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Assessment of hazards and risks in glass products production and processing business during the pandemic

Year 2021, , 855 - 865, 27.07.2021


IIn this study, the hazards in a medium-sized enterprise engaged in production and processing of glass products in Turkey and the risks they pose are identified. Then, using cross-sectional research, a physical, chemical and biological risk report was created by L-type matrix method. During this reporting, hazards caused by Covid-19, which has been declared as pandemic by World Health Organization and became the biggest health problem in the world today, and regulatory and preventive actions that can be taken against these hazards are widely covered. The aim of the study is to contribute to the industry in terms of taking measures against occupational accidents and diseases.


  • B. O. Alli, Fundamental Principles of Occupational Health and Safety (2nd ed.). International Labor Organization, Geneva, 2008.
  • Sayı: 28512, İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Risk Değerlendirmesi Yönetmeliği. Resmi Gazete, 29 Aralık 2012.
  • R. Sankila, S. Karjalainen, E. Pukkala, H. Oksanen, T. Hakulinen, L. Teppo and M. Hakama, Cancer risk among glass factory workers: an excess of lung cancer. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 47(12), 815-818, 1990.
  • J. P. Shepherd, M. R. Brickley, D. Gallaghar and R. V. Walker, Risk of occupational glass injury in bar staff. Injury, 25(4), 219-220, 1994. 0020-1383(94)90064-7
  • G. Wingren and O. Axelson, Epidemiologie studies of occupational cancer as related to complex mixtures of trace elements in the art glass industry. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 19(1), 95-100, 1993.
  • M. Rahman, G. Wingren and O. Axelson, Diabetes mellitus among Swedish art glass workers–an effect of arsenic exposure?. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 22(2), 146-149, 1996.
  • D. Bartoli, G. Battista, M. De Santis, T. E. Iaia, D. Orsi, M. Tarchi and M. Valiani, Cohort study of art glass workers in Tuscany, Italy: mortality from non-malignant diseases. Occupational Medicine, 48(7), 441-445, 1998.
  • R. Pirastu, D. Bartoli, G. Battista, M. De Santis, T. Iaia, D. Orsi and M. Valiani, Cancer mortality of art glass workers in Tuscany, Italy. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 24(5), 386-391, 1998.
  • J. Bazroy, G. Roy, A. Sahai and M.B. Soudarssanane, Magnitude and risk factors of injuries in a glass manufacturing plant. Environmental and Occupational Health Practice, 45(1), 53-59, 2003. 10.1539/joh.45.53
  • K. Tarvainen, R. Jolanki, L. Forsman‐Grönholm, T. Estlander, P. Pfäffli, J. Juntunen and L. Kanerva, Exposure, skin protection and occupational skin diseases in the glass‐fibre‐reinforced plastics industry. Contact Dermatitis, 29(3), 119-127, 1993.
  • J. G. M. Van Rooij, A. Kasper, G. Triebig, P. Werner, F. J. Jongeneelen and H. Kromhout, Trends in occupational exposure to styrene in the European glass fibre-reinforced plastics industry. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 52(5), 337-349, 2008.
  • L. Lipworth, C. La Vecchia, C. Bosetti and J. K. McLaughlin, Occupational exposure to rock wool and glass wool and risk of cancers of the lung and the head and neck: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 51(9), 1075-1087, 2009. 0b013e3181b35125
  • K. Cummnigs, Techniques of Kiln-Formed Glass (1st ed.). University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 1997.
  • E. Çakmak, Atölye tipi üretim yapan sanayi işletmelerinde iş sağlığı ve güvenliği. Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Eğitim Uzmanlığı Tezi, T.C. Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı, Ankara, Türkiye, 2014.
  • Meslek Hastalıkları ve İş ile İlgili Hastalıklar Tanı Rehberi. T.C. Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı, Ankara, 2011.
  • Türkiye Cam ve Cam Ürünleri Sanayi Meclisi Sektör Raporu. Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği, Ankara, 2012.
  • ITC-TRADE MAP, Trade statistics for international business development. country_selproductcountry_ts.aspx?nvpm=1%7c792%7c%7c%7c%7c70%7c%7c%7c2%7c1%7c1%7c1%7c2%7c1%7c2%7c1%7c1, Accessed 3 February 2021.
