Year 2019,
, 149 - 159, 20.12.2019
Abdulkerim Ergüt
Begüm Yurdanur Dağlı
Bu çalışmada alt yapısı kazıklar ile
modellenen deniz yapılarının dinamik davranışı akışkan-yapı-zemin etkileşimi
dikkate alınarak incelenmiştir. Yanal Yatak Katsayısı Yöntemi ile birbirinden
bağımsız yay katsayıları kullanılarak zemin mekanik modeli oluşturulmuştur. Alt
yapı elemanının zemin içerisine farklı gömülme derinlikleri ele alınarak
tabakalaşma etkisi ortaya konulmuştur. Yapı çevresindeki akım, nonlineer dalga
teorilerinden Stokes 3. Mertebe Dalga Teorisi ile temsil edilmiştir. Hidrodinamik
sürükleme ve hidrodinamik ataletten oluşan dalga kuvvetleri Morison Denklemi
ile hesaplanmıştır. Dış kuvvet olarak ifade edilen dalga kuvvetleri ile hareket
denklemi elde edilmiştir. Kazığın dinamik davranışını veren hareket denklemi
boyutsuzlaştırılarak malzemeden bağımsız hale getirilmiştir. Sonlu farklar
analizi ile boyutsuz denklem nümerik olarak çözülmüş, MAPLE yazılımı
kullanılarak moment, dönme, deplasman değerleri belirlenmiştir. Sonuçlar tablo
ve grafikler yardımı ile sunulmuştur.
- [1] CHANDRASEKARAN, S.,Dynamic Analysis And Design of Offshore Structures. New Delhi: Springer India, 2015..[2] ZHANG, B. L., HAN, Q. L., & ZHANG, X. M., Recent Advances İn Vibration Control Of Offshore Platforms, Nonlinear Dynamics, 89(2), 755-771, 2017.
- [3] YAN, H.K., WANG, N., WU, N., LİN, W., Maritime Construction Site Selection from the Perspective of Ecological Protection: the Relationship Between the Dalian Offshore Airport and Spotted Seals (Phoca Largha) in China Based on the Noise Pollution”, Ocean and Coastal Management, Vol. pp. 152, 145–153, 2018.[4] PÉREZ-COLLAZO, C., GREAVES, D., & IGLESİAS, G.,A Review Of Combined Wave And Offshore Wind Energy. Renewable And Sustainable Energy Reviews, 42, 141-153, 2015.[5] RANDOLPH, M., & GOURVENEC, S.,Offshore geotechnical engineering. CRC press, 2017.[6] TOPSOY, E., Kıyı Yanaşma Yapılarının Tasarımı, Onarım Ve Güçlendirilmesi (Doctoral dissertation, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü), 2016.[7] Lİ, W., HUANG, Y., TİAN, Y., Experimental Study of the Ice Loads on Multi-Piled Oil Piers in Bohai Sea, Marine Structures, Vol. 56, pp. 1-23, 2017.[8] ZHANG, Q., ZHOU, X.L., WANG, J.H., Numerical Investigation of Local Scour Around Three Adjacent Piles with Different Arrangements under Current, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 142, pp. 625–638. 2017a.[9] Lİ, M., ZHANG, H., GUAN, H., Study of Offshore Monopile Behaviour due to Ocean Waves, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 17–18, pp. 1946–1956, 2011.[10] ZHANG, Q., ZHOU X.L., WANG, J.H., GUO, J.J., Wave-Induced Seabed Response around an Offshore Pile Foundation Platform, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 130, pp. 567–582, 2017b.[11] FENG, S., LIU, X., & CUI, H., Dynamical Response Of An Elastic Supporting Pile Embedded In Saturated Soil Under Horizontal Vibration, Civil Engineering Journal-Stavebni Obzor, 2, 99-113, 2017.[12] YETER, B., GARBATOV, Y., & SOARES, C. G., Uncertainty Analysis Of Soil-Pile İnteractions Of Monopile Offshore Wind Turbine Support Structures, Applied Ocean Research, 82, 74-88, 2019.[13] Yüksel, Y., Çevik, E., Kıyı Mühendisliği, Beta Basım Yayım, İstanbul, 2009.[14] Demirdağ, O., Elastik Mesnetli Kolonlarin Kayma Ve Eksenel Tesirler Dikkate Alinarak Serbest Titreşim Analizi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 20(3), 35-46, 2005.[15] MATLOCK, H., Correlations For Design of Laterally Loaded Piles in Soft Clay. Offshore Technology in Civil Engineering’s Hall Of Fame Papers From The Early Years, 77-94, 1970.[16] REESE, L. C., & WELCH, R. C., Lateral Loading Of Deep Foundations in Stiff Clay. Journal of Geotechnical And Geoenvironmental Engineering, 101(ASCE# 11456 Proceeding),1975.[17] CERC., Coastal engineering manual, Wave Mechanics, Part II, USA,2002.[18] ERGİN, A., Coastal engineering, Metu Press, 2010.[19] SORENSEN, R. M., Basic Coastal Engineering (Vol. 10). Springer Science & Business Media,2005.[20] GODA, Y., Random Seas And Design Of Maritime Structures (Vol. 33), World Scientific Publishing Company,2010.[21] DAGLI, B.Y.; YIGIT, M.E.; GOKKUS, U., Behaviour of Large Cylindrical Offshore Structures Subjected to Wave Loads. TEM Journal, 6.3: 550, 2017.[22] DAGLI, B. Y., TUSKAN, Y., & GÖKKUŞ, Ü., Evaluation of Offshore Wind Turbine Tower Dynamics with Numerical Analysis. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2018.[23] HABERMAN, R.., Mathematical Models: Mechanical Vibrations, Population Dynamics, And Traffic Flow (Vol. 21), Siam, 1998.[24] EİCHER, J. A., GUAN, H., & JENG, D. S., Stress and Deformation of Offshore Piles under Structural and Wave Loading. Ocean engineering, 30(3), 369-385, 2003.[25] UMUDUM, A., Yapı sistemlerinde özdeğer problem ve çözüm yöntemleri (Doctoral dissertation), 2014.
