Research Article
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Year 2019, , 1041 - 1053, 31.07.2019


   Drillability is defined as penetration
rate of a drill bit in a rock or formation. An economical completion of
drilling operations in a short time in all stages of mining, in engineering
works such as dam, road construction, tunnels and sewage, blasting holes are
very important in terms of operating costs. Economical and rapid drilling,
mineralogy of the rock, mechanical properties and type of drilling used are
directly related. The rock properties are used as a criterion of drillability
as they are applicable as standard throughout the world. This paper presents
the results of an experimental study carried out to estimate the rate of penetration
in CaCO3 based rocks by various rock and aggregate tests.
The aim of the study is to develop rate of penetration
models with the regression analyses by the combination of rock parameters
affecting drillability and the data obtained from laboratory core drilling
simple and multiple regression studies, equations a high correlation
coefficient are obtained in predicting the drilling rate. 


  • [1] YARALI, O., “Tünel açma makinalarının performans analizinde kullanılan delme oranı indeksinin (DRI) tahmini”, 2. Ulaşımda Yeraltı Kazıları Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, İstanbul, 169-181, 2007.
  • [2] ADEBAYO, B., OPAFUNSO, Z. O., AKANDE, J. M., “Drillability and strength characteristics of selected rock in Nigeria”, AU J. T., 14(1): 56-60, 2010.
  • [3] KRAMADIBRATA, S., MADE, A. R., JUANDA, J., SIMANGUNSONG, G. M., PRIAGUNG, N., “The use of dimensional analysis to anlyse the relationship between penetration rate of Jack Hammer and rock properties and operational characteristics”, Proc. Indonesian Mining Conf. and Exh., Jakarta, Indonesia, 2001.
  • [4] YARALI, O., KAHRAMAN, S., “The drillability assessment of rocks using the different brittleness values”. Tunn. Undergr.Space Techol. 26: 406-414, 2011.
  • [5] SU, O., “Performance evaluation of button bits in coal measure rocks by using multiple regression analysis”, Rock Mech. Rock Eng., 49 (2): 541-553, 2016.
  • [6] KHANDELWAL, M., ARMAGHANI, D. J., “Predicition of drillability of rocks with strength propertiess using a Hybrid GA-AAN technique”. Geotech. Geo. Eng. 34 (5): 605- 620, 2016.
  • [7] ÖZDEMİR, A., “Kayaların delinebilirliğini etkileyen jeolojik özellikler” Sondaj Dünyası Dergisi. 5.
  • [8] TAMROCK, (ed. M. Heiniö), “Rock excavation handbook”, Sandvik Tamrock Corp., 305, 1999.
  • [9] POOL, R. W., ve FARMER, I. W., “Geotechnical factors affecting tunneling machine performance in coal measure rock”, Tunnells and Tunneling, 27-30, 1978.
  • [10] BİLGİN, N., ve SHAHRIAR, K., “Kayaçların ve kömür damarlarının bazı mekanik özelliklerinin belirlenmesinde kullanılan dolaylı yöntemlerin değerlendirilmesi”, 1. Ulusal Kaya Mekaniği Sempozyumu, TUKMD; Ankara, 86-97, 1986.
  • [11] SINGH, T. N., JAIN, A., SARKAR, K., “Petrophysical parameters afecting the microbit drillability of rocks”, Int. Journal Rock Mechanization Mining Seciences, 1: 261-277, 2009.
  • [12] McFEAT-SMITH. I., FOWELL, R. J., “Correlation of rock properties and the cutting performance of tunneling machines”, In Proc. of a Conf. on Rock Eng., 581-602, 1977.
  • [13] HOWARTH, D. F., ADAMSON, W. R., BERNDT, J. R., “Correlation of model tunnel boring and drilling machine performances with rock proporties”, Int J Rock Mech Min. Sci, 23: 57-85, 1986.
  • [14] HOWARTH, D. F., ROWLAND, J. C., “Quantitative assessment of rock texture and correlation with drillability and strength properties”, Rock Mech. Rock Eng., 20: 57–85, 1987.
  • [15] KARPUZ, C., PAŞAMEHMETOĞLU, A. C., DİNÇER, T., MÜFTÜOĞLU, Y., “Drillability studies on the rotary blast hole drilling on lignite overburden series”, Int. J. Surfine Min. Reel., 4: 89-93, 1990.