  • R. Lay and G. Strasser, Risk Management of Complex, Technology Based Systems: Observations on similarities and differences. in Risk Assessment and Management. Advances in Risk Analysis, vol 5. L. B. Lave, (Eds.) Boston: Springer, 179-188, 1987.
  • J. Ansell and F. Wharton, Risk Analysis Assessment and Management. John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex, 1992.
  • E. V. Tarasova, E. N. Nikulina, E. Nikolaevna and N. V. Moskvicheva, Analysis of risk assessment methods of innovative projects. Revista Espacios, 38(49), 18-34, 2017.
  • S. Tweneboah-Koduah and W. J. Buchanan, Security risk assessment of critical infrastructure systems: A comparative study. The Computer Journal, 61(9), 1389-1406, 2018.
  • M. Ersoy, M. Y. Çelik, L. Yeşilkaya and O. Çolak, Combination of Fine-Kinney and GRA methods to solve occupational health and safety problems. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 34(2), 751-770, 2019. 17341/gazimmfd.416534
  • A. Oulehlová, Risk management of hazardous activities in the Czech Republic. Védelem Tudomány - IV. évfolyam, Iparbiztonság Különszám, 2019(2), 1-28, 2019.
  • A. Özçelik, İş sağlığı ve güvenliğinde Kinney yöntemiyle risk yönetimi: Mermer işletmesi örneği. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi, Eskişehir, Türkiye, 2013.
  • Ö. Özkılıç, İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği, Yönetim Sistemleri ve Risk Değerlendirme Metodolojileri. Türkiye İşverenler Sendikası Konfederasyonu (TİSK), Ankara, 2005.
  • Sayı: 28339, İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Kanunu. Resmi Gazete, 30 Haziran 2012.
  • Yayın No:140, 5 Adımda Risk Değerlendirmesi. T.C. Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı, Ankara, 2007.
  • A. Navidian, Z. Rostami and N. Rozbehani, Effect of motivational group interviewing-based safety education on workers’ safety behaviors in glass manufacturing. BMC Public Health, 15(1), 929, 2015. 10.1186/s12889-015-2246-8
  • E. Ocaktan, İşçilerin sağlığı ve güvenliği için meslek hastalıkları, eğitim ve atölye. II. Sağlık Ekonomisi Kongres, sayfa 11-15, Ankara, Türkiye, 4-5 Aralık 2014.
  • K. Çınar, Cam üretim sektöründe termal konfor şartlarının değerlendirilmesi. İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Uzmanlık Tezi, Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı, Ankara, 2016.
  • J. Bender, J. G. Hadley, J. P. Hellerstein and C. M. Hohman, Glass, pottery and related materials. Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety, 225-263, 2011.
  • Meslek Hastalıkları ve İş ile İlgili Hastalıklar Tanı Rehberi. T.C. Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı, Ankara, 2011.
  • G. Ekuklu, A. Saltık and M. Yaman, Industrial dust problem due to total dust measurement in glass factory environment in Kırklareli. Working Environment Journal, 39, 13-20, 1998.
  • Ş. T. Azgın, N. Kekecoğlu and E. Yamac, Evaluation of the air quality and CO2-equivalent change of Kayseri during the Covid-19 outbreak. NOHU Journal of Engineering Sciences, 10(1), 9-15, 2021. https://doi. org/10.28948/ngumuh.811079
  • I. F. Zulheir, Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety (4th ed.). International Labor Organization, Geneva, 1998.
  • E-Fact 53-Risk Assessment for Biological Agents. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), 2010.
  • Ç. Üstün and S. Özçiftçi, Effects of Covid-19 pandemic on social life and ethical plane: An evaluation study. Anatolian Clinic the Journal of Medical Sciences, 25(1), 142-153, 2020. anadoluklin.721864
  • H. Akarsu, B. Ayan, E. Çakmak, B. Doğan, D. Boz Eravcı, E. Kahraman and D. Koçak, Relationship between psychosocial risk factors in the workplace and work related disease, occupational disease and work accident. Journal of Social Insurance, 14, 28-62, 2018.
  • M. N. İlhan, Occupational Health and Safety. Ataturk University Open Education Faculty, Erzurum, 2015.
  • M. P. Rowan and C. P. Wright, Ergonomics is good for business. Work Study, 43(8), 7-12, 1994. https://doi. org/10.1108/EUM0000000004015
  • J. E. Fernandez, Ergonomics in the workplace. Facilities, 13(4), 20-27, 1995. 10.1108/02632779510083359

