Year 2019,
, 1005 - 1017, 31.07.2019
Onur Tokdemir
Ali Candaş
The aim of this article is to
determine the main dispute subjects between the parties of subcontract
agreements in the Turkish construction industry. With the help of determination
of main dispute subjects, any disagreements occurring in the construction
industry which may also be discussed at the judicial level can be resolved even
at the contract negotiation stage. The authors hypothesized that the dispute
subjects which are common for any type of a project in any sector namely time,
cost and ambiguities in the contract are also applicable and can be categorized
to some extent in the construction industry. The hypothesis has been confirmed
with realization via expert opinions via utilizing the delphi method.
Additionally, some other dispute subjects concerning the construction industry
have been determined in this article.
- [1] ALKASS, S. MAZEROLLE, M., HARRIS, F., “Construction delay analysis techniques”, Construction Management and Economics, 14, 375-394, 1996
- [2] ARDITI, D., CHOTIBHONGS, R., “Issues in subcontracting practice”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, August, 2005
- [3] BALCI, D., İnşaat Sektörü Çalışanlarının Çatışma Giderim Yaklaşımları Üzerine Bir Araştırma, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Türkiye, 2010
- [4] BALOGUN, O.A., ANSARY, N., “Sources of Conflicts in Construction Projects: A perspective of South Africa construction Industry”, Proc. ff the Sixth International Conference on Advances in çivil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors, ACSEE 2017
- [5] BRISTOW, D., VASILPOULOS, R., “The new CCDC 2: facilitating dispute resolution of construction projects”, Construction Law Journal, 11(4), 95-117, 1995
- [6] CHEUNG, S.O., PANG, H.Y., Construction Dispute Research, S.O. CHEUNG (Ed.), Chapter 2 Conceptualising Construction Disputes (pp. 19-37), Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2014
- [7] COLIN, J., LANGFORD, D., KENNEDY, P., “The relationship between construction procurement strategies and construction disputes”, CIB W-92 Procurement Smposium, Durban, South Africa, 1996
- [8] ÇAKMAK, P.I., “Causes of disputes in the Turkish construction industry: Case of public sector projects”, Istanbul Technical University, AZ Vol 13 No 3, 109 – 118, 2016
- [9] DIEKMANN, J., GIRARD, M., ABDUL-HADI, N., “Disputes potential index: a study into the predictability of contract disputes”, Construction Industry Institute, Source Document 101, 1994
- [10] GARDINER, P., SIMMONS, J.E.L., “Case Explorations in Construction Conflict Management”, Construction Management and Economics, 219-234, 1995
- [11] GÖÇMEN, S., Türkiye İnşaat Projelerinde Yüklenici ve Mal Sahibi arasında meydana gelen çatışmaların nedenleri ve çatışma yönetimi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Türkiye, 2005
- [12] HEATH, B., HILLS, B., BERRY, M., “The origin of conflict within the construction process”, The proceedings of the first plenary meeting of TG15, Publication 171, CIB, The Netherlands, 1994
- [13] HEWIT, J., “Winning Construction Disputes”, Strategic Planning for Major Litigation, Ernst and Young, London, 1991
- [14] KALE, S., ARDITI, D., “General contractors’ relatinships with subcontractors: A strategic asset”, Construction Management and Economics, 19:5, 541-549, 2001
- [15] KARABACAK, E., “Türk İş Hukukunda Alt İşveren uygulaması ve toplu iş hukukunda ortaya çıkardığı sorunlar”, Türk Metal Sendikası Araştırma ve Eğitim Merkezi Yayınları, 22, 2018