  • [16] THURO, K., SPAUN, G., “Introducing the ‘detruction work’ as a to new rock property of toughness refering to drillability in conventional drill and blast tunneling”. ed. M. Barla, Eurock’96 Pre. and Per. in Rock Mech. Rock Eng., 2: 707-713, 1996.
  • [17] THURO, K., “Prediction of drillability in hardrock tunneling by drilling and blasting”, In: Golse J. et. al, Hinkel and Schubert (edt.), Tunnels for people, 103-108, 1997.
  • [18] KAHRAMAN, S., “Rotary and percussive drilling prediction using regression analysis”, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 36: 981-989, 1999.
  • [19] KAHRAMAN, S., BİLGİN, N., FERİDUNOĞLU, C., “Dominant rock proporties affecting penetration rate of percussive drills”, Int. J Rock Mech. Min. Sci., 711-723, 2003.
  • [20] TANAINO, A. S., “Rock classification by drillability. Part I: analysis of the avaible classification”, J. Min. Sci., 41 (6): 541-549, 2005.
  • [21] AKÜN, M. E., KARPUZ, C., “Drillability studies of surface set diamond drilling in Zonguldak region sandstones from Turkey”, Technical Note, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., 42: 473-479, 2005.
  • [22] SELMER-OLSEN, R., BLINDHEIM, O. T., “On the drillability of rock by percussive drilling”, In: Pro. of the Sec. Cong. Int. Soc. On Rock Mech., 65-70, 1970.
  • [23] WIJK, G., “The stamp test for rock drillability classification”. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. Geomech, 26: 37-44, 1989.
  • [24] NILSEN. B., ÖZDEMIR, L., “Hard rock tunnel boring prediction and field performance”, RETC Conf. Proc., Boston, MA, Chapter 52: 832-852, 1993.
  • [25] HOSEINIE, S. H., AGHABABAEI, H., POURRAHIMIAN, Y., “Development of a new classification system for assesing of rock mass drillability index” (RDi). Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., 45: 1-10, 2008.
  • [26] HOSEINIE, S. H., ATAEI, M., OSANLOO, M., “A new classification system evalating rock penetrability”, Int. J. Rock Mech. Rock Eng., 46: 1329-1340, 2009.
  • [27] YARALI, O., SOYER, E., “Assessment of relationships between drilling rate ındex and mechanical properties of rocks”, Tunn. Undergr. Space Techol., 33: 46-53, 2013.
  • [28] ANDREWS, R., HARELVE, G., NYGAARD, R., “Methods of using logs to quantify drillability”, Paper No. SPE 106571, SPE, Denver, CO, April 16-18, 2007.
  • [29] ZHANG, X., ZHAI, Y. H., XUE, C. J., JIANG, T. X., “A study of the distribution of formation drillability”, Pet. Sci Technol., 29: 149-159, 2012.
  • [30] ZHANG, K., HOU, R., ZHANG, G., ZHANG, G., ve ZHANG, H., “Rock drillability assessment and lithology classification based on the operating parameters of a drifter: case study in coal mine in China”, Rock Mech. Rock Eng., 49 (3): 329-334, 2016.
  • [31] ONAN, M., MÜFTÜOĞLU, Y.V., “Gelik - 44 sondajında sondaj parametreleri ve ilerleme hızı ilişkilerinin etüdü”, Türkiye XIII. Madencilik Kongresi, 221-234, 1993.
  • [32] PAONA, J., BRUCE W. E., “Drillability studies diamond drilling”, RI-USBM 6324, 1963.
  • [33] PRAILLET, D., “Drilling a manufacturer’s viewpoint”, Mining Technology Int., 73-82, 1990.
  • [34] PRAILLET, R., “Blasthole drilling, rotary drilling and the four kingdoms”, World Mining Equipments, 20-23, 1998.
  • [35] KORONKA, F., TACAKS, F., ANDRAS, I., “The influence of rock properties on the wear of mining tools for rotating drilling”, Revisto Minerol, 9: 20-24, 2009.
  • [36] OPAFUNSO, Z. O., ADEBAYO, B., “Blast-hole cuttings: an indicator of drill bit wear in quarries”, European Journal of Scientific Research, 20: 721-736, 2008.
  • [37] ISRM, Rock characterization, testing and monitoring – Commission on standardization laboratory and field results. Suggested methods for determining hardness and abrasiveness of rocks. Part 4: 102-103, Pergamon, Oxford, 1981.
