fastness Properties of Gamma Irradiated Cotton Using Reactive Black-5”, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 81, 264-266, 2012.
- KHATRI, Z., MEMON, M.H., KHATRI, A., TANWARI, A., “Cold Pad-Batch Dyeing Method for Cotton Fabric Dyeing with Reactive Dyes Using Ultrasonic Energy”, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 18, 1301-1307, 2011.
- SUWANRUJI, P.,FREEMAN, H.S., “Design, Synthesis and Application of Easy Wash-Off Reactive Dyes”, Coloration Technology, 122, 27-36, 2006.
- 0] BLACKBURN, R.S., BURKINSHAW, S.M., “A Greener Approach to Cotton Dyeing Swith Excellent Wash Fastness”, Green Chemistry, 4, 47-52, 2002.
- 1] BURKINSHAW, S.M., KATSARELIAS, D., “The Wash-Off of Reactive Dyes on Cellulosic Fibres. 4. The Use of Different Alkalis with Monochlorotriazinyl Dyes on Cotton”, Dyes and Pigments, 35, 249-259, 1997.
- 2] THIAGARAJAN, P., NALANKILLI, G., “Improving Light Fastness of Reactive Dyed Cotton Fabric with Antioxidant and UV Absorbers”, Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research, 38, 161-164, 2013.
- 3] FANG, L., ZHANG, X.D., SUN, D.S., “Chemical Modification of Cotton Fabrics for Improving Utilization of Reactive Dyes”, Carbohydrate Polymers, 91, 363-369, 2013.
- 4] ZHENG, C.L., YUAN, A.L., WANG, H.B., SUN, J., “Dyeing Properties of Novel Electrolyte-Free Reactive Dyes on Cotton Fibre”, Coloration Technology, 128, 204-207, 2012.
- 5] TUTAK, M., ÖZDEMIR, A.O., “Reactive Dyeing of Cationized Cotton: Effects on the Dyeing Yield and the Fastness Properties”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 119, 500-504, 2011.
- 6] AHMED, N., OULTON, D.P., TAYLOR, J.A., “The Use of Reflectance Measurements in the Determination of Fixation of Reactive Dyes to Cotton”, Color Research and Application, 31, 117-121, 2006.
- 7] TÜRK STANDARTLARI ENSTİTÜSÜ, Tekstil-Renk Haslığı Deneyleri-Bölüm C06: Evsel ve Ticari Yıkamaya Karşı Renk Haslığı, TS EN ISO 105-C06, .2012.
- 8] TÜRK STANDARTLARI ENSTİTÜSÜ, Tekstil-Renk Haslığı Deneyleri-Bölüm X12: Sürtünmeye Karşı Renk Haslığı Tayini, TS EN ISO 105-X12, .2006.
- 9] ÖZDEMİR A., Selülozik Tekstil Materyallerinde Renklendirme Veriminin Artırılması İçin Katyonikleştirme Şartlarının Araştırılması, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Erciyes Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kayseri, 2009.