- [16] KORKMAZ, A., “Alt Yüklenici Sözleşmelerine Bir Bakış”, 6. İnşaat Yönetimi Kongresi, 25-27 Kasım 2011, Bursa, pp. 98 – 109, 2011
- [17] KUMARASWAMY, M.H., “Conflicts, claims and disputes in construction engineering”, Construction and Architectural Management, 4(2), 66-74, 1997
- [18] LOOSEMORE, M., “Crisis Management in Construction Projects”, ASCE, 2000
- [19] MITKUS, S., MITKUS, T., “Causes of conflicts in a construction industry: communicational approach”, Contemporary Issues in Business, Management and Education, 2013
- [20] MITROPOULOS, P., HOWELL, G., “Model for understanding, preventing and resolving Project disputes”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 127(3), 223-231, 2001
- [21] PAWAR, O.A., PATIL, R.S., “Conflicts and Disputes in Construction Projects”, International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology, vol. 3, issue 3, 48–53, 2014
- [22] PENA-MORA, F., TAMAKI, T., “Effect of Delivery Systems on Colloborative Negotiations for Large-Scale Infrastructure Projects”, Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE, 17(2), 105-121, 2001
- [23] PETURSSON, B.K., Disputes and Conflicts within Construction Contracts in the Icelandic Construction Industry, Reykjavik University Thesis in Master of Science in Construction Management, Iceland, 2015
- [24] PMI (Project Management Institute), A guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK), 2019
- [25] RHYS JONES, S., “How construction is construction law?”, Construction Law Journal, 10(1) 28-38, 1994
- [26] SEMPLE, C., HARTMAN, F.T., JERGEAS, G., “Construction Claims and Disputes, Causes and Cost/time Overruns”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 120(4) 785-795, 1994
- [27] SYKES, J., “Claims and disputes in construction”, Construction Law Journal, 12(1), 3-13, 1996
- [28] ŞAHİN, E.A., “Eğitim araştırmalarında Delphi tekniği ve kullanımı”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 20, 215–220, 2001
- [29] TÜRK, D., İnşaat Sözleşmelerinde Uyuşmazlıklar ve Uyuşmazlıkların Çözüm Yolları, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Türkiye, 2005
- [30] YOUNIS, G., WOOD, G., MALAK, M.A.A., “Minimizin construction disputes: the relationship between risk allocation and behavioural attitudes”, International Conference on Building Education and Research, 728–740, Salford, United Kingdom, 2019
Year 2019,
, 1005 - 1017, 31.07.2019
Onur Tokdemir
Ali Candaş
Bu makalede Türkiye inşaat
sektöründe gerçekleştirilen işveren ve yüklenici arasında imzalanan alt
yüklenici sözleşmelerinde taraf olarak yer alan firmalar arasında ihtilafa
sebep olan ana konuların belirlenmesi hedeflenmiştir. İhtilafa neden olan ana
konuların belirlenmesi ile inşaat projelerinde yaşanan ve yargı yoluna intikal
edebilecek birçok uyuşmazlık konusu henüz sözleşme imzalanması evresinde çözüme
kavuşturulabilecektir. Yazarlar bu makalede herhangi bir sektörde
gerçekleştirilen projelerdeki yaşanmış olan ihtilaf hususları arasında sayılan zaman,
maliyet ve sözleşmedeki belirsizliklerin inşaat sektörü için de geçerli olacağı
ve bunların alt gruplar halinde sınıflandırılabileceği yönünde hipotezde
bulunmuştur. Bu hipotez delfi araştırma yöntemi kullanılarak ve uzman
görüşlerine başvurularak yapılan bu makale çalışmasında kanıtlanmıştır.
Belirtilen hususlara ilave olarak inşaat sektörüne ait olabileceği
değerlendirilen başka ihtilaf konuları da bu çalışmalar ile belirlenmiştir.