  • [38] TS 699, “Doğal yapı taşları- İnceleme ve laboratuvar deney yöntemleri”, Ankara, Mart 2009.
  • [39] RABIA, H., BROOK, N., “The Shore hardness of rock”, Technical Note, Int J Rock Mech Min Sci Geomech Abst 16: 335-336, 1978.
  • [40] ALTINDAĞ, R., GUNEY, A., “Suggested method for determining the shore hardness value for rock”, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. Geomech. 43: 19-22, 2006.
  • [41] EVANS, I., POMEROY, C.D., “The strength, fracture and workability of coal”, Pergamon Press, London, 1966.


Year 2019, , 1041 - 1053, 31.07.2019


matkap ucunun formasyon veya kaya içerisindeki ilerleme hızı olarak tarif
edilir. Madenciliğin tüm aşamalarında, baraj, yol yapımı, tünel ve kanalizasyon
gibi mühendislik çalışmalarında patlatma deliklerinin olabildiğince ekonomik ve
kısa zamanda delinebilmesi işletme maliyeti açısından oldukça önemlidir.
Ekonomik ve hızlı sondaj, kayacın mineralojisi, mekanik özellikleri ve
kullanılan matkap tipi ile doğrudan ilişkilidir. Kayaç özellikleri, dünyanın
her yerinde standart olarak uygulanabilir olduklarından delinebilirlik ölçütü
olarak kullanılmaktadır.
Bu makale, CaCO3
esaslı kayaçlarda sondaj ilerleme hızının çeşitli kaya ve agrega testleri ile
tahmin edilmesi için gerçekleştirilmiş deneysel bir çalışmanın sonuçlarını
Çalışmanın amacı,
delinebilirliğe etki eden kayaç parametreleri ile laboratuvar karotlu sondaj
çalışmalarından elde edilen veriler arasında regresyon analizi ile delme hızı
tahmin modellerinin geliştirilmesidir.
basit ve çoklu regresyon modelleri ile sondaj ilerleme hızının tahmininde
yüksek korelasyon değerlerine sahip eşitlikler elde edilmiştir.


  • [1] YARALI, O., “Tünel açma makinalarının performans analizinde kullanılan delme oranı indeksinin (DRI) tahmini”, 2. Ulaşımda Yeraltı Kazıları Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, İstanbul, 169-181, 2007.
  • [2] ADEBAYO, B., OPAFUNSO, Z. O., AKANDE, J. M., “Drillability and strength characteristics of selected rock in Nigeria”, AU J. T., 14(1): 56-60, 2010.
  • [3] KRAMADIBRATA, S., MADE, A. R., JUANDA, J., SIMANGUNSONG, G. M., PRIAGUNG, N., “The use of dimensional analysis to anlyse the relationship between penetration rate of Jack Hammer and rock properties and operational characteristics”, Proc. Indonesian Mining Conf. and Exh., Jakarta, Indonesia, 2001.
  • [4] YARALI, O., KAHRAMAN, S., “The drillability assessment of rocks using the different brittleness values”. Tunn. Undergr.Space Techol. 26: 406-414, 2011.
  • [5] SU, O., “Performance evaluation of button bits in coal measure rocks by using multiple regression analysis”, Rock Mech. Rock Eng., 49 (2): 541-553, 2016.
  • [6] KHANDELWAL, M., ARMAGHANI, D. J., “Predicition of drillability of rocks with strength propertiess using a Hybrid GA-AAN technique”. Geotech. Geo. Eng. 34 (5): 605- 620, 2016.
  • [7] ÖZDEMİR, A., “Kayaların delinebilirliğini etkileyen jeolojik özellikler” Sondaj Dünyası Dergisi. 5.
  • [8] TAMROCK, (ed. M. Heiniö), “Rock excavation handbook”, Sandvik Tamrock Corp., 305, 1999.
  • [9] POOL, R. W., ve FARMER, I. W., “Geotechnical factors affecting tunneling machine performance in coal measure rock”, Tunnells and Tunneling, 27-30, 1978.
  • [10] BİLGİN, N., ve SHAHRIAR, K., “Kayaçların ve kömür damarlarının bazı mekanik özelliklerinin belirlenmesinde kullanılan dolaylı yöntemlerin değerlendirilmesi”, 1. Ulusal Kaya Mekaniği Sempozyumu, TUKMD; Ankara, 86-97, 1986.