Pandemi sürecinde cam ürünleri üretim ve işleme işletmelerinde tehlike ve risklerin değerlendirilmesi

Year 2021, , 855 - 865, 27.07.2021


Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'de cam ürünleri üretimi ve işlemesi yapan orta ölçekli bir işletmedeki tehlikeler ve bunların oluşturduğu riskler tespit edilmiştir. Daha sonra kesitsel araştırma kullanılarak L tipi matris yöntemi ile fiziksel, kimyasal ve biyolojik bir risk raporu oluşturulmuştur. Bu raporlama sırasında Dünya Sağlık Örgütü tarafından pandemi ilan edilen ve bugün dünyanın en büyük sağlık sorunu haline gelen Covid-19'un neden olduğu tehlikeler ve bu tehlikelere karşı alınabilecek düzenleyici ve önleyici tedbirler geniş kapsamlı olarak ele alınmaktadır. Çalışmanın amacı, iş kazası ve meslek hastalıklarına karşı önlem alma konusunda sektöre katkı sağlamaktır.


  • B. O. Alli, Fundamental Principles of Occupational Health and Safety (2nd ed.). International Labor Organization, Geneva, 2008.
  • Sayı: 28512, İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Risk Değerlendirmesi Yönetmeliği. Resmi Gazete, 29 Aralık 2012.
  • R. Sankila, S. Karjalainen, E. Pukkala, H. Oksanen, T. Hakulinen, L. Teppo and M. Hakama, Cancer risk among glass factory workers: an excess of lung cancer. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 47(12), 815-818, 1990.
  • J. P. Shepherd, M. R. Brickley, D. Gallaghar and R. V. Walker, Risk of occupational glass injury in bar staff. Injury, 25(4), 219-220, 1994. 0020-1383(94)90064-7
  • G. Wingren and O. Axelson, Epidemiologie studies of occupational cancer as related to complex mixtures of trace elements in the art glass industry. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 19(1), 95-100, 1993.
  • M. Rahman, G. Wingren and O. Axelson, Diabetes mellitus among Swedish art glass workers–an effect of arsenic exposure?. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 22(2), 146-149, 1996.
  • D. Bartoli, G. Battista, M. De Santis, T. E. Iaia, D. Orsi, M. Tarchi and M. Valiani, Cohort study of art glass workers in Tuscany, Italy: mortality from non-malignant diseases. Occupational Medicine, 48(7), 441-445, 1998.
  • R. Pirastu, D. Bartoli, G. Battista, M. De Santis, T. Iaia, D. Orsi and M. Valiani, Cancer mortality of art glass workers in Tuscany, Italy. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 24(5), 386-391, 1998.
  • J. Bazroy, G. Roy, A. Sahai and M.B. Soudarssanane, Magnitude and risk factors of injuries in a glass manufacturing plant. Environmental and Occupational Health Practice, 45(1), 53-59, 2003. 10.1539/joh.45.53
  • K. Tarvainen, R. Jolanki, L. Forsman‐Grönholm, T. Estlander, P. Pfäffli, J. Juntunen and L. Kanerva, Exposure, skin protection and occupational skin diseases in the glass‐fibre‐reinforced plastics industry. Contact Dermatitis, 29(3), 119-127, 1993.
  • J. G. M. Van Rooij, A. Kasper, G. Triebig, P. Werner, F. J. Jongeneelen and H. Kromhout, Trends in occupational exposure to styrene in the European glass fibre-reinforced plastics industry. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 52(5), 337-349, 2008.
  • L. Lipworth, C. La Vecchia, C. Bosetti and J. K. McLaughlin, Occupational exposure to rock wool and glass wool and risk of cancers of the lung and the head and neck: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 51(9), 1075-1087, 2009. 0b013e3181b35125
  • K. Cummnigs, Techniques of Kiln-Formed Glass (1st ed.). University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 1997.
  • E. Çakmak, Atölye tipi üretim yapan sanayi işletmelerinde iş sağlığı ve güvenliği. Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Eğitim Uzmanlığı Tezi, T.C. Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı, Ankara, Türkiye, 2014.
  • Meslek Hastalıkları ve İş ile İlgili Hastalıklar Tanı Rehberi. T.C. Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı, Ankara, 2011.
  • Türkiye Cam ve Cam Ürünleri Sanayi Meclisi Sektör Raporu. Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği, Ankara, 2012.
  • ITC-TRADE MAP, Trade statistics for international business development. country_selproductcountry_ts.aspx?nvpm=1%7c792%7c%7c%7c%7c70%7c%7c%7c2%7c1%7c1%7c1%7c2%7c1%7c2%7c1%7c1, Accessed 3 February 2021.