Year 2019,
, 149 - 159, 20.12.2019
Abdulkerim Ergüt
Begüm Yurdanur Dağlı
- [1] CHANDRASEKARAN, S.,Dynamic Analysis And Design of Offshore Structures. New Delhi: Springer India, 2015..[2] ZHANG, B. L., HAN, Q. L., & ZHANG, X. M., Recent Advances İn Vibration Control Of Offshore Platforms, Nonlinear Dynamics, 89(2), 755-771, 2017.
- [3] YAN, H.K., WANG, N., WU, N., LİN, W., Maritime Construction Site Selection from the Perspective of Ecological Protection: the Relationship Between the Dalian Offshore Airport and Spotted Seals (Phoca Largha) in China Based on the Noise Pollution”, Ocean and Coastal Management, Vol. pp. 152, 145–153, 2018.[4] PÉREZ-COLLAZO, C., GREAVES, D., & IGLESİAS, G.,A Review Of Combined Wave And Offshore Wind Energy. Renewable And Sustainable Energy Reviews, 42, 141-153, 2015.[5] RANDOLPH, M., & GOURVENEC, S.,Offshore geotechnical engineering. CRC press, 2017.[6] TOPSOY, E., Kıyı Yanaşma Yapılarının Tasarımı, Onarım Ve Güçlendirilmesi (Doctoral dissertation, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü), 2016.[7] Lİ, W., HUANG, Y., TİAN, Y., Experimental Study of the Ice Loads on Multi-Piled Oil Piers in Bohai Sea, Marine Structures, Vol. 56, pp. 1-23, 2017.[8] ZHANG, Q., ZHOU, X.L., WANG, J.H., Numerical Investigation of Local Scour Around Three Adjacent Piles with Different Arrangements under Current, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 142, pp. 625–638. 2017a.[9] Lİ, M., ZHANG, H., GUAN, H., Study of Offshore Monopile Behaviour due to Ocean Waves, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 17–18, pp. 1946–1956, 2011.[10] ZHANG, Q., ZHOU X.L., WANG, J.H., GUO, J.J., Wave-Induced Seabed Response around an Offshore Pile Foundation Platform, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 130, pp. 567–582, 2017b.[11] FENG, S., LIU, X., & CUI, H., Dynamical Response Of An Elastic Supporting Pile Embedded In Saturated Soil Under Horizontal Vibration, Civil Engineering Journal-Stavebni Obzor, 2, 99-113, 2017.[12] YETER, B., GARBATOV, Y., & SOARES, C. G., Uncertainty Analysis Of Soil-Pile İnteractions Of Monopile Offshore Wind Turbine Support Structures, Applied Ocean Research, 82, 74-88, 2019.[13] Yüksel, Y., Çevik, E., Kıyı Mühendisliği, Beta Basım Yayım, İstanbul, 2009.[14] Demirdağ, O., Elastik Mesnetli Kolonlarin Kayma Ve Eksenel Tesirler Dikkate Alinarak Serbest Titreşim Analizi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 20(3), 35-46, 2005.[15] MATLOCK, H., Correlations For Design of Laterally Loaded Piles in Soft Clay. Offshore Technology in Civil Engineering’s Hall Of Fame Papers From The Early Years, 77-94, 1970.[16] REESE, L. C., & WELCH, R. C., Lateral Loading Of Deep Foundations in Stiff Clay. Journal of Geotechnical And Geoenvironmental Engineering, 101(ASCE# 11456 Proceeding),1975.[17] CERC., Coastal engineering manual, Wave Mechanics, Part II, USA,2002.[18] ERGİN, A., Coastal engineering, Metu Press, 2010.[19] SORENSEN, R. M., Basic Coastal Engineering (Vol. 10). Springer Science & Business Media,2005.[20] GODA, Y., Random Seas And Design Of Maritime Structures (Vol. 33), World Scientific Publishing Company,2010.[21] DAGLI, B.Y.; YIGIT, M.E.; GOKKUS, U., Behaviour of Large Cylindrical Offshore Structures Subjected to Wave Loads. TEM Journal, 6.3: 550, 2017.[22] DAGLI, B. Y., TUSKAN, Y., & GÖKKUŞ, Ü., Evaluation of Offshore Wind Turbine Tower Dynamics with Numerical Analysis. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2018.[23] HABERMAN, R.., Mathematical Models: Mechanical Vibrations, Population Dynamics, And Traffic Flow (Vol. 21), Siam, 1998.[24] EİCHER, J. A., GUAN, H., & JENG, D. S., Stress and Deformation of Offshore Piles under Structural and Wave Loading. Ocean engineering, 30(3), 369-385, 2003.[25] UMUDUM, A., Yapı sistemlerinde özdeğer problem ve çözüm yöntemleri (Doctoral dissertation), 2014.