  • [11] SINGH, T. N., JAIN, A., SARKAR, K., “Petrophysical parameters afecting the microbit drillability of rocks”, Int. Journal Rock Mechanization Mining Seciences, 1: 261-277, 2009.
  • [12] McFEAT-SMITH. I., FOWELL, R. J., “Correlation of rock properties and the cutting performance of tunneling machines”, In Proc. of a Conf. on Rock Eng., 581-602, 1977.
  • [13] HOWARTH, D. F., ADAMSON, W. R., BERNDT, J. R., “Correlation of model tunnel boring and drilling machine performances with rock proporties”, Int J Rock Mech Min. Sci, 23: 57-85, 1986.
  • [14] HOWARTH, D. F., ROWLAND, J. C., “Quantitative assessment of rock texture and correlation with drillability and strength properties”, Rock Mech. Rock Eng., 20: 57–85, 1987.
  • [15] KARPUZ, C., PAŞAMEHMETOĞLU, A. C., DİNÇER, T., MÜFTÜOĞLU, Y., “Drillability studies on the rotary blast hole drilling on lignite overburden series”, Int. J. Surfine Min. Reel., 4: 89-93, 1990.
  • [16] THURO, K., SPAUN, G., “Introducing the ‘detruction work’ as a to new rock property of toughness refering to drillability in conventional drill and blast tunneling”. ed. M. Barla, Eurock’96 Pre. and Per. in Rock Mech. Rock Eng., 2: 707-713, 1996.
  • [17] THURO, K., “Prediction of drillability in hardrock tunneling by drilling and blasting”, In: Golse J. et. al, Hinkel and Schubert (edt.), Tunnels for people, 103-108, 1997.
  • [18] KAHRAMAN, S., “Rotary and percussive drilling prediction using regression analysis”, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 36: 981-989, 1999.
  • [19] KAHRAMAN, S., BİLGİN, N., FERİDUNOĞLU, C., “Dominant rock proporties affecting penetration rate of percussive drills”, Int. J Rock Mech. Min. Sci., 711-723, 2003.
  • [20] TANAINO, A. S., “Rock classification by drillability. Part I: analysis of the avaible classification”, J. Min. Sci., 41 (6): 541-549, 2005.
  • [21] AKÜN, M. E., KARPUZ, C., “Drillability studies of surface set diamond drilling in Zonguldak region sandstones from Turkey”, Technical Note, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., 42: 473-479, 2005.
  • [22] SELMER-OLSEN, R., BLINDHEIM, O. T., “On the drillability of rock by percussive drilling”, In: Pro. of the Sec. Cong. Int. Soc. On Rock Mech., 65-70, 1970.
  • [23] WIJK, G., “The stamp test for rock drillability classification”. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. Geomech, 26: 37-44, 1989.
  • [24] NILSEN. B., ÖZDEMIR, L., “Hard rock tunnel boring prediction and field performance”, RETC Conf. Proc., Boston, MA, Chapter 52: 832-852, 1993.
  • [25] HOSEINIE, S. H., AGHABABAEI, H., POURRAHIMIAN, Y., “Development of a new classification system for assesing of rock mass drillability index” (RDi). Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., 45: 1-10, 2008.
  • [26] HOSEINIE, S. H., ATAEI, M., OSANLOO, M., “A new classification system evalating rock penetrability”, Int. J. Rock Mech. Rock Eng., 46: 1329-1340, 2009.
  • [27] YARALI, O., SOYER, E., “Assessment of relationships between drilling rate ındex and mechanical properties of rocks”, Tunn. Undergr. Space Techol., 33: 46-53, 2013.
  • [28] ANDREWS, R., HARELVE, G., NYGAARD, R., “Methods of using logs to quantify drillability”, Paper No. SPE 106571, SPE, Denver, CO, April 16-18, 2007.
  • [29] ZHANG, X., ZHAI, Y. H., XUE, C. J., JIANG, T. X., “A study of the distribution of formation drillability”, Pet. Sci Technol., 29: 149-159, 2012.
  • [30] ZHANG, K., HOU, R., ZHANG, G., ZHANG, G., ve ZHANG, H., “Rock drillability assessment and lithology classification based on the operating parameters of a drifter: case study in coal mine in China”, Rock Mech. Rock Eng., 49 (3): 329-334, 2016.