- [1] ALKASS, S. MAZEROLLE, M., HARRIS, F., “Construction delay analysis techniques”, Construction Management and Economics, 14, 375-394, 1996
- [2] ARDITI, D., CHOTIBHONGS, R., “Issues in subcontracting practice”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, August, 2005
- [3] BALCI, D., İnşaat Sektörü Çalışanlarının Çatışma Giderim Yaklaşımları Üzerine Bir Araştırma, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Türkiye, 2010
- [4] BALOGUN, O.A., ANSARY, N., “Sources of Conflicts in Construction Projects: A perspective of South Africa construction Industry”, Proc. ff the Sixth International Conference on Advances in çivil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors, ACSEE 2017
- [5] BRISTOW, D., VASILPOULOS, R., “The new CCDC 2: facilitating dispute resolution of construction projects”, Construction Law Journal, 11(4), 95-117, 1995
- [6] CHEUNG, S.O., PANG, H.Y., Construction Dispute Research, S.O. CHEUNG (Ed.), Chapter 2 Conceptualising Construction Disputes (pp. 19-37), Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2014
- [7] COLIN, J., LANGFORD, D., KENNEDY, P., “The relationship between construction procurement strategies and construction disputes”, CIB W-92 Procurement Smposium, Durban, South Africa, 1996
- [8] ÇAKMAK, P.I., “Causes of disputes in the Turkish construction industry: Case of public sector projects”, Istanbul Technical University, AZ Vol 13 No 3, 109 – 118, 2016
- [9] DIEKMANN, J., GIRARD, M., ABDUL-HADI, N., “Disputes potential index: a study into the predictability of contract disputes”, Construction Industry Institute, Source Document 101, 1994
- [10] GARDINER, P., SIMMONS, J.E.L., “Case Explorations in Construction Conflict Management”, Construction Management and Economics, 219-234, 1995
- [11] GÖÇMEN, S., Türkiye İnşaat Projelerinde Yüklenici ve Mal Sahibi arasında meydana gelen çatışmaların nedenleri ve çatışma yönetimi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Türkiye, 2005
- [12] HEATH, B., HILLS, B., BERRY, M., “The origin of conflict within the construction process”, The proceedings of the first plenary meeting of TG15, Publication 171, CIB, The Netherlands, 1994
- [13] HEWIT, J., “Winning Construction Disputes”, Strategic Planning for Major Litigation, Ernst and Young, London, 1991
- [14] KALE, S., ARDITI, D., “General contractors’ relatinships with subcontractors: A strategic asset”, Construction Management and Economics, 19:5, 541-549, 2001
- [15] KARABACAK, E., “Türk İş Hukukunda Alt İşveren uygulaması ve toplu iş hukukunda ortaya çıkardığı sorunlar”, Türk Metal Sendikası Araştırma ve Eğitim Merkezi Yayınları, 22, 2018
- [16] KORKMAZ, A., “Alt Yüklenici Sözleşmelerine Bir Bakış”, 6. İnşaat Yönetimi Kongresi, 25-27 Kasım 2011, Bursa, pp. 98 – 109, 2011
- [17] KUMARASWAMY, M.H., “Conflicts, claims and disputes in construction engineering”, Construction and Architectural Management, 4(2), 66-74, 1997
- [18] LOOSEMORE, M., “Crisis Management in Construction Projects”, ASCE, 2000
- [19] MITKUS, S., MITKUS, T., “Causes of conflicts in a construction industry: communicational approach”, Contemporary Issues in Business, Management and Education, 2013
- [20] MITROPOULOS, P., HOWELL, G., “Model for understanding, preventing and resolving Project disputes”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 127(3), 223-231, 2001
- [21] PAWAR, O.A., PATIL, R.S., “Conflicts and Disputes in Construction Projects”, International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology, vol. 3, issue 3, 48–53, 2014
- [22] PENA-MORA, F., TAMAKI, T., “Effect of Delivery Systems on Colloborative Negotiations for Large-Scale Infrastructure Projects”, Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE, 17(2), 105-121, 2001
- [23] PETURSSON, B.K., Disputes and Conflicts within Construction Contracts in the Icelandic Construction Industry, Reykjavik University Thesis in Master of Science in Construction Management, Iceland, 2015
- [24] PMI (Project Management Institute), A guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK), 2019
- [25] RHYS JONES, S., “How construction is construction law?”, Construction Law Journal, 10(1) 28-38, 1994
- [26] SEMPLE, C., HARTMAN, F.T., JERGEAS, G., “Construction Claims and Disputes, Causes and Cost/time Overruns”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 120(4) 785-795, 1994
- [27] SYKES, J., “Claims and disputes in construction”, Construction Law Journal, 12(1), 3-13, 1996
- [28] ŞAHİN, E.A., “Eğitim araştırmalarında Delphi tekniği ve kullanımı”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 20, 215–220, 2001
- [29] TÜRK, D., İnşaat Sözleşmelerinde Uyuşmazlıklar ve Uyuşmazlıkların Çözüm Yolları, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Türkiye, 2005
- [30] YOUNIS, G., WOOD, G., MALAK, M.A.A., “Minimizin construction disputes: the relationship between risk allocation and behavioural attitudes”, International Conference on Building Education and Research, 728–740, Salford, United Kingdom, 2019