  • R. Lay and G. Strasser, Risk Management of Complex, Technology Based Systems: Observations on similarities and differences. in Risk Assessment and Management. Advances in Risk Analysis, vol 5. L. B. Lave, (Eds.) Boston: Springer, 179-188, 1987.
  • J. Ansell and F. Wharton, Risk Analysis Assessment and Management. John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex, 1992.
  • E. V. Tarasova, E. N. Nikulina, E. Nikolaevna and N. V. Moskvicheva, Analysis of risk assessment methods of innovative projects. Revista Espacios, 38(49), 18-34, 2017.
  • S. Tweneboah-Koduah and W. J. Buchanan, Security risk assessment of critical infrastructure systems: A comparative study. The Computer Journal, 61(9), 1389-1406, 2018.
  • M. Ersoy, M. Y. Çelik, L. Yeşilkaya and O. Çolak, Combination of Fine-Kinney and GRA methods to solve occupational health and safety problems. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 34(2), 751-770, 2019. 17341/gazimmfd.416534
  • A. Oulehlová, Risk management of hazardous activities in the Czech Republic. Védelem Tudomány - IV. évfolyam, Iparbiztonság Különszám, 2019(2), 1-28, 2019.
  • A. Özçelik, İş sağlığı ve güvenliğinde Kinney yöntemiyle risk yönetimi: Mermer işletmesi örneği. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi, Eskişehir, Türkiye, 2013.
  • Ö. Özkılıç, İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği, Yönetim Sistemleri ve Risk Değerlendirme Metodolojileri. Türkiye İşverenler Sendikası Konfederasyonu (TİSK), Ankara, 2005.
  • Sayı: 28339, İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Kanunu. Resmi Gazete, 30 Haziran 2012.
  • Yayın No:140, 5 Adımda Risk Değerlendirmesi. T.C. Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı, Ankara, 2007.
  • A. Navidian, Z. Rostami and N. Rozbehani, Effect of motivational group interviewing-based safety education on workers’ safety behaviors in glass manufacturing. BMC Public Health, 15(1), 929, 2015. 10.1186/s12889-015-2246-8
  • E. Ocaktan, İşçilerin sağlığı ve güvenliği için meslek hastalıkları, eğitim ve atölye. II. Sağlık Ekonomisi Kongres, sayfa 11-15, Ankara, Türkiye, 4-5 Aralık 2014.
  • K. Çınar, Cam üretim sektöründe termal konfor şartlarının değerlendirilmesi. İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Uzmanlık Tezi, Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı, Ankara, 2016.
  • J. Bender, J. G. Hadley, J. P. Hellerstein and C. M. Hohman, Glass, pottery and related materials. Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety, 225-263, 2011.
  • Meslek Hastalıkları ve İş ile İlgili Hastalıklar Tanı Rehberi. T.C. Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı, Ankara, 2011.
  • G. Ekuklu, A. Saltık and M. Yaman, Industrial dust problem due to total dust measurement in glass factory environment in Kırklareli. Working Environment Journal, 39, 13-20, 1998.
  • Ş. T. Azgın, N. Kekecoğlu and E. Yamac, Evaluation of the air quality and CO2-equivalent change of Kayseri during the Covid-19 outbreak. NOHU Journal of Engineering Sciences, 10(1), 9-15, 2021. https://doi. org/10.28948/ngumuh.811079
  • I. F. Zulheir, Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety (4th ed.). International Labor Organization, Geneva, 1998.
  • E-Fact 53-Risk Assessment for Biological Agents. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), 2010.
  • Ç. Üstün and S. Özçiftçi, Effects of Covid-19 pandemic on social life and ethical plane: An evaluation study. Anatolian Clinic the Journal of Medical Sciences, 25(1), 142-153, 2020. anadoluklin.721864
  • H. Akarsu, B. Ayan, E. Çakmak, B. Doğan, D. Boz Eravcı, E. Kahraman and D. Koçak, Relationship between psychosocial risk factors in the workplace and work related disease, occupational disease and work accident. Journal of Social Insurance, 14, 28-62, 2018.
  • M. N. İlhan, Occupational Health and Safety. Ataturk University Open Education Faculty, Erzurum, 2015.
  • M. P. Rowan and C. P. Wright, Ergonomics is good for business. Work Study, 43(8), 7-12, 1994. https://doi. org/10.1108/EUM0000000004015
  • J. E. Fernandez, Ergonomics in the workplace. Facilities, 13(4), 20-27, 1995. 10.1108/02632779510083359
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Others