  • [31] ONAN, M., MÜFTÜOĞLU, Y.V., “Gelik - 44 sondajında sondaj parametreleri ve ilerleme hızı ilişkilerinin etüdü”, Türkiye XIII. Madencilik Kongresi, 221-234, 1993.
  • [32] PAONA, J., BRUCE W. E., “Drillability studies diamond drilling”, RI-USBM 6324, 1963.
  • [33] PRAILLET, D., “Drilling a manufacturer’s viewpoint”, Mining Technology Int., 73-82, 1990.
  • [34] PRAILLET, R., “Blasthole drilling, rotary drilling and the four kingdoms”, World Mining Equipments, 20-23, 1998.
  • [35] KORONKA, F., TACAKS, F., ANDRAS, I., “The influence of rock properties on the wear of mining tools for rotating drilling”, Revisto Minerol, 9: 20-24, 2009.
  • [36] OPAFUNSO, Z. O., ADEBAYO, B., “Blast-hole cuttings: an indicator of drill bit wear in quarries”, European Journal of Scientific Research, 20: 721-736, 2008.
  • [37] ISRM, Rock characterization, testing and monitoring – Commission on standardization laboratory and field results. Suggested methods for determining hardness and abrasiveness of rocks. Part 4: 102-103, Pergamon, Oxford, 1981.
  • [38] TS 699, “Doğal yapı taşları- İnceleme ve laboratuvar deney yöntemleri”, Ankara, Mart 2009.
  • [39] RABIA, H., BROOK, N., “The Shore hardness of rock”, Technical Note, Int J Rock Mech Min Sci Geomech Abst 16: 335-336, 1978.
  • [40] ALTINDAĞ, R., GUNEY, A., “Suggested method for determining the shore hardness value for rock”, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. Geomech. 43: 19-22, 2006.
  • [41] EVANS, I., POMEROY, C.D., “The strength, fracture and workability of coal”, Pergamon Press, London, 1966.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Mining Engineering

Ahmet Teymen 0000-0001-7952-1025

Publication Date July 31, 2019
Submission Date March 14, 2019
Acceptance Date July 16, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Teymen, A. (2019). CaCO3 İÇEREN KAYAÇLARIN SONDAJ İLERLEME HIZININ KAYAÇ ÖZELLİKLERİNDEN TAHMİN EDİLMESİ. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 8(2), 1041-1053.
AMA Teymen A. CaCO3 İÇEREN KAYAÇLARIN SONDAJ İLERLEME HIZININ KAYAÇ ÖZELLİKLERİNDEN TAHMİN EDİLMESİ. NÖHÜ Müh. Bilim. Derg. July 2019;8(2):1041-1053. doi:10.28948/ngumuh.539911
Chicago Teymen, Ahmet. “CaCO3 İÇEREN KAYAÇLARIN SONDAJ İLERLEME HIZININ KAYAÇ ÖZELLİKLERİNDEN TAHMİN EDİLMESİ”. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 8, no. 2 (July 2019): 1041-53.
EndNote Teymen A (July 1, 2019) CaCO3 İÇEREN KAYAÇLARIN SONDAJ İLERLEME HIZININ KAYAÇ ÖZELLİKLERİNDEN TAHMİN EDİLMESİ. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 8 2 1041–1053.
IEEE A. Teymen, “CaCO3 İÇEREN KAYAÇLARIN SONDAJ İLERLEME HIZININ KAYAÇ ÖZELLİKLERİNDEN TAHMİN EDİLMESİ”, NÖHÜ Müh. Bilim. Derg., vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 1041–1053, 2019, doi: 10.28948/ngumuh.539911.
ISNAD Teymen, Ahmet. “CaCO3 İÇEREN KAYAÇLARIN SONDAJ İLERLEME HIZININ KAYAÇ ÖZELLİKLERİNDEN TAHMİN EDİLMESİ”. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 8/2 (July 2019), 1041-1053.
MLA Teymen, Ahmet. “CaCO3 İÇEREN KAYAÇLARIN SONDAJ İLERLEME HIZININ KAYAÇ ÖZELLİKLERİNDEN TAHMİN EDİLMESİ”. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 2, 2019, pp. 1041-53, doi:10.28948/ngumuh.539911.