İhsan Ateş 0000-0002-2789-3238

Serdar Salman 0000-0002-9184-3876

Yahya Bozkurt 0000-0003-1816-5922

Publication Date July 27, 2021
Submission Date February 4, 2021
Acceptance Date March 16, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Ateş, İ., Salman, S., & Bozkurt, Y. (2021). Assessment of hazards and risks in glass products production and processing business during the pandemic. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(2), 855-865.
AMA Ateş İ, Salman S, Bozkurt Y. Assessment of hazards and risks in glass products production and processing business during the pandemic. NÖHÜ Müh. Bilim. Derg. July 2021;10(2):855-865. doi:10.28948/ngumuh.874295
Chicago Ateş, İhsan, Serdar Salman, and Yahya Bozkurt. “Assessment of Hazards and Risks in Glass Products Production and Processing Business During the Pandemic”. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 10, no. 2 (July 2021): 855-65.
EndNote Ateş İ, Salman S, Bozkurt Y (July 1, 2021) Assessment of hazards and risks in glass products production and processing business during the pandemic. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 10 2 855–865.
IEEE İ. Ateş, S. Salman, and Y. Bozkurt, “Assessment of hazards and risks in glass products production and processing business during the pandemic”, NÖHÜ Müh. Bilim. Derg., vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 855–865, 2021, doi: 10.28948/ngumuh.874295.
ISNAD Ateş, İhsan et al. “Assessment of Hazards and Risks in Glass Products Production and Processing Business During the Pandemic”. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 10/2 (July 2021), 855-865.
JAMA Ateş İ, Salman S, Bozkurt Y. Assessment of hazards and risks in glass products production and processing business during the pandemic. NÖHÜ Müh. Bilim. Derg. 2021;10:855–865.
MLA Ateş, İhsan et al. “Assessment of Hazards and Risks in Glass Products Production and Processing Business During the Pandemic”. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 2, 2021, pp. 855-6, doi:10.28948/ngumuh.874295.
Vancouver Ateş İ, Salman S, Bozkurt Y. Assessment of hazards and risks in glass products production and processing business during the pandemic. NÖHÜ Müh. Bilim. Derg. 2021;10(2):855-6.
